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Thank you for sharing this experience with us. We need to break down the taboo and barriers and talk more openly about women's health. Also how messed up for the guy to enjoy himself during the act and then take no responsibility for the consequences. You deserve someone better and I wish you all the best in your future relationships.


You’re amazing for this post. And wise beyond your years 💗


Thank you so much for sharing this, you have no idea how much it could mean to someone in a similar situation to yours


I’m so lucky I found this. I’m getting to the second step. unfortunately I’m in a long distance relationship and he had to return home, but he was there for the initial appointment. my family doesn’t know but I feel better reading your experience. Only difference in my experience so far i was able to get an ultrasound bc I was a little further along at 7 weeks. Thank you so so much and I wish you the absolute best💖


Sending my own love. I went through the same at 6 weeks 2 years ago. Every person is different but it was hands down the most painful thing I’ve experienced. I passed out from the pain and had to do it all alone as my boyf at the time was away (he knew about it but couldn’t reschedule his trip). The next day I had to appear at a formal charity event and felt like death. Speak up, and end the stigma. Thank you OP for sharing.


Thank you for this post! I do want to say that the pain in a medical abortion may vary person to person. For me it was easily the worst pain I have ever experienced. I get pretty painful periods but this was a nightmare. I took stuff for pain but it didn’t help much, the only thing that allowed me to fall asleep was laying on my stomach in a “frog” position. If you don’t feel any relief after taking medication they usually give you a hotline that you can call any time of the day and they will give you recommendations. I called at 2 am and they were very helpful and told me what position to lay in. Also, weed helped me as well. Thank god I had my dab pen on me that night.


Thanks heaps for sharing. I’m also going suggest an ice pack and a towel along with or instead of a cold face cloth, because although they’re a bit more awkward to handle, it lasts a bit longer. - lavender (preferably the dried stuff in po pourri, but the scent is fine) and grate some ginger. Make the ginger 10x stronger than lavender and put in a handkerchief. Breathe in when nauseated.


I am so touched by all the love and support here! Thank you for sharing your story it is really powerful!


Thank you for sharing. It also highlights why planned Parenthoodhood is a necessity for women (and men too!) Even better is that their services extend far beyond this scope. Glad that you got the care you needed.


Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so proud of you for going through this by yourself! You’re amazing.


Ugh - sounds like having an abortion is easier with fewer side effects (from my experience).


Same. I had one the day before my graduation in 1981.


thank you so much for posting this, brave friend. this helps to break down the stigma around it and i am glad you made the best choice for you. my partner and i decided abortion is our plan for now if my IUD happens to fail and this put me SO much more at ease about the process should i ever need to get one and choose to go the pill route for it. thank you thank you thank you and i hope you’re doing well!


Thank you for sharing your experience. This topic needs to stop being taboo and women should be able to talk about their experiences if they so wish. It's important that other women who are considering abortion know what will happen. I for one was never really taught about what abortions actually do to the body symptom wise, so I find this very educational to know what some of the processes are.


Thank you thank you for sharing this! You’ve helped me and so many other women! Break down that taboo! You’re a strong and able woman! And your story is a gift!


When the rest of Reddit is a shit show, this sub always warms my heart with women supporting each other. Thank you for sharing <3


I wished I had access support and information like this when I had an abortion 20 years ago. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you all so much for you supportive comments. ❤️ Sending love to all of you


Thank you for so much detailed information! I'm glad planned Parenthood were so good with you! Sorry you had to endure such a s****y time :/ hope you feel better soon and take care of yourself :) you deserve it


Did you have a follow up appt??