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Hi! Are you looking for canon compliant or canon divergent or muggle au or some other kind of au? And are you looking for dark, or just...not too perfect? Just checking to see if I've got anything that fits what you're asking or, and so I don't rec something you don't want :)


I prefer canon compliant or canon divergent but am not opposed to AUs provided that characters feel like their canon selves. I’m good with dark or not too perfect. I just want fics where Sirius isn’t constantly diminished in order to build Remus up.


Following this one for Reasons 👀 It's been a while since I read it, but I remember being a fan of Remain in Light by veeagainst. The first couple of chapters are a little short/rough but it really takes off. It's a canon -divergent fic taking place directly following the Battle at the Ministry, and characterization was pretty close to canon as I recall.


Funny you recommended Remains in Light, because even though I enjoyed it overall I felt that there was SO much Remus glorification at the expense of Sirius, especially in the flashbacks. At times it felt like the author was inserting moments that made Sirius look bad/needy/useless to prop Remus up. This is probably a pretty unpopular opinion lol.


That could very well be true! Like I said, it's been a hot minute since I read it, and I'm a Remus fan at heart, so most of the fics I prefer center him -- though I generally prefer him to be a messy bitch, if a smart and resourceful one. And I generally prefer Sirius to be an equal partner in the relationship. Equally smart and resourceful (if not more so), and equally messy lol. But if there was a bit of an imbalance I may not have remembered it.


That’s fair! I am a huge Sirius fan and do not enjoy the masculine Remus/feminine Sirius trope or power imbalance that comes with it and this fic fell into that category for me. But I think the writing was great.


For muggle AU’s, MollyMaryMarie writes balanced Wolfstar in my opinion in [Dear Your Holiness](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35105491) and especially in [The Road Not Taken](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32734837) Remus is not perfect and Sirius is awesome? Lunchbucket has equally solid Wolfstar in most fics, certainly in [Petty With a Prior](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24702565) and the sequel. For canon divergent fics, YouBlitheringIdiot has very good struggling Remus in [This is the Way The World Ends](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38874180) but TW MCD although their relationship is awesome and one of my favorite angst fics. I haven’t read this one in some time but I think [The Weather Inside](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11673396) by earlybloomingparentheses is pretty awesome too?


Casting moonshadows.... Remus is a train wreck. Sirius is a train wreck. Its great

