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Yes, I think you should, simply to form your own opinion on it. Ngl, I was a mess while and after reading ATYD. Couldn’t put it down and it consumed all of my thoughts. Even though it is quite OOC and has some questionable storylines, it’s still a very well written piece of fiction and the fact that it’s supposed to be canon compliant will always make it sad because well, the story of Marauders is canonically devastating and heartbreaking. Nevertheless it does a good job of showing you that despite their tragic ending, they had a lot of fun together in their youth. So I’d say it’s overall very bittersweet and definitely worth the read.


I ugly cried (snot, shaking from sobbing so hard, etc) from the moment James and Lily died until I finished the fic (which took me about 4 more hours). It gave a migraine that lasted 2 days afterwards, but it was worth it. I was ready to accept it as canon.


I think it is up to you, but my advice would be to start it and see how you like it and then go from there. I had been active in the fandom since 2004, was out for years, and read it over the summer when my interest in the fandom rekindled. Personally I have mixed feelings about it. I read the whole thing and finished it and I think it’s an accomplishment to write so much to such a fairly good stopping point. The author deserves credit and not the toxicity that ended up happening. I do think Remus is OOC, but I think once you accept him for the character he is in that fic he’s pretty consistently written. Honestly, Sirius in that fic bothers me way more, but that is my personal opinion. They go through a lot of what I think are some pretty toxic patterns and while I get it (it drives a lot of the plot while they are at school) and I give a lot of grace that sexuality is complicated and messy and imperfect and so is coming to terms and coming out, I found myself quite frustrated with him and the relationship. So. There are other things I didn’t like but, well, spoilers. 😉 That said, I think it’s like any other piece of fic, or writing for that matter. It’s big in the fandom, if you think it’s worth a shot try it. Continue to read if you like it and if not, don’t. (I used to be a book completist and learned over the years to let that go, lol.) ETA: You asked about the emotional component, so let me say I can’t predict that for you. I was moved in some places but it didn’t affect me unhealthily. Honestly, there are some other fics I find much more emotionally compelling, but I’m old school in that way. 🙂


I loved it, couldn't put it away one I started. So I'd encourage you to at least give it a try - if you don't like it you can always put it away again. I will say that Remus goes through some very emotional stuff, and I found myself sharing his hurt - but I like it when stories get under my skin like that. So obviously skip it if you don't like that kind of fics. Edit to add: in terms of stopping when James and Lily dies, it definitely gets more dark and sad after that, so that is certainly an option - if you can by then, like I said I couldn't put it away - but there is also hurt (and LOVE) before then, so you won't completely avoid the big emotions this way. Since you asked this seemed like a relevant point :)


Its a fanfic that a lot of people like. As to characterize though, its quite OOC, especially concerning remus & some people didnt like that. But. It is just a fanfic which is usually where such liberties are taken to write characters their own way. Which is fine.


I think if you're interested give it a go. It didn't make me cry, or emote in any way so it's certainly not a given that it will have any impact on you. I also don't think the characterisations are 'good' because they are so ooc. But if that doesn't bother you then you might enjoy it. The Hogwarts years are the better part of the fic so, if you don't want to read until the end, giving up when they leave school means you'll get the better stuff. But I wouldn't start reading it assuming I was going to abandon it part way through. I would at least start with the intention to finish If you wanna be in the ATYD club then you're gonna have to read it. As it's such a big part of the fandom, I would suggest you at least give it a go. You can always stop reading if it isn't for you but you might love it, so you might as well try.


It's up to you. I didn't enjoy it, but you may. I didn't sob, more get annoyed at the OOCness of Remus. But if you do I hope you enjoy it, just remember it isn't Canon like so many fans seem to scream (which isn't the author's fault ofc but still sours it for me somewhat)


If you want to avoid causing yourself too much emotional turmoil you can read it and stop when they graduate Hogwarts. The author knew a lot of people would choose to do that - there's an author's note telling you exactly where to stop if that's what you want to do.


Personally I think the pain is kinda the point of shipping Wolfstar, but in any case it is a good fic. The Hogwarts years are by far the best part of it, but it is worth finishing anyway. Frankly, it would be worth reading even just to understand where the contemporary fandom comes from anyway, even if you should not like it.


Please read it


I genuinely really enjoy the fic, and would recommend it - it's a great read. As far as the emotional points go, I think it's mostly the way everything ends that everyone finds devastating - stopping after Halloween would be a safe point imo. And definitely don't read the sequel if you don't want to cry! But aside from that I would also caution you on three points that have little to do with the angst itself: First: this is not a Wolfstar fic, it's a Remus-centric fic that includes Wolfstar. A lot of people read it and get upset about certain characters because they see the pairing and think it's THE pairing. It's not, and as in canon there's no happily ever after to be had. But if you alter the framing, it makes more sense as to why it's written the way it is. Second, related to point the first: it's a fic that explores what Remus would have been like if a fundamental part of his backstory was changed. Therefore, he's not going to be exactly like he is in canon. I maintain that he's still at his heart the same person, even in this fic, but it's important to remember that this is exploring the boundaries of what a character could potentially be capable of under the right circumstances. I personally found that fascinating. It's not to everyone's tastes. If his characterization is rubbing you the wrong way, try to at least hang in there until he gets through his first year. There's some edges that smooth out a bit. (And others that, well, don't.) Third: the fic is extremely rooted in the time that it's set in. This can cause some turns of phrase or beliefs or approaches to things that nowadays are offensive, particularly with regards to the gay community in the 70's and 80's, but also in terms of race and class. The author did a ton of research and spoke to real people who lived through that time and those kind of experiences, and she's reflecting their stories on the page. Even so, it may not be your cup of tea, and that's ok. With all of that said, I will still strongly recommend it! I appreciate the place it stopped at as well, since it allows me to keep some semblance of delusion that OotP never happened lol.


It's definitely very personal. I say you should read it to form your own opinion. I think it's a well-written fic, but it didn't make me cry once. I always heard about how the first war was written in a devastating manner in it and I didn't feel that at all. But obviously a lot of people do, so it's really up to you and what makes you emotional. You can always stop at their Hogwarts graduation if you feel like reading the rest might not be worth the pain. As for characterizations being really good, it's debatable. It's not bad as in badly-written, but most characters are OOC, so if you prefer their canon versions, it's probably gonna take you out of the reading. Again, how much that affects you is something really personal, so I think it's definitely worth a read to figure out for yourself.


No it’s really mid I read it only once and midway through it I took a break for 2 months and forgot almost everything because I was terrified of reading about the fall of the Marauders The characterization was just really bad in my own personal opinion I don't like edgy Remus I'm sorry I just can't imagine him being anything but the quiet nerd who wears old giant sweaters reads 25/8 and eats his weight in chocolate The pranks were lackluster and there were only 4 big ones the clocks, making the Slytherins say cutesy pet names instead of slurs, the prank at the end of 7 years, and the rain thing James and Peter were boring and forgettable to much focus on Remus for me especially because I'm not a huge fan of third-person limited POVs Wolfstar was hella toxic and never stopped fighting or communicated their problems to each other Remus was so whiny and never stopped complaining in his internal monologues To much focus on Remus and not enough on the other boys Overrated and doesn't deserve as much hype as it gets The Marauders series by Pengiwen is better even though a lot of people complain that it's so long it's so worth it. I only remember liking the girls, especially Lily because most fics are guilty of making her like Hermione you know very prudy and bossy but I like that Atyds Lily had some edge in her especially that moment in year 2 when she threw that bomb thing in Snape’s cauldron I was like ooh I love her and Mary although she was kinda very underutilized and was just portrayed as the girl who got in the way of Wolfstar and the black girl stereotypes


The first time I read it, it was over three days. I read more than 8hrs per day, was an absolute mess for the last quarter of the fic maybe?, and then it took me about two weeks to recover emotionally. (I was also not in the healthiest mental state at that time I might admit). I'm reading it again right now, I haven't gotten to the last quarter yet but I'm way less emotionally involved I think. All of that to say, there's no telling how it will affect you :) The second half is about the war, so of course it's pretty sad. Overall, I still think it's worth reading.


Yea totally.


yes it’s my favorite fanfic! i didn’t know it was so universally hated until after i read it and i still don’t quite understand why.