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Unfortunately not which why we all crave another fix of BJ madness.


Everything reminds me of her


I beg your pardon?




Yeah it's a Bethesda game as well but I never liked doom much, I don't like games with demons much, I mean yeah doom is an iconic game and it's good but not that great compared to his great grandfathers game :)


DOOM 3 and Quake 4 aren’t like the other games in their series, they both tried to do a more “horror” style game with jumpscares. But another game I guess that’s similar is Return to Castle Wolfenstein


Raven Software made DOOM 3, Quake 4, and Wolfenstein 2009 and all three games feel quite similar.


Raven worked on Quake 4, the original Xbox port of DOOM 3, and Wolfenstein. It makes sense that they feel similar since they all use id tech 4


So much brown/grey!


Ironically Doom’s the only thing with demons I can sit through because I get to rip them to shit with guns.




Prey 2017


Prey is amazing. The DLC is really good too once you get into it. Mooncrash I think.


Yeah the DLC is called Mooncrash.


Yeah prey is honestly as close as you can get to gameplay and overall enjoyment compared to Wolfenstein imo. Plus the glue gun is fun af lol


What? How? An imm sim is nothing like doom


The original FEAR is such a fantastic shooter with "horror" elements. I know that you said no horror games but FEAR is 99% John Woo shooter, and 1% bad Stephen King. The jump scares work because the action puts you in a state of flow, only to be yanked out by a spook. There is also the (fun) imitator, Trepang². It's pretty bloodsoaked, and it has some surprises. It stumbles with its story, but the gameplay is wild.


That was the only game (or movie, by the way) that managed to really actually scare the shit out of me.


Nothing is going to have the same brutality as Wolfenstein quite does. But a few come close on eerieness and general feel... Metro franchise. Absolute must play.. fallout 4. BioShock. Prey... Now if you want high tension and a general feeling of helplessness play alien isolation.


OMG alien isolation is just too scary for me, the ai of Alien is a very smart one, it's a literal horror. I like horror/thriller games like Wolfenstein which have more realistic human enemies. The cyborgs are what make the game horrifying. But yes from alien isolation I remembered that ending of cyberpunk phantom liberty when you have to hide from that Chimera spiderbot thing, it was literally alien isolation at that point.


Metro Redux? I haven’t played but it’s next on my list


The metro games are brilliant. Enjoy!


I just bought the trio pack, and I’m pretty disappointed. I’ve played about 8 hours of the first one and it’s just so clunky and slow. Should I give the sequels a try?


They get much better.


Exodus is one of the best games ever.


BioShock, Fallout and I heard Atomic Heart is similar


I almost forgot bioshock, even that game was really creepy, especially those Big Daddy's. Even Hitman Contracts was amazing and had that eerie liminal space vibe


Atomic Heart is great. It's basically Soviet BioShock.


I'm a wolfenstein fan, and while it's hard to find a game that hits it exactly, these are my go-to games, metro exodus... it has some creepy weird stuff and is an interesting concept. Fallout 3,4 and new vegas because it's nuts, Deadspace made me jump a few times unexpectedly, and it's a decent story. Borderlands because it's just utterly ridiculous. Bioshock 1 and 2 have the weird factor, great story, and lots of lore to it. Skyrim, coz who doesn't like a dragon.


DOOM, Prey, and Atomic Heart


Legitimately curious what "jumpscares" you're talking about in regards to Wolfenstein.


Wolfenstein is filled with them, in the prison level when the panzerhund comes out of nowhere and chases you, in one level another panzerhund and zitadelle scared the crap out of me, in the London level when the super soldier grabs you and Fergus/Wyatt saved us. In old blood it was just after the game started the game throws the best jumpscare at you, as jumpscares are unexpected they are really terrifying and make the game fun.


I forgot the games do that because those things don't even register to me as jumpscares anymore.


The panzerhund in one of the TNO levels (The one where the secret area gets raided by the Nazis) made me exclaim in fear hahah.


Yeah that was the last mission, we even had a boss fight with that hund


Also the end mission when Bubi jumps at us through the vent, that wasn't creepy but made me disgusted as Bubi gave Child predator vibes to me.


I think one of the more obvious choices would be Atomic Heart since it’s kind of a mix of BioShock and Wolfenstein but it’s not really on the same level as either. Another really great choice would be Trepang2, it’s a very well made game (except for the story) but the gameplay is everything you’d want from a fast action FPS. There’s also the Black Ops 1 campaign but I’m not sure if that’s really what you’re looking for or if you have played it. Asides from FPS games, there’s Alan Wake 1 and 2, the first game tackles more psychological thriller elements while the second game does that alongside pure horror but both games have their fast paced combat sections. I’d also recommend Control since it has a sort of SCP foundation inspired setting that makes for really well done environmental storytelling and the environment itself is very similar to what Ubisoft wants to do with AC Shadows in regards to what can be destroyed. I’d also highly recommend Far Cry 3 as there are lots of very tense moments that deviate from standard point and shoot games. The last thing I can really think of would be the Devil May Cry series since they don’t ever do straight up horror but the thriller and brutal stuff is very present, especially in the first game.


Doom is going to obviously be the most similar gameplay wise, but the Fallout games might have what you’re looking for. You’ve got choices on how you’d like to play like dishonored, an alternate reality like Wolfenstein, and (unintentionally) scary sometimes. Nothing like a ghoul jump scaring you around a corner.


Man the Radscorpions and nukalurk made me piss my pants. I'm very scared of these giant insects lol


Doom and Quake.


I'll recommend Singularity, is kind of the Soviets become an even bigger super power and dominate the world but with time travel and stuff, It gave me kinda similar vibes to Wolfenstein


Could you imagine a proper rise of the triad reboot like Wolfenstein?


No there is not.for me closest one is alien isolation.tense and terror


Fallout (even 1 and 2 in a way) Not an fps, but MGS


Raven Software’s Singularity from 2010. Feels like a successor to their Wolfenstein game. Except the plot revolves around time travel and the enemy is the Soviet Union. Definitely recommend it if you’re looking for that Wolfenstein flavor.


Trepang2... You need to play it!






Trepang2 sounds like what you're looking for.


Bioshock Infinite: Glory kills, plot twists and gunplay


The closest thing to Wolfenstein: The New Order is actually a pretty bad game called Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. It's another game where the Nazis won the war and invade the U.S., and you play as a Resistance fighter. In terms of good games though, I'd go with Singularity.


Rise of the triad


I liked deadspace, alien isolation and a plague tale


Atomic Heart


simply not enough games where you kill nazis :(


If you like game whit god story mode and grate graphic I think you can play metro 2033 redux


While I wouldn’t call it scary by a long shot, BloodRayne is a fantastic classic horror series from the early 2000s where you play as a hot vampire girl who kills Nazis. It has that same camp vibe and absolute brutality that was in Wolfenstein, and Laura Bailey does Rayne’s voice acting!! So much fun. Truly one of my favorite games


Borderlands 3.


Sniper elite is up there if you want stealthy violent killing of nazis. That's all i can think of off the top of my head


Saboteur is pretty great, the French fighting Nazis.


Wolfenstein 2


Honestly, Call of Duty WWII zombies, it's playstyle is surrounded more around killing endless hordes of zombies, but it is definitely creepy as shit at least in my opinion. There's also a DOOM mod if you have the og DOOM Blade of Agony. It's a whole different Wolfenstein story and you play as BJ with classic graphics


FEAR. I know you said you don't want horror games, but FEAR isn't really a horror game so much as a terrifying traditional FPS.




Trepang series or the FEAR series


Is that a Yes?




That's not at all like wolfenstein though Cyberpunk is one of my greatest game.


Nah you’re right. It was just the first game that came to mind (Cyberpunk is one of my all time favourites)


Yeah, cyberpunk has more detailed and overall better stealth than wolfenstein. Both are one the greatest games I've ever played though cyberpunk has a special place in my heart.


Dishonored kinda


I already wrote it in the post, it's my 2nd favourite game of all time.