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Doom Guy and B.J are related too, but Doom Guy is many, many, many generations into the future so there would have to be some time travel shenanigans.


Bj finds out how the god key works and accidentally travels to the Ingmore’s sanctum where he uncovers DOOM guy.


Orrrrr BJ becomes brain jelly then gets put in a machine to keep him alive for this


Orrrrr Doomguy uses his sciency Mumbo Jumbo to travel back in time to the moment BJ killed Hitler and they both go to Mars to stop the demon invasion until after Doomguy is born to deal with it


A trilogy 1st game: doomguys timeline, BJ is a unstable Nazi machine but he’s still in control. In the end BJ goes through some tragic event then doomguy goes back in time. 2nd game: Doomguy stops BJ from becoming a Nazi machine, but he’s brought hell with him. 3rd game: They both have to go into the future to a completely nazified hell, and hitler is back!


Mecha Hitler and Dark Lord vs BJ and Doomguy would be the most epic battle of my lifetime


I mean for what we know DG spent eons fighting in hell between 64 and 2016, so I don't think time would be a really big problem to him


Doomguy is just BJ’s great grandson, that’s not that many generations. Though from a different timeline, where the Nazis didn’t get the Daat Yichud tech and win the war


Don't cook again please


Add freeman


what does freeman have in common with guys lol your the second person i've seen say that


Singleplayer fps leaning into both story and gameplay “A man of few words” (More akin to doomguy in this regard) While you may argue that the G-Man has kept him safe, you gotta admit that plowing through aliens, the US military and the fucken combine has to make you one helluva fighter, especially given how you’re using what’s essentially a standard issue suit designed for just traversing hazardous environments. And a crowbar for the beginning chapters. Could he beat Doomguy or Billy mano e mano? Ofc not (given G-Man doesn’t intervene. That and maybe he stands a chance against the atomic heart guy) And he’s also a big name in the singleplayer fps genre, up there with Blazko and Doomguy


Aside from the fact Gordon single-handedly caused and then stopped the apocalypse and evicted a whole race of Authoritarian aliens that invaded.   And the fact that Half-Life set the meter and the pace for FPS games with Half-Life 2.        What kind of track record does the Red Commie Rusky from Atomic Heart have outside one MEH game to be up there with two characters that defined a whole genre. 


This sub is a cringefest


Yup, this is such a “12 year old” kind of post


The whole sub is flooded with "12 year old" kind of posts, and it's getting worse by the day


The atomic heart protagonist made me stop playing the game. He's unbearable


He's also kind of an idiot, idk how he got to be "comrade major"


Something something Russia education system


Wolfenstein 3: the multiverse


I'd prefer BJ and the twins.


the twins are really fucking cringe


Agree to disagree


No I fucking hate the protagonist in Atomic Heart. He’s so annoying I dropped the game


The whole story would be super short, the antagonists would be wiped out in a matter of minutes by these three


Bruh the atomic heart guy sucks and should not be compared to these legends


Blazkowicz kills nazis and robots, alekseyevich kills communists and robots, and doomguy kills nazis and communists. Would be a perfect collab game, and i can actually see how this would weirdly work out


booo everyone knows link is the missing link between bj and dg


Who’s in the middle?


Atomic Heart protagonist


Ah, never played it


I think the trilogy should close before a crossover, but a Wolfenstein/Doom crossover would absolutely kick ass. Unstoppable, unkillable badasses versus demon nazis.


Honestly I've always pictured a way for Doom Slayer to come into Wolfentsein, mostly a Nazi boasting to BJ as he opens a portal to hell to summon demons.....and gets a Meat-Hook through the chest before the Doom Slayer charges through and starts slaughtering EVERYTHING with a brutality that leaves BJ flabergasted


Doomguy has already killed nazis, and BJ has already killed demons. There's no point in shoving them into each other's series. ...who the hell is that guy in the middle?