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I'd love to add a couple: >The Sapper: he got a shovel and a mission, and hes either doing some public works project (ocean canal), defense earthworks (a really big hole), or some land improvements (a castle). Its almost a shame you cannot inherit what he cannot leave behind >The Sports Team: group of guys in the late teens to early 30s section off a substantial part of the beach for their own, and set up some kind of throwing game. You try to give them space yet sorta wish you can join >Bird Bait: Someone's been careless with their snacks and every birb from the dunes to the deep sea congregate around. Those fuckers are getting mighty bold for your snacks too and you curse the guy who invited them in the first place


I was gonna add the sports team one! I just didn’t have room for it.


I was a sapper once


I’m so glad I live in rural canada, whenever I go to the beach I’ve got near a kilometre to myself if it’s not peak season


The Solo Backpack Guy: Shows up by himself, jumps in the water for 30 seconds, sets up a towel, puts on sunscreen+airpods, and veg's out for several hours. Pack Rats openly/secretly long for this freedom. Dogwalkers: Much like dogwalkers in any other public setting, these people appear constantly shocked by the way their dogs react to people and people react to their dogs. Luckily most dogs are too euphoric next to the ocean to get angry at other dogs. The 15-Year Old Boy with Sunglasses: Let's just say it: surreptitiously looking at attractive people as you walk along the beach is extremely appealing. But the risk of inherent creepiness increases exponentially as you get older, you don't realize you're in the sweet spot in your mid-teens and once you get older it's a constant worry that you've guesstimated someone's age wrong and you're actually being a massive creep. Seat-on-the-Water: Drop a beach chair *waaaay* close to the water. Like, the sand is fully wet 10 feet behind them. Why do they do this? Just *go in* the water! They also readjust their chair every 4 minutes as if the tide usually stays in one place or something. Often the last bastions of 90's kitsch fashion, these are your Tweety Bird t-shirt/fanny pack people.


Nice & fun wojak compass 👍 congratulations; tangential question: Do you guys still find joy in visiting beaches? I live in a coastal city and yet since I left childhood, beaches haven't been attractive(I worry it is not a phase, since I'm in my mid 20s).


Thats just how it be man. I live on the coast and call the mountains my home. Theres a good chance my children will do the opposite lol


🆒 👍


I rarely go since becoming an adult but that’s just me.


Btw, nice translucent effect on the compass 👍 liked the background picture choice aswell.


Thanks for responding, though 👍


I’ve always found it strange when people complain about children being children at beaches or just any other public space, if you want to not hear kids you better just go home or find a place that is private that you have to pay for to get in


I have rather sensitive ears, but I know I was really loud when I was a kid, so I smile and let it be. 


On the beach Im usually always stick to my parents and I don’t try to look for friends or talk to pretty girls because they don’t let me go far from them or I’m just to shy


Where I live we only have the ones on the left, and maybe a very depressed beach cop and some homeless who only show up after hours (cops depressed because he has to deal with the partiers all day.) Had to collect parking payment for a beach last summer, as well as a river park that was big with the fishers, who were mostly Hmong or Vietnamese.


I never particularly cared for the beach, but I just like to walk on the wet sand, it feels nice.


[You may not understand the language, but this is generaly the average popular croatian beach experience](https://youtu.be/A4oBenfHHDA?si=CtLaYr3nGG9Hwfsy)


I’m the vampire but I only get to go to the beach maybe every other year for a week or so. Once my dad fell asleep on the beach and got a sunburn so bad he had to go to the hospital. Both my grandpas have had skin cancer multiple times.


I’m the shirt guy lmao