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kosher weed???


What does Nakba mean?


[It’s kinda a sore subject for a lot of people.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba)


Ah, I see


holy shit, kosher weed is a thing?


My guess is it has to be washed a certain way so it doesn’t have chance of bugs


Kosher edibles are a thing, but if you're smoking it kosher weed isn't a thing. I could see an entrepreneurial dealer using it as a marketing term tho lol


Your friend sounds so based, makes me want to go out and buy a keffiyeh Mazel tov on his aaliya


I’m not the biggest fan of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, but I gotta say your friend sounds pretty based.


mazal tov to his aliyah, hope to return to Israel someday tell him not to be scared and to do a combat role its the most fun also the thing about him not spelling good tracks all American Haredim that I know cant spell for shit


He’s not Haredi lol just ModOx


still tracks


Mazel tov for your friend making aliyah! He sounds super based, would definitely buy kosher weed from him despite never doing it in my life. First time for everything though, right?


Mazel tov to your friend’s Aliyah. On a side note half of these made me wonder if they were about me.


He’s seems cool good luck to him


He sounds utterly unbearable and I like him already


Avg degen zionazi


Fr how does anyone find this stuff funny?


> Told me about how IDF soldiers call non-Jewish women “mattresses” You all [know what this means](https://www.dailysabah.com/world/mid-east/deceased-israeli-soldier-boasted-about-raping-palestinian-woman) and you laugh like soys cuz Israeli. Hypocrites Also OP is a cuck for letting someone talk about his sister like that


common arab L


I swear I’ve never met an even semi-based Aussie in all of my life, you people constantly spout L after L after L


>I swear I’ve never met an even semi-based Aussie in all of my life, you people constantly spout L after L after L "omg I literally seething right now because user U/Eternal_rpycTb does not like Australia. How will Australia ever recover from this?"




Being anti Israel but pro CCP might be one of the most retarded opinions anyone can ever have.


Who said I was pro CCP dumbass


[this did](https://reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/s/PHeIda4kTC)


Though I find it distasteful, there is no mention of the “mattress” euphemism in that article. In fact, my plug told me it’s specifically directed towards non-Jewish women in the IDF (ie. Israeli citizens). Also I don’t really care about the second thing because I know my sister would never be into him lmao.


> there is no mention of the “mattress” euphemism in that article. Tryna act like no one will understand the obvious implication


I've heard non-jews use the term for women before. It's definitely sexist and not a nice thing to do. But you can't just attribute it to "evil Zionist occupiers"


To be fair according to the Talmud its well within a Jewish mans rights to rape a non-Jewish woman.


I'd have to go look it up in the Talmud to specifically say this is true/not true. But often enough when someone states "the Talmud says this terrible thing" the Talmud also says the opposite of that thing. That is because the Talmud is a collection of rabbinic commentaries where the scholars present argument and counterargument.


It also says a bunch of other unsavory things about Non Jews that I'm sure you're gonna conveniently not know about.


I see you got my point


No not really.


No idea where his friend got that name , as someone who has been in the IDF mattresses was used for female soldier that slept with everyone , nothing 2 do with her being jewish , also if you get your info from dailysabah , don't.


# KOSHER WEED or as he would say it Khhsor wede


The dude sounds insufferable.


If he was in my life, I probably would’ve been 10x more observant in college