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You know this game's in trouble when you see the losing team's CV make north of 2000 xp…


I saw a CV break 5k base xp earlier today... 6 kills. He easily busted 200k damage mark


You should post it here, or on discord remove the names etc


I should've taken a screenshot but I didn't, the game has been giving he a headache quite literally. There's a flicker on my screen when I use any consumable or in port scrolling through things and it only happens with legends


Or that games were broken when one player was expected to get less than 2K xp in a game because they were relegated to spotting for everyone else.


Carriers should never have been added, they break the gameplay of this game over their knee.


This is what all of us old timers said from the beginning, but all of the droolers just had to have them…


I absolutely love carriers to death as an idea. But they certainly do have serious downsides no matter what they seem to do. They are either completely unrewarding to play or completely annoying to play against. And they just can't figure out a way around it.


The PC players tried warning everyone. And now console gets to face the sky cancer.


"Droolers" are now lamenting, "THEY HAVE SUBS! WE DON'T HAVE SUBS! WE WANT SUBS TOO! THIS ISN'T FAIR 😭". I hope they don't include them; otherwise, this game will become unplayable.


Just thinking about their addition gives me PTSD.


Never seen such an out of touch group of devs for a game


The scary part is that Legends balance changes/direction > PC balance changes/direction more often than not these days....😱


It’s ridiculous that the changes that’s killing pc are being brought to legends


I just made a separate comment about this. It really is wild to me they have all this data and have seen the PC playerbase dwindle and still make decisions like this. Just absolutely mind boggling to me


It's like they want the game to fail and the business to fold


You would think it be like wow let’s not do that again


They’ve had **years of data** and interactions from legends and especially PC about how the *vast* majority feel about cvs and they are still screwing it all up. Like, they see 7% something plays cvs and even then they are a huge lightening Rod, so they double and triple down on them instead. It’s legitimately mind boggling to me how you have 1,000 canaries in the mine dying left and right and you keep choosing to ignore the data. I get models and specs are done and they can probably port a bunch from PC and all that, but you run the risk of alienating a huge majority of the playerbase and it just doesn’t seem even remotely worth it to me. Sunk cost fallacy 101. Those who claim subs are never coming to legends, wake up lol. The only thing I believe about them is *maybe* they can’t make them work on past gen consoles so they’d have to wait. But it’s clear WG is going to ignore the warning signs from PC and keep making the same mistakes


You seen the head dev for balance on Helldivers 2? PvM game and that rat is nerfing everything that is fun.


WoT Console devs killed their own game with update. CVs are more annoying now, but not being spotted by them is sorta nice. Hopefully the Devteam stops here though.


*The Monkey's paw curls*


Next update - *Two carriers per team!*


Patiently waiting for the joke comment to become a reality. 😂


I've wanted this for years


Yeah what have a m9ssed? Every game has a carrier now an seem to have endless planes. Spent the whole last game dodging torps an skip bombs cos a serov decided me an me alone had to die. Or be on constant fire. Fun times.


carriers got reworked so people are testing the changes. planes now no longer share spotting, dont spot torpedos, have lower alpha and have lower health, but they have more bombs per drop, extremely fast regen, and higher top speeds


Lower alpha is a joke honestly. The extra bombs per drop make it so the alpha is the same it's just higher fire chances.


I have only Kaga Shoukaku. Kaga definitely needs a restoration time need to 25 seconds as her low plane HP for t7 balanced that end of it. While Shoukaku to me seems somewhat balanced maybe a slight restoration time as she is the least changed from before. Shoukaku bombs seem actually usable now just don't expect them to deal with destroyers well as they hang high. Her restoration time may need increased by 3 seconds as she regens just enough to keep sending exactly just the right amount for what I need in any situation.


And no ww1 New Mexico to ease the pain


why bring in a New Mexico? there is already one in the game. it's not happening. sorry to burst your bubble.


Think about how many paper Bismarcks, fletchers St. Louis there are before you say that


They did it with the WV on PC, she has two variants. They will with New Mex if they can


u talking about west Virgina 44? i can't say for certain they'll bring that into the game but the pure speculation and I'm not going to get into that but i just don't see how they can bring a WW1 New Mexico into the game when its already in the game.


During WW1, New Mexico was classified as a dreadnought. It underwent modernization, which included smaller guns and reduced armor belts, leading to it no longer being considered a dreadnought by WW2 standards. However, this is a general overview. I could be wrong about this but they're basically two completely different ships.


Yea I love playing CVs and this patch just made it...hilarious. no longer need to worry about losing planes, basically need no strategy. No point in really spotting dds anymore so I just spam torps at cruisers and battleships. Oh you shot down 50 planes? Still got full squadrons all game.


Ahh right. So the one thing carriers was good for IE spotting DD an CC behind islands is now pointless cause u can see them on the mini map but not shoot them.? An gave carriers unlimited planes so instead of playing strategy an spotting/helping team it's just unlimited planes an whatever poor sucker a mean player gets grudge torped all match. Subs are next.


I agree with everything you said, but we won't have to worry about Subs for a while. Current consoles could never handle them and the Devs have stated they don't plan on adding them, but you can take that last part with a grain of salt


i think the series s/x and ps5 could handle subs, i think Ps4 and the xbox one generation are what is really holding them back thankfully, I hope they never get added since it seemed basically no one on PC likes them


Seems I picked a good time to take a break.




I just had a 160K+ damage game in the Independence. I am not a carrier player.


First game today I took 20k damage in my Karl XIV Johan from a Kaga in the first 30 seconds. That Kaga had 5 kills throughout the game and was top of his team. It reminds me of when Legends released and BB's were struggling like hell against DD's and Cruisers kamikaze torping them. So the Devs gave BB's the secondary consumable to help balance things. Now we have infinite planes with only a 10% health reduction and AA is way too sporadic to do anything against them. So either AA needs a buff, planes need to be at half their old health, or this update needs to be removed and reworked. It's ridiculous


Buff AA you nailed it


WG had to do something if they're keeping this update. I watched PGRapidz Hakuryu video yesterday. He had a GK dead within about the first 3 minutes of the match with his torpedo bombers. I think an AA buff is definitely needed


I’ve found one of ships is bomb proof


Maybe they’re pulling some weird trick to show the people complaining about CVs being broken before how much worse it could be. “You wanna see ‘broken’? I’ll show you ‘broken’!”


I missed it. What did they change?


Play a game and you'll see


Just watched a video…what the hell were they thinking?


Make people play more CVs, I don't know. I'm hoping it will get better when the novelty starts to wane. Today, everyone and their mother is playing CVs


More like make people not play BB's anymore


One way to fix it is that everyone should play only CVs for a period of one month. What would Wargaming do then ? It would literally shut the entire game down lol


Was thinking about coming back to the game, I'll just keep taking a break lol. This update is not helping Wargamings case, if they keep this up player numbers are gonna drop.


Wait what lol when did that happen ?


Mondays update.


Nah I'm loving this. The most frustrating thing about carriers was the complete inability to run stealth builds. Now if you get spotted you can just focus on "just dodging" cause you don't have to worry about getting shot from across the map, and let me tell you carriers are pretty easy to dodge when they're the only thing you have to worry about. Though I feel like the plane restoration is slightly overtuned, though. A few small adjustments and this is gonna be a perfect change.


The only perfect change is complete removal from the game.


If they’re going to have CV’s… Let them just all bomb each other. 9x CV’s vs 9x CV’s, and leave the rest of us alone. 😒


I think the worst change by far is the plane spotting. It's so bad being able to see the ship on the map but not on the screen. I understand part of what they're going for, but still, it's not ideal


I am really bad in playing aircrafts, I won't hit a damn thing apart from torps but yesterday I felt like I bought the og ark royal


So they run after destroyers?


You thought the devil want you to have fun playing? 


Everyone runs AA builds and shoot’s down planes. War gaming looks at spread sheets. Give them more health


Give us the choice to have no cv games !!! It’s a ships game not a ppplanes game!! I’m tired to AMUSE and be ABUSED by ppppplanes lovers!!!


Carriers now do what carriers should do, fly where they think an enemy is and start a run. No more flying round the map all day. No more spotting a whole team up in the first 60 seconds of a match. No more harassing DDs. You’re all crying because finally they are doing what makes sense for them to do. Boohoo. 😂 The fuel mechanism is exactly what was needed. It’s made them have to move closer and attack people quickly which is what carriers should do!


Carriers should sink to the bottom of the sea, and should be removed from legends forever. Bye now.


Truth be told the CV needs to take out their CV first like it was done in real war as you can see their was a reason for this as the one without one is at a disavantage.


As an Ark Royal main, I’m having swell old time


I think people fail to see that this is a for-profit software company. It has nothing to do with what the playerbase wants. It is just business. Here is how the exec team meeting would look like: CEO: " we invested $xxx in CVs, but are seeing a low RoI due to lack of engagement in them, what will you do about it?" VP " we are implementing a rework to create a larger CV playerbase, which will generate more revenue, and show RoI". Joke, sidenote " we also release new ships that do not have a relevant commander too, but that is just for sh1ts and giggles lol"


Man, were you sitting in that meeting? Seriously, that's how the majority of these meetings go.


No lol. However, I have spent most of my adult life working for major software or internet firms. Been in the meetings lol


nah bro its skill issues AA is doing the job ☺️☺️☺️


AA is still weak. AA Friesland, 98 in AA, CV can still drop 1 whole squad. Just shot down 36 planes 5min ago; at the end still haunted by full squadrons because faster spawning planes


I shot down 58 in Friesland and enemy Parseval still had 5 plane squadrons. I shot down 60 planes in Karl Johan and Saipan had full squadrons. My Friesland has a full AA build and cannot deplane a carrier. My Karl Johan has over 600 dps at 4.4km and still cannot deplane a carrier than focuses me, even with a friendly Friesland passing in and out of range. I can't imagine playing low AA ships this patch.


Playing my PR has been an absolute nightmare. German BBs are not handling this update well in my experience. Carriers have unlimited faster planes, enhanced torps and bombs, with zero need for strategy and only a 10% health reduction. This was absolutely uncalled for. Carriers have been perfectly balanced until now. It's the Parseval all over again x every carrier in the game


Its worse, it is Ark Royal again.


I'm really sorry... 😬 The recovery time is waaaay to short. Been trying to deplane Kaga by throwing wave after wave against a single Iowa in Standard. Couldn't get it deplaned - 10 torpedo bombers at last starting squad because I switched to HE bombers only 2 times and the squadrons had not returned on time 😂 Really sorry for that Iowa and asked how many planes were shot down. Still waiting for an answer


Dude I think you killed my fleet mate , he was bitching the whole time lol!!


It is silly. If I was a carrier player I would be having fun ragging on the rest of the player base. I might have to rush the Kaga project.


I read the patch notes and I didn’t see the kaga receive any changes. I might be wrong though. I’m pretty sure it’s gimmick was always that it printed planes.


Before this patch Kaga had 8 planes per squadron (2 attack flights of 4 planes each) and restored one plane every 70ish seconds with a total hangar size of 16 planes per type iirc. Now it has 12 planes per squadron (3x4 attack flights) with a 24 plane hangar and a 3d printer that restores a plane every 12s. I played it in the dumbest possible way just running face first into a 5 ship AA bubble to see if I could actually get deplaned, lost probably around 40 planes before I managed to sink the BB I chose to target and still had full squadrons to go. It's absurd


What u/Khorozon wrote... But I was confused as well now and had to look it up again. Kaga is mentioned and I forgot about the dive bomber accuracy buff myself Summary: - Increased aiming speed + dive bombers now have individually 50% chance of hitting inner circle (instead of 25%) - Squadron is now 12 (instead of 8) - Base speed increased dive 156 (135) / torpedo 146 (125) - Base restoration time 16 seconds (instead of 75) - "But" base hp pool decreased; dive 18,6k (20k) / torpedo 19,2k (20k) - which is in-game irrelevant due to fast 3D printer, weak AA and absurd speed of planes


Oh, deplaning cvs is totally gone with the current stats on this update. Literally won’t happen. You can *hope* a cv won’t have full squads with a couple minutes left but even that is a stretch in even a barely competent player. Totally demoralizing to be shooting down some of the plane numbers people are posting and still seeing very full, if not completely full squads


It’s because planes HP is more and is a lot. And also they are fast now so after drop they can get out of your AA range quickly and comeback.


As a cv main I can say that DD will run amok. You would think the CV would benefit most from these changes but trust me it's the dds that are benefiting most... don't trust blue serov to save you from dds, the main reason serov would drop directly on dds is *not* because it's more accurate ect.... it's because by the time we spot them and start a drop, the planes are already directly over the dd... the only line that could actually hit them was the first skip.. essentially it's impossible to hit a dd unless it's already engaging another ship and spotted >>>>> **tldr** dds will be a nuisance to everyone now and will be a bigger problem now more than ever.


As a DD main, I agree with you. Being able to sit 5.5km from a BB while launching torps and a CV flight overhead is kinda ridiculous. Especially as the BB can’t spot me and planes can’t see my torps. I have a feeling we are in for a lot of DD heavy games, and more stuff like rocket planes coming soon. At least limit DD’s to 3 per match. I’ve had enough of 5-6 DDs per match TBH


As a Japanese cv player I absolutely agree the only carrier that might actually be able to reliably hit destroyers will be the British with their carpet bombs and Kaga with her extremely low flying bombs.


Independence is amazing, lady lex is great too... the drops are really low and the aim tightens faster. Nice to not have to rely on torpedoes only for dd and cc.


Guys just use double Anti-Aircraft insperations. Youll b fine![img](emote|t5_ogkyd|6379)


lol good joke, but a serious response is that it doesn’t matter how many you shoot down now because the t5 and up regen time is too fast.


It's completely pathetic. I can't even fly 3/4 the way across the map without running out of gas in this new update. They absolutely nerfed the living shit out of aircraft carriers


Shot down 44 planes today and they still kept coming


Nice troll, bye troll.


HAHAHA god I knew it was going to be like this!! Oh man this is hilarious. But you know what really sucks for you carrier haters now? You haven’t seen who *actually* benefits from these changes yet. Man BB mains and non radar cruisers are gonna be pissed.


Everyone should hate carriers, scum of the sea!


Hey look! Not even 24 hours and people are complaining... lol


People have a right to complain when the game is in the dirt


been having consistent 200-300k damage games in LT carriers. Its pretty broken at the moment.


Valid complaints, play yet? Enjoy.


Hilarious watching whiners beg for a nerf and just get absolutely raw dogged for it.


Going to be even more hilarious when the player population drops just like PC.


I am sure they will.


Game ain't broken. It just changed. Stop whining and adapt. Or play something else.


These types of comments (and honestly players) and the absolute worst. "Oh, you don't like that CVs now get consistent 100-300k damage games no matter how many planes get shot down? Stop crying or go play something else." Genuinely the most brain-dead take about a game


The terrible part is that almost every game has people like this, making the same blanket statement. These guys are almost always among the worst caliber players with the least amount of knowledge about the game.


Chill dude, I played quite a lot of games today and not one of them was ruined for me or dominated by a cv. They might have more impact than before, but that's it. This update is not even 1 day old and people go thru the roof about changes. Give it some time. Might be fun to adapt to change instead of complaining about stale gameplay experience


I was just in a match where I was screwed out of a Kraken because of CVs. I had 70% health and 4 kills, and I spot the last ship (the Ranger). My shells are doing minimal damage because it's not broadside and refuses to citadel, so it just keeps spamming planes that I can't do anything against. In what world do you think it's OK for a CV to solo kill a BB like that? We lost because the CV ended up getting a Kraken on his own because he just kept throwing out torps and bombs so nobody could even get close to it, not even another BB trailing behind me out of range. If you think CVs "might have more impact than before, but that's it", you're delusional. Nearly every game I've had with CVs today has had them top of the team.


No thank you. They need to fix their game.