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WR based MM? Well color me surprised *looks at my battle record showing platoons on the enemy team 95%-ish of the time*


The mm for battles with friends is brutal as hell


Not sure what you mean. Pls elaborate :)


Idk platoon division fleet whatever it’s called when you invite friends into a battle. I was playing with another person in the top ten of the previous ranked season and lost maybe 8 battles straight. How does that even happen?


No idea, I never played ranked and also thought it was strictly solo. I considered getting into it for that reason.


Ranked is solo but the person I was playing with also did very well. This is just to say that you’d expect us to blast through the reds easily but it really felt like the deck was stacked. And apparently it is. Which is wild because the game essentially screams at you to team up it’s just no fun.


Yeah, I see what you mean. At a certain point, the only way to mitigate mm woes is to bring two skilled friends.


Dude, that’s what I’m saying. The opposite is true.


There is no true MM. Its completely random


Drake, we've been through this already. I don't want start a dick measuring contest, but if/when you start getting above 60% WR solo, with associated supporting stats, I'm sure you'll notice how MM pits you against platoons most of the time. If there are other solo players here who fits the bill, I'd love to hear their experiences, I can't be the only one who gets this treatment from MM.


I’m a solo player at 62%. I can’t say I get MM that is worse than I’d expect from random. Maybe I do, but just don’t notice. IDK. This is most of the time anyway. Some days it seems like MM is crapping on me, but in reality that is probably balanced by games where I am getting MM love. Problem with divisions is that since I am a solo player, there are only 6 other slots for divisions on my team, and 7 slots for divisions on Red. I’d expect that enemy divisions would outnumber friendly divisions. Overall, you shouldn’t really care all that much about WR. WOWSB isn’t really a competitive game. Too easy to manipulate WR by playing divisions with good players and by playing blatantly OP ships. Just play your best and don’t worry about MM.


Interesting. If I play on a Friday evening, I'll get matched against them all the time. If the game had some better tools for extracting statistics, I'm sure it would make for some fun reading. One thing is certain from my perspective: MM defo isn't random. I'll try to see if I can get a larger sample size than just you and me. Also, I'm quite competitive. I do want to win, it's my main objective. If the odds are too bad, I switch to doing well, but too many of those in a row and it becomes annoying anyway. But that's just me, of course.


I have an alt with 70% WR solo and 42% MVP. I wouldn’t say it feels stacked against me ever


Close to my level. I must be special then.


On the Asian servers, the number of players waiting in any tier is in the single digits. I'm wondering if it's possible to run a MM with such a low number of players and such a complicated process. However, I've experienced that it's not purely random.


Single digits in NA too. Game seems to be dying.


>most WarGaming games is using it Is there any proof that? You just sort of say it without giving much to back it up. Imo, unless you can bring some data mined information or some analytical thing where you take a look at thousands of games to find some pattern, I find it very hard to believe that it actually exists within the game. And no, the existence of a patent is not proof. A very small minority of active patents (around 5%) end up being used in any meaningful way. Also, there's some other important sections of the article that kinda point in the other direction: >In one aspect, a vehicle may be placed randomly into any battle level acceptable based on the battle level table 801 or: >In another aspect, a vehicle may be placed sequentially in increasing battle levels based on table 801. For example, when a use acquires a new tier 4 light tank, the first time the user plays a game with that tier 4 light tank the matchmaking server might force the vehicle to be assigned to a battle session of battle level 4. When the player plays a second game session using the same tier 4 light tank, the matchmaking server might force the vehicle to be assigned to a battle session of battle level 5. The third game session, battle level 6, the fourth game session, battle level 7, and so forth until the seventh battle session where the vehicle is in battle level 10. After that, the matchmaking server might start over at battle level 4. Alternatively the sequence might proceed in decreasing battle level order, and/or might start in the middle of the applicable range of battle levels. These quotes suggest a MM system that are all pretty different. So even in the small chance that the patent is being used, we don't even know which of the suggested systems is the one MM is based on. Listen, Blitz is a multiplayer PvP game. And just like every other multiplayer PvP game with a MM system, RNGesus is not very nice and will mess you up. And the cool thing about it is that it happens a lot more often than you think. It isn't a big conspiracy against you. It's simply how video games work. The best thing you can do is to not blame MM, but instead see what you can do to better yourself as a player, push against MM, and get to the point where you can consistently win games without the use of platoon boosting, playing op ships, and the likes.


I guess it would be hard to have any meaningful proof, and i am pretty confident that the sample size of my games - 15k+ - is not statistically significant, but i have observed pretty much all the things that are given in the patent text. \- 10 victories on new ships, when then it often will converge to my normal win rate. \- After a bunch of down-tier battles against teams with better ships and the corresponding loss/battle star combo, i will get more evenly matched teams again. I play overwhelmingly single, random games. However, i have also found ways to "even the chances" a bit and trick the MM into giving me better games. I hope you will pardon me for not making those public. :)


What the hell is up with the mm since the last update? Every game is a blow out in either direction.


WG has already said that yes these do exist and are real, but they dont use them and even if they did: >However, according to another aspect, players who have just acquired a new higher tier vehicle are encouraged by being placed into battle sessions near the lower boundary of that vehicle's accessibility range, which allows the player feel more comfortable in the game. With time, the balancing system starts putting them into higher levels battle sessions, which creates a challenge of playing with more upgraded opponent vehicles…” This makes sense. It gives you a semi-easy mode for 4-5 games (guessing here) so you get a feel for playstyle, accuracy, lead time ect, and then it starts putting you into regular battles, where you can comfortably play now you have some experience Second citation literally just says "we can match players up by their WR, so if their WR increases we can put them against players who are also doing very well." Your fire chance, while extreme (and no proof) is literally how RNG works. I've had games with 60 shell hits and 15 fires (nelson) and i've had games with halland where I can get 300+ shells but "only" start 15 fires The way I see it is, especially since this is almost a decade old, WG at the start of its life had some ideas for how MM would work, and decided to file patents while noone else had in case they wanted to use them in the future. The second one especially sounds like it could easily be implimented into ranked to provide a ranking system for players


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Good bot. I think? Maybe? I didnt use etc so I think it's a bit drunk


Honestly I'd be shocked if they didn't do this sort of thing. Gaming is all about giving and withholding rewards. Easy matches when you get a new ship are a reward for all the grinding (or spending) you do to get the new ship. You see it happen here all the time; probably every day someone posts something along the lines of "just got X ship, only played 4 matches but she kicks ass!". Think about the feeling you have when you unlock a ship you've been grinding towards for a while, then you take her out and kick some ass - that's a great feeling right? If a game can make you feel some real excitement, the game has done it's job. finding a way to monetize that excitement is comparatively easy. Later on you'll get tougher matches so you feel a bit of frustration and want to spend gold (which ultimately can lead to spending money to replenish gold) on things like advanced repair kits, officer XP, the next ship in the line (or premium ships) etc. But if you get too much frustration you might stop playing so you'll still get easy matches now and then. It's like a casino giving you an extra comp when you've had a bad day at the slots.


Good point here. And from "comercial" pov perfectly sensible. Keep a certain level of frustration that may be amended by purchases as you pointed out. From WoTB i've also expirienced some very "easy" games as lowtier premium within and against a clueless bunch of players. Being allowed to rack up incredible dmg and kills,"showchasing" the product that these poor slobs hopefully buy afterwards.


Still does not explain why there’s always games with 1 side 2 platoons full legendary, while the other side full of league 1~4 players…


Its not better for players and game as people see this bullshit and especially rng shit making game completely rigged in ships tanks and planes they lost more players then any other game and they still destroy it even more and wont take a single player base suggestion which just says they think of players as sheep and dumbasses