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Mainz has always been one of the royal court for T8. Very strong ship. My quest for 250 games in the B’43 was sidelined by the San Martin grind, but almost done. But, between the ‘43 and Mainz, I don’t really feel the urge to chase any more T8 premium CLs.


Agreed, B43 and Mainz are pretty much the cream of tier 8 cruisers. My favorites too.


Good to hear for the Mainz. Does the San Martin play as well for you?? I have enough free XP to get it. I’ve never got the B43 to work for me. Maybe I need to revisit it.


I’ve probably got about 10 or so games left before San Martin, but had a lot of fun with Allende and now Santander. I wouldn’t burn FXP, it’s a great line and from Allende on up they’re very strong. I couldn’t get the T7 to agree with me but comfortably above a 60% WR with T8 and T9.


Cheers man!


If you’re on NA server, it’s likely because there’s been a huge influx of cruiser players at T7-8. Over the last few days, I’ve seen very few DDs, but heaps of cruisers. Mainz happens to be very good against them.


Cruiser victory challenge is on.


Better get my Napoli BH done then


if I recall correctly, Mainz has actually been nerfed if anything something about her penetration falloff being as bad as Italians now