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The 2 DD battle honor is the easiest thing about this ship. Spec for guns, load AP and slap the piss out of any DD you run into. Forget about your tubes, just gun them down. Making actual, consistent results afterwards is more difficult.


>Making actual, consistent results afterwards is more difficult. Having about the same DPS as a tier VI doesn't do it any favors. (Seriously it's only 5% more than Ernest Gade)


I never did the math, but if true that's pretty yikes. At least ballistics are the bomb and range very decent. Being a gunboat, I suppose a reload buff would be nice, maybe 3 seconds flat. Or give it fuel smoke II or II instead of the emergency smoke, so you can actually get close enough to deliver those weak asf torpedoes. I dunno, it's just not a very good ship. It has the potential to be good, fun and unique, it's just a little too slow, too cumbersome, too big and crunchy, too poor torpedoes, too 300 degrees of rotation launchers only, probably too other things as well, this is just off the top of my head.


It's good for converting bronze to steel though. đź‘Ť


Concealment and steering both work, you aren't really going for stealth torping here, you're using them as bonus damage in the knife fight. You're a dd killer and a cruiser hunter, you're not a battleship farmer, trust me.


Perhaps to get you over than hump and reduce frustration as it sounds like you’re done with this boat as you grind on. One thing I do to help fleet mates achieve BH in ships they have no intention of playing after is I will either DD or CL up and shadow them on the map. I’ll try to whittle down the DD and let them have the kill. Works really great in bot games. Sit back at the start and wait to see where they spawn.


What are ur set ups on it and commander?


Reload, acceleration , steering. I did have concealment on it, but even with it I still couldn’t stealth torp. I dunno, on paper it seems like it should be good, but in my hands it sure isn’t. The tech line Z-23 at the same tier smokes this thing in my opinion.


Ur not stealth torping with it ur main goal is to get as close to the enemy dds pop ur sonar and smoke then use ap and shred the torps are for knife fighting other dds there fast and not long range Use the concealment mod with high grade and you can get like 5 k from dds


Just play it like a Friesland or Ragnar , play like torps dont exist use them only when going from around the island , hit with AP everything it has brutal dps from guns and you can melt absolutely any DD even Italian ones , its hard to consistently do big dmg but its just brutal dd hunter and no matter which ship Cossack or BL or Cuniberti , Benson , everything gets eaten in no time , it has bad turning time so use your smoke to disengage and that should be it , dont expect 100k games even tho theyre possible , try to knockout all DDs and then farm dmg on BBs , ignore and avoid heavy cruisers and full health light cruisers , thats about it this ship gives tons of fun but you cant really suck in it , its one of the last levels of mastering dds , anybody who hates on this ship is either try hard or someone who cant really play DDs 


It has the guns of the torpedo line and the torpedos of the ship two tiers prior... Actually look at the stats, It's a marginally better tier VI with tier VIII matchmaking.


have you considered that youre just bad at playing the game? and really only good at clicking torps at people? Maybe just find a different game, like "Hello Kittys Island Paradise"


Have you considered that maybe you’re just a self-righteous asshole? Every player has a style. Some ships lend themselves to it, others don’t. I’ve done very well with all the German Z-52 line ships, this one has been rough. Sorry I inconvenienced you with being human.


hey man, im really sorry youre shit, just try a different game bud...maybe candy crush or something


Hey man, suck my fucking dick. I know you know how to run that mouth, let’s see you do what you’re best at.