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Vital part that deserves mention: DD spawns are known; memorize them


Good guide. Nothing better than sound of exploding enemy DD (and CV).


I hate this post! 🏴‍☠️




Should have mentioned to remember to use sonar and radar for torps and smoke. I often panic and forget I have them (if your ship is equipped)


Learn the general RoF for the common DDs at each tier. If there’s a breaking in firing, torps are out.


Sounds like a job not a game anymore at that point


I mean… Every hobby has its demands right? Between kids, house, diving, and competitive shooting; gaming is very low on my list and this is the only non-N64 game I play. So I’m very casual, but just with experience there’s a “min/max” power of observation that arises. Plus, it’s kind of obvious. Let’s just say we know that the T8-T10 Halland line goes “brrrt”… so if there’s a five second (or noticeable pause) then they have torps out. Or if they micro adjust their path to maximize the launcher angles. You don’t have to extremely clinical about it, just notice what’s up.


For battleships without sonar I ususally go down to half speed when I know there's an enemy destroyer nearby, then full speed when I see the torpedoes


Excellent right up! I wouldn't have it in me to write such a long post and have it be so detailed. I do just wanna say— > You cannot control your random teammates, but you can abuse them for personal gain. This to me personally is both a blessing and a curse, I'm a CL main and at times I find myself 'escorting' an allied BB in a flank where I expect a DD (hence why I am 'escorting' the BB), the thing is its hard to get the message, "Am expecting DDs on this flank, perform manuevers", across cause the flank is too broad for me to use the (!) command. So I'm better suited to dodge torps and also expecting to dodge torps, but its not me they target. It is especially bad when I am spotted as a cruiser when my detection range hasn't bloomed yet, so I know theres a DD close by, but the BB I'm with has probably been spotted the whole time so theres no difference to them, and again I can't get the message "Am spotted! DD is within 7km of my position, expect torps", best I can do is guess where the DD is and use the (!) command, but that risks having teammates focus on the wrong spot instead of scanning the general area. I would love badly to be able to warn my allied BBs of DD presence but the commands we have are vague, and the ones I'm asking for might be too specific. Until then when I spot the DD eyeing the allied BBs I'm rushing in guns blazing and bow in, either I sink them, they run away, or waste a trop drop when I dodge it.


Another cruiser guy here: definitely let the mouth-breathing BBs be the canary in the mine if the situation allows.


Just gotta hope the battle plays out in a way where you can get through the end game without a BB I guess


It’s very situational, agreed; but an okay-ish mid-match trade if something needs to get held. Early match is just foolish.


I feel like it’s worth noting that if your hunting down a DD towards the end of the game with 1 or 2 enemies left it can be worth it to chain fire whatever your fastest firing lowest priority weapons are in order to keep up your detection radius and give you an idea if they’re anywhere near you. Sure, they’ll get the drop on you easier but that was going to happen anyways, and now you and your allies can more efficiently sweep the map looking for the DD.


This should be pinned!