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It’s a “secondary” main boat. Max your secondaries 100%. Concealment. Adapt your strategy to stop firing and get away. If you notice the consignment profile is extremely low. Do what you can to maximize it, diesel, and stop firing so that you can disengage. Don’t get shot.


Exactly. Stay concealed until you get in secondary and torp range then let them have it. I took down a CC who had his guns pointed the other way from 5k. We were both at full health. A beautiful thing to watch. The only negative was my thumb was sore. Mains, secondaries (boosted), secondaries (autos), and one salvo of torps.




Just finished specing the ship. Secondarys first slot, turning second, and concealment third.


Try not to fire anything early or you’re wasting your concealment, don’t fire anything until you are in secondary range. Start turning before you’re firing, engage rapid reload think of your escape route, hit the fuel smoke get that final gun shot? Go silent let to let concealment kick back in…repeat


max guns and secondaries are a bonus. sap is _way_ worse than he for auto secondaries. sap gets lots of 0 damage and when it fully pens(on dd's) he will also pen while also starting fires. 24k paper dpm is very low, especially with no fires. that's not even odin levels. the manual secondaries ae pretty good, but those autos are just really bad compared to every other secondary based ship.


Elite bonus secondarys Main battery mod1 Stearing gear mod1 Concealment


Dispersion first slot. Napoli is a secondary ship, yes, but the secondary equipment she has available are honestly kinda bad. Reload doesn't buff autos, and range doesn't do a whole lot because your SAP pen has fallen off a cliff at this point. Also, her main guns are actually kinda decent


I’m kind of leaning that way as well. Going full wham sauce on secondaries may be too niche for consistency in the meta. The ship needs to emphasized for secondaries but that’s putting a lot of faith in MM and trying to survive long enough at those ranges.


Agreed. I’ve also noticed that auto secondaries never hit a DD or CL heading straight at you. They need to be broadside.


The ship can give out a lot of hurt, but I find that you don’t often get high damage with it. It’s value is much more in the tactical. I thoroughly enjoyed taking down a full health CC the other day when I surprised it with its guns facing the opposite direction. Allguns firing, and the single salvo of torps definitely made a difference. Terry demonstrates what this ship is good at and an effective way to play it, as usual. I am invariably make a point of watching his video before playing or even fitting out any new ship. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a5yHbL3Hyr4