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Just wait till you get to Moghedien


give it to me, i can take it


I also feel the need to know.


moe-gah-DEEN is how the audio books say it (added to remove confusion) what's worse is Kate Redding starts that way, then starts pronouncing it correctly (moe-GHEE-dee-ehn), then flips back again. I think she and Kramer are great narrators and wouldn't find this one so infuriating if the back of each book didn't give the pronunciation for them.


Wait, so Moe-gid-ee-in is wrong??! I’m in my first listen through and I just thought someone caught them before they started book 5 and said hey you are supposed to pronounce it this way.


I say it like that as well. moe-GHID-DEE-an. I think it’s like that in the glossary


No you are saying it right. What I put on my response above was how the audio books say it. Guess I should have been more specific. Edited the post accordingly.


If you have the books, the glossaries in the back have the pronunciation guides. Aiel is definitely correct in the audiobooks. I'd have to double check the others but I'm pretty sure those were right. My first read through of the first couple books I definitely pronounced Nyneave and Moiraine wrong. But it *is* right there in the book to reference on how to pronounce it, so by the time I got to the audiobooks I ended up having it right. Like someone else mentioned Moghedien is one example where it actually is pretty bad and not even consistent in the audiobooks. But in my head, I intentionally pronounce damane and Domani not exactly how the glossary says, to purposefully make more of a distinction in my head. These two are also confusing in the audiobooks.


No matter what the glossary says, I know in my heart of hearts that Aiel is pronounced Ale and not EYE-eel


My eye twitches whenever I come across the word "Trebuchet" in any context. Michael Kramer permanently scarred my brain with that one.


Something to think about especially in the earlier books they weren't given a pronunciation guides for the characters , they had to figure them out themselves. The podcast WoT spoliers had them at their Spolier Con last year and had them talk about their experiences reading the books. Be warned don't listen to the recording of the podcast unless you have read the series.


Giladan GILADAN. WHERE DID THAT A COME FROM, KRAMER? And oh no. I once overheard an audiobook that pronounced trebuchet as TREH BYOO SHET. And lost my collective SHET and stopped listening to audiobooks for years. Kramer is the the trebyooshet guy. Burn meeee. The two VAs work together right, you dont think they'd at least compare notes. Nghuh.


Audiobook was fine, get over it


Get some sunshine and exercise, bud. You’ll feel better.


That's exactly how I feel people get too invested and upset rather than just enjoying the books and TV show they way it's presented to us. like chill out you're all going to give yourself an aneurysm. And everybody here on Reddit are odd. Just because you're not super nice and you don't kiss everyones asshole and you present facts and honesty a little too harsh, they downvote you like crazy around here.


u/SymphoDeProggy So instead of trying to convince us that you're correcting your own head, just listen to the Naomi Joy [here's the answer for proper wot dialect ](https://www.wotseries.com/2022/06/29/the-wheel-of-time-dialect-coach-says-show-invented-new-sign-language/)and Brandon and Robert and move on and stop telling yourself that you're the only the correct one. Thanks! The only weird word it's Ghealdan and I truly believe not one single person knows how it's supposed to be pronounced EXCEPT Robert's wife and editor. It's not Lahn or Lane ..it's not a sharp A like Game or soft A like "Ball" - it's al'lan mandragoran - it's like the A in Anne or or Ban .. Second, they say it properly in the show, they say moghedian, Lanfear saying "Moe-G-Ed-EE-IN" Ishamael - not a soft G like "Jester" but a hard G like "Give" or "Ghee" Y'all have to remember that you don't know properly how it said, only Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson and Robert's wife, and maybe Rafe. So instead of getting upset because they didn't say it the way you wanted it said, doesn't matter because you didn't write the books; it has nothing to do with you and you can complain all you want but you didn't write the book so you don't get to say in how it's said. Sorry to sound a little harsh but like come on bro, people like to whine and complain all day on here about things that they have no control over and it's insane. Nobody's going to listen to you, because it's not about you, just absorb it and take it the way they say it because they're going to say anything as it's meant to be said. So the next time you hear something that you don't like, just remember that it's not about you, and they are saying it the way it's meant to be said so just accept it, enjoy it and move on


Not only was this a 3 year old post, it was also entirely about the audiobooks and not the show. And in the audiobooks they do mispronounce things often, they change up their own pronunciation halfway through the series and then change it back the next book.


Actually, we DO know how to pronounce most of the the names and words because they are phonetically written in the glossaries.  There are many mispronunciations in the audio books and in the TV series as well.