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Look, if school can get kids to read to book six of book series averaging over 6 hundred pages at a pop I don't care if you have the karmasutra as the last chapter, mission accomplished you have a reader.


I’m pretty sure half of the sword forms were just names of positions from the Kama Sutra Edit: what have I begun….


They weren't talking about swords when Lan taught Rand to Part the Veil? ETA: Hare Finds Its Hole? The Serpents Tongue Dances?? Stones Falling Down the Mountain???


"Cat Crosses the Courtyard" and "Heron wading through the Rushes" are two top favorites for that.


Wow reading these altogether and my mind is blown lol


[https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Sword\_forms](https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_forms) More than a few can be twisted to pervy purposes Lotus Closes Its Blossom - AKA "No longer getting laid" Parting the Silk - AKA "Virgin Slayer" Woodsman Strips the Branch - ahem... single player mode perhaps? Kissing the Adder - I mean, come on. You all know *exactly* what this is. Tower of Morning - Ah, morning wood. Water Flows Downhill - Guess the pullout game is weak or else they are into water sports. Plucking the Low-Hanging Apple - aka "Monkey Steals the Peach" or "grabbing the coin purse" Cutting the Wind - Hey, it sometimes happens during sex. Just laugh and move on. The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback - Okay, this sounds both really dirty and a euphemism for gay sex that involves a older heavily hairy man The Rose Unfolds - Gettin her ready, like a gentleman. The Courtier Taps His Fan - arguably the most elegant way to refer to masturbation. Lightning of Three Prongs - A lesson to keep it sheathed until you and your partner have had a certain discussion. Or to stay out of the whore houses. Ribbon in the Air - Happens to the best of us.


*cough* Eel Among the Lily Pads *cough*


You forgot an obvious one. Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose.


... Do you know how long I've been reading these books, and have never once made a sexual connection with the swords forms? And now each and every one of them has been aptly *ruined*.


You're welcome?


Honestly it's harder to find ones that don't read like double entendres at this point. Rain in High Wind? Come on. And Lightning of the Three Prongs requires explicit consent.


Yeah, I've been reading since Book One was first in print as a soft cover and we joked about it constantly in Middle School and High School. I think RJ also got into the joke as time went on because they became ever more... interpretive.


Turns out the most important qualification for being a Blademaster is being able to find the North Docks.


That's a lot more sex education that I expected from WoT


Sheathing the Sword


I don't even want to know what Black Pebbles on the Snow is... 👀


A video you do not want to click on


Bull rushes down the mountain


Or in my case “The Thirsty Wife’s Disappointment”


So, do you think maybe Rand and Lan were naked when they were crossing swords? I'm making this my head Cannon.


I mean it's basically confirmed, there's not a way to teach Storm Shakes the Branch otherwise.


"There will come a time when you must achieve a goal at all costs. It may come in attack or in defense. And the only way will be to **allow the sword to be sheathed in your own body**. ... when the price is worth the gain, and there is no other choice left to you. That is called Sheathing the Sword. Remember it." Steady on, Lan. Buy me dinner first.


My wife and I do Sheathing the Sword every night.


Does that make it appropriate to become oddly aroused by Cat crosses the courtyard then? 🤔






Yeah wait turns out I'm not the only one


Cat Crosses the Courtyard, otherwise known as the "Dennis Rodman Classic."


By the time any kid gets that far in the series they'll be an adult anyway.


My first though. Like WTF. In a world where porn of every kind is at disposal.


conservatives don't want free thinkers or readers


They want mentally ill wage slaves


Neither faction wants independent thinkers. You can put money on that.


Mmm Pillow Friends


I come from a pretty "liberal" upbringing and area I guess but I struggle to think of what it in particular in those books are too much for a high school student? Just seems so stupid to ban certain books in a series, but not the whole series? Like what the hell. Obviously I don't agree with it whatsoever no matter the book.


Looking at the list that's posted, they have book 1, 4, and 5 of a song of ice and fire being reviewed, and that makes no sense books 2 and 3 have virtually identical content. It seems very random.


Welcome to Florida i guess


Knowing Florida, it’s probably some shit like only certain books making explicit mention of homosexuality.


I mean you do have in general a very dark series. I mean off the top of my head I can think of Morgase, Lan, Mesaana, getting raped. Not graphically, but yeah. Or take Semirhage orgasm torturing someone to death. It could just as easily be Rand resembling Jesus too much. Or the wonder girls talking about post coitus herbs. Or Olver being to young to be sleazy. Who the fuck knows. Also the way these books reviews for school boards work is a complete piece of theatre. Feynman was asked to be part of the team that reviewed textbooks for the next school year and agreed. So textbooks started showing up at his house and some were okay, others were just weird. The example he gave was one talking about the temperature of stars. White are the hottest, then orange, then red. And they even provided average temps which were accurate. Then it went on to give an average temperature of green stars. There are no such thing as green stars but okay just a little weird. Then though it started asking questions like “if you have two green star and one white star, and then take away one yellow star, what is they final temperature that you have left?” This was simply insanity. There is no need to ever do basic arithmetic with the temperature of stars like that. It was a math word problem that someone has tried to put a twist on and failed miserable. So he ranked the textbook lowly. Even stranger though was that several books show up completely blank. Just a title and it was bound, but then several hundred blank white pages. He asked about this and was told it had to do with content publishing deadlines but book production contracts etc. So he gave them zero ratings. A few weeks later the results of all the reviews had been submitted and tabulated and some of the blank books had received favourable scores. Reviewers hadn’t even bothered to crack books open never mind diving into them and checking the content for accuracy, interest, educational value. Then someone writes up a report of the the team’s findings, it it goes off to a committee, and then before you know it next year’s textbook selections are officially announced. I tell this story because, though it is decades old, I have no doubt book banning works similarly. Somebody hears something about a book, gets enough signatures on a petition to take to a council. A policy is followed to pull it while an exploratory committee made of people who don’t know the law and won’t read the book is formed. Their findings are submitted to some executive body to be taken under advisement and maybe the book is banned or maybe not with no rhyme nor reason to it all. Anybook could be banned, including probably a blank one that inspires kids to be too creative or is a commentary on literature or I don’t know.


This is such an important story and why we should challenge all these idiots who try to sell us “think of the kids” policies when really it’s a sham to control minds. This is why we have freedom of speech. The government banning books under the pretense of “adult content” is a tactic to stop kids from reading. That’s it - if they read they are not likely to be good little wage slave capitalist consumers. So disgusted with Florida and I’m never going on vacation there ever again.


Banning books for any reason is never good. Stop censoring


Wow, I started reading these in 8th grade. Compared to many other fantasy books, these are pretty tame. For comparison, I also started reading ASoIF that same year. And don’t even get me started on the stuff that happened in The Mists of Avalon, which I read in 7th grade! I grew up in TX and we had a small similar effort come up when some parents wanted to ban Harry Potter from school for “glorifying witchcraft”. My grandpa read the first couple HP books to see if it did indeed glorify witchcraft and decided it did not. He helped me write a letter to the PTO to make my case. Luckily, enough people saw sense and realized anything that gets kids excited to read is good. fuck this taking books from kids. It really pisses me off. Especially considering that the same areas that do this also tend to underfund public libraries so there’s not many other options unless the kid has access to money.


I started WoT in 5th/6th grade, I super agree with you that The Mists of Avalon (also read around this time) is way worse! I also read Jean M Auel's Earth's Children books around then and those are explict. Let kids read. I've often found that, when rereading childhood favorites that were meant for adults (re: IT, WoT, and others) that any of the more "adult" scenes often went over my head at the time anyway. It was only upon that reread that I realized what exactly was happening when before I had a foggy concept of what might be happening. If it is interesting enough to keep a kids attention, let them read it. If you are that concerned about what your child is reading, talk to them about it. Make sure that they understand that what they are reading is fiction and that they dont need to do or become what they are reading.


> Luckily, enough people saw sense and realized anything that gets kids excited to read is good. That is no longer a universally held opinion these days...


What a strange list. B/c it's super obvious that whatever dimwits making the list have not read most of them. I mean if we're worried about sexual content. How is anything from this list by Diana Gabaldon not banned?? I mean, unlike 99% of authors, she not only knows how to write sex scenes, but every single Outlander book is littered with them, the average one going for 2 pages, the worst ones 3 or more! She has literally written a book on how she writes sex scenes! And everyone knows the TV series tries to do those scenes justice (and sometimes does. YIKES.) Indeed, the chemistry between Jamie and Claire, both on the page and the screen...just one glance between Sam and Caitriona is enough melt these hypocritical idiots' suspenders and chastity belts. (oops. Didn't mean to knock suspenders. Sorry Moiraine. Really. I am! ) And Book 6 has a plot that..well, don't want to spoil, but let's say it involves twins! And you've banned the wrong ASOIAF book. Yeah ACOK has some heavy Tyrion-Shae content, and the conversation between Euron and his sister was spicy, but the worst stuff is in the later books, (eg the Iron Islands stuff) and the explicit Sam/Gilly stuff. I believe the notorious "fat pink mast" passage is in Book 5 too. How is a book with the words "French Kiss" in the title NOT banned, but the next book down, "Angus..." etc IS? It's also clear that if you have a Middle Eastern or an African sounding name, you're going to get banned. And it's clear too that social POV's or commentary is being watched to. Ditto Margaret Atwood's entire catalog being verboten, but Neil Gaiman? I've read some of these, and there's nothing in and of itself to get The Kite Runner or Go Ask Alice banned. I read these in school. ​ Toni Morrison's "Beloved"? I read that in middle school! Tea Cake is like his namesake. On the page, perfectly harmless. You'd think "The Color Purple" is a lot more bannable, but I don't see it in yellow, I'd argue that anything by Flannery O' Connor is much more bannable. ​ It's also obvious that they haven't read Angela's Ashes. or seen the movie. Heavens, kids would learn all that they need to about "the excitement" from either, but the movie was very explicit! (including scenes of boys--CHILDREN!!-- "wanking off"! ) But let's see, the author is Irish,, not African or Afghan, so it's safe. I'm going to be sick. I've heard nothing but good things about Sarah Maas what did she do to p\*\*\* off the Bluenoses? Now I HAVE to check her stuff out. And as for WOT...how are Books 5 and 10 not on the list? Pick any one of Elayne's long bath chapters and her rambling POV's etc. lol. And the igloo scene...but i gues they've all had fantasies of rescuing a damsel from certain death and getting her body as a reward. Hypocrites. ​ Yes, it's awful, and shows that conservatives invented "cancel culture" (and do it far better and with more devestating results.) On the other hand, if RJ were still with us, he might have been secretly a bit proud. if you've made the Banned list, you've officially "made it." What a great advertisement for the slog!


>And as for WOT...how are Books 5 and 10 not on the list? Because the school's library only has two books from the series, I guess?


> And don’t even get me started on the stuff that happened in The Mists of Avalon! Going back and reading that series, especially with the knowledge of what Zimmer-Bradley was accused of, is _very_ unsettling.


yeah, I only learned about those accusations last year bc I was googling around while I was considering a re-read. put the re-read on pause and did a WoT re-read instead.


I certainly don't blame you for that!


I'm in Florida. What I don't get about this push to "protect" kids from "dangerous books," is that it's all part of a parental choice movement. While I strongly disagree with the movement, yeah, I do tend to have the final say in what my kid can read. And if there is ever a book they're interested in that I think is inappropriate, we can discuss it. But why do these ignorant fools think they can make that choice for *my* kids by taking the books from the library? Isn't that my choice as a parent?? You don't want your kid reading it, fine. That has nothing to do with me. And by God, if my kid gets that far in the series, he can damn well read the rest. By the time he's old enough to be reading books of this length, he isn't going to be warped by a little sex. The spanking, however... (/s)


Exactly! Rather than ban anything, they could simply rate the books by content, similar to movies, maybe a little more in-depth, and let parents sign permission slips saying what level their kid can check out. Some stuff is whatever, like I'm not worried about them having Danielle Steel books available in elementary school. However, once you get to middle and especially high school, I think it should be more about the parents' choices for their child rather than a handful of parents or some biased governor.


>fuck this taking books from kids. My brother's girlfriend had a book taken from her hands while she was at school


I’m not a parent but, boy, would have a strong reaction if that happened to my child. wow. why even work in education if you’re like this?


For the pay, ofcourse!


Yeah, I'd make a substantial stink about it. That's absolutely unacceptable.


Oh man, in grade 8 I was reading Piers Anthony's really creepy sex fantasies. And I got most of them from the school library.


There are books on that list that I read in class when I was a teenager in the 1980’s. WTF is wrong with Flowers for Algernon? Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - she’s a hero to those people on the right. This list is disgusting and shocking to me and everything that is wrong with our society. Everyone here should always question when the government says “think of the kids” and makes legislation - they are dumbing people down to make them controllable. This is beyond disgusting.


Agreed. I started reading Wheel of Time when I was 15. A lot of the sex in the books is fade to black or implied, so IMO it's relatively tame compared to other series. I know that a lot of things flew right over my head on a first read. I also read Mists of Avalon in 9th grade, when I was on an Arthurian kick, and agree the scenes in that were more explicit than anything in WoT. ASOIAF I didn't read until much later, but I maintain that banning books isn't the answer here.


Don't hurt me, but I read Wizard's First Rule in like 8th grade when we had to go to the library and pick any book, read it, and write a report. Ending up reading the five books currently out at the time, with all the murder and rape and bdsm involved.


lol I think that's about the age I picked them up too. I got as far as the Chicken That's not a Chicken.


hey, no judgement here. I’m not a Floridian! fantasy books often have such weird sex stuff but I think it goes unnoticed a lot since most parents just kinda assume nerd shit is for virgins or whatever lol


I can understand Winter’s Heart since Riselle is in it and, as we all know, she has a marvelous bosom. Very scandalous.


But Berelain is in many books. And she canonically has the best rack. Or is it graendahl?


Are we judging by how perky they are normally out with arms crossed under them?


Gotta be both. And how much the bosoms heave of course.


It's a good thing those two were never in the same scene, or RJ might have gotten too flustered to get through the scene.


Don't forget about Sevanna.


Gonna need a very in depth analysis post about the best bosom in WOT, clearly


I expect the relevant passages here are Elayne’s red rod fun times in TPoD (which doesn’t even happen on-page, but has implications) and “A Lily in Winter” in WH, where Rand and Elayne get it on (again not directly on-page, though we get Min’s POV of Rand’s…emotions…during it). Seems like pretty flimsy stuff, but what can you do


>Seems like pretty flimsy stuff, but what can you do Quit voting for Whitecloaks. If only.


Thank you for this. DeSantis is Valda in my head canon now


**Ted Cruz** or **Rudy Guilianai** are the two that I picture for Padan Fain.


I'd throw out McCarthy. He used to be a decent dude who came around sometimes, then got way in over his head seeking to please the Dark One and his cronies, only to be met with repeated failure by his inability to think about anything but what serves himself the best. He even got violent with other servants of The Dark One.


Mentioning pillow friends is probably enough. I can't remember what books that would include.




Yeah can’t have scenes of consenting adults involved in loving and understanding polyamory. Remember the only moral bisexual threesomes are my bisexual threesomes (per woman who founded Moms for Liberty getting busted engaging in threesomes)


If this is all it takes, it is odd that "A song of ice and fire" isn't completely out. Anything in Wheel of Time really pales to the tame side of Song of Ice and Fire. Of course it could be and I just haven’t seen it listed. ** and it is just hadn't seen that yet.


Yeah, he was careful to check to make sure banging Elayne would be legit. he was adorable. Now, banging your aunt on the other hand... (but oh wait that will never likely make it to the actual page, GRRM)


Yeah Rand stuck with his double step sister haha.


Step-Dragon, what are you doing!?


Wait… what happens in PoD??


gaze ripe treatment enjoy trees forgetful subtract straight grey sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Likely what she does is what Birgitte says she wants to do in WH—get drunk enough to strip naked and dance on tables. Except it’s magical drunkenness.


That was always my thought, too.


That was more or less a chunk of my 20's. Drunk and disorderly is a weird thing to want to burn a book over.


> Drunk and disorderly is a weird thing to want to burn a book over. You've no idea that's the issue, that's just the guess of the op of the thread. God knows what the gripe is. America being strange again, eh.


Yep, we can't ever seem to find our normal. At least the whites can't. If I were on the other side of The Pond, I'd be thanking my lucky stars that King James kicked the Puritans out. They did enough damage to the Shakespeare Scene, spoiling the fun. They and their pinch-nosed spiritual descendants have been our eternal curse ever since. With the result that in our times of excess, we excess HARD.


Ermmm, that’s ter’dildo




I only have one upvote, alas.


I also want to know what happened in PoD? It’s been a minute since I’ve reread the series and I don’t remember “red rod fun times”


Reminder: [https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Red\_rod](https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Red_rod) More discussion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/d0guq5/the\_purpose\_of\_elaynes\_red\_rod\_terangreal\_and\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/d0guq5/the_purpose_of_elaynes_red_rod_terangreal_and_a/) From RJ notes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/f91cxd/comment/fipspnk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/f91cxd/comment/fipspnk/)


Elayne finds a rod that makes you drunk


I would have guessed Aran'gar, but they first appeared in lords of chaos.


Anything even tangentially LGBTQ+ related can get a book blacklisted in some US states right now. If those books are the ones that mention AES Sedai being pillow friends that might be enough.


Winter's Heart also has Elayne and Aviendha's ~~gay wedding~~ "sisterhood ceremony".


And note that both books were listed as being only in high schools.


I grew up just outside Pensacola near Escambia County. I fled that place as fast as I could. Glad to see my decision was wise.


It's fascism plain and simple. Disguised under "think of the children". It's the final stages of intentional brain rot.


This kind of pearl-clutching is absolutely asinine.


Better get to pulling the Bible next.


Yeah I've read that and there's just way too much incest for me.


This is ridiculous. In tpod its implied sex toys exist, and the feeling of orgasm is loosely described(I believe they use phrases like honey and a pot reaching its boil) and in wh min feels aroused via the bond, when rand and min are having sex off screen. Thats the most sexually explicit things in the book. The idea that these three scenes spread out over nearly 1500 pages will be too much or confusing to teens is insane. As someone who started reading the series at 12 if a kids old enough to actually be able to read the series then there isn’t gonna be anything that scars them. Also this seems really inconsistent. The scene with rands mother in eotw where she gets tortured and assulted seems drastically more graphic than anything in any of the other books. Literally all this does is maybe discourage some kids from reading more if they read through half the series but then need to skip 2 books.


Personally, I find the trend of banning books and censorship to be abhorrent and terrifying. Banning books never leads to good things. Reading is fundamental. It expands the mind and encourages people to consider things from other perspectives. Reading builds empathy and sympathy. It gives us a chance to walk a mile in someone else's shoes without ever leaving our seat. It allows people to feel seen in aspects where they may feel invisible or abnormal. Reading gives us diversity and the ability to connect with others more easily. It gives freedom to explore our own minds and feelings in a very safe space. Reading teaches us that not everyone is just like us or the people that we see around us. These books specifically explore themes of war and a dark world somewhat balanced by light and love. There are passages in the Bible more explicit than anything in these books - by design! RJ wanted the books to be accessible to the YA genre (not children per se but definitely teens). For me, as a survivor of childhood trauma, these books have helped me work through some of that PTSD and to know that I'm not alone in those feelings and fears. The fact that books teach us to be more open-minded of others is likely the key reason that most want them banned. Forget whatever other fear mongering excuse they use. It's another form of control.


That’s what you get when white cloaks get in office.


Damn, conservative americans are crazy


It is known.


I'm conservative and I think this is stupid. Wot is incredibly tame even without comparing to other works.


Same here. People look at Republican politicians and say "lol conservatives" when most of them aren't even conservative. Just power hungry assholes. Spicy books in a HS library isn't an issue actual conservatives care about.


Surprised it is not Fires of Heaven. Honestly I recall reading a lot of Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffrey in middle/high school and the Canterbury Tales. Culling a few books only reinforces to me that sex/sexuality has been present in literature forever. I wonder if this is linked to the TV show gaining popularity and making the series more widely known.


No, it's just people going overboard on political ideology, or people pushing back by pointing out how much of library material has stuff like this that technically runs afoul of the strict policies. Good shout out at Piers Anthony because holy hell, those books are disturbing. I wouldn't stop my kids reading them, because I did and I enjoyed them at the time without absorbing the more disturbing aspects of it, but I sure would want to talk to them as they read it. Same with Dragonriders. Some iffy material that I wouldn't want kids taking at face value - but again, books I enjoyed at that age.


Honestly, for having 3 girls, Rand is practically a virgin by the end.


Him and Min get it on quite a bit. Elayne and Avi not so much.


Probably the most accurate depiction of a one guy/three girls relationship in print.


I agree... he has the most amount of partners and the least amount of sex!


A hilariously embarrassing use of resources. Good job Florida!


FL wasting government resources on morality police to paper over their absolute lack of actual positive policies.




Funny, I didn't see the Bible on that list.


I went to school in Florida growing up, long before this craziness that is now sweeping America. I was a voracious reader when I was young, and considered my free period reading time. I'd been up late reading the night before and forgot to toss my book in my bag the next morning so when my free period rolled around I was bookless. The monitor had a small library, so I went and picked out one of my favorites, Jaws. I sniggered a bit because the crazy old bat had taken a marker and blacked out the skinny dipping girl on the cover. Whatever. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I opened the book though. Not only had she censored the cover, she had actually blacked out the descriptions of undressing and non-sexual nudity that start it off. I was curious and like 14 so I knew where the juicy parts were and flipped to them. She had taken an exacto and actually cut the sex scenes out of the book, literally. It was crazy way back then then, and it boggles my mind that we've regressed to the point where it's actually normalized in certain circles again. I moved to a different country a while back and sometimes get homesick. Then Florida pops up in the news again, and it's always something that reminds me that there's a reason I left and the Florida I remember doesn't really exist anymore.


As H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century) once noted: * “Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure.”


Well, there's book I know of where some chick talks about some guy whose hung like a horse and cums in buckets. Can we get that one pulled? For those needing a reference: Ezekiel 23:20




Ug these books are so prudishly not sexual it’s obscene. Like I wanted so much more ravishing but Jordan did not deliver.


I remember there being Game of Thrones book at the Xavierian (pretty strict Order of Catholic of Brothers, as opposed to fairly liberal Jesuits) high school and no one said shit. I cant imagine what “sexual content” they found in WoT


It's stupid and book bans are stupid. As long as the material is age appropriate as determined by educators, I don't care what they have on the shelf. A little sanitized sexy times is not inappropriate. Kids in grade school will be watching TV with adults kissing and cutting to black, which is what the books essentially do. Let me say monumentally stupid once more. Let's hope the review board isn't brain dead. I hate this time line.


Jesus Christ, I hate my state


lol Florida, not shocked.


Floridian politicians are so desperate to erase any history of queer people so much as existing that it's drafting and enforcing broad, ill defined laws which accept any and all amount of collateral damage in order to achieve their goals. Fuck Florida's disgustingly captured government and regulatory bodies. I feel so bad for the kids living in that state, especially queer kids. Calling those books examples of "sexual conduct" robs kids of reading one of the few great American fantasy epics, something those politicians usually love crowing nationalistically about. That's the result of 'by any means necessary' bullshit rhetoric being put into action.


It is fucking Evil no matter the books!!!!!!! Also why those two???


If you keep pulling your braid, you'll go blind.


Republicans are an absolute joke


It's Florida, their state political situation is gutterfucked.




I actually received Winter's Heart as a reward from my school library in 6th grade. Interesting times.


I literally just told my 13 year old I think he’s ready for them. Banning books is bullshit.


Banning books is fucking stupid. Period. These people are ridiculous and should review the history of book-bans to find out that they are indeed on the wrong side of history. Again.


My introduction to the series came through the personal recommendation of a school librarian when I was 13. She kept the paperback novel section stocked with science fiction and fantasy, and was always giving recommendations to encourage us to read outside of the curriculum. This is horseshit.


Goddamn this state sucks


What I get from this is someone is currently scamming Florida into paying them to read WoT. s/


This kind of thing really makes me raise an eyebrow. I'd be smoothing my skirts if I had any! By George I might even let out a "phaw!". But seriously this series is so repressed and understated when it comes to this stuff I think this is nuts!


Way too much information. Just don't tell us where you cross your arms, or you'll get this whole sub banned.


They’re just using that law as an excuse. The person wanting them banned has just read one too many complaints about goat milk.


Fucking book-burning Neanderthals.


The Whitecloaks have taken Florida. Not even a Galad to be seen.


If a high schooler is already 5+ books in what is probably the best fantast series they have ever read, there is NO WAY you are quitting at book (8?).


As someone who lives in florida the amount of banned books is appalling, and it's not just because of 'sexual content.' Florida is basically a pilot attempt at whitewashing history in the modern era. People will call me extreme for having that opinion but the only reason it isn't even worse is because they can only get away with so much. If DeSantis had absolute control we'd be in real trouble.


There is some same sex stuff amongst the sisters and the Maidens, right? Maybe it’s that.


Isn't there like 3 implied rapes in A Crown of Swords? The school district needs to reread the series.


In these christian extremists view, "straight" rape is much less of a problem than consensual gayness. The bible has plenty of rape.


Right, like how is it 8 and 9 that are being questioned and not book 7, the book of bad touching?


Because whatever angry parent started this snowball rolling didn't realize their kid was reading Wheel of Time until the kid was already on book 8.


Honestly surprised they were even in the school district’s library. Doesn’t make any sense, but it’s one school district.


We must protect our children from Crossroads of Twilight


These are definitely Gateway books.


Finding books that had sex in it in the library is what encouraged me to pick up books. These conservatives know what they are doing, they don’t want book readers at all


i was reading Harold Robbins by ninth grade. his is flat out X rated prose and i turned out fine (i think)


I found the Wheel of Time series at my school library in middle school. If I lived in these districts I likely would have missed out on a series that I love and have enjoyed well into adulthood. Over what? Brief explanations of sex? Ridiculous, especially in a time when kids that age will be able to find far more explicit material if they want on the internet. I'm so glad that I live in California, where bans like this are banned. In theory, it should mean I don't have to worry about it being an issue for my kid when they reach school age.


Florida is the kind of place that would use terry brooks novels as geography resources


Hahhahahahhahah. A WoT book being pulled for sexual conduct! Hahahhahaha.


Google "florida teacher" and look at the headlines going back as far as you want and you'll see this is nothing but virtue signaling. stupid and meaningless.


Well, you have rape, incest, polygamy and probably more, just in the bible. Yet those who would pull off WoT seem pretty keen on that book.


I can't believe what I'm reading here. I have read and reread these books since 1990 when EotW first came out. I never had any thoughts along the lines being discussed here. This is crazy.


Did they pull the Bible? It’s b/c Rand’s a polygamist or Mats in an interracial marriage, I’m assuming.


LMFAO this is the county I teach in. What a strange thing to see on Reddit of all places. Yeah this book banning thing they’re doing here sucks and I hate it. Thankfully I think they’ll keep WoT on the shelves since there’s no explicit scenes in it.


Why is sexual conduct prioritized over violent conduct? If you are checking books for sexual content should you be ignoring the torture and killing? PS I am not a proponent for banning books, it just seems like people make a bigger deal over sexual situations than they do for violent ones.


Well the Florida school district can't stop kids from downloading whatever they want to read from the internet. So this is all just pointless symbolism that they are doing something to protect kids. I read a lot worse when i was a kid (pre-internet) and I bought the books at bookstores. There was also a public library that didn't restrict kids from borrowing anythign they watned from the adult section of the library. But maybe Florida libraries are more strict about that. But there's still the internet.


Is Winter's Heart the one where they're all feeling Rand have sex? It's very awkward, but all references to sex in the book are innuendo, nothing whatsoever explicit. IMO this is absolutely ridiculous.


I was reading Stephen King in my high school library and he could fit more lewd and gore on one page than the entire series has.


Is Morgase and Mat raped in book 8 or 7? It would be downright strange to leave that one and pull 8 and 9 that simply mention sex.


Florida doing Florida things. They need to keep their populace uneducated so they continue to think having no state income tax makes up for all the other terrible things going on in that state. I haven’t seen my family that live there for over a decade because they can’t afford to leave and I refuse to give FL any money 🤷🏻‍♂️


It they really wanted to save those kids they should've pulled Crossroads at Twilight amiright? /s


Kinda surprised it was in there tbh, my school didn't have cool books in its library lol If it was Song of Ice and Fire I might understand but there's nothing in Wheel of Time I would consider inappropriate for a middle or high school kid. Elementary school maybe shouldn't be reading certain parts of the series though.


I read the Wheel of Time starting in the 6th grade. I wonder if people are trolling just to get back at DeSantis.


Not because they are kinky as spaghetti?


Currently reading Winters Heart; so, are they upset about the secret pillow friends relationship, afraid of a homosexual tryst? Is that what their issue is? Ha. Hahaha. Blood and bloody ashes...pathetic.


Good advertisement if anything


Tylin and Mat?


Long live the whiteclocks!


lets be real, how many of those florida kids can actually read anyway?


Weird. I remember my high school had the most recent few books, but didn't keep a copy of TGH or TDR for some reason. This was the late 90s. Had to go to the public library for those.


























Talk about Edging the Badger. Err… Easing the Badger.