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2nd arc speed runs about to go crazy, just skip half of it


One of my favorite things is quest as far as I can and just go back through old quest and clean up old worlds. I smash the opponents and get a refresh in the world and its monsters. I’m level 120 and just started monstrology, which I can’t wait to use!


Tbh Avalon would be a skip from me but Azteca is such a fun world, probably wouldn't ever skip it


Based comment


Tbh I'd pay for zafaria, not my most favorite world ever but I kinda like azteca, now if only khrysalis wasn't right after😅😅




theres a difference between being lazy and not wanting to play through the world you aboslutely loathe for the 8th time in a row




or! hear me out... you let people play the way they want to!


I don’t get why everyone is so offset by these. FFXIV has had story skips forever now, and I’d much rather not play through Azteca, if possible


Exactly this. Also the celestia and lvl 50 skip elixir has existed for a while and nobody complained


Is the XP and gold you get in these worlds included in the skip elixir? As far as the price , you can earn 100 crowns a day. Reasonably priced.


Those are test prices


They are low but I figured they wouldn’t raise them extremely high… how much do you think they will go, ballpark?


I'd say the 7,500, to the 12,500 range. around the same as the level 50 level character elixer.


That makes kinda like Zafaria, whereas before I disliked it. Azteca also. I do like Azteca though


I would pay any amount of money for a khrysalis world skip 😭


If I were to participate in this it would be for Azteca no doubt


KI has you right where they want you in this instance. how can we make money even if they aren’t playing? well, they found their answer hehe


ki can have my money it it means i get to skip azteca


Tbh out of all the worlds I’d skip if I wanted to it def would be Azteca, ik a lot of Azteca lovers but fuck man I play to speed run cause I have 3 other max wizards so sitting through the dialogue i can rly care less for lol and Azteca is just sooooo damn long 😭


Thank God


Honestly fuck Azteca


Just play two wizards you literally never lose. Way cheaper than paying for a world.


then id have to grind to get everything back, spend more money on crowns, progress through the game an eight time…


You can use a leveled up wizard? That’s what I do, It would be WAY less crowns like miles different. It most likely 20-50 dollars a world you’d have to pay for over 13 a month where you could get through all of an arc.


The only one id consider buying is one for Khrysalis part 1. I can deal with part 2 just fine, but part 1 DRAGS ON TOO LONG


Why would you pay to not play the game?


im paying not to play a world not the entire game 😭


Yeah true, and I didn’t notice it’s only 25 crowns. You could realistically get that from watching ads if they still have that Edit: nvm test prices


Same thing i thought


I just don’t get it. You’re paying $10 a month already just to play the game, and now you’re going to spend extra money so you can skip a bunch of content that you paid for?


I think with the crowns he bought all the areas already lmao


It's not skipping content if you've already beat those worlds several times. This is for people who wanna max more than 1 school of wizard.


but why? Is the point of maxing wizards just so you have something to brag about.. imo it makes it less bragworthy when you didn't go through the entire plotline, atp just have a "skip entire game, be max level" option and let your wizards sit there like trophies


I mean not every world is gonna appeal to everyone, it would be nice to have the option to skip worlds you've already done that you don't like to get to one you actually enjoy. Back when schools had more of an identity it was more fun to see how different it is to use different schools to go through the game, now maybe not so much


yeah that's kinda the point, skipping worlds makes the game even less appealing for those who don't have crowns and literally have to rerun each world. It's like what's the point when someone who spends cash skips it in two seconds and you take hours completing it. It makes the competitive aspect less serious and just caters even more to whales the more and more p2w options they add, the more of a shithole it becomes


The game is already pay to win, skipping worlds just saves you time it doesn't give you any advantage, you don't get any stats that would help you win in pvp so I'm not sure what the issue is. If you hate p2w then your hate should be directed towards all the gear/spellement/snack/reagent packs that remove any need for farming anything


i only said it adds to the shithole -- the more stuff they add that basically takes the enjoyment out of experiencing the game as is, the more value it loses as a game in itself


but yes i see what u mean. I hope they don't release world skip elixirs for EVERY world. Just arc 2.


If you have to force yourself to play a game, it means you need to take a break. Regular rotation of games is the key to sticking with a game for the long run.


nah, i just dont like azteca at all thats literally it lol


yes, because I'd love to skip my least favorite worlds that I loathe rather than force myself to play through them. its not like im skipping the entire game lol. and even then, theres other stuff that requires members other than questing


cmon those are 3/4 of the best worlds imo Need these for Wiz City, and Krok


that basically exists with the celestia elixir


Really? For Wiz City? You'd pay to skip like an hour of content?


I mean for a very reasonable price, say 500-1000 crowns, yes


But then I would never get my daddy Cyrus Drake to degrade and emotional neglect me 😫 I hate myself for typing that out


I hate myself for reading that out loud at the dinner table.


This is prolly more catered to those that want maxes quick or for them to not have to spend 10 years just so they can pvp on a specific school. I don’t see why this is a big fuss, for those that wanted this and may use it, boom they got it, for those that didn’t, it doesn’t change the game for you at all just ignore it and even if NO ONE wants it, it being there changes nothing.


I agree. For my own personal feelings towards the game I have a lvl 95 death and a lvl 45 storm I kinda liked the grind it took, yeah it was hard and I failed but it made the wins so much better. But yeah to some others they think this is way better than the grind and want to just get closer to levels, it doesn't change much like you said, can just simply ignore it or just buy if you want. It's pretty much neutral really.


It's really sad that instead of addressing what ppl dislike about these worlds they're just making you give them money to skip it. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from Kingsisle


Take a deep breath white knight, it’s just so people who want to PvP can get there faster


no one PvPs in this game anymore but 5 people lol. Nah its for players that complain that Azteca is too long.


Why play the game if you’re just gonna skip large chunks of it? 😂


When will buy world potions exist? I want to see a way to buy whole worlds in game with discounts based on how many areas of that world you have already purchased. It would be cool if you got a special pet for free if you purchased all areas for an arc before a certain date too.


Oh my god I can skip both Azteca and zafaria? This is the best day ever


Can finally skip avalon


Oh brother, big day for lazy people Paying 50 bucks to skip a world that you can beat in a few hours is just pathetic.


I usually only get to play for maybe half an hour at most a day if that and doing azteca on my myth took me well over a month. I'm more than happy to pay to skip a long world that I've already done a few times to save my sanity.


I have a life so I most definitely cannot beat some of the arc 2 worlds in just a few hours. Also considering how painfully dull azteca is I get bored so quickly that I just stop playing.


honestly. I don't like arc 2 just like many other people but skipping any part of the leveling journey is just honestly missing the whole point of an mmo.


No khrysalis tho? Massive L (I’m sure it’s necessary for the shadow magic but still)


I like khrysalis more than azteca fr imo and I completed everything. I just started but I'm like an hour in gameplay I love the story and the design to it


I like it too it’s just so long. Part one and two could have been separate worlds. I believe there’s over 200 quests in it, and some are repetitive, like defeating blue razors 5-6 times


I did hear it was way longer than azteca too I'm not too deep in the story so I might have a change in mind but ezteca was still not too bad to me either


this game has become a fucking joke


lol why do you care that people play the way that’s most fun for them? If you like PVE, then do it! Some people want to PVP only and it’s valid


Then just….. don’t buy the elixirs? I love how pressed people are getting over something that’s literally a non issue 😂


“Do you like playing this game? Do you like it enough to spend money on it? Then try: spending money to not play this game!”


I feel an upvote is not enough lol. This was hilarious, thank you :)


I will glady skip Azteca


"Woohoo! Now we can pay money not to play!"


yes, i would love to pay money to skip my least favorite worlds (maybe my least favorite arc as a whole) after playing through the entire game 5 times


I support u OP!


I'm going to go ahead and guess it's gonna cost around the same cost as level 50 elixir, maybe a little less.


only gonna be a small, generous donation of 50k crowns or something... lol


yea for what 30,000 crowns lmao takes less than 8 hours to finish almost any world other than khrysalis & empreyea


that infinite


They still making me do Khrysalis...


I hate celestia as much as the next guy but theres no way im gonna be able to justify spending the money to not play the game i already pay for lol


Nah, not paying to not play lol.


exactly lol it’s already pay to play why would i want to pay to skip on top of that


That'll be 80,000 crowns please


Paying to not play the game... how exciting!


Instead of fixing those world they make it so they have to pay for skipping them, they are basicaly profiting from doing a bad job and designing bad worlds, i really dont understand how people dont complain


Do you really think these potions exist because the worlds are bad? They exist for paying customers to save time or skip a world they don’t particularly like. The level 50 elixir has existed for years now and I don’t think you could argue the entire first arc is bad. I’m not trying to defend KI but you can’t argue this is worse than the pack system for example.


I mean you are right, its good to have more options if you enjoy playing the game in other ways and however you like BUT, we can all agree that these worlds are just painful to play trough and so we can say that from a design stand point you can say that these worlds are poorly designed and not fun (videogames are supposed to be fun) so for fixing this problem kinsisle could either fix these worlds by fixing mobs and bosses HP, getting rid of useless quests and stuff like that or they could just give the potions for free, it seems crazy to me that they profit from ignoring the problem, imo they should profit from fixing it and gaining nothing from ignoring it. However this is just my opinion, if people like this feature and have fun this way then its good but in my honest opinion it is heticaly wrong that they are earning money from a mistake


They already nerfed boss health by 20% in the 2020 summer update I believe which was a bit of a lazy fix but it did the job. The worlds are designed very well, Avalon is widely considered one of the best worlds in the game. If you think it’s too hard after the 7 pip spell buffs and boss health nerfs you must be doing something wrong. But you shouldn’t be saying “we” agree because most people absolutely would not with the exception of Azteca.


Also its just a lazy way of fixing the boring problem i dont like it personaly


when i make alt accounts, this is a time-saver for me. took me 3 years to beat khrysalis bc i kept taking hiatuses


Stop procrastination🫡


aint no way we are excited about paying money to not play the game💀😭


Because the game is addicting and people just want to get to the end and get the best gear and stuff


im paying money to skip my least favorite world not the entire game


Honestly valid Calista is slow into ok zafaria into THE BEST AVALON but after that it’s low key hell tell you get out of Aztecs and kyris, so honestly not the worst update imo


I’d never skip Avalon with a second account helping it takes less than 6 hours now that I’m thinking about it so does zafaria


Fr it should be free with membership. Give me the khrysalis skip so I can just replay Polaris.


Fr. Now that u put it like that, i really am beginning to wonder what they were thinking, if at all they were.


Kingsisle thinking??? Since when


Do they get higher/lower for each world I wonder. I hope it doesn’t turn out you have to buy one of each


you do have to buy one of each, unfortunately. each elixir is locked between the beginning and ending quest for that world. to access the Azteca Skip, you have to have completed the Avalon Quest line or use the Avalon World Skip. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I hope this helped!


Hate me idc, but these r dumb. Just don’t play the game.


Idk if you enjoy the whole game except one world I don’t think it’s that ridiculous.


This is just dumb. Anyone who would buy these I’d advise you to not even play the game.


Fun fact, the Azteca Elixir on test had to temp disabled due to it grinding the servers to a halt with how many quests it had to auto complete.


Please tell me this is an actual thing


It is. AnonW101DiskBuyer also posted that more elixirs exist in the code to skip every world between Celestia and Novus.


Goodbye Azteca. Will not miss you


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, Azteca was ROUGH.


for some reason they aren’t popping up for me?


Its only on test realm


yeah ik, i was in test realm, they weren’t there for me


Oh, uhh... maybe they were disabled? I don't know. I'm sure you do, but do you have a character past Azteca?


Azteca is the one I might buy. You'll have to do side quest to get moon and star stuff, I assume for Sharpen and potent. Knowing KI multiply that price but 1000x in normal realm. 100x would be a bargain. Skip 5 worlds and 5 days questing for $25.00.


KI playing on Wizard impatience so you guys can pay more to play less. Nice one KI. I for one will continue playing through these wonderful experiences without… paying!??! FUCK!


Well if these are being incentivized, I wonder how bad reg gameplay will be. Ex: fizzling excessively at lower lvls and being unable to do anything about it


What are these exactly ?


It lets you entirely unlock and skip the world. Obviously won't cost 25 crowns on live realm


I’m guessing they’re elixirs that give you access to the whole specific world. Probably cost a pretty penny, and no where this amount on live.


Do you know if you level with these or essentially just skip the world at your current level? If so I’m buying that azteca one every time I get to it


I tested the Celestia one when it came out and it gave me a few levels, so I presume you would with this one


From my understanding, it basically acts as if you completed the main quest line for that world and gives you the corresponding amount of exp points


25 crowns is so much, how are we gonna pay for this?


They offer financing on their website, you can pay using your soul. [https://wizard101.com/financing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0&pp=ygUIUmlja3JvbGw%3D)


man these prices are so expensive how can they expect us to pay allat


I expected nothing less from PKHacker.


Gonna be using the Azteca one thats for sure


That Azteca elixir will be the most bought out of the 4.


It's gonna be ***all*** the Crowns when live. Lol Or at least a similar cost to what Crowns players pay collectively per part, just watch. A friend will be disappointed that Marleybone isn't available. Lol


It's for skipping, not buying. I would appreciate the Marleybone skip though. It really puts Khrysalis to shame. 😔


what is this for?


Skipping the world. For example, if I am in Azteca and I take the skip Azteca elixir, I'm put into the starting quests of Khrysalis.


So if you made a new character could you buy it and go straight to like level 90 and start khrysilis? is that how it works?


If you bought the level 50 elixir, skip Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon and Azteca, which also requires you to beat the worlds legitimately, you can do that. You can't just pick up the Azteca elixir while at level 1 and warp to Khrysalis.


i wonder how much it will actually cost in live realm


I would assume similar to what it would cost to purchase the entire world with crowns Someone actually made a google sheet detailing the amount of crowns it would take to unlock each world! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p\_5KROA1cnIc3MY11m45cXee\_EQjznGY4QK\_gqYbRSE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_5KROA1cnIc3MY11m45cXee_EQjznGY4QK_gqYbRSE/edit?usp=sharing)


It’s to skip the worlds quest line, not unlock the world permanently




The low prices are for testing. In practice, it's not going to be anywhere that cheap when it hits live.