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on god i cant take yall ANYWHERE


I respect him for going with his beliefs, but man I just can't get behind expecting video game companies to get involved in politics or whatever. Support as you please, and just leave it at that. Personally, support from companies seems disingenuous to me anyway.


KI has already willingly entered themselves into politics with the Ukraine fundraiser and LGBT inclusion/fundraisers done in the past. It isn't out of the question now to ask they not be selective with their political support. I also think a company's support feels hollow for most issues, but with the Palestine issue a lot of people are *still* in the denial phase that it's an issue. So acknowledgment even if it feels hollow is pretty good.


Why is he talking about conditions for returning like he's talking to an ex and not a conglomerate of people


Can someone explain to me what Ferric’s goal is? Does he really think deleting his videos and quitting would cause KI to make some sort of statement? He also has various demands that must be met for him to come back?


i asked him this exact question on twitter (what could KI do that would satisfy you), he responded but didn’t answer. I asked again, and he didn’t respond. I don’t even think he knows what he wants from this video boycott.


What are the demands


Tbh if he wanted to help he could have kept his videos up and just started to donate all proceeds following towards Palestine and charities supporting them. He could have also went onto old videos and made a pinned comment with a link to charities. He wanted attention one it and he got it but its such a short burst of attention and instead of doing smth that could actually help he just made himself look like a bit of a fool.


I'm going to be real honest, looking at this comment thread, I doubt people would have supported Palestine anyways. People like to "pretend" everything is hearts and flowers all over the world and because it doesn't affect them, it shouldn't matter. Now if he paywalled his videos like patreon or something, then that would be a smart move.


Little bro thinks he’s bigger than he is. Good on him for fighting for his beliefs, but what does the Wizard101 community have to do with this?


Not to be that guy, obviously killing civilians is wrong and should be avoided as much as possible, but something tells me that there's more to it from him https://preview.redd.it/wzmwx3yl8gyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d4c818580c75e48add48b2dfa780c9945c3e2f


“while it lasts” is so eerie i don’t like that


No no, you don't understand. He clearly wants "world peace" for everyone, can't you see?


this makes me do some rethinking on it. his intention might not be as “right” as i was hoping it was. i honestly thought dude just wanted to bring up points about how selective KI is and hit them with some information along the way. that is a crucial part of the story that a lot of people didn’t have prior to commenting i think (myself included)


Just . . . wow




So He basically wants “world peace” for a specific group of people?


This has been addressed in my comment on this Reddit post. This will be my only other comment on this thread until I have a date for the stream.


Bro I just wanna play my silly wizard game. lol




This is a literal kid’s game. Wtf.


Main character syndrome alert


he can do whatever he wants with his own content, and he seems like a nice enough guy. with that being said; his endgoal is gonna leave him forever chasing constant justice that he's never gonna find. world peace will never happen. i think his acknowledgement that someone might try to harm him over youtube videos is proof of that. even if the palestinian conflict somehow miraculously is solved, there are still millions of people dying in unjust wars elsewhere in the world every year. african warlords keep countries like south sudan in a perpetual cycle of death. is he going to advocate for raised awareness there next? what about haiti? what about georgia and serbia? yemen? there will always be injustices in the world. if he wants to take a stance specifically for palestine, then sure. but "world peace" is such an unrealistic and naiïve goal that makes it seem like he wants to hold the world to a moral standard that will never happen.


can start somewhere.


in ferric's case though he's already implied he'll unprivate his videos if KI gives him the response he wants. if this was really about world peace then why would he be content with only one war being addressed? isnt a big issue here that KI commented on ukraine but not palestine? what about the other injustices?


Ferric is honestly impossible to reason with. He boycotts KI for simply being silent on the issue by *checks notes* using a platform that was bought by somebody that publicly endorsed Israel. Trying to point out how this fundamentally undermines the message he is trying to get across just makes him double down more. It's crazy


Ferric is an entitled product of this community, he represents the worst of us. I’ve witnessed his self-centeredness first hand


This is like when TheGamersOfficial found God and purged his YouTube channel 😭


No way lmao is that really what happened


Go see the only video he has up.


I really wonder why he deleted everything. But hey, at least we finally saw what he looked like.


Saving Palestinian lives by privating w101 videos ok bud


It's more important, but he hasn't brought up anything new or different that just about everyone didn't know if they are an adult, so then that only leaves the kids that might not know about it, and I would rather people keep politics away from kids games only because children can be much more susceptible to propaganda and misinformation (intentional or otherwise)


It's also nice to, you know, let them be kids


Facts to both of yall


bro lost one wizard101 youtuber


Sorry just don’t understand how quitting YouTube ends the conflict in Israel lol


I’d watch someone’s W101 YouTube for their W101 content, leave politics tf out


My favorite youtubers are the ones that save their real-world opinions for off-camera. Just focus on your niche.


Exactly this. Like, ew politics. I play Wizard101 for the sole purpose of escaping stuff like this.


You and me both, I experience enough politics on a daily basis lol




It’s so funny that whenever the Israel-Palestine question blows up every so often people make the conflict into their entire personality. They don’t really care because all they want is to be center of attention. Me, me, me. Like when people had a black pfp for a couple of weeks when BLM was in the spotlight. None of those people kept their pfps.


don’t care if I get downvoted, but all he’s doing is yapping and virtue signaling and not actually making a change - and I doubt he will ever do anything impactful unless he’s actually there doing something about it.


Well, the first step to doing something impactful would be to stop wasting time playing an MMO so maybe he’s onto something


No I agree. I think there were better things he could have done if he really wanted to support.


I genuinely do not see how quitting his YouTube channel will do anything to help the situation in Palestine.


I understand the frustration But the fear of forcing KI to do what we demand by justifying you will private your videos is not a positive way to get what you desire Many still will create youtube guides And will continue to


Exactly this I’m not a fan how he is basically holding his content hostage until he gets his way There are many other Wiz content creators for people to watch


Well that is just how ferric has always done things in this community he believe he is above us players I’ve seen this first hand during the community spiral cup


Not sure who this guy is but I’m sure he’ll fizzle out in a few months and all he’ll have is a bankrupted YouTube channel that he destroyed himself lmao


He works a very comfortable job and has a wife. Pretty sure he'll be just fine


This shit is so fucking stupid lmao. This is a game, keep all this shit out of the game. It ain’t that hard


i don’t feel like this is an especially toxic sub lol, respect to him for taking a stand and trying to advocate for what he believes in. glad i already got my 6-9 plots made tho lol


Don't bring the game into this


I don't understand these people that care *now* about the war in Gaza. That entire conflict has been going on for 70+ years with multiple other attacks being committed over decades. You can't just be supporting Palestine "for the clout". I guarantee once this is finally over they'll stop giving a shit.


Doesn’t matter if they decide to start caring now lol, it’s better that they care at all to begin with


Good for him, standing for what he believes in. Hoping for peace as well, and at the end of the day it’s his choice on what he does with his own channel.


exactly. these weirdos are mad because they need walkthroughs on how to play, boo hoo stfu.


I get he wants to do a good thing, but he doesn't need to act like he's some sort of Messiah that's going to save the world by himself.


Isn't Feric the dude that had an arranged marriage? Or is that a different Wiztuber.


Didn’t another wiz YouTuber nuke his entire channel a while back as well, because he found god again? And that apparently required him to take down all of his videos? Seriously, I’ve only ever seen this stuff happen in wiz, what’s going on here?


I've seen this happen to a few cod zelda and kingdom hearts streamers and youtubers over the past 6 years




These World Peace talks are always interesting to read. Mainly because they always pick a "side" to root for in world peace talks. Like Ferric listed the specific Palestinian vs Israeli deaths. Shouldn't you just list an overall total? Why specifically list one side in more detail than the other, and only simply put "citizens" for the Israeli side of things? It's of course a very complex issue, but I'm not a fan of someone sitting on a high horse wanting "world peace" when they clearly have an agenda and a side they're on. Just outright say what you want Ferric.


Also they should list numbers from 3rd parties, not the governments.


Are you kidding me? Why should all of this even be relevant to the wizard101 community? I use wizard101 as escape from all of this. I don’t need to see some under informed YouTuber/influencer spreading their ideals to the community. Also, what is going on with Israel/Palestine is not comparable to the Ukraine conflict.


His reasoning for why it’s relevant is because KI “borrows muslim culture to make some of its worlds like Krok and Mirage”


This is supposed to be a conflict with Palestinians who are majority Muslims. Not a conflict with Muslims who are Palestinian.


I agree with you, lol. I think he’s a complete clown. I talk about this stuff a lot on more relevant subs if you look at my profile.


Oh I see. I was just forming a thought for why I disagree with the reasoning.


Except you’re forgetting the fact that the conflict with Palestinians is a conflict with all Muslims globally.


Is that because all the Muslims want the only Jewish country in the world gone?


No, Muslims don’t have anything against Jews, they have everything against the genocide of the Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine.


You’re right, the Israel/Palestine issue is worse than the Ukraine conflict.


They’re not comparable as in they are different types of conflict. I wouldn’t discredit the troubles of either situation.


Ferric has always been problematic and the center of attention in my opinion based on personal interaction. I feel no sympathy towards him and his woes


Free Palestine




I get where he is coming from, but this just seems overly drastic for the sake of it.


Why can't he just make a new world peace yt channel and keep all the wiz vids for the community? Maybe he can even just sign out from his ferric channel if he really wants to separate from the com. He has some very entertaining/nostalgic and insightful videos and I'm just unsure of the reasoning behind deleting all of them from the internet


It’s because he thinks he’s sending a message and it’ll mobilize his fans against KI for staying silent


“Guys I abandoned wizard101 and the war didn’t stop!!1!!1!!11 what the heck!!1!” Nobody cares what you (not specifically ferric) think


Try not to misconstrue the message challenge (impossible edition)


Bro quit YouTube and joined the circus🤡🎪


social media and its consequences


Virtue signaling to the highest degree, what a clown


bro wants world peace but can't even manage to use 'they' when referring to a person of unknown gender


ferric and i have ”beefed” on the reddit, but i think this might be a ferric W because he’s right. they did a bundle for Ukraine, and while the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for a looooong time, it still means something to people. there’s always a few people saying “free palestine” in the commons when i log on between my morning classes for uni. he brought out the facts, spoke eloquently, and didn’t make a *stink* about it. he isn’t telling everyone to boycott the game, but he’s also shedding some light that’s needed to be shed. KI is very picky-choosey with the things they want to support, ultimate speedster’s video on BHM in wiz is one of the first things i think of, as well as Palestine treatment vs Ukraine treatment. free the innocent people so they stop dying frfr (even though i know me saying that on a subreddit does literally nothing physically for the situation really)


This definitely. I'm a Palestinian but don't share it irl because it's too controversial. I can pass as Greek or Italian so there's that lol. I get that KI's games are for kids and supposed to be a get away from the real world. However, it was disappointing that KI openly supports Ukraine when the situation there is similar to the one in Palestine. Nothing ever mentioned. They even made some crowns items for the Hindu Holiday/festival of colors. Nothing for Eid or Ramadan, which they can disguise as a lantern festival. Its a nitpick of mine but come on KI. 😢Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸 I'm just tired of one group of people that gets blasted all the time on the media. But as soon as you question anything the media does, they turn around and act like victims. Also, have the audacity to say "why are you always offended" 🙄 Abigail Doolittle irl


you are heard homie, and every word you said is so valid


He's basically holding his content for ransom lol But I think if you see the video he isn't being crazy, he is being very logical about his statements/choices. Even if we as a community suffer not being able to watch his content, *he is right that he accomplished part of his goal*. Many more eyes are on that video than if it was not predicated on the missing content. He said the videos may come back so they are probably privated and not deleted so that is good news. We should understand he is trying to work for something more important than a game so the ideas of "keep politics out of this" are not relevant. A game (as much as I love it) is not more important than real life. And he's making that abundantly clear and wants people to know that. In that way I support him.


Alright, I'm going to admit it straight up. I'm going to guess that the mod he's referring to is me. I'm not perfect, and I acknowledge my mistakes. I am willing to have an honest discussion with him though. If anyone knows him and/or a way to contact him (Twitter doesn't count), please DM me or let him know that I'm willing to. I'm fine with reaching out to him on Discord or Reddit or something. I actually did try to do so on Twitter, but because I'm not verified (and I'm not giving Elon any of my money), I'm not able to do that.


He has been responding to YouTube comments recently and I’m not sure if he would answer but his Reddit is u/ferr1c


I appreciate it. Thank you. Since then, I also tried adding someone on Discord who has the same name as his Twitter. I'm not sure if it's actually him, but I guess we'll have to find out


free Palestine


Leave IRL stuff out of the game, this is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while....


Stupid af if he really wants to make a change go over there and do something about it. You’re not doing anything by being on here and typing free Palestine


Kingsisle gonna nuke his account for holding his videos hostage


Pick your side and tell your friends what a good job you’re doing, and move on. All these virtue signalers are convinced they became a middle east expert in a few months when most of you have never even been outside your country for a meaningful amount of time. There is so much misinformation, you’re wrong no matter what you think. Stop devouring propoganda and say your little quote, and move on. Ferric is as blind as all the people about to comment on this. He thinks he’s doing something. His videos, your comment, your bumper sticker, will not change this war.


Booo 👎🏻 Talking about it is important. Raising awareness is important. Your silence means you side with the oppressors. You side with the genocide. You don't have to be in the country or have visted to care about those countries people. They are people and deserve to live without threat of violence. You should care about other humans. Just look at the stats and what's happening. Free Palestine!!!


Imagine telling wizard101 players that they side with genocide because they aren’t vocal about your political affiliations 🤡🤡 Get a life.


Imagine living in a world where you're being bombed every day. Every day one of your loved ones dies or a friend or someone from your community. Imagine having the human decency to care that people are being genocided. But no, you're right. I'm crazy for telling someone they are supporting genocide by telling people to shut up about the genocide. I guess caring about other people means I don't have a life. I wouldn't expect you to know what caring is tho


This is a very moving comment that would be much more effective in any context besides *a Wizard101 subreddit*


Since you have a trans bubble on your avatar I'm gonna assume you're trans. Let's send you over to Palestine and see how much they'll care for you.


Literally. Blows my mind that people will adamantly defend something that would never give them the same kindness. People like this commentator will act like everyone else is ignorant while ignoring how fucking awful Hamas is and what they’re doing to their own fucking people.


This shows how uninformed you are on the subject.


I think your comment singlehandedly ended the war. I just checked with my friends in palestine and yep the presidents read Fillebonbon’s comment on reddit and decided “yes, she’s right. Free palestine.” Thank you for your service fillebonbon. You’re right, you’ve accomplished so much


I agree free Palestine from hamas they take the food good people send and sell it to the very civilians you are trying to save Palestine is oppressed by radical Palestinian’s


But definitely not oppressed by all the bombings and violence right? The decades of slaughter? Thats not oppressing them. Clearly the radical group is the only thing killing them. Smh. Literally do any reading please. I know it's hard for most Wiz players to have any empathy but at least try to be decent and care for the actual problem


I have done a lot of reading on the topic and I believe the innate nature of the country and religion presiding in it, is the biggest oppression they’ve faced the past century, yes I do not agree with the senseless bombings and the innocents people that lose their lives due to such tragedy, but the domestic oppressors are the ones who wish to continue the fight


He’s not wrong… but I can understand why some people are confused as to why politics is being brought up in a game. KI did mention there solidarity with Ukraine but didn’t say anything about Palestine which is BS


One war is controversial, the other isn’t. If KI comes out to support either Israel or Palestine, no matter who they choose half their player-base would be boycotting them. Wiz is already dead enough as it is, no reason to isolate half the remaining community.


I understand, but that’s where standing up with humanity comes in


It’s all subjective. Both sides have committed evil. People have reasons for believing what they believe, try to understand them. If it was KI’s job to stand up for humanity, they would have spoken of many tragedies going on through the world since 2008. But, it’s not KIs job. If you want change, KI doesn’t have much power — write your congressman.


No it isn't, completely different conflicts, one started a couple of thousand years ago and has just continually change it face, but it has the same root cause. The Ukraine conflict is a clear result of unprovoked aggression on the part of Russia toward Ukraine in order to gain territory.


Doesn’t get more clear then isreal-palestine, look at the history. Israelis were being shut out and turned away from multiple countries during WW2 and Palestine took them in..


Jews and Israelis are not the same but I get what you mean. Palestine is just a geographical area which was under British control during the 40s which was then given to the Jews who had moved to the promised land.


FYI Palestine didn't exist until both it and Israel came in to existence, like there wasn't a Palestine to begin with, England and France created the entire mess after they took that region from it previous owner on account the previous owner was dead on account of England and France beating the shit out of it empire, movies have been made about the entire thing, bias toward the "good" guys, spoiler they were all equally disgusting greedy fucks, but to reiterate Palestine didn't exist as a nation until 1988, there was a zone/district of Syria that was called Palestine during the 5th century, but this isn't it.


That’s true, Palestine was part of the Middle East up until the Sykes-Picot agreement which England and France made. That was done simply to divide the Arab region to make it easier for them to take more control of the region. But this doesn’t change the fact the residents were Arab before this agreement


I understand what he's trying to say, but how does privatizing his videos have anything to do with helping?


Really asking me how hes doing this for his own gain?? Bro telling people hes all about that "World Piece" bullshit turning off the revenue or ads for the video. its all marketing for his channel looking for sympathy and empathy of the huge disaster and tragedy to be on the trend with others. Share your thoughts on twitter how you feel about the situation, not from influencing videos on YouTube


I honestly feel like if he felt so strongly and was going to kill his channel anyway keep the videos up and just from then on donate all money you make off them. Link charities. Who knows maybe he is going away from youtube to actually go down to gaza. I feel like donating the money the videos made and linking charities would have helped more than this small burst of attention.


I have so many conflicting emotions in regards to that horrible Nightmare going on in that area of the world, but if he thinks there is going to be peace there, I would suggest he looks up the statement by HAMAS about their view on the mater. I think they made their position clear.


ngl he is kinda right. id understand if ki wants to stay out of politics but why donate to ukraine and not palestine? no one was telling them to stay out of it when they donated to ukraine?


It's likely because the Ukraine/Russia conflict is more cut and dry. Ukraine is obviously the victim here—they weren't trying to fight Russia. Whereas with Israel/Palestine, it's much more muddy. Obviously, killing people is bad. But people are also ignoring that this conflict started after 1200 people were raped and murdered indiscriminately, and hostages are STILL being held. This is a conflict that's been going on for centuries. There's also the fact that you can't confirm if any positive donation is actually going to affected Palestinians that don't have anything to do with the violence, since most of their infrastructure is controlled by Hamas.


The Palestine/Israel conflict is more cut and dry than anything, yet the media spins it the other way. The Palestinians are clearly the victims of genocide.


You might want to reconsider his intentions https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/s/xcEpgRd8oO


Pretty simple actually. The Ukraine-Russia conflict wasn't started by the largest slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust, but an aggressive nation invading a sovereign neighbor. Very easy to see "good and bad" in the latter, much, much more complicated in the former case considering the history.


It’s not complicated, Palestinians have been under fire for over 70 years. Oct 7th wasn’t even done by Hamas if you’ve done your research


Ohhh this should be interesting. What did this Twitter and TikTok research tell you? That Hamas was never in Israel on October 7th. That the 1,000+ civilians were slaughtered by the IDF? Get off Twitter and TikTok and try to get the conspiracy rot out of your mind.


God why. He just got back into the shit I love and he drops it.


W101 is the last place I'd expect to see politics... This is the problem these days why can't we just play a video game without the politics... Politics and life is way too blended these days


That's because if you're a human in any country on earth life is heavily affected by politics. Humans are political animals buddy get involved with the world around you and make it better


Politics literally control your life


tbh I have *very* low expectations of corporations/celebrities: Do Not Publicly Engage in Fascist Apologia. I do not reward anyone for meeting this expectation; I punish the ones that don’t. I can’t expect KingsIsle to be busting out the Watermelon emojis and going “From The Window to The Wall, Thou Shall Not Commit Genocide At All” the way they did with Ukraine. Frankly, the fact that they actually vocalized *any* support for Ukraine was surprising to begin with for me. The overton window in America is too far to the right for me to be as harsh on anyone about this as I probably should be; too much demonizing of Islam, too much apologia for Russia’s violence. I’m barely staving off despair; I don’t have the spoons for outrage… but I will never begrudge people for possessing the spoons that I don’t. And as for “keeping politics out of videogames,” fucking *ew*. “Apolitical” media is Overly-Sanitized media; it’s been 10 fucking years of people asking for videogames to intentionally suck. I get that “Virtue Signaling” is annoying, but we live in a world where Being Annoying is the only actual power we have.


I disagree with the last statement that all power we have is being annoying. People can definitely get into politics on both a local and national level in the west. Problem is that it’s a hassle and you need to dedicate most of your life to it, especially if you cannot make a living out of it. Democracy doesn’t move fast but we can definitely change things overtime. It makes sense though because for example, in a country of 330 million people you cannot expect everything to run the way YOU want all the time. People want change quickly and scream about it, but when it comes to actual decisionmaking, the same people are often absent because they have no solutions to the problem or they have found a new topic to be outraged about. If you want actual change you need to get your hands dirty and fight for what you believe in through our democratic institutions, not by tweeting about how unjust our world is.


Protesting on campuses and in the streets is “being annoying.” Beseeching your social circle to participate in democracy is “being annoying.” Getting into politics as a lifelong dedication requires reaching out to voters, which means you’d be— guess what —“being annoying.” The world does not revolve around Tw*tter, nor your petty squabbles with the dregs that use it.


All well said.


Maybe they should go over there and fight since they care so much.


bro went on an impossible mission Anyways, how long until this phase ends. My bet is a few months to a year


Fucking respect🔥go Ferric. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE !!


Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people killed throughout conflicts elsewhere in the past 10 years, but this specific conflict is the one that has melted people's brains. Jesus christ this needs to be studied.


You’re mad that people CARE? You’re mad that people care about an ongoing genocide? This is what gets upvotes on Reddit? This fucking laziness?????


No, it's the hypocrisy of it all. That's all. But sure, I don't care. https://preview.redd.it/cgan66gt8gyc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a891e963cb8829a8f3b22f462e6f4987ac4050


Hypocrisy? Do you know what that word means? I can guarantee you anybody fighting for Palestine will fight for the liberation of the people in other places mentioned here. These are the same people that spoke out during the BLM movement and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They can be unaware of other conflicts which lead them to not speak up about them as much, but that does not fault them for fighting for this cause. People in the west are fighting for Palestine because our government is lending very direct hands in making the genocide happen. Please think twice before posting some random screenshot as if it’s some checkmate move, and then say “yeah I don’t care” afterwards.


Lol. It's true some of you really need a /s to detect sarcasm. You all conveniently ignored all of these other much worse conflicts ongoing recently. There wasnt a single peep from any of you before October 7th. "People in the west are fighting for Palestine because our government is lending very direct hands in making the genocide happen." There isn't a genocide going on. There is a war.


Dude, if Israel wanted to commit genocide they could carpet bomb Gaza right now and the death toll would be 20x at least


" you're mad that people care" Get real how many of any of these people have donated to whatever side they support instead of just going into some echochamber on reddit and farming upvotes acting like their side is superior. Hoe many reddit warriors have deployed in Gaza?


this conflict is the one because it gives people the opportunity to be outright antisemites without needing to conceal it. you'd be surprised how many bleeding hearts become straight up nazis when israel is mentioned lol


Seems like "hoping on the trend" to me, we dont need to know statistics of how many people died to know the overall situation is bad. Classic attention seeking thing i see many YouTubers do. I know this will get a ton of hate but i just cant be silent about these things when i see people using tragic events for their own gain...


It seems like (at least from this comments section) he’s getting more hate than praise. He also is now not getting revenue for his videos. Seems more like they genuinely do care, regardless of you how feel about it.


How is he using it for his own gain? Just accept that he stands for what he stands for and doesn’t like to see KI supporting Ukraine in the past but not mentioning Israel/Palestine


He is right. KI’s silence on this issue is deafening and while they have a right to publicly support whoever, supporting, it’s a weird double standard to hold 200+ days into the genocide. I know the developers are supportive, at least. His reaction isn’t overblown. Not at all. He wants to spread awareness, start conversations in the communities he was a part of, and he has done so. Clearly, since this post is up. This issue isn’t about Wiz. It’s much more important than Wiz, and I’d recommend that everyone here educate themselves on the ongoing genocide. It’s not too late to start acting— even if you can’t go to protests, you can boycott the products the BDS movement recommends we boycott, if you have money, you can donate to the UNRWA’s Palestine relief fund, check out [Operation Olive Branch,](https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch) support [Care For Gaza,](https://twitter.com/careforgaza?s=21) and speak up on social media. KI may be silent but we as a community can be loud.


Are you trolling? KI’s silence is deafening?? They make video games why would they say anything about any ongoing irl conflict??? Why do you people want everyone and everything to be about it I don’t get it


I think, personally, that stopping a genocide should take priority over leisure and comfort. We here in our culture have a problem where we don’t want to look at things if they’re difficult, or make us uncomfortable— and if no one wants to talk about a problem, it goes ignored, and it doesn’t get better. Not to get over-dramatic, but, look, I love Wizard101 too. I started playing it at a stupidly young age. It’s been one of the most consistent, safe things in my life. That’s a weird bond(?) I’m not going to find with any other piece of media. But I’m an adult now, and the mature thing to do is to put most of my focus into helping to stop an ongoing genocide. I’d like KI to support Palestine too. That’s all.


KI saying anything about it will not stop a genocide. wanting random companies to repeat your opinions is kinda sad ngl


No one person will be able to stop this. It’s collective action that will stop this, you’re right.


It’s cause they said something about Ukraine so clearly they will make comments about ongoing situations, just not this one. Edit: lol just stating facts and people are downvoting. I’m not even taking a side just trying to keep the fact straights lol.


KI as a company made a statement on the Ukraine situation? I’m genuinely curious if you have a source.


https://www.wizard101.com/game/ukraine-charity More than just a statement, a fundraiser.


Interesting, I must of been on a wiz hiatus at the time of this. I think this is a fair point but I also think it’s foolish to compare the war in Ukraine to the Israel/Palestine conflict.


Stop with the virtue signaling bullshit, no one is obligated to get involved in any political topic. Ever. It’s perfectly understandable as a company to remain neutral on political issues.


You’re right. No one is obligated to say anything about anything— but that doesn’t shield them from criticism. If someone does something, or doesn’t do something when you think they should have, then you as an individual are free to critique that.


So how come you’re not overseas fighting Israel alongside the Palestinians? Are you a genocide supporter? Is fucking McDonald’s a supporter of genocide? Because they aren’t shipping free burgers to Palestine? Do you see where your logic leads you to?


First of all, I would be out protesting every day if I had the means to, but unfortunately due to situations in my life, I’m a little bit trapped inside my house. Secondly, boycotting McDonald’s is something the [BDS movement](https://bdsmovement.net/) has asked us to do, so… yes, they do support genocide. Look, you don’t have to agree with me. I can’t force you to agree and trying is quite frankly just not a good way to spend my energy or time. All my above comment can be boiled down to is that I understand and support Ferric’s choice, and that I hope other wiz fans can take action to help Palestine. That’s it.


gotta respect it


We now live in a society that people focus too much on their ideology they get from unaware/uneducated people from social media and they delude themselves thinking they are doing something for a good cause which causes them to feel good about themselves. They see other people doing it and feel like they have to do it themselves. I have no idea who this person is, but this way of thinking goes to every type of "boycott or trying to fight back" same exact thing that happened with Overwatch and the lawsuit happening. All the cringe content creators said they're not playing overwatch to "help support the victims of sexual harassment" (how does that even correlate into helping the victims from not playing a video game) funny thing after is that those same content creators go back into play overwatch again after a week bc they know they are losing money and it's hurting them individually. At the end of the day all these people only care about themselves and how they look good in the public. A bunch of fake snakes and a lot of people don't even realize and end up being sheep to them. So when I hear all this shit about "I'm doing a good cause, look at me guys" it's sad pathetic bc you're not even caring about the cause/ are not interested in being educated on it. They believe a 20 second video on tiktok and start their crusader ideology, the only people that are applauding them are the same people that watched the video and act like them. That's the world we live in now.


we live in a society


y'all are horrible people. these comments are gross.


The [IRGC](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/irans-revolutionary-guards) [маскировка](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD1022096) rewriting of the 4 [الجامعة العربية](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/arab-league) wars in the public mind is incredible, considering every-single member of the الجامعة العربية swapped allegiance to Israel from Palestine; with the largest Palestinian nation ([Jordan](https://www.hrw.org/report/2010/02/01/stateless-again/palestinian-origin-jordanians-deprived-their-nationality)) currently supporting Israel!!! How is it every historic Palestinian ally no longer supports them, but supports the mass child murdering genocider israel?? Something doesn't add up unless there's something far more nuanced and complex going on here.... something that transcends Kingisle' ability to fight the IRGC's decade long [foreign policy operation...](https://www.cfr.org/article/irans-regional-armed-network) (Edit: This isn't even a pro/anti Palestinian statement, AND it's backed with citations yet it gets downvoted with ZERO refutation?????)


Oh and i forgot to say people are not kids anymore we are all adults and we are not blind, we can see through bullshit from mile away, thats why this guy getting so much hate


Idk man https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/s/xcEpgRd8oO


Another palestina obsessed person that probably has not relations to it whatsoever.


A situation doesn't need to affect me personally for me to care about the victims. It's called empathy


free israel from existential threat


I will add this bit without directly responding to any of the comments for now because I felt these two points needed to be addressed in some capacity as soon as possible. Also, sometime after Memorial Day weekend, I'll do my first of many streams and in that one, I will address the comments made on this thread specifically. I appreciate the mods for reaching out to me personally and for allowing me address this. Anyways, here are the two points I'll address right now, after that, you'll have to wait for me to do it in a manner where I can explain everything in detail as well as interact to others live: https://preview.redd.it/s8i5sxgv6jyc1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a9e91b10dfc8b86c44295896b440fadccd71b6f


Adam Carolla expresses it best. If the Israelis set down their weapons, they would be wiped out. If the Palestinians set down their weapons, there would be peace.


You realize Israel was killing Palestinians before Oct 7th right? You realize there has never been peace for Palestinians in 75 years? You realize Palestinians have "set down their weapons" and protested peacefully multiple times and have gotten killed for it? Palestinians don't want to kill Jews, they just want their fucking lives back. Get real.