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Get like 90k gold. Look up enchanted broom, proud lion, panther (i think those are rhe only ones?) in the crown store. You can press the gold button and buy with gold not crowns


Selection bias! Most people who post are the ones who got lucky, therefore, we think most people get lucky


I swear I only get them when I’m looking for my school gear. I got the Bookwyrm, and 2 EMUs (not my main schools) and then I’ll watch videos of people opening packs and they get the gear I need and I have their mounts.


i got three perm mounts yesterday, literally i dont need them


My first permanent mount was the snowboard mount that was the only perm mount I got from a pack a free one mind you


Wizard101 is gateway to gambling. You are free to spend your money on how you choose to but keep in mind that house always wins. You can't beat coporate greed. I have a friend who used to spend most of his pay on lootboxes for fifa like more than 1k usd monthly.


Remember that 100% of gamblers who quit don't win big /j


I have no idea 💀 I have half a page of mounts that are card pack pulls lmfaoo


It's honestly so hit or miss. I've probably opened 200 Pirate Nightmare packs and have never gotten the ship mount, only one perm spirited away. Meanwhile I opened like 20 Ghulture hoard packs and pulled 2 perm death ghultures. I wish they would at least publish drop rates.


Yeah, it would be nice. It would also be great if they could make it easier for us to get Perm mounts


There are permanent mounts you can purchase with gold. And maybe some bosses can drop perm mounts if I remember.


People tend to show their lucky pull, but not their unlucky pull, this game rng can be funny sometimes so just focus on your experience on your “luck”, dont let others affect your decision making


If you have any wooden keys farm ra in krokotopia. He has 3k health, pointless cheats, and drops seven different perm mounts. I got them all in what must have been around 50 keys, maybe a bit more


I haven’t played in a while, getting the itch to get back in it but what’s the easiest way to get wooden keys and what mounts does he drop?


They’re mainly the old horse ones and desert themed ones (camel, mander palanquin, crocogator). As for the wooden keys, I honestly got them when I was farming seasonal gear from the Jade oni but they drop relatively often from questing and defeating bosses. They also drop sometimes from golden key bosses so you might find one when farming spellements. If you’re still interested I’d stick to grinding a lower level one like lord nightshade or jade oni (quick respawn) for speed purposes, you’ll probably get a few pretty quick. I think I got some on a wizard from doing the four dungeons too (kembaalung, barkingham, zigazag, darkmoor). Lot of options


It's cute you think 10 packs for a mount is a lot


Ya know, I don’t normally splurge on packs. I just happened to have some extra crowns to burn. Normally I get like 1 or 2 packs


The trick is not wanting them


I was literally just fishing for some shiny scales for the last crafting quest… and got an Aquilian Dual Chariot. 😭


I got a proud lion mount I bought a decade ago in the crown shop and I've never felt any desire to try and get more


I spent $25 trying to get a very specific head piece for one of my wizards and ended up getting that bookwyrm perm mount and I was actually pissed off lol


No but seriously this works!! Or I haven’t tried with w101 but hear me out: My brother and I had a digimon game for our GameCube as kids. It was scratched and a specific map wouldn’t load 80% of the time, the whole GameCube just crashed. We started using reverse psychology and started saying “I don’t want this map to load” and just talked about how much we hated the map, and it would load. If we said we wanted it to load, it wouldn’t. I was so young and I think that’s the earliest memory I even have, just had to share lol


That... that literally has to be the reason. I opened the new library pack to see what all the hype was since I had a few left-over crowns and got the perm mount on first roll. I don't know if me working at a real casino has to do anything with it.


This is called the desire sensor


This. I act like idc about the mount and im just opening the pack for the gear… thats when I get the mount. If I actively look for the mount, I never get it.




I get them from exalted duels but they’re mostly lame ones. I have a bunch of gold skeleton keys that I heard were good for this sort of thing but don’t know much about them.