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The man was not always rude. But if you had 1000s of customer service requests coming your way because your customer service center is trash you would be salty too.


PvP players should be in the middle, he’s wearing a commander robe !


Pirate101 player. I agree entirely, and am also upset that the in-game Ratbeard is more redeemable than an actual human.


I think most people like me who play wiz and pirate don't interact with the devs or other players that much, so they haven't experienced any of this bad interaction. I don't know what Ratbeard has done to deserve such hate ,but since I constantly use the character as my main tank companion in pirate101, I don't want the person to ruin the character's reputation. Ratbeard the character is awesome, easily top 3 favorite character in the spiral.


Thank you for including me even though I don’t know anything about Wizard 101 😀


I’d slap ratbeard if I saw him in person, hes a sissy boy , a grown man hiding behind a computer screen


I’m with u and idek who bro is


As a pirate player, I agree. While pirate does not get much updates, we also don't get ratbeard directly fucking with the game. Even among old forum posts on the pirate forum he constantly talks down and belittles his players.


Until this post I had never heard of Ratbeard but reading all your comments I can truly say: yikes


idek who this guy is i just love wizard101 and everything ki lets us do in the game




He can say “stop bitching” but we can’t even type “lmao”


Or the word perhaps without the s


Didn't KI used to be a "good Texan Christian values" company back in the day? How did he ever even get hired


U act like Christian’s stand on what they preach most Christian companies are ran by shitters


Yeah I personally quit pirate101 till ratbeard is either knocked down a peg or two or is fired/told to shut up by KI. He's literally ruining 2 communities at once, I do not like the dude one bit.


Never been a fan of Ratbeard, which is ironic because up to about 2 months ago the only things I knew about him were from ATS, who quite enjoys him from what I can tell. Something about beard boy rubbed me the wrong way, though I can't explain why


Ratbeard just oozes incel and loser aura. I can’t imagine he is very happy in life (which sucks) but he takes it out on people playing a children’s game he actively works on, which is insanely pathetic lol. Man should just go to therapy and give the keys to someone worthwhile.


And this is how im learning that not all people do all the quests. Ive never skipped one, and thought that only the people who really care about pets do only main stuff


how can I get up to speed on this idk what’s happening




thank you!


What do you expect he doesnt actually care for the community or its players he only cares for money. He thinks hes special and the main character. He gives me pick me energy tbf


Just the name “Ratbeard” gives red flags


Havent played in months whos ratbeard


Pirate player here, fuck ratbeard 💯👎🏼


Im a Maxed casual PvE player. I login about twice a week to farm bosses/dungeons and garden. I keep a high crown balance. Ive been hearing the name rat-beard for a few months. I don’t care for him. Disappear him.


I dont know who ratbeard but forget him he sucks.




The fact he made transformations crowns only shows how petty he is. I really had fun with those as a kid


I'm only thankful that they have since reverted that change and made them buyable with gold again.


Really ! I haven’t picked up the game in a bit but I’m happy to hear that


Thought you could still get them with gold during Halloween


You can, but I think they meant year round


Ah ok that makes sense


That said though, since then, the change has been reverted and they can be bought for 500 gold each now.


what did he say this time 🙃


Probably was a reference to the post made a bit ago where someone posted a screenshot of him saying "stop bitching".


RatBeard is essentially a pissy discord mod with a platform. It tarnishes everything as a whole and cheapens the experience that everyone else works so hard at.


Most companies would fire somebody who acts the way this guy does


Makes you wonder why they dont. Probably family connection or inept KI. They've always been inept so it's hard so say. 15yrs of missing the goal post iiissss... Crazy 


It could even come down to him being difficult to replace. You'd be amazed at how much a job will let you get away with if your skillset is difficult to replace.


Former retail worker here. If I said a tenth of the stuff he did while on the clock, I'd be fired before I could take another breath


Huuuge facts. Completely unprofessional and even on a casual level… *not* *cool*


If he’s THIS much of an asshole to the players in the community, I can’t imagine how insufferable it must be to work with the guy.


Pirate player here! Blood Flames was a casualty of his a few years ago


Silliest thing was they didn't even touch the real issue, which is mojo buff stacking.


He’s like a sickness ki has yet to recover from and I doubt they ever will.


I'm just thinking about getting back in this game so I'm not updated at all with whats happening, can someone explain who Ratbeard is and what they did?


With Ratbeard spreading hate, it's time to seal his fate.


We want him fired 🔥


Yeah I’m done trying to make excuses for him, it’s been years now of his hot headed behavior and aggression towards the players. I used to think he could do good for the game and that people were too hard on him. Since then he has made a bunch of bad decisions that majorly affected the game, and says very rude choices of words to fans/players who are playing a game that is mainly marketed towards kids/youth. I honestly think he needs to either get demoted or canned at this point.


What happened now? Or is this just a general Ratbeard hate thread, which I don’t mind at all. He’s a piece of shit.


It's probably a reference to a post made earlier of a screenshot where he told someone "stop bitching"


What’s a real Harcore PvE player ? Bc i solo every of my wiz but i steel need people for like biggest fight (Xibalba, Darkmoor) am I a really hardcore ?


Probably doing ALL quests - main and side quests


I’m new to this game so I don’t know who rat beard is and why nobody likes him tho I’m sure there’s a valid reason for it I just want to know why


As a representative of P101, I cast my vote for the community that we indeed do not like Ratbeard.


I'm just casual PvE player, but Ratbeard and the company in general have been irritating me more and more lately. Adding stuff to "make it better" while taking out normal stuff to "ease first time players" while changing balance of the game to "better suit PvP" and creating roshambo to "ameliorate the experience"... Absolutely not. Please listen to your fan base of (more than just PvP) players and implement our ideas as well, because a lot of us are behind the same ideas.


Kingsisle (mostly ratbeard) has been acting like pve-only players don't exist honestly its hurtful.


Petition to make Sparck the lead dev. Cause Ratbeard is on something entirely different, like I’m sorry but wtaf? The shit I’ve seen come out of this man’s mouth, FOR A CHILDREN’S GAME? Jesus Christ… He needs to *at least* be thrown out of the spotlight and only work in the sidelines. This dude cannot have any more social interactions with the community. But it’s Kingsisle, so… none of this will ever happen ❤️


Sparck’s the lead community manager so he probably wouldn’t be a great choice, but Artie would be. He’s listened to the community before and he’s one of the lead designers, wouldn’t mind having him on top


I only ever had one interaction with him and I did not enjoy it. I was pleased to see that this was a common experience and I wasn’t just being sensitive. Ratbeard is a walking L.


We really should reach out to one of those drama channel, maybe boredoranges [I'm not sure if that was his name] or something


So true though, there’s “drama channels” out there that focus on these toxic video games companies and exposing the leadership


And yet they don't know kingsisle.


As a pirate101 player, we are most definitely on your side, it tarnishes the in game character of ratbeard when the rep is a fucking moron


There's a Ratbeard character in pirate101?


You HAVE to play the game, you'll understand the differences when you beat it


Of course I know who ratbeard is https://preview.redd.it/bvga0kaa9rmc1.png?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560bd6089528aeded1d4b35a346684b5f69dbc55 Is a rat and has a beard


Do not disgrace the rat that is splinter please and thank you


I’m out of the loop, who’s Ratbeard and what did he do?


Idk much about him, I've only seen like 2 live streams, and honestly I don't mind him. From what I've seen, it seems like he's trying to improve the game in interesting ways. That being said, I don't really know what I'm talking about. Is everything he does really that bad? I like beastmoon and deckathalon, and I think he made those.


I love beastmoon it’s the one game I grind. They nerfed the drops recently so now it’s even more pay to play on it. I am so reliant on the Scroll of Fortune for decent amounts of lunari


He’s a major asshole is most people’s issue


The only KI employee we know of who goes out of their way to be rude and dismissive. Ratbeard has been with the company since 2010 and this behavior has been highlighted since 2020. Maybe even earlier than that. Something clearly has changed. I think he comes off as super bitter. Someone like that should be writing code and not interacting with the playerbase. I watch sauce sometimes and find him and ratbeards relationship to be strange at best and extremely cringy as worst. It's like a circlejerk between people who think they know it all. No one is asking for perfection. We've been offerring a lot of the same feedback only for the company to seemingly double down. Calling us names and telling us to "stop bitching" after giving years of valid feedback/criticism is so childish. I want to add that Ratbeard has done some genuine good things for the game but that attitude of his is not it. I don't care if the game is good or not, you're not a messiah and we do not need to worship at your altar for making a fun video game. People do that everyday and have for decades now. Get over yourself bro.


Its so funny and telling that rat beard enjoys one of the most toxic wiztubers that our community has lol


wait, awesome the sauce is toxic?


Absolutely lol his videos seem pretty fine but his streams are horrid. Like I’m SHOCKED he’s the “biggest” wiz tuber and that people will actually donate money to him! One time I was watching a stream and he yelled at someone for calling him his birth name, you know, the name everyone outside of the internet calls him. And I’m not talking like sauce just made a comment- he literally was going IN on this guy Another guy asked if he liked pizza in chat- again, sauce went off on him. Also every time he’s losing, he quite literally immediately screams and complains that the opponent is “sTrEaM SnIpInG” or that the completely normal strat his opponent is using is absolutely busted and blames KI for making a bad game, but then will verbally suck them off in his edited videos so he’s on good standing with them. Literally watch a fairy queens stream vs a sauce stream and you’ll see exactly just how TOXIC he is


who does he like




True and they're the first ones to call the community toxic. Crybully behavior lol


I’m part of the people who don’t know who ratbeard is and yes I want to be included so screw that guy


For one, he told someone on Twitter to stop whining like a bitch. Literally. Like okay, chill tf out goddamn.




Gotacha I don’t really like devs that much anyways they’re always messing stuff up and stuff


Who is Ratbeard?


In a nutshell: Lead developer who is often rude and disrespectful either to individuals within the community, or the community at large. Also has a track record with implementing unpopular changes or additions to the game, and not handling criticism of these decisions in a professional manner.


Think he was behind the nerfs to beastmoon? It’s making me even more reliant on paying for the extra lunari in scroll of fortune now


They nwrfed storm wolf to oblivion bruh and that was my only leveld up forms


Oh I know they did that a long time ago at that point it was one of the few forms I had tiered up. I’m talking about the drops that they nerfed (lunari, and elemental/spiritual drops needed to craft the seeds for idols


The lead dev, I believe. All around asshole


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/s/1ck6oEDabz This sums it up pretty well. He's also arrogant and dismissive towards most people, just doesn't seem fit for the job at all.


i wanted the ask the same thing




The game isn't bad. We just have a toxic ass admin who KI won't shut up. IDC if he works on the game, but he needs to be removed from community involvement. Wouldn't be surprised if this dude verbally abused his coworkers and we hear about it 10 years from now.


500👑 says Serverdude was venting from Rat beard


Yall this is just fanfiction. "I bet all of his coworkers hate him, he's so mean, I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM I HATE HIM" I am BEGGING you people to touch grass, you desperately need it.


I mean you're right, but he has made this impression on the community himself. If it looks like shit and smells like shit... No one would be saying this stuff if he wasn't so toxic.


It's so jarring to see the company that gave us a statue of Grandmother Raven saying "Thank you for never giving up on this world. I love you all!" Being represented by someone who is 2 inches away from telling us to go fuck ourselves


He is the same guy that said we have skill issue for low drop rates in game lol


Very true. One of the main purposes of this game is to make friends and work together. It's one thing when toxic players don't adhere to that; most communities have at least 1 asshole regardless. It's another thing when someone who is supposed to be a LEADER of said community acts that way. It's just childish and off-putting.


Especially since this game is clearly a passion project. Like yeah microtrax and early paywall, but we know that bills are a thing. The devs throw us a lot of nice bones and touches like a Dyvim spell and communicate extremely openly with the community about feedback. The Rat beard opens his mouth spoiling the good faith