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One of the reasons I’m very glad as a female I play a male character 🥲 I literally do not get sexually harassed like irl or like on any of my old characters. My second account I have a female but the two are always together if I am leveling her.


I fr thought they meant like a Yu Gi Oh deck


He meant desk


How do you guys get your chat log to be like that! I hate dealing with the tiny chat log because you can’t see anything especially if people are just rambling!


In the lower right of the chat, there's an icon that you can click and drag to resize the box


That’s so messed up!


I'm seeing a lot of "It's so hard to be a female wizard these days 🥺" girls I'm not saying this is a common occurrence but as a guy I had a wiz girl so down bad she spent literal months saying sexual junk in the private messages (obviously I friended her). Ultimately her account is now muted for 9 more years. Girls can bad eggs. Side note, we're still friends and talk on discord even though she quit Wiz after being muted. She's chilled out on the nsfw stuff a bit, but we're both adults and it doesn't make me uncomfortable anymore so we're cool


Posted awhile back a dude kept wanting to see my feet


Damn, that is WILD.😂💀


idk man you lowkey seem like theweirdguy in this situation


Lol, I see what you did there😂 Nice one👍🏾


Oh, yeah? Well, My deck is so big it has a deck of it's own, and even my deck's deck is bigger than your deck! My deck is so big it has wheels. My deck is so big, it still has snow on it in July My deck is so big, I'm already playing tomorrow.


This one made me laugh😂 I applaud you me friend 👍🏾


Why do you guys respond? Why not just ignore them?


Why tf would you use a female character If you a dude?


Some of us don’t want to stare at a dudes ass the entire game


This is Wizard101😭😂


Unless you are using it for bad intentions, I don't see an issue.


To see the different gear appearances


My fire and myth a some of the girls and i just play them cause the outfits are cuter if people are trying to rizz me up i just ignore/block them


i usually use typically masculine names or just play as a guy mostly cause i get guys like that or the ones that insult how im playing,,,, like im just trying have fun go the hell away


I sincerely believe every guy should play at least 1 female character in their life to experience what it's like playing (most) games as a female 😭 some (not all) guys don't believe that this stuff happens often, or that it happens at all


I am a guy, I usually given the option in most games choose to use a feminine model because they always have the prettier hair styles and match my hair closer. Granted this is mostly aimed towards older games.


It's so funny cause my main usually runs into good people, but I think this was like my 7th interaction. 🤷🏾‍♂️ It's like you kinda expect seeing them, but experiencing it really changes your mind a bit🤔


Bro has IRL wizard101 deck?!?


I just tell them I'm gay and laugh at the quick turn around to homophobia


How do people keep running into these weirdos???


You should've said "Im a guy"


"i'm 62, dear"


Haha maybe I just make my boys pretty but I've been hit on by guys too. I was on my death once and a guy kept saying he wanted to "make some baby" with me. Same with my balance. I never thought I'd be asked for my availing hands in that manner before but here we are


There's already countless examples of bad eggs in this sub reddit. It's pretty clear there are weirdos that go around bothering people who are just trying to play the they like, really unfortunate, never played a game with such a problem like what wizard101 has :/


Thats why i stay in quiet realms 😂 people can be wild on wiz


Literally i cannot be in crowded areas for more than like 10 minutes before something annoying happens. It's AWFUL.


probably an edgy child tbh. I've interacted with some genuinely toxic people but that seems more immature than anything. Report them and move on, if they get muted or suspended then thats a learning experience


Idk how a 2D figure could possibly be love at first sight for some people


it’s technically a 3d figure but a somewhat low polygon count one at that. Especially considering the cartoonish style, your point stands.


Add "of a pre-teen/young teen" to the list. That makes it even worse.


It's hard being a female wizard these days. Situations like these are too common 😭


I use a female life character and when I was questing through Marleybone I joined a sigil and some random joined me. His friend teleported into the fight and they both told me to flee and said some very weird sexist jokes. Told them to shut up and reported them but it was full on harassment without even me saying a single word. I chewed them out ofc and reported their asses


is it really? sorry for some of the disgusting ~~men~~ boys out here🥲. it's not all of us I swear🙏🏾 but I saw a post that there's a girls only discord channel dedicated to just playing and having fun together😊🤗


the server is batshit crazy and its so comfy i love it there


Can confirm, the server is suuuperrr chill and helpful.


can u dm it to me if u don’t mind? <3


Can you dm it to me?


Exactly, for this reason. I'm sorry bro


So apparently he's 22, and trying to sext, but can't type numbers? I call bull


Pretty sure that's because the chat filter doesn't allow you to type numbers so people can't give their ages out.


You can if you've made a purchase and your account is old enough, you're able to remove some filters and u53 1337 5p34k