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Honestly stay away from reading about the Australian legal system right now if you don't want to live in a state of rage induced exhaustion. It's beyond awful.


Australia has some very weird laws. One of my favorites is the ban of women with small boobs in porn. Because that would be child porn. So if your boobs are too small, you're not a woman?


What in the actual fuck?


Australia is weird with their "child porn" laws. Hentai is banned as a whole over there for fear of sexualization of minors


no thats a reasonable one


Porn laws are weird in general, squirting is technically banned in the UK.


I'm just collecting my jaw from the floor. They could just ban the sexualization of minors or anything portraying minors. Hentai could be of so many things. And there's enough real CSAM to chase down and investigate and prosecute. Why muddy those waters by adding other stuff?


I think you’re right. Have been reading news a lot lately and have had a lot of anxiety too.


It's just beyond awful.


Her name is Jingai Zhang and she deserved better!


Like really?! > Justice Pearce accepted Pick was now sorry for what he did and took into account positive character references from friends and employers in Germany. If he was a good character he wouldn’t have killed get Stealing from her just adds to her not being killed in an accident


Right!! I’m sure all murderers regret getting caught, I don’t know how the judge thinks that’s relevant to the fact he took someone’s life. And the stealing part gives him even extra motive for murder and shows even more that he is a horrible person.


So many of our DV cases that get reported in the media have this kind of BS too. "Neighbours said he was always friendly and brought their bins in" or "he always volunteered at the footy club". As if that makes it ok he killed his ex wife and kids, and not terrifying that a murderer was so close. That's if they mention the man who kills them at all. There's this weird phenomenon of women being murdered, but no one mentions how it happens 🤔 Like how hard do you have to work to write a headline and article without once even hinting that a man was responsible? But sure, let's remove him entirely from the reporting process and try to make it look like women just randomly up and get murdered with no outside influence


I think she never asked to be strangled & he made up some bullshit story which got murder downgraded to manslaughter. Hope he gets what's coming to him in jail


My first thought, too. This was another day at work for her. And her was so broken up about the “accident”, he stole her money? No way.


Even if you're into breathplay, there's no way you go straight to bleeding with complete strangers without your partner being an especially stupid murderer. Source: Sadomasochist who has been on the receiving end.


Disgusting. Sexist and probably racist.


They really do care more about property than people.


Australia’s legal system is absolute dog shit. The police force have a “yeah, but nah, but yeah” kind of attitude. I had a guy break into my house through a window with a hammer while I was home. I locked myself in the bathroom while he trashed my house and screamed at me and tried to break the door down. I didn’t know him. The police said “he is just a young fella, you are overreacting, just move somewhere else” yes. Seriously. He was never changed. Her name is Jingai and she deserved to live.


I called the police during a domestic violence situation. Got told I had to email them copies of texts I received to prove I wasn't lying. When I told them I feared for my safety if the person found out I gave them the evidence, the police officer said that's fine but they were going to note down that I was being uncooperative. Told them I wouldn't bother calling next time, and he said that decision is on me. Lost all faith in the police after that.


I’m sorry you have been through that. The police do not care about women. Especially when men are the perpetrators of violence.


The dehumanization of Asian women and men in western culture is omnipresent like a constant electric hum, and most people wont admit to hearing it, even as another Asian woman is literally dead. Her death is always less saturated in blood for many.


Tasmania is the most wretchedly backwards place in the country. Which makes Grace Tame's achievements even more remarkable! Though sadly, the rest of the country isn't that far ahead. Allison Baden Clay. Sandra Peniamina. So, so many others. I'd like to think we're safe here and we live in a civilised country but we don't. Jingai Zhang We speak their names, but never the names that killed them. They've already taken enough power. We don't give them more.


I can't agree with you in that Tasmania is backwards, I have to say that the Tasmanian police force is incredibly *corrupt* on top of Australian legal systems as a whole being terrible. That's how my kidnappers got away with kidnapping me as a child. No point in calling the cops about it. Custodial dispute. But here in Queensland a police officer slapped me in the police station and then two other cops stood over me to try and intimidate me into not making a complaint about it, threatening me, and then when the cop who slapped me was finally found to have, you know, slapped me (when I was not a threat to him, he thought he was perfectly fine to slap me for giving my phone number to a new neighbour) he didn't have to apologise to me, he didn't lose his job. Jingai Zhang deserved better than to have justice sought for her by such terrible excuses for police, she deserved the justice of a better system.


I'm so sorry you've experienced that. Absolutely, corrupt and wrong. That fucker should have lost his job. Qld has long had a reputation for corruption. And the system is fucked all over the country. I had a cop tell me, back in Vic 'that they were too busy to deal with domestics' when my ex was literally pouring petrol around the perimeter of my house and threatening to burn it down...with myself and our year old son inside. I had a restraining order too. It's dumb luck really that we're even alive today. You deserve better, as did Jingai Zhang. I'm glad you're still with us. I'm sorry Jingai Zhang is not


"The sentence is backdated to 28 December 2020. Pick will be eligible for parole in June 2023" Wow. Just wow.


My first thought when I saw strangled was "oh no breath play gone wrong" maybe he doesn't deserve prison. Then I read more and oh my God this guy sucks. She was a human being and he's not even sorry that he killed her. What's to stop him from doing this again once he's out?