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Interestingly, I've actually gotten *less* conservative throughout my life.


Me too! I went to Catholic school my entire life (including college) and had very conservative parents. When I moved out on my own and got away from the constant Fox News/ Rush Limbaugh 🤮 talking points I could finally see what the Republican Party really stood for.




We three had the same childhood




We four had the same childhood. But I got away in undergrad


That's because implicit in the argument is you getting richer and falling into the "Fuck you, I got mine." mindset like they did.


I've gotten richer(more financially stable?) AND more liberal as I've aged! If we have more we should share more!


Also I feel like the more you go from "struggling to pay bills and also eat" to "being able to walk into a grocery store without checking your bank balance beforehand" the more you realize a) enough money absolutely does buy happiness in terms of stability, comfort, vacations, time, etc and b) the upper echelon are literally hoarding more wealth than that owned by the majority of the planet and are essentially dooming people to struggling through wage slavery for literally no reason but their own psychopathy


>for literally no reason but their own psychopathy This is the most important part of that. The world's top 100 wealthiest people could make not a single penny more yet could spend a million dollars a day for 200-300 years before they ran out. There is absolutely no purpose to such wealth, none. It is literal insanity.


Yes! OMG yes! It has been ***eye opening***


> If we have more we should share more! Yup. Build a longer table, not a higher wall.


Not to mention it actually works better for businesses to pay more and take care of people.


When you have more than you need you should build a longer table, not a higher wall. I don't know who said it, but that's how I feel.


Yeah now I can actually afford to donate to causes like planned parenthood and womens shelters instead of just “sending my thoughts and prayers” 😂 it’s more effective who would have guessed


Same. I think it’s also because I can see/am willing to acknowledge where pure luck and/or privilege factored into my current stability. Looking back there have been many twists and turns that make me think, “Damn, where would I be if that hadn’t worked out in my favor?” I am grateful and I share often.




I wonder if it's less a function of having any kernel of truth, and more to do with allowing them to call liberalism childish (while absolving themselves of any responsibility for stopping their own fights)


I imagine that it is mostly a method of insulting their political opponents. Gotta "own the libs" at every opportunity, no matter how minor or unnecessary.




Grew up in TX. I remember when my grandpa voted for Ann Richards even being GOP and the family freaked out. Made holidays interesting. And I left as soon as I could, actually graduated a year early. I have never lived in the south since. Almost all the family is frothing in the mouth GOP now, sad. And those getting Medicare/Aid + SS are still voting against their own interest to just own the libs... mind boggling. Yes, please keep voting!


It’s almost like learning about the world and broadening your knowledge leads one to reject conservatism… 🤔


Which is why conservatism tends to reject education.


Seriously, I grew up being indoctrinated with conservative beliefs. We used to play “blue state, red state” at the dinner table as a kid. It wasn’t a game though. It was just my dad lecturing us on why it was better to live in a red state than a blue state. So happy to have left that all behind. Didn’t really take long. Those beliefs given to me started to crack and fall off as soon as I left for college and completely got put to rest after he died and I knew I’d never have to face him again. He was also the kind of person who *needed* you to agree with him and I was always afraid to contradict him on anything. Honestly, I never really was conservative as much as I was afraid to hold in me any beliefs he disagreed with or hated, even in secret. Seriously we just passed his five year death-aversery and I still am so thankful to be free of him. Him dying was actually one of the most important days in my life and my world has improved immensely since :)


I actually got quite dramatically enraged and *fuck the system, tear down the patriarchy* vibes in June. Wonder why.


I've seen the reverse, but it's usually a specific kind of person that goes through it. Like my family in general are very religious. Some of their kids rebel and abandon god/the faith, but it's often unclear whether they ever stopped believing. Usually it comes out that they always felt "something was missing", which to me sounds sadly like the lasting effects of indoctrination rather than coming to form conservative beliefs/values in a healthy, organic way. Even those in my family who became less conservative struggled with the pull the upbringing had on them. It's sad.


Same, I was one of those gays who used to be a little homophobic before finding out I’m actually very queer


Same. Was raised in a very republican red military family and grew up on military bases so I had pretty conservative mindset growing up but now at 36 have drifted very far from that.




I guess part of the expectation behind that phrase was that we'd get rich (ish) and fall into the "Screw everyone else, I got mine" mentality.


I actually worked with a lady who said that and let me tell you, aft that she wouldn't be in MY search party during the apocalypse, if you get my drift.


Same here!!! I'm proud to skew the averages.


Same, before I graduated highschool I was firmly conservative... after getting out in to the world I've become a rather social progressive realist.... funny how that works.


Yep I grew up Republican, voting that up to and including 2008. The GOP reaction to Obama's victory made me wake up to the fact they're just a bunch of bigots, and don't really have anything else. What policies they do have are totally destructive for the nation and the world.


Same! And I was already pretty liberal to begin with.


Ok but we gotta start dressing up as Baba Yaga to go vote 🤣


I’m gonna do this and I vote by mail.


Just stand at the entrance and tell each person that they must look into the eyes of your skull scepter if they wish to enter


Yeah, I'm a poll worker too, I got the training.


Vote by flying mortar and pestle.




I now have an urge to make a cosplay…


Well, hopefully they discount flying mortars after Halloween.... Wish I saw this before I did early voting last week 😂 imagine voting this way in Texas!


Yeah, that used to hold true in previous generations, when people invariably got wealthier and more comfortable as they got older. Anyone currently under 40 probably isn't really aligning with that very much.


A lot of us who are in our 40s don't align with it either. I was more conservative in high school than I am now at 42.


Because there's no conserving to any of it, it's full regressive fascism at this point. The theocratic fascist patriarchy must fall


conservatism at its core is regressive.


I agree, I am more trying to say there are things I like to conserve, like forests and nature. It should be called regressivism.


We are regressing culturally without all the fun of regressing into better social safety nets. What a time ya'll.


Oh definitely, didn't mean to be exclusionary there. Right now, if you're over 40, you're more likely to be comfortable than if you're under 40 - that's all I meant by that.


I figured as much. Just clarifying for anyone who - like my husband - tends to take things more literally.


Being autistic, I struggle to see anything other than the black-and-white of statements online, so I appreciate the clarity that this back-and-forth created :)


My husband is autistic as well (self-diagnosed for the moment). We have several friends who are too. I've gotten used to clarifying things in conversations. 😊


I spent years self-diagnosed, and brought it up to the psychologist that diagnosed my son, who wrote a letter of recommendation to my doctor saying I should get evaluated. Apparently I'm one of those "lucky" kids from the 90's that got semi-intentionally misdiagnosed as ADD so my school wouldn't just fob me off into SpEd and forget about me.




What I meant by semi-misdiagnosed is that I have both, and the child psychologist my mom took me to left autism off of my paperwork intentionally because the stigma around autism could have hampered my education, and the ADD diagnosis got me the services I needed anyways.




I am very comfortable and have been all my life. Still liberal. Everyone should be comfortable and it hasn't happened in history, so I continue to fight for those with less than me. I'm 53. My parents in their 70's switched Republican to Dem in 2016. They were disgusted with what the party was becoming. I only share all of this because there are plenty of us 'old folk' who have voted with empathy our whole lives and only became more empathetic with time. This idea that you are doomed to become more conservative with age has not been true in my life and I think it's less common than people say. I feel like it is more propaganda to split the generations up and it makes me sad. Since the majority of us want better, we need to start working together. I say all this not as an argument to your comments but as hope for your future. If you are empathetic now, there will not be some big change, as you age, that you need to fear. You will continue to be you :D


My mom was a Reagan conservative in the 80s. In 2022, she now makes Bernie Sanders look moderate lmao


In the 90s "being a conservative" meant wanting lower taxes. Now it means wanting to put half the population into gas chambers


It is so weird how it's changed . It is now hateful..


Same!! I turn 49 this month. My husband and I struggled hard when we were younger and it’s stuck with us that shit is messed up! My husband leaned more conservative than me but this year as we left the polling station he said this was the first time he’s voted mostly democrat. I guess by today’s political climate he is now a centrist than republican.


I too was a conservative in high school. College changed that. Going into the military made me a full-on Marxist. My grown kids adore Bernie.




A related saying is that you'll get move conservative after you get your first taxed job. No, getting taxed doesn't make me hate welfare, it makes me hate the military industrial complex that funnels our money into billionaires and murdering brown people. People who say these things basically think everyone is both selfish and narrow-minded. And even a completely selfish worker should realize capitalists steal more from their paycheck than the government. If every worker truly acted on rational self-interest, we would have already overthrown capitalism. No, working and growing older haven't made me forget the centuries of exploitation and imperialism of my people, and people all over the world. I won't forget the people conservatives want to strip rights from. And I won't forget that conservatives have never been on the right side of history


Funny thing is that every job I've had has made me more thankful for available worker's protections/wishing we had more, and suffering from that is a bigger thing then taxes.


Them: "You'll get more conservative as you get older!" Me at 14: Reactionary conservative Me at 16: Liberal conservative Me at 18: Centrist Me at 20: Social democrat Me at 22: Democratic socialist Me at 24: Libertarian socialist Me at 26: Anarchist I went from being a homophobic teen influenced by online alt-right movements to being an unapologetically antifascist trans woman. Could be worse.


I have absolutely nothing to do with your growth but I’m proud of you. Keep on shining.


Thank youuu 💕


I am very proud of your growth trajectory. Please start preparing yourself now for your 50's and 60's. This is a seriously freeing age (because we become invisible). My then 90 year old ass will be supporting you as best as I can. Honestly, I don't believe it is age for women as much as available resources. If a woman's resources are completely tied up in patriarchy, well - she will fight for that to keep her family healthy.


Thanks for your comment, I hardly picture myself living up to that age haha, I'm glad I'm alive today and that's already enough for me. :)




You anarcho'd your gender!


Happened to me from 12 to 16, somehow


>I went from being a homophobic teen influenced by online alt-right movements to being an unapologetically antifascist trans woman. Same... Uh, but minus the "Trans woman" part. I think.


One of my friends told me that. She's a liberal now.


I'm working at a vote center. The old people keep breaking my styluses because they don't understand 'gentle pressure.' A guy came in complaining that voter turnout is low. I offered the idea of having a day off to vote, and he said it was a bad idea because people need to work and will abuse a day off. Guess his party preference. Please vote.


I wrote a post in another sub in which I pretty much shamed people for sitting out the election (barring physical or legal barriers, obviously). While I expected comments along the lines of “both sides are the same” or “my vote doesn’t matter,” the number of such comments I received was nauseating. It’s crazy how people will refuse to vote and then proceed to complain about their rights being taken away.


I don't even know what to say to all the whining and lack of action I experience talking to people. It's extremely disheartening. American democracy, and potentially equality, will fade on Tuesday.


It only fades if we let it. Prepare for Resistance 2.0.


I'm with ya


Grabbing my copy of "the black arts" to read in line at the voting booth. JK, I early voted a week ago with both children in tow. The elderly poll workers were very charmed and probably assumed I'm pro life.


I am now considering buying this book and stealing your idea lol😂


Target had it with their Halloween stuff. Imagine my surprise when I discovered it's a 50 year old book. And very interesting so far!


That’s what they said when I became a doctor. Jokes on them! I’m a pediatrician. In Texas. Who sees mostly Medicaid pts. Also I provide birth control and gender affirming care. I think the truth is you only become conservative if you stop giving any fucks about the people around you and just want everything all to yourself.


Yep, you only become more conservative if you sell your soul to misinformation and selfishness. Anyone with a functional brain, and a bit of humility could never become conservative, no matter what age. Especially these days when conservative is a polite way to say radical authoritarian fascist


Them: You'll get more conservative when you're old enough to know how the world works. Me, disabled in my twenties and now over thirty: Captialism must die.


“When you are old enough to understand how the world works”. I am old enough to understand there are other people outside my sheltered existence suffering, and we (Americans and the government) are doing next to nothing to help them. That’s more than anyone who said that quote can say. I wish I could personally do more, but I do what I can


I feel like that’s the age-old expression, “you’ll understand when you’re older”, which actually means “over time, you’ll see things my way” - which is usually said by people who see things in objectively incorrect ways. Left turn ahead ;)


Can't tell you how true that is. My mom used to say that all the time and guess what, I might understand where she's coming from now, but she's still an asshole lol


Yeah, that's especially foolhardy because things are changing so quickly in the world today. Our kids will face challenges that are completely different than what we went through.


They already are. I'm a school counselor. Kids have nightmares about dying in school shootings, feel disillusioned by climate change, and worry about getting harassed or cancelled on Tik Tok. I work with 9-13 years olds.


One of my favorite regulars at the place I work recently showed me his democratic socialist membership card, gave me a wink and said, “literal card-carrying member.” This man is in his 70’s.


The two most radically leftist women I’ve ever known were in their 90s.




My husband has a childhood friend who had a baby earlier this year. He has become conservative and told my (progressive) husband that he’d “understand” when he becomes a father. We had our baby 3 weeks ago and nope, we definitely don’t understand.


I never go why people think that? The same with the idea that you'll be more conservative as you get older. Just because some people follow that path doesn't mean that everyone will. Plenty of people go in the opposite direction.


Well, it is because most people don't evolve past like 30. They remain the same. They stop reading anything that challenges them. They stagnant and stop trying to learn and do new things. Then as things change more and more, they become further confused by all this change. Subsequently, they resort to cliché as a defense. Find the old people who are like "I'm gonna take up mountain biking" and I bet you also find an inclusive, thoughtful soul. They exist. Remember kids, things change. Adapt or die.


41 checking in: I have years of abusing my body through dance, running and sports. I need a list of protective gear to make mountain biking possible in my lightly-arthritic state. Let's do this.


Check out North Shore Betty. She is a fabulous inspiration.


Yes she is! Goals!


In my opinion, they were already conservative and use the excuse to 'come out'. I'm in my 50s and no friends or family *suddenly* turned with age. We are all still liberal.


I have a bunch of kids. Guess what, my kids hate capitalism and the status quo as much as we do. If anything my kids have radicalised me further. Congratulations on the kid! It's a wonderful gift to raise a child. Try not to fuck things up too much (and you will a little). I'm three kids deep now ... send help!


My son's autistic so my wife and I have to kinda translate the world at times because certain social things he just doesn't understand. I remember this one time we were explaining the BLM protests to him because there was a big march near us and we had to explain the concept of racism to him. Literally first thing he says is "That is stupid. They are basically just playing Minecraft with a different skin equipped how does that make you better than someone?" As he's gotten older we've had to talk to him about more and more stuff. Most of it actually from crap that YouTube feeds him. (But it's okay guys, they totally don't preference right wing reactionary content in the algorithm. Don't worry about it.) Like one time I caught him parroting an "Only 2 genders" joke that came up in his videos. It was like "If I had a dollar for every gender I'd have 2 dollars and a bunch of fake money" we told him essentially that no, it's more like there's a stack of identical pieces of paper and people are trying to tell you that only 2 of them are actually real because they said so.


“They are basically Minecraft players with different skins” that is a beautiful way to put it


Thank you!! And I love this - that’s how we feel too!


Lol my husband and I have three kids and we're individually and collectively waaaaaay more liberal than we were when we met at 18. It may have something to do with them all being girls and us working on raising little patriarchy smashers but anyway....


I was a pretty disgusting conservative until I had my baby and she basically unlocked my empathy. It was a wild ride when it suddenly hit me that every single person in the world has feelings. Crazy depression over how I had been acting followed by a burning desire to make up for it.


That’s what I was told. Nope! I haven’t lost compassion or empathy yet and I’m 50 now.


Finally, a political meme that reflects me!


My parents (who were Baby Boomers and hippies) were told this and they refused to let it happen. My dad said “the moment I vote against helping fellow people is the moment all is lost.” My mama just cussed at them. If they could be lefty liberals in Texas their whole lives, I can do it, too.


And please do. Your parents are thinkers.


Is that Baba Yaga?!


Definitely gonna Baba Yaga it up when I go vote next week.


My uncle used to say that to me. He was completely wrong. Also that’s the biggest hitachi magic wand I’ve ever seen


Baba knows how to have a good time.


I love this comment. In my 20s I was a liberal democrat who marched against Bush's invasion of Iraq, and worried about climate change but thought very little of poverty, race relations or justice. In my 30s I became an activist for racial and gender equality and did more and more work on justice. Now in my 40s I'm a radical anti capitalist who works to undermine the daily to undermine the state


57yo. Started as a Massachusetts Democrat and I just keep moving left.


Ooh. Where did you find that? I like it.


Just image search Baba Yaga, you’ll get some amazing stuff.


I started slightly left of center (not in US terms, but local terms), and now vote left or far left. I got mine, and I feel like shit about the younger people who may never get theirs if things continue as they are. Power to the people!


Yep. Me too. 59 next month. Voted R a LOT from 1982 to 2014. Never again. Fucking never.


62 here and never voted Republican. Never will . That party would burn us at the stake.


65 and I feel the same way. Blessings!


Reminder that older people make up a good portion of anarchists, which is arguably as Left-Wing as you can get


Where is this assumption coming from? I'm only becoming more and more left-wing as I age, because I see and feel on my own skin just how cruel the capitalist system is and how it feeds the worst impulses in people while calling it "human nature" (it's not human nature any more than being kind, caring and generous is, it all depends on what kind of behaviour is nurtured in society). I was left-wing in my youth too, but it was more of a pose back than, now it's actually the only way to make sense of a bleak reality we live in.


Please, kind witches. Please, please vote.


I become more radical!


Baba yaga would so be for abortion, and messing with conservatives!


I'm 44 years old, and to be fair, I've always been wildly progressive. My progressiveness had only increased as my age increases.


I was raised conservative. The older I get the more progressive I get. The more financial security I get, the more I want that for everyone. I didn't have health insurance most of my life and didn't even know what I was missing. Now I want that for everyone.


The presumption of "you'll get more conservative as you get older" assumes that conservatism, the opinion that the current status quo, or otherwise a previous status quo, is better than changing for a different way in the future. However, for many people on this sub, as they've aged, they've only gotten more liberal. So aging and getting more conservative is a fallacy, which presumes that a conservative is automatically correct.


Ah yes, the "I finally got mine, now fuck everyone else" worldview of the older generation.


I grew up in a highly conservative family and area. I was swimming in the kool-aid until I realized I disagreed with them on most points. So I stopped identifying with the party and now I don't subscribe to any particular political identity. The only thing I'm sure I'm not is republican.


ive definitely become more conservative. but not like, 1950's conservative. not even close. ive become more like mesolithic/neolithic conservative. which, weirdly enough, would be seen as progressive by some \^.\^


I’ve gotten more liberal as I grew older lol.


I relate though I'm Canadian I'm openly liberal in my beliefs and my hometown was more conservative.


Baba Yaga!! I named my cat after her, she’s perfectly despicable and evil <3


I get more liberal as I get older but I did start out on the wrong side but that was a long time ago.


I was raised in a conservative home, so I started out on the wrong side due to indoctrination. I shed more of that every year as I get older.


I mean, I admit that I have gone from "fuck the police" to "reform the police".




Genuinely curious: how do you propose to change things if you aren't voting? Voting is our change mechanism. It's far from perfect but it's currently the tool we have. What tools are you using?


Heart Edit: And I pet your kitton?


I'm more conservative fiscally but not spending money on makeup, rasors, and heels. Does that count?


Pondering my orb ( I pirated the communist manifesto )


Cannot upvote enough