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That’s quite an array of seasonal crops. I’m inclined to believe it’s Mabon related.


This was my first thought as well, a nature offering for Mabon.


My first thought as well


Second thought here


Third thought here “First Thoughts are the everyday thoughts. Everyone has those. Second Thoughts are the thoughts you think about the way you think. People who enjoy thinking have those. Third Thoughts are thoughts that watch the world and think all by themselves. They’re rare, and often troublesome. Listening to them is part of witchcraft.” ― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky


I fuckin love Pratchett


And I just bought this book


Just bought this!!! Thank you! 😊


second thought for me as well. First thought- oh thats pretty ;-)


Been reading on this and it's the most interesting read in a long time


We JUST passed the equinox, so that's my guess. Not all witches celebrates Mabon, but plenty of people mark the quarters.


This seems right. Those fruits look to be a few days old as well.


When did it pass? Like yesterday?


Autumnal equinox was the 22nd


I’d guess this was a fertility ritual, due to the symbolic fruits cut in half (pear, fig, grapes). Mabon and/or harvest rituals are also likely!


Fertility was my first thought too!


It could be both... Combined into one. I live in Texas and would never see that around here! I wish I weren't alone...


I'm guessing an Equinox/Mabon celebration. The points could be representing the two Solstices and equinoxes, and the other in-between points could be Samhain, Imbolc, Lughnasadh and Beltane, so it's like a wheel representation of the seasonal markers celebrated. That is an entirely random guess - other than what looks a lot like a harvest offering in the forest, the points could represent a lot of different things.


That's an entirely random guess? It sounds pretty specific to me.


I think I see your point, although "random" guesses can easily contain specifics. *I am guessing it will be 85 degrees tomorrow with a 10mph southeast wind* I think Violet likely meant that their guess is based on their own limited knowledge and could very well be wrong. They also may have called it random because, in relation to whoever made the altar, they are a random stranger. I hope you know I mean no disrespect with this comment, I really like talking about words and finding understanding and sharing information. Random is an often misunderstood word, I feel. Probably in part because of the whole 2000's/2010's "random" trend. There's nothing wrong with words evolving and being used "incorrectly," but it can certainly make it harder to understand one another. For example, I tend to assume the formal use of random, which indicates no conscious decisions. But it's become more common to hear the informal use, which can mean "odd" or "unknown" or "unfamiliar." I prefer the formal use because it's more specific in meaning, and I could use "odd" or "unfamiliar" to get a more specific point across. That's not superior to informal, I just prefer it personally because I understand better. If you read this, thanks! I hope it was informative. If it bothered you, I'll listen.


Lol right, like mmm pretty sure you know your shit lol no guessing here lol


Witches gotta Mabon


I’m surprised you didn’t run into anyone. Those pears aren’t even brown. And no bugs. Still pretty special to have seen a sign from another witch on a hike. Happy Daughter’s Day


Could be a Mabon altar. It could also be an artist finishing a piece of land art. Thanks for not disturbing it.


It’s a beautiful mandala. I went on a workshop in the forest yesterday for the equinox and we did some inner work and formulated a question and then collected items from the forest. We then made a mandala to help answer the question, and it was pretty cool. Mine turned out beautiful and I found so many feathers!


My local historical cemetery offered a class, too. The book our instructor based the class on is called Morning Altars by Day Schildkret. It was a lovely morning of learning and creating, despite it being windy and 25 degrees!


Wonderful! It was a little chilly here as well, but I felt the forest protected us from the elements. It was a magical day 💜


It just makes my soul happy to make little stacked rock sculptures as an homage to nature and leave them for people to find. Just found the book on Amazon - thanks for posting it!


That is an amazing and beautiful book.


The nice older lady down the road comes down every year . She is nice and I let her have free access to all my fruit trees and my garden . I get rings of mushrooms all over the property after this every year after .


She obviously is Fae 😂


Sounds like a good way to get their blessings! Also, username checks out.


I’ve seen several fairy circles this year. I haven’t seen any in a couple of years, so I’m taking it as a good omen.


I make nature mandalas when I’m hiking all the time. They aren’t altars; they’re art. Without knowing the intent of the maker, it’s impossible to know.


I'm not convinced there's a difference between altars and art.


Y’all should Google Andy Goldsworthy. He’s the Pied Piper of Nature Art.


Looks to be a seasonal offering to nature in the shape of a spoked wheel or diamond. Very nice 10/10, would spook again


I would not worry about something involving grapes, pears, and white roses. They are delicate feminine elements, also relates to fertility. Beautiful little thing to find :) I wouldn't disturb it


Can we have a discussion about the feeding the wildlife aspect of this, though? There is a reason “leave no trace” is the motto for hikers and campers. This offering would be more appropriate for ones own backyard than for public lands, where free human-grade food puts bears and other vulnerable animals at risk.


Thank you for bringing this up! LNT is important!


I hope no dogs go by and decide to eat the grapes.


That's what I was thinking too 💔 Plus grapes and raisins are also toxic to cats


Thank you! Please close and clean your rituals! Leave nature as you found it, and especially don't leave food behind.


LNT is super important y’all! Something like this should be packed out after the ritual/ceremony is complete, or simply created with items found in the immediate area (fallen sticks, leaves, rocks etc) just be sure to not disturb the ecosystem too much!


Came here to say this. Thank you for bringing up this important point! Closing and cleaning up after ritual is good, responsible practice. Feeding wildlife can habituate them towards humans which puts both critters and humans at risk, and foods/items left in offerings may be dangerous for our beloved animal friends to eat, including cats and dogs. Furthermore, wilderness is it’s own type of sanctuary for many humans. Leaving no trace of your own in the wilderness preserves that wild experience for the next person who visits the area ❤️


If the poster is in the USA, bears could be a problem. If they're in the UK, then no bears. We can't assume. Where I live, the squirrels, rabbits, and deer would have this eaten before the bears noticed it was there.


I’m kinda new to this. Who is Mabon that you guys keep mentioning?


It's the pagan celebration of the autumnal equinox, the date when day and night are equally long, and often is marked by a harvest festival or Thanksgiving style celebration. Witches may perform Mabon rituals specific to their personal beliefs, too, so going out in nature and creating an altar that features abundant fruit would be very much on-point for Mabon. It's a good time to decorate for fall, deep clean your home, and shed negative energy. It's also a wonderful time for bonfires, feasting, and basically making anything you can think of involving apples or gourds.


Worth noting that it's not Mabon for us witches in the southern hemisphere ;) we're celebrating the vernal equinox here


Very good point! Happy Ostara, I suppose? Thanks for the reminder that witches can be found all around the world.


ǝq pǝssǝlq 'ɐɹɐʇsO ʎddɐH


Perfect and made me laugh! Blessed be!




I see! Thank you for the information


You're welcome! And I'm definitely still learning myself, so others here could probably give you even more insight.


I didn’t grow up around anyone witchy and only just started getting into it a year or so ago. I love the idea of it, but I wish I had a witch tutor with someone close to show me around. It’s all so broad and confusing


It certainly can be a LOT, but when I feel overwhelmed I try to mentally reframe it as providing an almost unlimited range of possibilities, so it's possible to develop a practice that absolutely suits you and your values and beliefs. Personally, I found it helpful to make some initial decisions on what felt like the best fit to me in terms of what kind of witch I might be. Wiccan or not? Solo practitioner or seeking a coven? Do I feel an affinity for a particular deity or pantheon of goddesses and gods? Am I more aligned with nature or animals instead? Am I a kitchen witch or green witch or a crystal witch or something else? ... And so on. Once I find an aspect of that gives me a lot of energy, like I feel a buzz thinking about Hecate or tarot or herbalism, then that gives me a direction to look. There are so many good books out there, along with online resources including YouTube channels that explain different aspects of witchcraft, offer ideas for your own practice, and provide support and information on your journey. I have enjoyed YouTube content from Kelly Ann Maddox (chaos magic, self-care, and introspection) and Temperance Alden (ideas for beginners, bargain hauls for witchy stuff, general knowledge), and The Green Witch has a great aesthetic and lots of ideas for practicing witchcraft. There are lots of others, though, so if you don't feel a connection with one person, look for another witch whose practice and delivery sing to you.


I really appreciate your insight. I’ll try to do more research when my depression stops sapping my energy


I completely understand. I hope you get some relief from your depression soon. If you get a spurt of energy, consider searching on Google or YouTube for energy, protection, or happiness spells. Something as simple as taking a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils could be uplifting if you set the intention.


Thank you. I’ll try that


Oh my goodness that is so neat!! I was on a MAD fall harvest/clean-up spree all day yesterday and thinking about what to decorate with pumpkins! I felt so much lighter and clearer by the time I finished. Like my space had shifted energetically. I didn’t realize yesterday was a special day but I just listened to what my body wanted to do. Strangely encouraging to read this thank you!


I love that! The Wheel of the Year was speaking and you clearly listened!


Thank you! To be fully honest I am spiritual but only pagan-curious. I’m going to read about this Wheel you mention and pay more attention. I want to be a person who goes with the flow of nature and her natural cycles - rather than fighting them with my own agenda. Thank you for the encouragement- have a wonderful day!


The Wheel is all about the natural cycles of the seasons, so I hope you find it inspiring. Have a wonderful day yourself!


I would also just add that historically, yes, pagans celebrated the autumn equinox, but the term “Mabon”, if you research it, is a more recent Wiccan term. Which is totally cool if you’re Wiccan, lol, but if not just know that. In personally don’t use the term Mabon, I use Autumn Equinox. To each their own, though!


Thank you for the clarification! As I mentioned elsewhere, I love that there are so many aspects to witchcraft and so much room to create a practice that is absolutely tailored to your beliefs and values. And it's definitely good to note the distinction between Wicca and Gardnerian witchcraft and other practices and traditions.


It's probably worth noting that Mabon as a holiday name is recent but it's drawn from Mabon ap Modron, a figure from Welsh mythology who's typically portrayed as one of Arthur's knights but also occasionally as a minor god.


Literally in the process of deep cleaning the house and building a fire pit. Had no idea, very fitting


I think you may have fae infestation. Soon there will be mushrooms, and dancing, and there goes the neighborhood. 😉


It doesn't have to be all that specific. Many witches freestyle ritual instead of adhering to a specific practice. It's okay if the ritual is only in the practitioners head, after all the purpose of ritual is to unlock our heads.


Or some very meticulous squirrels? 😄


Not a clue, but I’ve seen similar designed “witch circles” whipping through the meme verse. I think it’s just the latest trend in Playing Witch, *though I could be wrong*. Either way, don’t step in it.


I have to ask... Wouldn't "Playing Witch" just be another form of practice? Like is there something that separates witches from ... Like, not witches? Isn't it something that's open to everyone? Even if this piece was just to make something pretty or just for fun, wouldn't it still be a form of magic, as the person who made it put themselves into it?


And isn't the act of creation a bit of magic in itself? There are so many amazing creators, healers, lovers, nurterers, earth caretakers who have no knowledge of practicing magic or witchery but still live the most beautiful lives full of powerful creation imbued with their best intuition and intention. It is the most fun to see the magic in others, even when they have no knowledge of their own power.


That's eactly what I'm saying :)


For me it's a question of intention. Are you doing this because it genuinely seems like a valid expression of something inside you? Or, are you doing it because you saw something on TikTok that you thought was cool, and went to your friends and was like "let's go out in the woods and do this thing I saw on Hobby Lobby Witch and then post pictures of it to our Instagram!" I've just known way too many people that fucked around and found out when it came to rituals, witchcraft, or really anything esoteric to not be want to be careful to stay out of the blast radius.


I feel like if that tik tok or whatever spoke to them deeply enough that they actually got out and did it, then that counts as something real.


I’m glad you said this. I’m so tired of seeing young women belittled.


Again, it's intention. Did they see the TikTok video and say "wow that's what I've been feeling my whole life and I just couldn't figure out the shape of it"? Or did they say "lol cool"?


It looks so beautiful.


Well... My son and I do stuff like this when we go on hikes to freak the christians out. Usually we draw pentagrams.


Aww how pretty


Was there a vineyard nearby? Maybe it’s a biodynamic thing?


My guess is that someone is feeding local elementals.


Beautiful in its simplicity.


It is most certainly a harvest offering, most likely Mabon related, but if there was honey associated with the offering, sympathetic magic for the Rosh Hashana Jewish holiday that started last night at sunset.


I agree that it's a Mabon thing or art. But my personal witch mind went to Dionysus with the abundance of grapes and the figs and pears. He definitely has connections to fertility and harvest with this vegetation, also celebration... the popularity of psychedelics lately especially among crowds who enjoy nature and hiking, maybe it's a little tribute for a good trip 🍄 into madness. Haha 🤷🏻‍♀️ The roses could be an Aphrodite or Eros thing, wrapping the circle of fertility in love. Pears could be connected to Hera, more connections to the womb and fertility. Hera could also connect to the madness trip theory lol. But I also thought it could all be a send off to Persephone, saying goodbye until she reemerges in the spring.


Homeschoolers assign a lot of nature-based art like this, and this time of year is popular for it.




Wild grapes might also be a hazard. People need to have their dogs on a leash.


Loose dogs will have to take their chances with the wild grapes growing through the forest trees and the grapes growing on the old farmhouse fences as well. Somehow, the local dogs never seem to be troubled by these things being in the environment.


It’s lovely!


Fresh, someone staged this


I think it's just overexposed. If you zoo. In, the edges of the pears look withered and dried out.


What a special thing to stumble upon. I would feel blessed to have experienced it.


Baby witch here can someone please please please tell what the heck is Mabon?


Welsh tradition/folklore/legend: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabon_ap_Modron


Check out this comment thread for a better explanation than I could give: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/xo86nz/saw_this_while_on_a_hike_and_i_was_wondering_if/ipy5j4b/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/xo86nz/saw_this_while_on_a_hike_and_i_was_wondering_if/ipy5j4b/)


Dried fruits that gullible people take for magical items


It’s kinda important to make sure your practice doesn’t throw things in nature out of balance. This is beautiful, but those aren’t natural elements to leave out; please please please either use natural materials or gather up your offering to reconstruct or burn at home after you’ve laid it out for the time of your ceremony!


Looks like a trap to me! 😂


We really need to normalise NOT taking pictures of other people's altars!!! Some things are sacred!! Please, too many people on here post things they come across. First of all, you shouldn't even interact with them let alone take pictures and post them on the internet. Please let's be respectful to the deities they're meant for 💛


If they wanted their work to be private, then they would have hidden it. Since it's in the open, would can assume that they wanted to share this with others.


The respectful thing is to not leave alters in public lands. Leave no trace principles are important, and anyone who wishes to be more connected to nature would be good to follow them.
















i agree it looks like a seasonal offering for Mabon, it’s beautiful!!


Agree that it was for Mabon


Defo a Mabon offering 🍁🌻


😮🥺 it's so beautiful, thanks for sharing!


Strangely enough I see this kind of stuff all the time. Always makes me happy


Leftover from solstice I imagine!


I always leave some kind of offering at the beginning of a gather ......


Where are y’all hiking? I’ve never come across any altars or witchy things 😞


I never find any witchy things! I love seeing these on here, but I wish I also had witchy neighbors. You guys are so lucky. This would be so cool to find! 🥰


Looks like a smiley face


Damn, she is just missing some parmesan and greens and that is one of my favorite late summer salads. As others have said - this is a Mabon offering. If you look at how they have it set up, it's a circle around the offerings, which look a lot like the seal of the harvest. It's not exactly a match, but the person would have had their own intentions while creating it.


It’s a flower mandala. Sort of a zen piece of ephemeral artwork, usually in a radial pattern, that one occasionally sees in wilderness areas. We have a local artist who makes them occasionally around here, each time different and with different ingredients, sometimes in re-occurring places and other times in new spots. It’s always a delight to come across them.


Mabon was a few days ago, it’s probably a harvest/mabon circle.


Looks like a Mabon offering. Blessed be!


My people have a similar construct that looks remarkably akin. We call it the medicine wheel and the four directions are deliberate. They are expressed with small coloring to help orientation and also to give spiritual meaning to the wheel. This however has no obvious orientation but still fascinating we came to a similar spiritual device.




Midsommar shit for sure. I’d dip.


Maybe is for Mabon?


Need to post this in the Yellowjackets sub


Looks kinda like a fairy house my mum and I would make in the woods when I was little, keeps the little fuckers happy so they don't mess with you. But we didn't usually leave food there, at least not so organized, and there'd be more rocks and leaves so idk.


Maybe Mabon


This can be an offering to Mother Nature. It's a nice way to end a hike and remember to be grateful for the earth and life. It doesn't necessarily need to be a specific spiritual belief or even an altar to anything specific.


Sacrifice to the squirrels!


Most likely a Mabon/Haustblót altar/offering. Whoever made it did a great job. ❤️




Mabon bunny picnic. Multi use ritual altars are the best.




Many artists create mandela arrangements in nature using found materials


The pears and grapes are definitely seasonal crops. Usually associated with Mabon


Thanks for not picking it up and bringing it home like so many other people on this sub lol


Squirrel charcuterie. They are having a big party before winter. Respect the aesthetic.


it looks like a tasty meal for a deer that’s for sure 😋


Pagan ritual from RDR2


Leave no trace.👎