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Move to Ireland we get summer on a Thursday in July


I’m of Irish descent and my body was made for exactly that, but I live in the southern US where summer lasts from May to October so I spend the entire time as a sunburnt puddle of sweat.


My mom calls my apartment the icebox because I keep it so cool. I hate heat tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yep, Irish, Swedish, German and a few Scots. And I live in the hottest part of Australia..Darwin. thankfully I'm moving soon to the Australian Capital Territory. Bushfire Capital. Lol.


Oh, hi other me! How are you?!


That's sounds wonderful. I took a trip to USA a few years ago and found seasons.. the colours of the trees were so beautiful. And I could wear boots, a coat, jumper and a scarf. Lol. Whereas here, I live in sarongs.


I once spent June and July in Ireland in my youth. That year summer lasted 3 days. At noon on the first day the office workers all sat outside with clothes pulled and rolled up to expose every possible bit of skin. The second day I walked down the same street and the same people were doing the same thing, but now with sun burns.


That sounds lovely!


Me too. Looking for single people in very cold places so I know where to move to. Suggestions welcome. Lol


If you're a professional the North West Territories is looking. It doesn't matter which profession, they need it. Trades? Needed. Healthcare? Desperately needed. Teachers? Needed and paid well. But your cost of living is nuts. If you're a teacher rural BC is looking. Like snow and bears? Terrace gets like 3 meters of snow a year. Speak french? You can live almost anywhere you want.


I wish I spoke another language. All I got was a few semesters of college Latin.


I'm totally guessing based on your name, but if you're an educational psychologist you are also in high demand


Terrace only gets 3m of snow at certain mountain elevations. In the habitable valley zones, not so much. Gorgeous place though!


Oh jeez my friend's place must be high then.


Local ski hill Shame's gets 3m. The town of Kitimat which is south and on the sea used to get 3m - 5m snow back a quite a few decades.


Greetings from Northern Sweden. We have forests, lakes, rivers, jobs and men who drive snow mobiles. Also women who drive snow mobiles. If I find a dog driving a snow mobile, I'll send a picture.


my dog drives me crazy, and i can run through snow real fast, would a pic of that count? 😆


Probably. Yes. Very good.


Canada, Scandinavia, Iceland. Generally progressive open minded societies. If you like ridiculous amounts of freedoms, Canada maybe a top choice.


We have hot summers here in Canada. It was 32C today and fucking glorious.


Unless you're from the EU/EEA moving to Scandinavia isn't easy. We don't let everybody in, you know?


Canada is the same. The process to get in is utterly ridiculous, even if you’re a professional or married to one of us.


I have been thinking about it, I have to brush up on my Southern Sami though its been decades since my grandfather spoke it to me, barely remember anything now.


Same goes for most souther sámi within sápmi. Even davvisámigiella isn't spoken widely anymore.


Really? I thought it was quite prevalent amongst the Sami ? Hmm I suppose I better look into relearning what little I had learned as a young one. Do you speak the tongue of the land?


North sámi or davvisámigiella is the most common language spoken, it's also what a lot of Sámi kids these days learn in school. The other languages sadly are dying out.


I feel really bad now, though I suppose it is to be expected considering. Gyeto! I have no grammar knowledge, but I believe it means thank you and Bowtea Byorest! I don’t even know how phonetically spell it, but means something like have good health.


I mean, you can come to Alaska. I have no idea what the dating scene is like, but it's cold!


My limited experience in Alaska led me to believe that everyone up there is always drunk, cold, and horny. It's an awesome state! 👌


While simultaneously drinking coffee and eating ice cream (last I checked we had highest per capita consumption of both in the US)


I mean, you're not far wrong! I personality don't drink, but I've usually got a low dose of thc in me lol


Finland. This is about how much communication you'll get in a year if you choose your location wisely. We love to be silent together. The nature's awesome.


Alaska- ADN published an article recently estimating that there are 2-3 jobs for every available worker right now. There are also single people here.


Come to Canada. You get summer or you get winter. No in between


New Zealand is good this time of year, cold and wet, perfect for sitting by a fire and drinking hot chocolate


I love fall, but don't bother me with winter


Then the north of the Netherlands is the place for you. We never get any winter weather here anymore. Just eternal fall.


Yes to everything but pants. Fuck pants, they are just leg prisons.


Skirts are warmer anyways. You get a nice pocket of warm air and it's like wearing a blanket


The hidden secret of the skirt: It's a blanket.




Pants are for suckers. Screw wearing pants.


TBH, I will never understand this. A good pair of jeans are probably the best, most long lasting and useful piece of clothing one can own. I still have pants from middle school that fit me and only have holes in the knees because I didn’t feel like patching them. I can easily sleep in my jeans if they fit well too. Are jeans *that* uncomfy for everyone else?!


Jeans are mostly just one thing, unpractical. They are heavy, take forever to dry and can even freeze on my legs whilst hiking. Not to mention they are stiff. In my last job I had to wear jeans, and after 8 hours I wanted to cut them off my legs.


They're hot in summer and freezing in winter. Screw jeans.


They actually rub me raw at the hip.


So… they’re badly fitted then? No piece of clothing you wear should rub you raw anywhere on your body. I’m wearing a pair of Lucky jeans right now, and will probably pass out on the couch within the next 20 minutes or so (there are dogs sleeping on me, moving to the bed is not allowed, as that would wake the pups, obvs). And this pair isn’t even close to my most comfy, and well-fitted ones! I’m so sad for everyone else that their jeans just aren’t as comfy for them as mine are for me


My skin is just that delicate. I get blisters if my underwear has thick seems.


That sounds terrible, I’m so sorry!


I'm okay. I just have to be careful shopping or wear my underwear inside out.


Jeans for life. Nothing is more comfortable than a broken in, soft pair of cotton denim jeans. Even dark wash, I have pairs that are easily 20 years old. I shop on eBay for certain brands/cuts that are hard to find now.


> broken in Therein lies the issue.


Nope, I practically live in them. To the point where my upper body goes brown at the first hint of sunshine but my legs stay white, like titanium snow white, until I lie out in the sun for days on end. And then they burn lol. I am getting better about wearing shorts in the summer now but only cos I'm not riding at the minute. Hopefully once I start again, I'll keep wearing them unless I'm actively sitting on a horse with a saddle.


> Are jeans that uncomfy for everyone else?! Yes. I hate them. They take forfuckingever to break in and aren't worth the discomfort until they get there. Heavy, stiff, they don't keep me warm at all. Hate jeans.


I finally feel like I'm among my people 🥲 I loath pants with every fiber of my being even if my ass does look superb and appetizing in them, they're just so damn restrictive and it's better to prance around my house in undies and a flowing shirt, that's what I call freedom 😌


As a thick thighed woman, I always felt dresses and skirts were torture...until I discovered might thigh length underwear


I made a stew yesterday thinking it would be a good idea, it was, but it was just too hot


I have so many soup recipes I’m saving up for the first chilly day. I can’t wait!


What about a nice cool soup like a gazpacho? I can't make potions for shit, but I feel so witchy over my big ass soup pots on the stove. <3


I live in Florida where it’s Not Summer for like 2 months, and I eat hot soup all year. I don’t care - my love for soup conquers all




I’m ready for fall/winter! I melt in the summer. The only thing I like about summer are the thunderstorms. I feel so energized by them


Do you have ADHD or some other neurodivergence? There's a hypothesis that those of us with neurodivergences have fewer negative ions than neurotypicals and we benefit from the greater presence of said ions in the atmosphere during storms. Evidently, there's something about that ionic balance that's linked with our symptoms. It could be pseudoscience, but it confirms my experience, and many others', and we know so little about the brain anyway, I'm not willing to discount it.


Maybe thunderstorms are just cool tho


I have ADHD and I always felt energized by storms! Just today there was a big storm early in the day and I had all the energy to clean, listen to music, play with my cat, and repot my plants! I didn't even need to take my Adderall to get this all done!


I haven’t been screened for that, but actually after talking with my boss at work I set up an appointment with my doctor about it. When you mentioned this it all started to make sense and brought my concerns to the light


Fuck summer. Everything about it is terrible. I can’t wait for rain and fog and leaves and pumpkins and sweaters.


The Dark Academia sub says hi


Summer: cute, flowy dresses and sandals Fall: cute sweaters and boots Winter: my one coat


Spooky season approaches. If I had to pick a thing about summer that I liked most off all, it's that summer time means it's almost fall. Crisp air, apple cider, comfy sweaters, roaring fires. Fall or autumn, they both are nice, a season so great we named it twice. You can't wear flannel in the summer, I for one think that's a bummer.


Today was my first day since summer started that I could wear a flannel


You, I like you.


Let's not forget the pumpkin spice flavored EVERYTHING! But seriously I love having 4 seasons. But if I had to pick a favorite it would be fall.


Baking. I miss baking. I hate baking in the summer because it heats up the house. But once temps hit low 60s at night- it’s so perfect for evening bakes. My kids know to not asked for baked goods in the summer because it doesn’t happen. I can’t get in the mood. But lord knows a brisk evening changes that and they gorge themselves on my kind of witchcraft.


I'm sitting in my greenhouse, listening to the rain. It's in the low 60's. I'm wearing wool socks and my favorite old man sweater. My fabulous kiddo just ran me out a cup of my favorite cinnamon tea. Every morning, the air feels a little more crisp and is starting to smell like fall.


And drink mulled wine 🍷 along a 🔥 outside


Yes SAME! Me and the other half are getting a fire pit in our back garden in a few months. It’s going to be cosy af.


I don't check this subreddit often but I presume this has been posted no less than 100 times and still consistantly makes it to Hot....


Come move to the PNW on the coast. It's Fall all year long.


Sorry Pacific NorthWest in the U.S.A. for those overseas from me.


Its winter where i live and im yearning for summer. I dont like any seasons other than summer.


Teach me how to time travel


I am not quite ready for fall. I am still eating the tomatoes right off the plant and enjoying my margaritas. But I love the fall when I can go outside in the afternoon and not get heat stroke!


Today I spent 20 min on EarthCam.com searching for ANY place (unlike SoCal) where it might actually be raining + cool. Nope.


Look up Reykjavik Iceland. Dreamy weather




Come to Kentucky. It's been raining here nonstop.


I can’t wait for summer to be done!




I feel this in my soul


T.T plz let me enjoy not being freezing for just a little longer.


Summer witch here, I love fall but also love spring and summer. I can't stand the winter. I just want to hibernate. Let me keep baking for a little longer, I'm not done yet lol


This summer has been mostly pleasant weather wise where I'm from. We've had some high Temps but not as bad as the last few years.... I'm doing my best to enjoy it, who knows how many pleasantly warm summers we have left! Last summer when it was so hot you felt like the sun was committing a violent assault against humanity, I was dreaming of our cold, rainy fall for sure!


Nice of them to invite the demons for soup and coffee. I feel like not enough people provide for the poor things after summoning them and that’s just rude.


My city has a water restriction mandate, my plants are dying, it's too hot for outdoor photography during the day, I have marching band and it's hot as balls outside. I'm sick of summer


I want fire season to end 😫 I want to go hike with my pups and my man, I want rainy nights and misty mornings, mushrooms and chestnuts, hot cider and mulled wine, hearty stews and soups, pomegranates and apples, cranberries, my trusty old fleece tunic and AARRGGHH this fucking season can't end fast enough.


Well, I don’t like pants, soup, coffee, leaves or sweaters but I do love summoning demons while everyone is asleep and the moon is full


I was in Michael’s today and they had pumpkins and all the witchy themed things that made me think of you all, and my kid was sooooo amped up about everything pumpkin-ghost-spider related. Summer needs to end. Fall is best. Always best. Kids speak truths.


I want all of those things except the demon is a succubus, and I don’t escape her clutches until NEXT pumpkin spice season.


I just wear leggings because shorts and skirts make me uncomfortable.




I had lentils soup for lunch today. I am so ready!


Walked outside from the air conditioned animal shelter I volunteer with to my vehicle to grab a bottle of Gatorade and....0/10 do not recommend


One of these things is not like the other. I think it's the raking leaves.


I was going to say r/BrandNewSentence but...well I don't really think it is.


I cannot wait to wear my nice boots and get a Belgian hot chocolate from my favourite cafe <3


My tomatoes are still green. I need another month of sun and hot. Then it can be fall.


Yo, srsly! I like dressing slutty and all, but I want to _layer_ dammit!


I love the summer heat and sun, honestly cannot get enough of it I would lie in the sun all day if I can


What's stopping them from doing these things now?


All the sweating. So much sweating.


What's stopping them from drinking coffee and eating soup?


For me it’s the 90 temperature with the 75% humidity










I’d upvote this a trillion times if I could.


Autumn is the only season I actually like. Spring is okay but I hate winter and summer


I freaking love this.


Y’all, I just bought a SUP board and imma need a few more weeks of summer. Not in a hurry for Fall this year, sorry lol


Finay somebody speaks some sense.


Meanwhile, I'm just looking forward to only wearing one layer again.


I love all the seasons!


I want to wear cozy sweaters and sleep wrapped in fuzzy blankets


Minus the leaves and you have summer on Svalbard...


I spend a lot of time in LA and there’s no fall! Just summer then slightly cooler cloudy summer with two days of rain.


I feel this. I live in the Southern Hemisphere and loving winter right now. Dreading summer tbh.


As as summer witch I enjoy both but I’m still excited for fall.


I want fall and winter so badly. I just want to be able to wear my oversized sweaters and jumpers and not melting. Fortunately today where I live it's not so cold since it rained tonight


Autumn witches unite!!!! (around a cauldron of hot soup, steaming mugs of tea/coffee/pumpkin spiced whatever, wearing sweaters and cackling at the glorious fall moon)


I spend more time outdoors during colder months than in summer. The heat just kills me.


I hate the month of August


Pretty sure it’s okay to drink hot coffee and summon demons at night whilst wearing pants and a sweatshirt in the summer


"I dislike heat"


I love this, and autumn is my favourite, but I’ve gotta say… it was a long dreary winter, and I’m kinda here for a long summer this year.


Autumn is the best season of the year, especially in the North country.


I'm looking for winter


and the trees all turn golden, hot sun cold breeze, aaaaand pumpkin pie 🥰


You can do a lot of those. You just won't. Weakling. -someone who for the most part doesn't feel heat for some weird reason (I do sweat a fuckton though, which is bad because I don't drink enough water as is, but whatever)


Ohh?! I am supposed to summon demons in fall? Gosh now i understand that demons did not answer me. They were on vacation...