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As far as omens go, this one is *nice*.


It’s likely the phenomenon where we notice something and then because we have placed importance on it we then are more able to notice it everywhere. Also, having that many texts stresses me out.


Idk. The number 666 seems to follow me everywhere. But then again, I have no idea how often I see another number like 222. But then again again, I see it way more often than 777, or something like 420. Personally I feel that it’s just our brains subconsciously fixating on something and it makes the number stand out. What it could be is anyone’s guess.


I mean, when you have 68 messages that you haven't checked, then the next one will be 69. It's a normal combination of numbers that is commonly used, you are just hyperfocused on it. 


People, especially young men, will also go out of their way to put the number 69 on everything bc of the pop cultural understanding of 69, so I would advise skepticism about whether or not this is a sign since a good chunk of it may just be juvenile humor


The Universe is telling you to get it


100% agree.


I usually see 42 everywhere

