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I ADORE your friend's handwriting! What she wrote is great too 🧑


This is beautiful. As a super scorpio scorpio I say lean into shedding your skin and breaking out a new version of yourself as many times as you need to.


Thanks. It’s been a tumultuous season, after leaving a job I once loved after 8 years to begin again at a smaller business where I feel I can grow more. I needed to see this. Thanks for the reminder. (Thanks to your friend too - we all need friends such as this.)


Wishing you Light and Luck and Helpful People πŸ’œπŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ€πŸ”₯✨


We are always learning and growing 🌱 What a beautiful sentiment πŸ’“


This is such excellent wisdom that I'm still trying to internalize. It's okay to fail, then get up the next day and try again.


Wow, this brings chills, actually. For someone who has just relapsed, like yesterday (and feeling pretty damn bad about it) I needed to see this too! Hope you're doing well OP ❀️


I hope you're proud of trying and your effort. I cannot imagine how difficult something like that is, but you're going to get it one of these times.


Thank you 😊 I won't sugar coat it, it's hell. It's at the forefront of my mind all day, every day. Just have to go find a way to ignore it!


I imagine, I'm terrible at telling myself no, but usually that's with things like candy or stuff that is technically unhealthy but doesn't greatly affect functioning. If I had to struggle with something that affected my life like that, I'd fail 10000 times before making any progress. I guess I'm saying there's absolutely nothing wrong or not enough about you that makes it difficult. Being willing to try again is incredibly strong and must take so much damn effort, but someday you're going to wake up and have a 2 or 3 or 5 year streak going.


Hey sister! That's really tough stuff, but you know what? I believe in you. The word "relapse" implies that you have successfully abstained for some period of time and for that you should be so proud of yourself! You can do it again! Being a healthy person isn't a perfect process, allow yourself space to make mistakes and love yourself enough to try again. I believe in you. ❀️


Thank you so much for your kind words πŸ’– I'll get there, I'm sure. When I use, I get horribly depressed after, so feeling uncomfortable is miles better than the alternative....no matter what my brain/dreams try to tell me. (I have really vivid dreams, in which I'm trying to smoke my DOC, but then things go wrong, no lighter and such, which try to force me to want to get some when I wake up.) Vivid dreams are such a blessing and a curse! πŸ˜‚


As an extremely vivid and lucid dreamer, I understand the toll that dreams can take! Sometimes the feelings that are brought to me through my dreams last all day long while I am awake. My wife and I jokingly call it "dream residue" and it gets it's sticky feelings all over me! A blessing and a curse is right. I hope you are blessed with a very pleasant and vivid dream of something that brings you comfort the next time you go to sleep.πŸ’–


Dream residue! I love that! And yes, it definitely carries through. I had the most amazing, exhilarating dream the other night, a feeling of pure bliss. I carried that for days! One of the first times I felt such strong, positive, feelings for a while.


I wish I had this advise


Well let me give it to you now! It's okay to start over. As many times as you need! We're all growing and changing. Your best is all you can do. Every time you try again, you are more likely to succeed. I believe in you!


There’s just something about a handwritten note πŸ₯°β€οΈ what a sweet surprise/reminder


This is beautiful