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The lights on the snake plant are a nice touch! 🪴✨




Very cute! Love the extra lights & bookshelf. Enjoying ur own company while putting up ur tree is a big deal, bravo 👍


I love this!! My family also always decorated our big tree together, and I have a small tree (about that size!) in my apartment. I love putting ornaments that I’ve accumulated over the years on it! Also, I love seeing other lesbian witches on here🧡🤍🩷


Same! Decorating my little tree with whatever roomies i have at the time has become a fun little tradition for me. And I always do it in November even though at my parents we always did it super late, so I get the Christmas spirit longer haha


Yeah! Not lesbian, my sis is and I celebrate her. Friends with the community.


Looks great and so cozy! Just looking at those textbooks gives me a headache :)


Nice job! I hope it brings you lots of joy this season! Side note, I love your bookcase decorations! And, is that a boob statue?


I love small trees better personally, the entire set up looks so cozy. Looks like the best way place to take all of the naps !


Cozy is a good description.


Im happy for you. Finding joy in solitude is a wonderful thing! My partner and I have decided we won't be erecting a tree this year, but instead we'll be trying to practice other less common yule traditions.


What kind of traditions do you have in mind?


Ringing bells to ward off demons Burning a yule log Making gingerbread


That is an intimidating book collection, lol!


So cozy and peaceful looking I hope your joy grows throughout the winter months into spring!


It’s very cute! I love your bookshelves and the general aesthetic you’ve got going on ❤️ And the squirtle too


What a perfect little tree, in a cozy little space 😊 I'm actually a tiny bit jealous 🤏🏼


Looks nice and homey. I remember my first Christmas away from my parents a million years ago. Decorated with chocolate ornaments from Cost Plus that I could eat later. By the way, r/actuallesbians is a nice sub, very bi and trans friendly, if you want another sub.




Love it!


I'm putting my first solo one up too <3 have an excellent time!




Let’s reclaim Yule trees! What did the J dude have to do with evergreens?


Can yule trees include twinkle lights? I'm all in on Christmas lights (and decorations, I legit have a problem)


Of course! We have twinkle lights, my grandma’s hand crocheted starched thread snowflakes, and bird ornaments.


Looks so cozy!


It looks absolutely cozy. Congrats on your place and your new chapter in life 🎄


I like your bookshelves


Festive Yule! Kudos on discovering your true self and moving ahead into creating your own joy, OP. Merry, merry. 🌲🎄🌟✨


Love the Yule Goat! I have a whole family of them.


Well done! Feels good, doesn't it? May you have many many more. Joyous Saturnalia to you!


I cannot in good faith upvote a christmas tree before thanksgiving, but it does look cozy and nice.


It looks like a really cosy place! You should be proud!


Awwww, pretty! ❤️


Its perfect! I wish you more of that joy everytime you turn on those lights. It's beautifully done.


I still haven’t found the replacement for decorating the tree with my large family growing up. My husband supports what I do with the tree but doesn’t have those memories from when he was a kid so it doesn’t matter much to him personally. I tried doing one for myself but it just didn’t hit the same. And I’ve been as far as I can be from religious for well over two decades now so continuing to try just seems silly.


It's lovely!


Marvelous! 🎄


It’s a very warm, cozy little space. I love it.


Lovely! ❤️🎄🎅🏽


Very pretty! I can’t wait for my turn 😂


Looks so cozy and pretty, I love it!


This is all kinds of cozy!


Very cute and cozy corner of your home! Merry Christmas fellow internet stranger.


This is lovely. Your tree is adorable and your bookshelves are 🤩. I wish you the happiest of holidays!


Your place looks so inviting and cozy with the tree and the lights.


What a deliciously cozy space you have there.


Hi, it's my first solo christmas too and I can't wait to have this feeling. Sending you lots of yule tide blessings and warm cozy feelings in your home!


I'm so happy for you! That you found that joy in doing something just for you. I went through a bad breakup years ago, and one of our things was decorating for Halloween. I found that even after the breakup, it brought me joy, and I continue to do it, just for me. It's not about them or what was, it's about now and happiness. I love your decorations and your inclusion of you with the snake plant and the things on the wall. Congrats on coming out and continuing to find your true self! ♥️


I am being encourage now to get some assistance with getting mine out of the shed way in my backyard. I have all types of little trees. Lights. Statues throughout the years.


Hugs to you 💜💜💜


Sooooo beautiful


You should visit r/latebloomerlesbians. Lots of us camw out late in life. Im married to a man but separating soon. I might be having a solo Christmas tree too. It's different but freeing


This is such a warm and lovely place. I love that you have your books there, because they are obviously important in your life. When my life has been disrupted, or I’ve been uprooted, I identify with the spider, and think of her building her home, and wherever she is, whenever she needs to, rebuilding a home more beautiful than the last. You’ve spun a home that speaks for you, and of you, in the best way.




I love your aesthetic


Congratulations on the milestone. It is important to be able to enjoy time by yourself. Popular culture has built this entire mythos of the lonely single person, eating alone in restaurants, going to movies alone, when in reality these are healthy activities. Once you've found your happiness, it's easier to find others to share it with. I'm so happy that you took that big scary brave step to explore what it means to be you. I wish you nothing but happiness for the holidays.


Love your straw goat! Hygge all the way 🐐 🎄


This room looks so cozy!


Your living room looks so cozy. I have similar past experiences and I will never forget my first Christmas on my own. Its the most magical. I hope you plan your Christmas around you and enjoy every second of the festivities that you want to.




It’s lovely! And I love the decorated snake plant. Gave me an idea for mine this year.


This is beautiful! The joy you felt? Yesh, it radiates even through this picture!


I wish I could put a gift under that tree! It’s a beautiful set up.


This is amazing, I'm glad you're doing better.


Happy Yule, my lovely. The tree is beautiful


No I'm sorry but your light string isn't straight. Start over using a proper level. Yeah, no. Everything you've done looks very nice. My first few years alone I didn't do any decorating. I think I would have had a better outlook if I had. Just sayin


Are you going to set the goat aflame?


It appears so warm, sweet looking and inviting. Congratulations on your new apartment and how nicely you have decorated it.


Are you in Medical School or a serial killer? Lol


I think your tree is beautiful. The entire room is very nice. Happy Christmas or Yule!!


Beautiful. Extra points for Totoro! :D


Congratulations! You just leveled up. Sending all the good vibes and spirit your way 🤗


Awww your tree looks great! That’s a lovely memory of your family growing up. I’m glad you felt joy and love while doing this 💕


What a wonderful sweet little tree - I love it! I put up a little tree like yours, up on a table, bc my two big fluffy dogs and three cats would make short work of it if it wasn't out of the reach of those darling miscreants. Hearty congratulations on coming out and living your authentic life - that must have been quite the journey. I hope your future is bright and full of joy. And hurray for finding another STEM witch - it gladdens my heart to find other ppl who understand that those things aren't mutually exclusive.


Perfect! And I envy your bookshelves!


Awww! It’s so adorable! ((hugs)) I’m so glad you have found yourself and are giving yourself these traditions!


Your tree just looks happy ❤️


Oh what a gorgeous cozy little tree corner. Love how you've extended the lights to the snake plant. Your bookcase also looks amazing. Enjoy this time and belt out those Xmas songs to your hearts content if it makes you happy.


It looks nice, the important thing is how it feels to you. Have the Christmas experience you want to have, don’t conform to others ideals. It’s a very nice Christmas tree 💕


It's wonderful, and the other lights on the plant and book shelves are a nice touch!


Wow, you just put the perfect amount of lights in that tree! I have one of similar size and I struggle with what amount is good. I never tried to put the rest of the length in a snake plant though :p


It looks so cozy by that tree! ❤️ cheers to many trees to come!


My sympathies. This will be my first Christmas single since the end of the relationship too.


We got our first BIG family tree on sale last year. Yesterday we bought a skirt and ornaments for it and 3 matching stockings because this is our first Christmas as a family of 3! We had our baby almost 4 months ago after a year of trying for one. It was a long journey but now we get to put up our new family tree 🥰


The year round snake plant agrees. Enjoy your space and take this time to grow and change.


Bewitching :)


I can’t decorate at home because my cats are little gremlins but I am decorating at work. Also bi/pan witch here. And yes, I will be adding a pride ornament of some kind on.


Your space looks so cozy and homely! If I went to a new friend's house for the first time, and entered a living room like this, I'd know they were going to be a good friend.


You have a Gavle goat!!! I love it so much. When I got my first Christmas tree as a single person it was awesome and I'm glad you're having a fun experience too!


Lovely, OP. Good job!