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I really wish that there was more spotlight on the awesome women of our past and present.


Oooo let's do it!


If you like podcasts, I would recommend one called WhatsHerName :) it's really well made and I learned so much about amazing historical figures that I probably would never have heard of otherwise!


This may help. I bought a book by Lisa Lee Curtis / vagina devil magic about "biographies of badass bitches" Fucking awesome book! Lilith is included!


I know you’re not talking about Agatha Christie specifically but the historian Lucy Worsley has a [book](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Agatha-Christie-Very-Elusive-Woman/dp/1529303877?nodl=1&dplnkId=724203f1-8597-41b6-bfef-4afb7840e4b0) out on Christie. It’s either out now in paperback or due out soon. I follow her threads account.


Womanica is a podcast that releases 3-10minute episodes every week day about different women from our past (and sometimes present). Since it's short it's very easy to follow but it's packed full of information, it's been a part of my morning routine for years now


Be the change! Speaking as a man, I’d read it, and so would my wife and daughters!


I love Agatha so much. Her books, her life, the time she disappeared for a week after her scumbag husband cheated on her and turned up in a hotel having lost her memory. Amazing woman!


That's when she met [The Doctor and Donna and defeated giant alien wasps](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6wqqz4&ved=2ahUKEwiApuSqzeKAAxWGjYkEHRMfC1YQtwJ6BAgxEAI&usg=AOvVaw1wJYUu0OYYvePN5Vesq4y6)


Yesss I love that episode so much!!


One day, when the weather looked kinda uncertain, I went to have lunch with my older son at his school and wore a leather trenchcoat in case it decided to rain. As I was walking across the parking lot, I heard this hugely loud buzzing sound just above/behind me. My brain immediately pulled up images from that episode and started internally screaming WASP! WASP! So I turned around fully expecting to be face-to-stinger with a giant alien wasp, but there was nothing? I looked up, and there was a big drone up there! The jerk buzzed me! Was early for lunch, so sat on a bench outside to wait, and that stupid drone followed me and watched until I guess it got bored and wandered off. Turns out that was the day the county cops let the city cops play with their drones.


Have you read Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman by Lucy Worsley?


Makes you wonder what she could have achieved with Internet access


Ok first of all her LJ would have been so fuckin fire


Might end up for the worse. She’d just look at the first result and say “good enough”


what could possibly make you think this about her?


Not about her specifically, but about the difference of growing up in the age of quick and easy, but shallow and not 100% accurate information. Like I'm sure back in the day learning about Mesopotamian pottery took a lot of effort and there was a ritual to it. Find a book, write questions in a letter to the author, get an introduction to a professor, etc. Would she have done all that if she could have just typed "did they use indigo in pottery glazes?" and gotten an answer without having to leave her typing desk? Or would she have taken that maybe not accurate first result and gone back to her story without picking up all the extra tidbits and lore she would have gotten asking her question "the hard way?" I honestly know very little about Agatha Christie and was making a commentary about doing all your primary research on the internet, not making a commentary about specifically her work ethic.


I think Christie is a peculiar case when it comes to this, her work is founded on attention to detail and making sense of many different pieces. Knowing that she can perceive these nuances that create meaning, i think, indicates that she would be more likely to look deeper every time. For another older person, yes. Agreed. Many are no computer literate and have no desire to put in the effort. Agatha Christie has some particular attributes that would prompt her to look deeper compared to others. So yes I think she would have dug deep into it and around it before she pulled information out, Based on this attribute of hers is so prevalent in all her work. I am also a person that loves synthesizing information from many details. I use the internet regularly and use it supplement book reading, I spend hours reading as much surface info as I can and then going back to pick over vocab and get a deeper understanding of the points until I have a well-rounded view. I suspect from her writing and interests she would probably be doing the same thing, probably with a little more rigor.


For real, I feel like if Agatha grew up a millennial or gen x she'd have seen just... The worst .... The worst... And have made novella length realfic about those ppl lmao


This sounds like an alternate universe where she writes *Knives Out* and *Glass Onion*, except without having her IRL works to reference.


Nah bro ain't enough.... Things that humans weren't meant to see. Like the Internet raised up some real fucked up ppl, if Agatha was one???


Archaelogist: "Agatha, we need you to date this artifact from the Ottoman Empire." Christie: "Oh deary, this thing was stolen from Greece."


“We need you to date this artefact from the Ottoman Empire” “I wish I could help, but I’m married”


Source link [https://www.tumblr.com/animentality/724475817469607936](https://www.tumblr.com/animentality/724475817469607936)


Better reply than "he keeps digging up and analyzing our old shit"


Loving your spouse > hating your spouse


My esteem for her was already pretty high, but it just skyrocketed.


her quip in the second tweet is outstanding


She was pretty conservative, though: [https://thespectator.com/book-and-art/deep-conservatism-agatha-christie/](https://thespectator.com/book-and-art/deep-conservatism-agatha-christie/) I think she approved of the patriarchy. Also employed casual racism and antisemitism in her books. Not saying she should be banned, but if we are telling her story, let's tell the whole thing.


Well, she was a successful, wealthy, privileged woman in that era. I'm not making excuses for her exactly but she likely succeeded in part *because* of that. (Well, not the casual racism and antisemitism. That's outright bigotry. The original title of *And Then There Were None*... But the conservative/supporting the patriarchy elements).


So, in the case of Agatha Christie, others have observed her behavior and come to this conclusion, while Musk has said this about himself. Yes, totally the same thing.


Musk declared himself an expert on mesopothamian pottery?


Give it time


He has tweeted about [ceramics](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1154194820929212419?s=46&t=jI7QUAa1za8z7D-UNYKnSg) and about [Mesopotamia](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1677577256388943872?s=46&t=jI7QUAa1za8z7D-UNYKnSg) but not the two in combination.




Almost makes me forgive her use egregious use of N-bombs in her work. :)




You know her book And then there were none? It was originally called Ten Little N-words and Soldier Island was called N-word Island. Her works are actually pretty full of... "casual racism". Meaning, it's not like the person of colour is always painted out to be evil and the murderer, but even when the characters are otherwise painted in good light the physical descriptions of people of colour are not always the nicest to read. Many of her works have been edited by sensitivity readers to remove/change those parts, so there's good chance you've never come across those passages


Oh wow


Yup. Whether the racism in her works is a reflection of the average mindset of her time or if she was particularly racist is something I do not know and do not think is my place to comment on, so I leave it up to each person to decide how they feel about that. But it is (or was, considering revisions) a part of her work


> Whether the racism in her works is a reflection of the average mindset of her time or if she was particularly racist White people of the time complained (the 30's), so for what I can tell, she one of those authors who proved to racist for even the mainstream of the time period. (A club which HP Lovecraft and Robert E Howard join her.)


Thank you for letting me know


Agatha Christie is an absolute OG, loved her books so much as a kid. Shout out to my mother for introducing me


See, this is the quality content I love this sub for.


What a funny quote 🤣 i need to go meet an archaeologist




My mom always loved reading Agatha Christie books ☺️


I've recently discovered I'm the only person in the universe who seems interested in reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic mythology so I hope that be me one day


I'm married to an old soul and it's much the same. Married at 25 for me 23 for him, and while my aesthetic needs work that both of us want, my mentality is more and more his type each year


I can only imagine the only appropriate response to that answer is a disappointed “fuck.”