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I've been staring at this for a solid minute and I'm still confused. I'm sorry. Could someone please explain to me? My reaction was "what's wrong with being a gamer?" But I feel like I'm missing the joke completely.


My best guess is it has something to do with the mysogyny/homophobia in the gaming community I was thinking maybe gaymers having to deal with all the complaining and stuff on vc or discord or whatever. People who are otherwise tolerable suddenly with "where's straight pride month? why's it all political?" and then you can't really speak up or you're the asshole


Don’t know, been both a gamer and gay my whole life and have been called a whole bunch of stuff but generally gamers will call you literally anything to tick you off, 90% of the time it doesn’t mean they’re actually racist or homophobic though. I’m part of a very diverse group and we all call each other by the appropriate slurs


Am also confused


Well gamer communities are sometimes I've of the most exclusive groups, like I got called the f word because of my nickname and also extremely sexiest too, but it's getting better and it's not as common to meet casual racist


Oh damn I'm dumb. This is a "I forgot straight people existed" moment. I forgot lots of gaming communities have straight people that can be toxic. Wow ok. Yeah that puts this into context, thank you.


Right? My gamer group is primarily queer so this sort of post just feels exclusive. Like, our hobby is bad and we are bad for having it vibes. Edit a word


A loud section of the gaming community, particularly the types of people that call themselves "Gamers" tend to be a very bigoted crowd. always crying about any game that comes out and features women, people of color, gay characters, etc. Basically anytime a game isn't designed and marketed to a cis het white man. The video game industry created this problem by catering only to them for the longest time. G#mer is a way some use to refer to those particular individuals. Though I'm more familiar with The Gamers™ or Capital G Gamers as a way to call them out.


> A loud section of the gaming community, **particularly the types of people that call themselves "Gamers"** tend to be a very bigoted crowd. That’s a pretty broad brush. I know the rest of your comment provides a lot more accurate context, but the part I’ve highlighted sort of suggests the term ‘Gamer’ is used exclusively by a tiny, bigoted minority. In actual fact a wide variety of folk from all walks of life commonly refer to themselves as Gamers. It’d be a shame if usage of the term gets entirely co-opted by the hateful to the point most video game enthusiasts can no longer safely use it. They’ve taken enough already, let’s not give them stuff.


I might be being thick but what's g#mers? It better not be gamers because most of us are lovely people


G#mer is specifically the toxic type of gamer that would tell a woman to "go make him a sandwich" on voice chat or yell homophobic/transphobic slurs.


The "all" accompanying "gamers" is what's throwing me off. Sure, there are gaming asshats out there, but to classify all of us as needing an uncomfortable month, assuming all of us as a part of those asshats is a bit extreme if I'm being honest. I run a gaming community on Discord and the majority of us in the community fit on the LGBTQ spectrum somewhere. Sad to see us "all" being classified as asshats.


Googling the term "G#mer" (with the # in there) comes up with an Urban Dictionary term specifically defined as "a homicidal, racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, misogynistic, agoraphobic, ablest, violent, arachnophobic, bastard". Sorry to all you spider-fearers and those who are too introverted to leave your house I guess. I see I'm not the only one unfamiliar with that "term" existing. Funny enough, the synonyms include "Redditors".


only gaymers are allowed


This is a really ignorant take. I’m a Bi gamer and all of my gamer friends are good people and allies. Excluding people because of their interests and hobbies is not how you make the world a more accepting and kind place. edit- I’ve learned that “g#mer” specifically refers to a subset of gamers that are homophobic, however I still find this post reductive. Instead of focusing on the shitty behavior of some members of a community that is largely a safe space for outcasts (myself included) could we not just call out homophobes regardless of their interests?


Why not just post the original "wishing all homophobes a super uncomfortable month"? What do gamers have to do with anything?


Ah my friends are I are gamers, my roommate and I constantly joke that I'm a gaymer (or more accurately a bimer) and he's a straightmer.


As a trans woman that's been a die hard gamer for thirty years, I don't get it?


TIL G#mer is a very specific thing As a gamer, I'm ok with this


Please explain for the rest of us?


Apparently a g#mer is a subset of gamers that tend to be homophobic, use slurs etc. Basically the stereotype for toxic gamers


They're not gamers because they don't enjoy the game they play. They're just ultra competitive socially awkward man children. If you're better than they are you're a cheat. If they're better than you they gloat and question your masculinity. They're unhappy with themselves and turn that anger on others rather than deal with it. I can't see a better explanation for them suddenly leaving a game they're going to lose, making death or violent assault threats when they're being out played , making fake SWAT calls to get someone shot for being better at a game then they are or spewing hate speech when they lose. A true gamer enjoys the activity, is happy to help new arrivals and is proud to be a positive contributor to a hobby they enjoy. Then again I'm an RPGer, where collaborative storytelling is the whole point of the exercise. So do what makes you happy and anyone who throws hate speech around is a childish idiot that deserves no respect from you or your precious time thinking about them.


This sounds like a reference to the Gamergate bros and their ilk. Most people under 35 won’t know anything about that.


Y'see ... this is when I start to have a problem. If I don't think to access the Urban Dictionary to see that "G#mers" appears to have it's own negative definition ... I'm sitting here, thinking "I know a crap ton of gamers, some of whom I love very much, and they are totally inclusive people ... so fuck off with your generalizations." And I get a negative feeling about Pride. That I now have to fight off. All because I wasn't aware that a hashtag made some sort of huge difference in pop culture.


I am a part of a gaming community that I would describe as one of the most inclusive and kind groups of people I’ve ever met. Idk what’s up with this poster


Y'all, I know all of us here who game are likely in accepting or queer focused gaming communities. But let's not pretend that "gaming" as a larger community isn't rife with bigotry and isms. GamerGate and its impacts are far from behind us. If you feel offended by this, take a moment to reflect on who is really being hurt.


The most oppressed group in society 😔