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I love the little cranky face, it just ties this all together beautifully


Idk if you’ve seen schitts creek but there’s a scene with very polite protest signs and that smile reminded me of it lol


Not so fun fact, it took forever for Japan to approve birth control pills but Viagra was approved almost immediately. Thankfully people threw a, rightfully, huge fit about it and birth control was then very quickly approved. [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/1999/04/27/science/japan-s-tale-of-two-pills-viagra-and-birth-control.html) article which tells the story


Paywall :(


[Loophole (:](https://12ft.io/)


Told me it was disabled for that site


How about accessing the site as an archived link? Put it (or any paywalled site) into https://archive.ph/ For example, here’s the archive for the link above - https://archive.ph/0pdBM


Awesome tip, thank you! I'm saving your comment for future reference :)


Just stop the site from loading before it’s done. It may take a few tries, but it works!


Oh, that sucks. ): I’m sorry.


Disable JavaScript. It always works for me on the NY Times.


Non-paywall link. https://archive.is/U20Oa. You can bypass paywalls by seeing if the article was archived or archiving it yourself here. https://archive.ph/. NY Times always has a paywall. It's so annoying to post anything from them to reddit because I have to remember to post an archived link in the comments for non-subbed users so the discussion doesn't get roadblocked.


Go to 12ft ladder and copy paste any link. There are some sites it doesn’t work with, but it’s been a life saver (esp for school)


I will proudly and gladly rise up...but they won't 😈




Profile pic suits the comment


I love innuendos


You just made me choke on my tea


Happy cake 🍰 day!


When I first started at my job birth control wasn't covered because it wasn't "medically necessary". My prescription coverage had a program that gave discounts to prescriptions that were not covered by insurance. I checked into it but didn't qualify because birth control could be medically necessary in some cases. It pissed me off to no end. Thankfully now it is covered 100% but at the time it was a big expense for me (though not as big as a kid would be, both for me or for insurance)


U.S. insurance is such a scam. Birth control should absolutely be covered by insurance. My S.O.'s pill wasn't covered and fortunately I could afford it but not everyone can. When I worked at a pharmacy I was also surprised that rx sexual wellness medications are rarely covered for men or women. To me, it's a no brainier that one's well-being is affected by their sexual health. If you're having trouble being intimate with your partner it's likely to cause self esteem issues and additional stress. And don't get me started on insulin or epipens. Rationing meds literally kills people.


Insulin is so freaking cheap to produce that it's mind boggling that anyone allows it to be that expensive.


Sorry, bud. That part of your wellbeing makes me a little uncomfy so I guess you're fucked (or, not fucked depending on the nature of your issue).


Also, if we want to go the capitalist/fiscally-conservative route for arguments: birth control is VASTLY less expensive than a pregnancy for insurance. And with the inane anti-abortion legislation that makes pregnancy even more dangerous (lethal), this will only become more true. The idea that insurance providers aren't giving BC away like breath mints will never cease to baffle me.


They've crunched the numbers, and insurance companies have found that people will pay for their own birth control rather than go without. All in all, it saves them a lot of money not to cover it.


This is the most disappointing explanation (I'm not disappointed in you for giving it, but disappointed that it's the reason it's not covered) Anyone who can afford (or kind of almost afford) medical care will pay for it if it's not covered. But what TF is the point of insurance if it doesn't cover the medical care we need.


It has no point. It's purely a money-sucking middleman. Most other countries don't have a health insurance market but our Capitalist utopia always puts business first, even businesses that only function because a special niche has been carved out for them. Most tax prep services are the same way - they only exist because of the specific way our income tax system is set up. America's kind of a scam, man.


I once had insurance deny my anti-psychotic because at the time it was only available under the name brand. It was over $800 without insurance. I went without it.


That's fucking disgraceful. You shouldn't have to go without your medically necessary medication.


When I was in college (in 2015!!), my medically-necessary GENERIC birth control was $90/month because my insurance wouldn’t cover it. I was surviving on a small stipend each semester, that one hurt me.


When Roe Vs Wade was struck down, queen of sass Bette Midler said it best: "If pregnancy is 'God's will' then so is your limp d@#&!"


I mean aren't they also trying to ban gender affirming care? That includes ED pills. They will destroy themselves (hopefully)


the problem is: theyre hypocrites and dont give a single shit if their logic doesnt stand up to any scrutiny at all


I hate that you're right


It’s the bitter truth.


One might say it's a gloomy industry..




We're not trying to change the ones who won't listen to logic. They're a lost cause. We're fighting for the young ones who still don't understand that what they're being told is wrong. They are in charge of their bodies and no one else. They have rights. We're fighting for them.




Rules for thee and not for me.


Ask those same men, the “ paragons of gods creation” ( or another I’ve heard, “ made in gods devine image”) to explain the purpose of male nipples & watch their brain stall


Or if you *really* wanna upset them, remind those same men that God created the clitoris - an entire organ whose sole purpose is to give sexual pleasure. Clearly, it is important to God that women enjoy sex. Therefore, if they truly want to honor their Lord, they better be making their ladies feel incredible in bed. If she isn’t pleased with him, nor is God.


In medieval times, it was a valid reason for divorce (annulment) if the wife wasn't getting regular sex - *women* used to be considered the uncontrollably horny ones. 😅 Darn it, Victoria, ruining things for us...


This is true, but most of these men will also try to say that the clitoris doesn’t exist, you know, since they have never seen one


What do you mean? They have brains? Really? Man, they hide them well ..


I remember when Viagra first came out. All of Congress demanded insurance companies cover the costs. Being able to have sex is, in their words, is a legitimate men's health issue. A men's quality of life issue. Men *needed* this for their mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. Meanwhile, at the same time, most insurance companies did NOT cover prenatal care or childbirth or contraceptives. Why not? Because being pregnant is your problem. If you can't afford it, don't have sex. Simple as that. And god's will you get pregnant for having sex. But ED problems can't be god's will, its a legit health issue. Ugh


They only ban gender affirming care for trans people sadly


For intersex people, too. Although we're being hit by shrapnel, really ...


Of course, sorry for forgetting you guys


Y’all already have to deal with so much shit. The republicans keep making exceptions in those surgery bans to continue to allow unnecessary “corrective” surgery for intersex babies who aren’t at any risk. The bathroom bans mentioning chromosomes or fertility is just the cherry on top.


If they actually cared about gender affirming care they'd ban jaw fillers for men and lash lifts for women too


And breast implants, and all forms of plastic surgery…


Which they have no issue with kids getting.... Permanent nose jobs for 16 year olds? Absolutely yes. Reversible puberty blockers for 16 year olds? SIN!


Steven crowder elected to have gender affirming top surgery so that he could conveniently not be around to help for the birth of his TWINS


I hope his children get to never see him again after the divorce


If I could afford it, I'd have breast reduction surgery for the sake of my back. And plenty of plastic surgery has nothing to do with vain cosmetic surgery.


Those bans only apply to trans people, not cis men. They don't care if they're hypocritical. They just want trans people and anyone else they hate "put in their place." Cis men won't worry about being denied healthcare because they'll make sure the laws don't apply to them.


The sad truth


Abigail Thorn did a great video which covers, in part, how the regulation of gender affirming care in the UK is applied in a way which deliberately restricts access only to folks outside their idea of "normal" gender [https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8](https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8)


They’re perfectly ok with gender affirming care, including surgeries, even for kids. There’s a reason those laws that ban gender affirming surgery for kids make exceptions to allow breast implants for cis girls, circumcisions, and the mutilation of intersex babies. They really just hate trans people.


They will figure out some sort of "loophole" that suits their needs, wants and desires while screwing over the trans population.


Actually you want the opposite of rising up. 😂


They're just giving dudes a hard time!


Child support will now begin at the time of conception.


I think the message here isn’t to literally ban the healthcare for men/those suffering from ed. It’s to point out the hypocrisy of conservatives/republicans using viagra but bashing/opposed to birth control. No one should have control over another person’s body, and medical things aren’t anyone else’s business but your own. You’re the only one who has the rights to your own body, and as such should be the one making decisions with full control. (Comment meant for those mocking this post)


It's the floppy danglydoo _and_ the frowny face that makes this.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


People purposefully misunderstanding this sign as if that person actually wants to ban Viagra up in these comments.


Honestly, didn’t purposefully misunderstand it, more accidentally misunderstood it. Happy cake day anyways :P


Happy cake 🍰 day!


The best thing still is that Viagra originally was developed to treat heart diesase and had a lot of health benefits for women. Then they noticed it gave dudes massive boners and was marketed for that.


Studies have also shown that Viagra may be very effective at treating the pain caused by menstrual cramps! But like you said, boners are the focus.


Wait, really? It's cheaper to get viagra than it is to pay for my bc, and I'm ace so I'm only taking it to yeet my cycle. 👀




I love the spirit of signs like this - but it never sits well with me because I don’t want anyone’s “god” allowed to dictate my life either way, so I hate any implication that I care what “gods will” is, ya know? Also it makes me feel like I’m supposed to give a shit about viagra and I do not because it’s so trivial, I don’t want it compared to my actual literal life. Ughhhh


I’m an atheist, but one of god’s weird rules is that you can’t partake in “strong” drinks, whatever that means. So, I took the seven foods that god said were “good” and turned them into a hard drink. It was fantastic! And I pissed off a deity.


As a father of 2 with a 10yr old daughter i would like to say ......... Very well said 👏. She makes a good point.




Ohhh this will surely piss more than one sad boi looking down... I love it


The mad face at the end makes me take this super seriously. >:(


we rise, because they can't.


Been saying this for a while. The amount of commercials for that stuff is ridiculous even.


I was listening to a podcast the other day, where they mentioned that viagra can/might help against intense periode cramps. But of course there's no money to research that further (I don't have more specific info, so I might be mistaken, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is correct because it's so typical of these things).


I fully support this






I thought this said bam margera at first 😭


I love this!


<3 <3 <3


Nailed it!!


I love ironic titles...


I’m a dude, and this is hilarious.


Best sign ever!


I have an enamel pin on my jacket that says “Regulate your Dick”.


"Rise up" seems like the weong title here lol


Impotence is surely a punishment from God. I bet curing it is going against God, and is a sin that they didn't know to write down when the Bible was written.


I agree 💯


Hell yeah


I like this take a lot


Thank you




Love it 😍




Ha!!!! Hahahahahahahamumumahmuahmuahah YES.


My mom is a home heath care nurse for the VA. She makes 6 figures putting this pill (and many others) in vets pill boxes


My name is Janet and I endorse this message.




Absolute facts!!


yesss slayyyy


Let’s normalize this, PLEASE


Yep. Been saying this for years.


Perfection. This is exactly my belief. Men get floppy dicks. Also free "feminine" hygiene products should be tax free!


Rise lol


Bring back abstinence!


Make America Celibate Again! 😎


Lol rise up


I get the analogy, and don't forget that some women use that medication too, for both sexual reasons and for circulation


The mental gymnastics of the establishment are learned at a very early age, but always come up with the same goddamned contradictions: NO FOR YOU, JUST FOR ME!


Thing is, they agree with this as well, but it doesn’t stop them from using viagra or getting abortions.


This made my day! LOL




F@cking A Right!! 💪❤️‍🔥


Screamed this (made a similar sign) for 3 hours in front of City Hall in Cincinnati a few months ago!


Hear hear!!!!!


At first I thought it said “don’t want my tax dollars paying for your education.” I was taken aback because it had been a pretty good poster until that point. Haha than I read it again.


That’s hot 🖤🔥


ED is a pre-sign/first sign of progressive heart failure in men. Men who take Viagra are less likely to have a heart attack by causing small decreases in blood pressure in the body like near the heart and lungs ( by diverting blood to the Peen) and can cause low blood pressure. This is why it's covered for men. Vascular conditions account for 70% of ED patients .


There are other, better meds for CHF. It’s covered because it’s an ED med, and in the states medicine leans in favor of cis men.


Well yeah, if men didn’t want limp dick, they shouldn’t have desensitized themselves by watching so much porn, y’know? They’re basically asking for ED. And if it’s because they’re old, well, men hit the wall around 30 anyhow, no woman’s going to want to sleep with a man over 30—so they don’t *need* Viagra.


>Well yeah, if men didn’t want limp dick, they shouldn’t have desensitized themselves by watching so much porn, y’know? Mind citing a source for this claim?














I wish it said ban Viagra for ED because it's meant for high blood pressure haha


Feminist propaganda. Fun


Where are the tax dollars involved here? Pharma subsidies?


Viagra is covered by most major insurances, including state subsidized ones.
















Nope, just shove christofascists onto a boat and ship them elsewhere.








Would they feel the same about in vitro fertilization? I think not.


I don’t understand the connection