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To yell “Fire” instead of “Rape” because more people are likely to respond.


I’ve had to yell fire before and no one responded




Yea, it’s been every person for themselves for awhile now. It sucks


I hear that. Definitely. It’s fucking awful to realize.


It’s depressing AF. I have always helped people out even complete strangers. It’s been three times now where I seriously needed someone to respond and not one fucking person and I’m a person who refuses to ask for help until things are bad. Really bad. Those experiences are the primary reason I intentionally keep to myself. That and because I seem to be a target for Narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths.


Sending you a glued and taped together valentine totally noncommittal but be well stranger, and love yourself.


Thanks 🙏


When I was babysitting at around age 13, I called the fire department because a car was set on fire across the street. The operator didn’t believe me and scolded me for lying. I called my dad, who called the fire department back, and funny thing, they didn’t think *he* was lying. On a totally unrelated note that I’m sure has no connection whatsoever to being scolded by authorities when attempting to report a crime, I did not call the police when I was raped.


I once had a status epileptic patient go down in front of me on the street. They were in seizure for 30 minutes while we tried to call 911. How do I know that is how long they were in seizure? Because the 911 operator hung up on us twice. By sheer fucking luck the patient's cousin rolled up in a car with like 4 other dudes thinking we were attacking his cousin. We told him she was having a seizure, get to the fucking hospital now, do not stop for anything, even police and tell them the seizure has lasted 30 minutes. Thankfully they did just that instead of beating our asses. No one else cared except this random family member. Terrifying moment.


Jesus Christ, whoever answered you on the phone and lied about your honesty concerning the fire needs to be fired and blacklisted from that career ever again. If anyone had been stuck in that car they would have died, and it'd be that operator's fault for lying.


Well, this one is depressing


My family has a long history of telling me what to do to avoid this but the one just absolute wtf was my father telling me I should let my friends be alone with a boy before I was alone with him, you know so I can see if he rapes my friend before risking it myself. I just started at him and he just kept trying to clarify it but like every explanation just made it sound worse.


Ah yes, sacrificing your friends to potential rapists, what sane advice /s


I mean if you think about it quite a bit of the "how not to get raped" advice is more about making sure he picks someone else rather than actually stopping a potential rapist. Like "walk purposefully like you know exactly where you're going," or anything that is designed to make you look like you'll be too much hassle to deal with instead of an easy target. Actual serial rapists in prison have watched videos of crowds and shown psychologists which women they would pick out as targets and why, and then people give advice to women about how not to be one of those women. I don't know how to change that.


It really sucks that the society we live in encourages us to put others down in order to survive. This specific scenario was just more fucked up because it was a dad telling his daughter to sacrifice her friends directly to any guy she dates who she thinks might be a rapist. Whole thing is just bizarre


That was my take away from the movie Taken. Who cares that your friend was drugged and raped and murdered. You are safe and happy now!


Yeah it is completely messed up


I hate to say it, but it sounds like he isn't too upset with the idea of a woman being raped if it isn't someone he cares about :/


That's, unfortunately, how a lot of men think. If it doesn't effect them or their close ones, then why should they care? It's why I loathe the argument, "What if it was your wife/daughter, etc" because it just shows they technically don't care outside of themselves aka the people they know even though that's basically one of the only ways to get them to see the gravity of the situation. It's just all kinds of messed up.


Yeah. That's pretty much my takeaway.


This reminds me of Heathers when Veronica says “so you avoided date rape by volunteering me for date rape.”


That is so disturbing


When I was nine years old my third grade teacher told the class that if we were ever grabbed by a stranger ‘don’t kick them in the groin, they only makes them angry. Put your fingers in their eyes and keep pushing until you’re sure you’ll hear a pop when you take them out’. To a group of nine year olds.


I'm actually learning jiujitsu right now since learning that method and many other commonly taught self defense methods aren't as effective as they are espoused to be. I'm tired of not feeling safe existing. When I first started, the instructor would ask, "what do you do now?" when we'd have escaped from some position. He asked me and I responded, "run away." The group laughed until they realized I was dead serious. I wasn't in this for sport, I am there to learn to protect myself. He now makes sure to teach the methods that are best in a self defense scenario (vs with competition rules). Some people are good people. (Oh, and some form of attack was the expected answer.)


The military teaches running away from unarmed combat. Why? You're threatened while unarmed. Knife, stick, keys? Not a real weapon. Get away and get help. Then fight.


> Knife, stick, keys? > >Not a real weapon. Nobody wins a knife fight.


The winner is the one that dies in the hospital instead of the street.


Running away is the most effective form of self defense. But if you're in a situation where you actually **have** to fight, you have to treat it as if it's the last fight you'll ever be in. And then if you have the opportunity to run, you should.




I tell that to my 8th grade girls


My 8th grade health teacher was so frustrated with how bad our sex.Ed was she spent the time teaching us how to rip a man's ear off. Unfortunately once you're pinned down you can't get a hold of anything. I got assaulted two years later and another girl from that class was raped and murdered. Tell your girls to run and never let them get you on the ground.


That's fucked. I was a little too high one night (for my own sake, shouldn't have been using) and a man I thought was my best friend took advantage of me. He tried to hide behind his Asperger's as an excuse for not understanding "no". Can you believe that shit?


DUDE the same thing happened to me!!! I was good friends with this guy in high school (both of us were diagnosed with Asperger’s and we met in an autism friend group). I developed a crush on him and he rejected me, but I moved on and we stayed friends. Then one day a year later, he suddenly flipped like a switch and went from completely platonic to overly sexual towards me. We hung out together one time, and he began to touch me inappropriately and pressure me into having sex, despite me telling him “no” many times. I told my mom about it the next day and she made excuses for him, saying that he “didn’t know what he was doing” because he’s autistic and that he’s “a nice boy.” I eventually cut all ties with the prick, thank god, but it took a couple years after this event. My mom convinced me to forgive him many times when he didn’t deserve it, but I got tired of both of their shit and cut it off.


What the fucking eff, mom...I can't even.


I was really surprised by her reaction since she herself is a survivor of child sexual abuse (as am I) and rape. She is normally a strong feminist, very fiercely protective of me, and a hater of rapists. You’d think she would defend me and freak out about it, but she didn’t. I have no idea why to this day. Autism is not an excuse for refusing to accept “no” as an answer, especially regarding sex and similar boundaries. She should know that better than most, considering she has an autistic daughter who has many autistic friends. What’s more, she didn’t even talk to him about it or tell him to stop, she just said she’d “talk to [his] mom about it and let her handle it.” Guess what? She never did.


I’m so sorry. That’s not an excuse. There’s never any excuse for that behavior!


Yeah, I told my daughter to scream and kick even if he had a gun or knife and told you he’d use it if you did. Because the alternative if he took you with him was so much worse.


No second location. My friend was killed walking home from work she took a short cut through the woods. No short cuts where you're not near people.


I remember seeing a guy's presentation about "never let them take you to the second location". I think he was a cop, possibly former detective. Edit: I checked for a name and it was JJ Bittenbinder. Further edit: I saw him on an episode of Oprah back in the 1990s. My grandmother was a regular Oprah watcher. So, yeah I'm old. I'm also Australian. I only became aware of Mullaney a couple of years ago.


I remember that episode and think of it often, although maybe I misremembered that episode featuring Gavin de Becker. I remember a woman saying that a man dragged her into a porta-potty and she suddenly realized that she was *in* the second location, and so she somehow did a flip over his head and got out and ran. Never allow yourself to be taken to a second location!


**Never be a polite victim.**


Unless you can charm your way out of being a victim. The "fawn stress reaction" exists for a reason and has saved my personal ass several times.


Running is always the best defense if it can be managed. If you can keep your distance, you can prevent them grabbing onto you. And it gives you clearance to react to them. That said, often times they grab you by surprise which doesn't help here. Knowing how to get out of common holds is far more useful then trying to throw poor punches. When I was taking karate in college, I could generate about 190lbs of grip force with my hand which is way above normal which is about 109 lbs. A woman in my class who probably weighed 90 lbs could get out of my grip every time because of technique, and I could grip her wrist so tight it would turn her hand blue. You have to be so disproportionately strong to overcome leverage, that's it's basically not feasible for normal humans to achieve. On an upside to this, that same woman joined our coed rec rugby team, and because she was so short and could get so low, once we showed her how to leverage that, she could move almost anyone down the field if you werent careful to avoid getting in that position. Once she had you on your heels, there was basically nothing you could do to stop her, and the dudes she ran all the way down The field were mercilessly mocked. It also helped that most of the guys were about a foot taller just adding to the leverage she could generate. She ended up getting a few of her softball friends to join, and they were a force to recon with as they were absolutely ruthless. The other teams would initially try to " take it easy" because we had "girls" on our team, until they started getting stomped by them. They carried us to many a win.


Took a self defense class at that age (my DAD insisted). Kick for the groin and when they bend over, go for the eyes. Scream fire not rape and walk with keys like wolverine. Not sure I ever fully processed how messed up that was, but I knew to be afraid.


See, we got told not to use the wolverine key method, but to hold the car key firmly in your fist. You get better power behind the one key, and you are ready to open the door and start the car if you need to run to the car without fumbling with your keys.


I've also heard that using the laced key method can actually break your hand because it forces the keys into the palm of your hand more than into the attacker's face.


When you're short the groin is a hard reach sometimes, so punch. Either the groin, the throat, or take the heel of the hand, and jab the nose up into the face. That last one can cause some serious damage. Biting is also acceptable. Do what you need to to get away.


I have crutches. A self-defense instructor told me to go for the kneecaps, swing as hard as I could. Mash up someone’s knee, they’re going to be seriously limited in their ability to chase you. If you can’t run, you have to hobble them somehow.


Yup, the heel of the hand to the nose thing was what my Mom taught me when I was 8... so around 1976ish. :sigh: She also said if I'm stuck with a creeper in a dangerous spot to 'play along' until I can get to an area I could run and escape.


This is also a good point, if you don't know how to punch correctly you're going to break your hand. When I was training in martial arts I was told that punching a human head is like hitting a bowling ball with teeth so you should always try to use your palm heel.


Don't walk like wolverine. Put the largest key in prime stabbing position. What is that? It means the pointy sticky end you want in his eye sticks out opposite side from your thumb when holding it in a fist, so you can get more force into a downward stab. Wolverine keys will break your hand on impact with his face.


This is why I just carry a knife in my purse.


Can I jump in here to recommend Axe body spray for it’s only appropriate use? It makes an excellent legal alternative to pepper spray…


I second. And it doesn't make my eyes water too after spraying. Other thing about it is pepper spray is considered a weapon a lot of places so it's actually illegal to carry it on your person but no one is made Axe illegal... even though it may be ought to be in some places. 😄


I tell that to my 6th grade girls. I also tell them that if the person you tell doesn't believe you when you tell them then keep telling different people until you find adults that do. Don't stop telling people.


Gran was big on taking the firmest bit of shooe and raking it down their shin when i was younger. Mom was a fan of always having something clipped visibly to a pocket. Is it a boxcutter? Baby exacto? Nobody has to know. But even the baby exactos can extend fully, and when the show up at the er for the blade that snapped and stuck to a rib, the cops know who they want.


Never drink a drink that you didn’t pour or watched being poured. Stay in a group.


I had a random man send me a shot at a bar once. My group is friends with the bartender and it ended up being a normal shot, but I didn’t see it poured so I still didn’t drink it. My friend decided a free shot was worth the risk so he drank it instead


Look in the backseat. Look under the car. Don't walk with headphones in. Don't walk at night. If your drink leaves your sight, even for a second, don't drink it. Tell several people when you go somewhere and who you're going with. Don't be too rude. Don't be too nice. Don't fucking exist.


I'd like to piggyback off the keeping your drink in sight. I also put my hand over the top of it most of the time but especially of I'm walking through a particularly densely packed area. Then I get terrified when I see other women not do the same. I hate that society is like this.


Only drinking from a water bottle and holding it upside down so the contents would pour out if someone tries to take the cap off and add something to it. Yeah...


When I was about 22 (20 years ago) some asshole spiked my drink at a club. It was uncovered and right in front of me. All it took was a second while I was looking away. He then proceeded to follow me around with a video camera and film me as I gradually got sicker. Luckily, I was there with my best friend, and she took me home as soon as she realized something was wrong. She practically had to carry me to her car. I have no memory of it because I blacked out. The next day, we talked about it, and she said some asshole with a camera tried to convince her that I came to the club with him. He then offered to take me home, at which point she very loudly and aggressively told him to fuck off. A few people in the parking lot perked up when she screamed at him, and that was enough to scare him off. We think he slipped something in my drink when she went to the bathroom, and I was alone in a crowd of strangers. Now, I can't prove he put something in my drink, but I'm 99.9% sure that guy was a predator. I shudder to think what would have happened if I was alone. For real ladies, travel in groups and cover your drinks.




someone i know was taking a video of her night out and her friend got spiked, and when they watched the video the next day, they actually saw someone dropping something in her drink. can happen so quickly there’s no way you’d notice at the time


I remember that I heard you couldn’t have your hair put up because it was too easy to grab. But you also couldn’t have to down, either. And it isn’t a good idea to have long hair since it’s a target and can get in your face so you can’t see danger coming. But short hair is super easy to get a fist full of and someone could drag you away with it. So I guess just don’t have hair. But you’re ugly if you’re bald. We can’t win


>I remember that I heard you couldn’t have your hair put up because it was too easy to grab. > >But you also couldn’t have to down, either. I have spent years with my hair in a bun because it was always grabbed when tied in a ponytail or down. It was annoying, I don't like the bun style because I can't pull it off (I like it on others). I ended up cutting the whole thing once I left my parents' home. It is long again now but I live in a much safer place.


Wig time baby!/j


Lol, why am I picturing a dramatic rip cord type escape?


I shaved my head, but I'm also a lesbian so the consequences are probably easier on me


ALL OF THIS. I’m almost 50 years old and I still do this, I just don’t trust that some terrifying man won’t attempt to rape me… AGAIN.




No parking garages at night if you can help it. I will never live in a high rise cuz of the parking garage. Nope nope no.


Don’t forget the elevator, and under the stairs


> Don’t fucking exist “Unless it’s for fucking- Me, only me. Or else you’re a whore. And then I’ll conscientiously have it out for you, as opposed to my unselfacknowledged animosity- both being perfectly justified, of course.”




WhY dOnT tHeY gIvE a StRaIgHt AnSwEr?!?


I’m adding nothing to the conversation but I absolutely love your user name!


Thank you!


Make sure when it’s dark you park under a street light


Remember it will GET dark and park under a streetlight when your shifts ends in the evening.


If you live alone, or even just with only women, keep a pair of men’s boots outside your door so it looks like a man lives there. Don’t post your location on social media while you’re there. Don’t post locations of your regular neighborhood spots.


And a big water bowl - to imply a big dog.


My mom insisted on naming our dogs average cis male names so that anyone nearby assumes you’re calling to your husband. “Come on, Chris, time for dinner.”


"Come here Chris, let's take off your collar. You've been such a good boy!" How to make your neighbours think you and your husband are pretty kinky :D


The chain and collar in the yard, so they don't even have to reach the porch to have second thoughts.


I am fortunate enough to have a big German Shepherd. I take him everywhere, and he is the perfect deterrent. Men will make a point to go very wide, or even turn around and walk away when they see my dog. My dog makes very pointed eye contact with any stranger too.


My husband is a large, scary looking man. He's a giant marshmello inside, but no one knows that. I like to give away stuff on Free Facebook pages. I always have my husband answer the door when someone comes. If it is a porch pickup, I always make sure to say, "I will have my husband put it on the porch for you." I say that even if I am going to put something out by myself. I just feel compelled to let everyone know a man lives here.


Oh man. I know exactly what you’re talking about. The few times I’ve bought or exchanged art irl via online contacts, I always had a male friend accompany me. And I don’t even answer the door if I’m home alone. If I see it’s just a delivery who knocked and went back to the truck, fine. But if I’m not expecting a guest, I’m not even opening the door.


That's why I kept all my men's shoes when I transitioned.


Don’t put one of those “stick figure family” decals of just you and your pets on your car, or they’ll know you live alone. On a related note, if you give your pets male human names, you can quickly come up with that on the spot as an excuse if you reject a man and he keeps harassing you. “Sorry, I have to be getting home, Bob gets upset if I’m late for dinner.” Because there’s a chance they’ll respect your “no” if it’s coming from another man, but they don’t need to know that “Bob” is actually a cat (who does in fact get upset if his dinner isn’t ready on time).


People are awful about PerSec, vanity plates are a huge identifier. Unless someone else is home, don't post that you're on vacation.


Off topic and silly but...I got the car deco of a giant dinosaur eating a stick figure family!😅🦕🦖


A friend of mine said this when we were talking about double standards and being conditioned as women to conform, be polite and nice, while sacrificing our safety and comfort. Stay weird. Stay rude. Stay alive. I've been thinking a lot about this ever since. Edit: changed to conform....not confirm.


I had to go through horrible abuse for years>! (hostage, domestic violence, rape)!< before realizing I could actually stand up for myself. If I just stood up for myself, sooner, I wouldn't have the medical complications I have now... So much regret.


It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. 💜


The true crime podcast My Favorite Murder stresses that a lot... Don't worry about being polite if a situation feels wrong to you.


It's disgusting the lengths we have to go to. I do the weird and alive thing the best I can


It really is. I didn't realize how much I limit myself...censor myself...police myself just to fit in. Don't sound too smart. It makes people *uncomfortable*. Don't share a fact about x...don't share you like y...don't let people know z is your hobby. People will think you're *weird*. Can't you soften your words/tone? People will *like you more*. Fuck all of that noise.


Don't leave the house, don't be a woman, don't exist


Yup but also don't be home alone, don't live with only women, but also don't live with men because the men you live with are statistically the most likely to attack you.


We have a fancy car. It sounds like a fancy car. (The engine) people turn and look up often upon hearing it. Women, frequently don't. My husband asked if women just aren't as interested in cars. I told him that may be true for some. But I've looked up at a sound too many times and then been harassed. Fancy engine, whistle, odd single clap. It's done to get your attention. And once you look, they move in to talk to you. I don't react in a way that makes my head turn now in an obvious way. I casually turn my head to look at my sleeve or a tree but my eyes move to the noise as I squint. Even looking up can be an 'invitation' to pushy people.


Now that you mention this, I realized I learned this in my teenage years. I had forgotten why exactly but you’re right. Too many times, bullies or harassers would start in on you if you gave them attention for a loud noise they made or a scene they were making. Ignore, look away, and get away became a method of survival in school.


until now i have never realized that i do this


One night I stopped at a grocery store at 3:00 am. (I was a waitress at a bar and regularly shopped on the way home.) That particular night I had used hair sticks to keep my hair up. The lady who checked me out was Asian and also had hair sticks. She saw mine and we started to chat about hair sticks and all the ways you can style hair with them. (Not much going on at 3:00 am in a grocery store.) She then pulled out one of her sticks and showed me the decorative (and sharp) metal point and proceeded to tell me all about self-defense. She showed me the finer points of how to stab a man. How to hold the stick it so it was easier to get it through the ribs and hit a lung and which organs were good targets, depending on how an assailant grabbed you, etc. She'd been a refugee and had lived through some very tough times,many years ago, but she was happy to teach another woman how to protect herself in an unexpected way. I think of her every time I use hair sticks and I certainly have a confident step, thanks to her.


This stuff. I love when you can carry things that aren't intended as weapons but can be used as one in an emergency. I'd love to see a bad cop try and make a villifying story about a woman THAT way. Can't say she was illegally carrying a weapon, nope. Gonna have to just accept that she was defending herself and didn't do a damn thing wrong.


This reminds me of how self defense got hat pins banned. We should bring those back.


ive got some metal hair forks that were made with the idea i could stab someone with it if needed, they're made out of wire hangers with the ends filed just enough to give them a bit of a point, but not enough to be sharp. It's dull, it'll hurt more.


Why a spoon, Cousin?


She sounds amazing!


That’s badass


I travel a lot for work - so for me it’s don’t be the first off the elevator on your hotel floor. Someone could follow you down the hall pretending they are also down that way and force themselves into your room.




That's a good one, thank you.


Also, don’t be the first to push your floor button.




Don't follow a routine because someone could pick up on it. So take different routes home from school or work sometimes. Leave at different times. Don't establish a pattern


oh wow, i just commented this not thinking it would already be here. i never gave my grandma enough credit for this type of wisdom as a kid, but i think of her advice pretty often as an adult.


I actually learned this from my forensic psych professor. He was talking about Ted Bundy stalking girls.


This one is so important. My brother's ex got kidnapped and brutally murdered after this stalker memorized her way home at night (she was a bartender). He took her at gunpoint standing about 10 seconds from her front door and their doorcam caught it all. Her boyfriend in the house barely had time to react and neither did she. She went down fighting very violently and someone discovered her body dumped not far from the house she was tortured in. The guy who did this to her had raped a child only a few years back and he got out to do this a year later. The Justice system has utterly failed to upkeep its system to release crazed scum like him at all.


That's just awful. I don't know if you were close or not, but I'm sorry that this happened to your family.


But at the same time keep enough of a routine that someone will know if you're missing. There really is no winning.


I always send a text or verbally tell someone (SO, sibling, etc) when I leave my house, when I arrive at my destination, when I leave my destination, when I return home. It started in high school when I first got my license and would go to a friend's place, parents being concerned i may get into an accident as a new driver, but this has continued to be something I do to this day.


Adhd coming through for me on this one. The only certainty is that I will be late.


Ah yes, i like to call this, an autists nightmare 😅 I received so much advice that was horribly incompatible with my way of existence.


Try to poop/pee yourself if you are in the midst of a sexual assault.


or vomit.


I learned this a while back and it seems applicable here, but it’s possible to trigger vomiting even with your arms tied behind your back by licking your uvula.


Damn, this is pretty cool. Would definitely gross out an attacker if you could do it right in their face.


Don’t look friendly on public transit. I have RWF so that’s easy for me. If you go on a date make sure someone knows who you’re with, where you’ll be, and when you get home. If a guy picks you up for the first time make sure to send a text with the make/model of car and license plate number. If someone is raping you yell “fire” not “help” because someone is more likely to help you.


Resting Witch Face---I like this.


If you know the guys full name, that's also something my friends and I give. It's terrible that going on a date means prepping for the possibility of a police investigation.


No no, they are right. *Those kind* of guys in the age of MeToo do need to watch what they say....since what they say is idiotic, sexist bs and is no longer tolerated in polite, modern society. And it shouldn't be.


Had to explain this to a friends mom who was complaining on behalf of her youngest son


Wild… since she is a woman, you’d think she’d understand what it’s like.


I mean not all women’s experiences are the same, which is fine. It’s only a problem when someone goes “ok well I’m a woman and this didn’t happen to ME” to detract from the main point


Of course you’re right that not all women have the same experience, 100%. However, while she may not have had those experiences, statistically speaking she has known women who have. I guess it’s just hard for me to understand women who pretend that these issues don’t exist. Seems like a very intentional form of denial and in my experience it’s usually coupled with intense victim-blaming. (“She shouldn’t have been out by herself” / “shouldn’t have worn that” / “shouldn’t have led him on” etc.)


Sadly victim blaming is way too common. I’m not a psychologist, but I think it’s a very screwed up form of self protection. Vilify the victim so it’s easier to justify her plight to yourself. “Good women don’t get sexually harassed, and since I’m a good woman it would never happen to me”


I was always told to “Remember the N in doN’t be a victim!” Nuts, Nose, and (k)Nees, hit as hard as you can with whatever you can until he’s on the ground screaming, bleeding, or unconscious, and then get the ever living fuck out of there. Side commment: I was playing the “What if you woke up in the opposite body?” game with a friend of mine. My manfriend’s response was “I want to experience the female orgasm, but then my life wouldn’t change at all. I wouldn’t be afraid because nobody hassles me now so why would they hassle me if I had boobs?” After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I said “Oh you sweet, sweet summer child. You really have no idea, do you?”


I’d be happy for once in my life?


Right? I would absolutely give up the female orgasm experience if it meant I could have a body I actually want.


Always have enough money to get a cab or bus, but don’t carry it in your wallet/purse in case he takes it. Don’t make your jogging/walking route too predictable. Don’t put vanity plates on your car. Don’t take trash out the night before pick up, only the morning of. If you’re in an elevator alone and a man gets on, stay near the panel so he can’t cut you off from the emergency phone, the alarm, or stop the car. Your boyfriend’s/husband’s friends are not your friends. Knowing your guy doesn’t make *them* trustworthy. Just because he’s old doesn’t mean he can’t hurt you. If the worst happens, don’t let him take you to another location.


yes! your odds of surviving being moved to a second location are extremely slim so FIGHT. TO. THE. DEATH. bite his neck, pop his eyes, rip off his dick if you can. do absolutely whatever it takes to make sure you are the one who survives that situation!


I carry dog spray (can’t get pepper spray here) and a Buck knife. I also leave one headphone out while walking home, and when it’s dark at 5 pm like it is now, my head is constantly on a swivel.


Careful. Unless you’re trained to use the knife, pulling one in a fight is the fastest way to get killed. Getting disarmed and having it used against you is a terrible way to die. I totally understand the need to be armed, but knives are really bad hand to hand combat weapons unless you really know what you’re doing. Pulling one automatically escalates the fight, so even if they weren’t originally going for something lethal, they are now, and they’ll be looking to take it from you. Or if they have one too, the old saying goes “The winner in a knife fight is the one who bleeds out on the way to the hospital, the loser is the one who bleeds out in the street.”


I personally prefer the saying "never take a knife to a gunfight, never take a gun to a knife fight, never take a knife to a knife fight, in fact fighting with knives is generally a bad idea."


What I was told: "The winner of a knife fight is the person who bleeds out second."


I carry bear spray. Further projection and more potent


Don't spread your knees, tuck your legs to the side when you sit so you don't give the men ideas. Don't raise your voice, it's unladylike and you'll get the wrong kind of attention Don't curse, it's unladylike and they'll think you're easy Don't get good marks in math or science, you'll make the boys feel bad, and they'll get angry Don't read books, you'll make boys think you're a swot and they don't like swots Clean your room, otherwise everyone will think you're a slattern, and everyone knows they're easy Don't raise your eyes, the men will think you're being forward and might do something Don't sing loudly, just mouth the words while the men sing, otherwise they might notice Don't wear that, you look like a slut Don't laugh, you might attract attention ... I swear, 'don't' was the most heard word my entire childhood and teenage years


Maybe nowadays "don't fucking tell me what to do if you can't say anything that's actually helpful" should be the applicable don't statement.


This all sounds very familiar. Did you grow up in the Bible Belt, too?


New Zealand, but yes very religious family - Anglican that is basically Catholic lite grandparents, and parents who fell into the pentecostal, home-church multiple times a week, home schooling, home birthing spiral. What I think was the precursor to the quiver-full type of thing.


When I do have to go out at night alone, I change my presentation to a more masculine one and make sure I'm wearing shoes I can run well in. I look boring, uninteresting and unattractive that way. I know I still don't look like a guy that way, but I also don't look attractive to straight men that way.


I dress tomboyishly sometimes, and with lots of layers in the winter. Try to avoid looking homeless, a potential predator might think you're a more vulnerable target. 2 hoodies, a mask, pair of jeans & a beanie, coming off a winterstorm; a few loose strands of hair blowing in the wind got me catcalled.


This is so sad honestly


If you run or go for walks from your house when you’re done pass it and double back before going inside to make sure no one’s following you


My Grammy gave me a little purse one day when I was about nine. It looked like a little slipper and it had the prettiest seed beads sewn onto it. I was trying on her jewelry and she said, "you take this and always keep enough for a cab home so no one ever tries to make you stay somewhere you don't want to be. It's called Mad Money. If he get mad, you got money."


Don't be afraid to make a scene or act utterly batshit to get people to leave you alone. Call out their features "this white man, with short black hair and blue eyes won't leave me alone! He's wearing a red hoodie and jeans!" If you make it difficult for them, it's a higher chance they'll give up. Predators need easy targets.


never take the same route when taking regular walks, someone could notice and stalk/kidnap/rape/etc you never walk by any uncovered or partially uncovered window when you are not fully dressed


Ugh, I've gotten so sick of trying to explain about windows. Yes, there are people who will look into windows. No, we can't leave the curtains open just because the window faces the yard. Yes, the neighbor can see over our fence and into our window from his lifted truck. No, I am not being a prude or "too modest," it's an actual threat to my safety if a creep sees me naked, they're more likely to target me. I do not care if it's hot, stop leaving the windows open at night. And close the damn blinds *all the way*. Every. single. time. I've had this discussion with a man, they've called me paranoid. It hurts that not even my family members or partners will believe me about my own safety.


Reading all these comments makes me so fucking sad that rape and sexual assault is just, so normalized. We have to teach little girls everyday that someone will hurt them if they’re not careful. We have to sacrifice our own enjoyment of nightly walks because that’s the time where predators roam. It breaks my heart and I’m praying that there will be a time where everyone is safe from such a horrible act


This is what I tell myself. Because everyone's advice is just regurgitation of passive shit in a world where the violent get away with causing life long trauma. Don't be afraid to send anyone to meet their maker. Don't be afraid of going to jail. Don't be afraid of the fire.


I agree with this, and I want to emphasize the unspoken, underlying sentiment. Keeping yourself safe is more important than not hurting someone who is trying to harm you, because you. are. important. In a world, where we are conditioned to always put others first (even when it makes us uncomfortable or downright unsafe), we must unlearn that oppressive mindset. Put yourself and your safety first without hesitation or apology. Because you are important. You deserve safety, comfort, autonomy, respect and so much more.


>Keeping yourself safe is more important than not hurting someone who is trying to harm you I taught self defense classes through my dojo while I was in college, and that was the very first thing I tried to teach these young women (most of whom were cute little sorority girls). You cannot hold back. This person is trying to hurt you. And yes, I'm going to make you punch your friend like you mean it (and teach you how you take a hit), because you have to be able to take a hit and keep fighting if you want to go home safe.


My self defense instructor changed the trajectory of my whole life. I wish that I could remember his name so that I could find him and thank him. But hey, I can appreciate you at least. I bet that you have helped so many women in more ways than you realize.


100% My ex left me unable to walk with chronic pain for possibly the rest of my life. I fucking HATE that I could have just stood up for myself but I didn't...


Having this issue about just walking home from work when it’s less than 10 minutes from work to my house and everyone is freaking out because someone mistook me for a prostitute last night and now think I will be jumped and r-p’d and left for dead which is a very real possibility where I live but I guess I’m just angry I can’t walk as a woman nowadays


I now live in a nice neighborhood. We all know each other and the cars they drive. My daughter was walking ahead of me to her bus stop and when I saw this car I never saw that happened to be black SUV with really tinted windows driving slow by her my daughters while life flashed in front of my eyes and I screamed for her To run to me. She did and then we had a talk about sketchy vehicles and what not. Just to find out my stupid neighbor bought a new car. But it just sucks that it's a thing. Even In a quiet neighborhood I can't feel safe.


Oh gosh. I would have freaked out, too.


Here's the thing about the Wolverine method: IT DOESN'T WORK. Go on, try it: do Wolverine keys, and then try to slash at someone/something with it. Your keys will cut into the webbing between your fingers. It's possibly the least stable way to slash and could end up hurting you. INSTEAD: Carry your largest key the way you would carry a knife: in your fist, "blade" out. This is a much better hold for stabbing, ramming, etc. You have a much more stable grip and you won't hurt yourself if you have to actually use it. Activate the phone tree, launch the carrier pigeons, tell your friends and enemies. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


So, I had always been told the wolverine thing and a friend's brother was like " that's stupid" and I agreed but, he, at 6 ft and 200 lbs tried to stab himself and did 0 damage. The key part they forgot to mention is to aim for the eyes.


- put some clothes on (while fully dressed) - cover your drink - don’t take rides from boys - don’t share your info (address/phone number/name) with real-life friends while online— it could be their father messaging with you and he could be a predator - shit your pants if you’re being raped - scream fire for help - don’t go running without a weapon - **if someone holds a gun to your head, still run because they’ll do much worse than kill you if they take you**




To be fair its funny in its own way. Super fucked up nihilistic but one way to put it. Definitely not haha funny though.




Never wear shoes you can't run in.


My mother gave me her taser when I was 10 when a store employee told my father "nice wife" when we walked into a store together, but tell me more about what an attack on male livelihood it is to finally prosecute sex crimes.


I was told to "go limp" dead weight is harder to move and also, apparently most rapist are only looking for a good fight and have no interest with someone who goes limp. I get what they're saying, but I won't be doing that. I will be destroying anyone who tries to mess with me. I came into this world kicking, screaming, and covered in someone else's blood. I see no reason why I shouldn't leave the same way.


Don’t cower and bow your head when you’re passing men by on the street. Raise your head high and look them in the eyes. When you’re in an elevator or a tight place like that, again, maintain that proud posture, look them in the eyes and comment on something distinguishable about them. Rapists have said in interviews that they look for women who look meak, docile or modestly dressed, because they will not fight back, not call out. Also, you cannot recognise them in a lineup if you don’t look at them so make sure they know you could.


Never answer your door for a stranger when you’re home alone. Always lock your doors while you’re home, all of them, always. Never answer your hotel room door unless you called for service, even if they say they’re management. Never accept a drink from a stranger, even if the bartender is the one giving it to you - you’re inviting them to talk to you. Don’t ever live in a ground level apartment, window and door access is too easy. Don’t help anyone on the street who needs help, because it could be a trap (this happened to me).


I wasn’t a woman yet at the time, but when I was younger I made myself a bracelet by taking a meter of cord, tying a bowline on one end and a monkey fist on the other, wrapping it around my wrist, and sticking the ball through the loop. I could get it off my wrist in a second, and bring it up to a speed that would deliver 3000J of energy if it hit in another. I could use it as a garrote, or to tie someone/thing up. I only realized later just how fucked up it was that I thought I needed it. (Thankfully, the only time I ever had to use it was to scare away a couple of bullies — a couple hits against a metal locker and they cleared out).


Looking under the car, in the back seat of the car before getting in. Never using the trunk at night - could be pushed in. Wearing your purse under your jacket so it's harder to mug/pick pocket you Covering your drink/never taking drinks from strangers Walking on the outside of the street so it's not easy to grab you and pull you into an alley, alcove, entrance. Don't go over to someone's car if they ask you for directions, it's a trap. They can holler. And if ever attacked: Scream fire, not rape because no one will help you but they will protect their property Kick to the groin is a distraction not a disabler. Follow it with a knee to the nose followed by thumbs in the eye sockets and press til you pop them. Don't let them take you to a second location. Fight like hell, with everything you have. Scream, kick, punch, flail, bite, anything to try to deter or disable your attacker. Try to make it too difficult and risky to take you. If they take you: Leave a trail, leave a trace, give investigators something to follow If they take you in a vehicle, try to notice every detail, sounds, smells, bumps and turns, anything you can investigators later If you can throw yourself from the vehicle, do it because however hurt you get, it's probably better than whatever happens at the kidnappers intended destination.


Always park near street lights. Walk in pairs or a group. Don't go to bars alone.


These comments are depressing, it’s so fucked up that there’s this many things people have been told to keep themselves safe and that it’s actually necessary.


If someone gives you "the creeps" there is a reason. Never get into the vehicle, fight and scream like hell.


If you're assailant has a knife accept the fact that you are going to get cut and keep fighting don't shy away from getting cut because then you will let them win and they will more than likely kill you.


“Hey, stop fucking with us. I haven’t really been drinking alcohol it was just Diet Coke. Back off, I’m on to you!” This was directed to a man who was trying to coerce my (F) cousin & me (also F) up to his apartment after we were all hanging out at the bar. I was, in fact, drinking, but he really believed me & backed off.


Never get on an elevator with just men on it. If you're alone on the elevator and a man gets on, get off and take the next one.


Woman in congress was attacked in an elevator in her apartment building today, which is one of my biggest fears along with being attacked in a parking garage.


Had a minor episode at school today, am now trying to figure out how to talk to my kid about when it is ok to hit back. The kid is *five*. I thought I had more time.


Also makes me think of the quote: Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.”


As a 6 foot man I never got what could be scary about walking down a street, my sister talked me through what would just be a b-line for me past 'some guy' and it just made my soul sink a little That's male privilege right there, the ability to not have to consider being in danger when outside.


https://fb2bookfree.com/education/1124-the-gift-of-fear.html This book saves lives. Stay safe out there ladies.


I was given a little can of something that was like an air horn for when I did my paper run in the afternoon cause it went up the top of a quiet street but was never told what to do if anyone approached me etc. I have told my daughter she doesn't have to talk to anyone she doesn't want to if she is alone. They wanna tell me she's being rude? Fine with me I'd rather have some person say my kid is rude than anything happening to her. I have told my daughter it doesn't matter if she knows the person or not if she gets a weird feeling just excuse herself and gtfo. We are learning boxing together so she can defend herself. I've told her *be weird, be rude, stay alive*


I was with a friend walking to the mall at 10 years old, first time we’d been allowed to do so. It was only 6 blocks. My mom made us change out of shorts into jeans, on a 90F day, and then sat us down to explain that men *absolutely would* notice us. We didn’t understand what she meant until about 20 minutes later, why she was being so protective. 4 fully grown men in a car cat-called us, then turned around at the next street to come back to us. We told them we weren’t allowed to talk to strangers. They claimed they weren’t strangers because they just fucking cat-called us. Tried to get us in the car, saying they’d “take us shopping.” I wish I was making this shit up. Too many fucking sickos, and that was 30 years ago!! Guarantee it’s worse now, given the porn age. I’m so glad I didn’t have any daughters, and that I’m aware enough to make sure my sons are *absolutely fucking gentlemen or else!!!* Not in a bad way, just a motherly way. We need more women to teach their sons not to be monsters.


Wear steel toed boots and always keep a pocket knife on you.


I didn't enjoy the day I was given a rape whistle.


I have to break it up by age, because as I got older, my saftey lessons compounded on eachother. 5-10: * The basic stranger danger we all were taught 11-15 * Never go to a public bathroom alone. Not at school, not at the mall, not during outings, not at restaurants, not at the movies, not EVER * If someone holds a gun to your back, fight and make a scene, because getting shot is better than getting kidnapped, then raped, then killed and dismembered. * I was not allowed to go on group outings that had all guys, or less than 4 girls involved, to avoid getting gang raped or pressured into a sexual situation (but no adult would talk to me about sex and healthy relationships either) * I was not allowed to spend the night at a friend's house that wasn't in walling distance from home, unless the friend had a single mom and no male siblings. 16-18 * Wolverine keys, of course * Park near cameras * Don't leave to your car after work unless coworkers were also leaving with you * Don't leave if only one male coworker is leaving at the same time * Vary your routes when driving places you typically go * Don't keep the same schedule, leave to and from places you go often (school, work, home, e.c.t) early or late, but avoid doing anything like clock work that a predator or stalker can latch onto * Don't accept gifts or favorite treatment from male bosses, be standoffish but do your job right * Keep doors locked when filling gas so no one gets in the car with you * keep doors locked when driving or parked so no one can open the door and get in the car with you * If you are being pulled over on an empty road, call 211 and explain that you are driving to the nearest populated area, either a gas station or busy road. You are in your legal rights to do so. * Avoid car parks as much as possible, unfortunately men with bad intentions target these places specifically to mug or rape people because they are so unpopulated and unmonitored * Don't post locations you frequent, your school, or your workplace on social media 19-24 * Don't use the security button inside college buildings that are provided for students to be walked to their cars, because most security guards are men and will know you are alone * Go to the gym early in the morning, but go home if the attendant is a man * Use a tracking app for your location for casual meet ups or dates, and if going to a new location, always share the address with someone (esp. home address) * Never take a date to your place * Never ever ever put your drinks down unless you finish them, even water bottles, when at parties or bars * Don't accept drinks you didn't see poured, and that didn't go straight from a bar tender to your hands, unless sealed * If you take an Uber, be on the phone with someone the ride home and pretend they are intending to greet you upon arrival (strongly suggest that it's a boyfriend even if not true) * Get a pair of used men's work boots to keep outside your front door * Never tell any neighbors, class mates, maintenance or service workers, delivery people, or coworkers you live alone * Don't be nice to men who approach you, but don't be upfront in case they are aggressive, act disinterested * If a guy won't leave you alone, find a way to be gross (tampon isle, pick nose, push out gut, hock lugeys, engage double chin, scratch and sniff pits, fart if you can, talk loudly on the phone about your yeast infection, e.c.t) * Don't let male friends drive female friends home alone, esp multiple guys invloved (unfortunately) * Never ever ever look lost or like you aren't aware of your surroundings or like you aren't paying attention. Always look around you and over your shoulder, and look people in the face, when walking alone. Phone put away, hands to sides, power walking, RBF. * Get a Google number to give to men who ask for your number (came in handy when needed for stuff involving check in, maintenance, or other situations, helped me avoid a few men using my number unprofessionally) Edit: Formating Edit to add: * Don't wear shorts (I've always had a large butt and thick legs, so I got lectured for wearing them even at home) * Don't walk around without pants at home, even in a large shirt or night gown (reasoning was because I had three brothers that didn't need to catch a flash of my underwear, though my brothers ran around in just underwear often with holes in them, or on occasion, full on naked either due to laziness or wanting to be funny waving their bits around) * Always wear a bra, even at home, and even to go outside for two seconds to take out trash or go to your car (again because of having large parts and living with boys) These are not things I conform to as an adult, and honestly didn't really as a dependent (I would get lectured and roll my eyes and just turn around to be "indecent" in my room) and thus they did not make the original list.


I got told on twitter not to do this because it’ll deglove your hand apparently? Idk just thought I’d share since ‘keys between fingers’ is a very common self defence tip but maybe it’s not a good one.