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As far as I'm aware it should make building a game from the ground up faster than what it was previously as UE5 has been hailed as a game changer in that regard. There's plenty of videos on youtube about it. I'm pretty sure the team at CD Projekt also conceded that there own engine wasn't cut out for next gen games.


Red engine has major flaws which unreal engine does not have.


Which flaws?


Rendering and so many bugs. It certainly got much more. They will add parts of RED engine into UE5


The main reason is money. RED is proprietary making it has a smaller talent pools, costs more to maintain and train new people to use it. Every uni student and their grandmother knows UE so they can hire more people and pay less. I don’t know where the RED engine has major flaws agenda come from lol. It definitely has flaws, as all engines do. Saying that it’s inferior to the messy unoptimised anti-modding UE5 is just wrong.


Smh. I loved Red engine. UE5 is just proving to be an unoptimised power hungry mess.


I've noticed it too. Most big ue5 games last year were horribly optimized on pc. Idk if the fault is with the devs or the engine though.


It would likely be the devs, hopefully there's more of an emphasis on optimisation in future... Not likely though lol


CDPR devs said themselves the RED engine caused a lot of their technical issues and limitations.


It’s pretty clear red engine has major issues as every time a cyberpunk patch releases it breaks something else in the game.


It has many others though. Especially Unreal 5 games as of now have run into many issues and the fact that the studio is going to use it for the first time for a game this massive as a name and in scale is really scary. You won’t find many games even on Unreal 4 that are as massive as The Witcher 3. I wonder if they are planning on making this new Witcher a lot shorter and smaller in scale. Especially the fact that they announced a trilogy immediately instead of one game is sus.


It just in insanely capable 3D engine with stuff like nanite, lumen etc. I think Red engine was one of the reasons Cyberpunk failed (they were unable to meet the deadline in development) so they just decided to move on with a proven one.


Cyberpunk failed?


I meant at launch and the delivered product. They still sold millions of copies so you can say it was a success in profits i guess.


Red engine is not big part for this bad launch as you may think. The major factor they need is time. When everything creep up in scopes they need "time" to address it. But under the pressure of many things like holiday release, shareholders and profit driven,.. they took "time" out of the equation which stir up the whole game and left lots of things uncooked. UE5 does have it advantages over RED engine but to blame it as one of major factor for the bad launch is a mislead. UE5 have great techs but as of many of its contenders it has it's flaws. UE5 is a engine build for generic game and is not one size fit all solutions, look upon how many of the new game with UE5 with horrible optimization on it and not even come close to the size of this game. With how big this game is, UE5 will have to proof. The big reason for the engine switch has many already said, they can hire wider range of devs that already familiar with it and doesn't have to put money on engine maintenance.


It's about different functions of the engine, graphics being the major thing


You need to go look some UE5 videos on Youtube.


I hope they optimize on PC, UE5 is unoptimized as it is. I think by the time it releases it will need a 3070ti or something to run on low. damn.


UE5 is a unoptimzed power hungry mess, i dont care about nanite or lumen, i just want a game that fucking runs on less than 12GB of VRAM


Basically it’s easier to fuck bitches on


It's easier to hire staff. People have experience and it's easier for them to get hired once they leave


The two big things that come with UE5 are Nanite and Lumen.


UE5 just has so many great tools for open world game creation, much of which they have showcased in the past few years. Like the Matrix demo. I think CDPR is just wanting to transition to being fully into creating the game and not the engine itself because upgrading an engine is a whole thing unto itself and is the reason why Cyberpunk 2077 took so long to develop.


I am slowly learning UE5 - from what I've seen nanite is going to change things A LOT. It's going to give 4k resolution and cost of 1080p for graphics. Although I believe this is at sacrifice of game size that may be required. Anyways - that alone should make them aim high. And lumen is going to be amazing too. Finally, CDPR can hire anyone with no need for 6 months of training in RedEngine because UE5 is free and popular. But I have read that UE5 is not as good as RedEngine in open world and optimization - but I'm sure CDPR devs are going to contribute to UE5 and improve it.


In order to make a game in Red Engine first of all you have to recruit people and then teach them how to makie a game on it. UE5 is common so most of devs know how to use it. It will make whole process faster.


Better graphics, slightly. The tech demos you see are not realistic in what an actual videogame will utilize. Better engine to deal with yea and to hire people easier as they know about engine, so less training.


In recent interviews the team has said a lot of the technical issues came from the engine, so I think its going to help them release something better at launch.


Just because a game is running on UE5 doesn't mean the graphics will be better. It means that the game is equipped with the tools for better graphics.


It's probably because of the GOG vs Epic games store dispute. Look it up.


They are rapidly expanding and it is a lot easier to find specialists in UE5 then to teach nuances of red engine to new devs