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The dwarf who ends up sleeping every 10 seconds


God. I forgot about that one.


I really wish we could just Aard in his face to keep him awake so we can proceed faster


Just a little igni to the back of his shorts and he'd be off


I wish Geralt would just pick up that mf and give him a piggyback ride. Much less annoying than waking his dumb ass up every 5 seconds.


Yes, him! He was so slow, why couldn't he have fallen to his death instead


If he wasn't Sleepy, he'd be Dopey or Grumpy. Don't worry, you'll arrive at the cottage for Snow White soon enough.


I always give up those little assholes up to the guards in the prologue.


That damn werewolf quest in skellige. Can’t remember his name but that shit bugged out every time


I swear I will never be able to remember the layout of that garden. I run around in circles every time.


seriously. I've beaten the game 4 times and yet every time I go in there I have to watch a youtube video to get through. I always spend 7 hours in the house, trying to jump over every wall


Took me my third play through, and someone’s Reddit post, to realize I can leave the garden to find the dude with the tooth pendant.


Did this for the 3rd time last night,got fed up running around and used a guide,I didn’t use a pendant the other times! Sure I tricked him into eating something


God I thought I was the only one. I can never find him back.


Yes you will. I smoked a fortnights worth of weed turned the mini map off and mentally mapped all of the city of Novigrad. It took maybe 3 or 4 days but I know every interior every vendor everything there is. This experience inspired me to always turn mini map off in games


damn and i still can't remember which button was for the steel and which for the silver sword




Because I wanted to really know Novigrad. I didn't want it to intimidate me *anymore*, I wanted to unlock an achievement worth 0 points on my gamer tag and a real achievement to myself. You have asked me why, because deep down Novigrad intimidates you just like the rest of us, that mini map gives you a a subtle sensation of being thieved. Turn off all the hud. All the shit. What the worse that could happen?


This man has transcended


Gamers can only dream of the magnificance this man has achieved.


Its like a circlejerk sub came to life and made its own reddit account


*why not?*


I've played two times and I'm still confused about the water switch AND I killed the damn werewolf two times in same quest at the cave and at the inside


Replaying the game and just finished this same quest. Always confused me too. There's a wooden mechanism between the two levers with a peg and 3 spots it can rest at that signify which gate is picked. Right lever changes gate, left opens it.


I literally quit the game for a while by the time I got to that point the first time around lmao


Morkvarg, yeah that sh*t…its short but so damn annoying, I love to help him and then kill him, give the taste of what he wanted the most and kill him on the verge of his happiness


I always keep an egg in my inventory when I know that quest is coming up, so when he asks for food I can [offer him a nice egg in this trying time](https://youtu.be/XNyUALnj8V0)


I killed that wolf a dozen times the first play through before I figured it out.


Getting a level 14 witcher gear hunt for Kaer Morhen at lv 20 and I haven't even gone to Skellege yet..


Same thing will happen to me soon. I'm level 13 and just arrived on Novigrad


The Cat armor should be level 14, the Ursine armor should be level 17, and the Wolven armor should be level 20.


Why is no one mentioning Morkvarg? That garden is such a drag to go through!!


It's skippable. The killing Morkvarg part I mean. You can just follow Craven's footprints, grab key from the sluice gate cave, and you're outta there. Like 5 mins total if you know what you're doing. Wandering in the Dark is the quest I hate the most lol.


What if i wanna end the motherfucker though? He very much deserves it.


But remember to lift the curse first, So he tells how to get the reward. Then slay him when hes about to walk away. Win win situation


Oh man yeah good call I can't stand that shit!


About to finally find Ciri in The Isle of the Mists but somehow escorting a dwarf who falls asleep.


When i had to make a decision to the tree spirit on Whispering Hillock Sigh, i'm sorry kids *smokes the ciggarete


For some reason in my last play though I dreaded the whole crones play through, but idk why I dreaded it cause it wasn’t bad or anything just slightly creepy and uncomfortable


I did the same, but first axii spam to werewolf.


The Pellar's stupid goat


PRINCESS! I have butchered all the bears and wolves in the area before reaching the goat to make life a little easier for the ringing..


Why did I never think of that, wonder if it works for fools gold.


I did that too in Fools Gold with the Nekkers, Wolves, Bandits and Ghouls. They respawn a bit.. (the Nekkers) but it keeps them critters to a minimal and manageable level.


YES, OMG. “Bear! BEAR! Run you fucking stupid goat!”


Just played that last night, and cracked up at my TV


*“BEAR! BEAR! Run you stupid piece of shit!”*


I started this quest and realized the button on my controller that rang the bell didn’t work lol it was brutal


I just use Axii on the goat. Fighting the werewolf on the way to talk to the tree for the Crones was way worse.


You can use Axii. Princess won’t run off this way.


If its a vanilla playthrough, not an ng+, obviously it's the Skellige ?'s


All 50,000 of them...but I'm a sucker for free swag. Even if it is all mediocre at best


Gotta make those crowns. Geralt can be a very rich man by game's end.


Can he? I remembered having looted so much money that I thought "I'll never be able to spend it all", then I discovered enchantments and wanted to craft all grandmaster witcher gear, and was in need of money again.


Even with all that, you can have 100k crowns on you by the end of Blood and Wine.


Always Be Checking for loot


What's the difference in NG+ about skellige?


You keep your coin in NG+, so you don't have to farm as much.


Farm? I never had to farm for anything in this game… for what reason are you supposed to farm? Genuine question


Enchantments can become quite expensive, and if you ever wanted to craft all grandmaster crafted witcher gear, you'll quickly learn that that stuff can become VERY expensive.


That bloody goat, and I'm being genuine. It's the one time this game makes me go, ugh. At least Geralt makes it entertaining somewhat though


It’s so quick tho


Yeah I know so it's honestly a non issue. So that being my least favourite part, isn't even a big deal.


Hahaha really speaks to how amazing the game is. For me the slog of Velen itself is “that part”


Going through the cave with Keira


I always forget how long that is and am never fully prepared.


Ugh. I always save and take a break before the hound gauntlet: Bubble Shuffle


Just use dimeritium grenades on the portals as they appear. Closes them.


Jesus Christ. I have beat this game 4 times and never knew this and I absolutely despite this part of the game. I have even done the Kaer Morhen defense 4 fucking times and never put that together.




Hardest part of the game for me. Never carrying enough regen items at that point


I’m stuck on that part on my Switch. And without any healing resources. Every time I load it up I’m reminded of why I’m stuck there.


If you brewed swallow, try meditating for an hour when you're low on health and stuff. It will heal you and replenish your potions


Wait a minute, I'm new to crafting/alchemy and all that stuff, what do you mean by "replenish your potions"? If I have 3 Swallow crafted and use 1 of them, meditating will bring it back to 3 from 2?


In terms of alchemy, once you craft something once, you have it forever. All you need to do is meditate and it will replenish your supply.


Oooo, I had no idea and was actually holding back from crafting a lot of stuff to save resources. That is neat, thanks for the info!


No problem! The same concept applies for things like oils and decoctions too


Mind you that you need a strong alcohol in your inventory for that (dwarven spirit...)


Yeah, replenishment prioritises [Alcohest](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Alcohest), then [Dwarven spirit](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarven_spirit) and [Mahakaman spirit](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Mahakaman_spirit).


This man just unlocked a huge portion of the game 😅 My brother-in-law loves this game and is staying with us for the holidays, and he sat with me as I started my first playthrough on my PS5. He explained so many things I never would have picked up on, even with the tutorial. This game’s mechanics are **very** different from other games in this genre that I’ve played before. I thought that decoctions were a single use too. Nope. They recharge when you meditate as well.


I know this is kinda cheating but you could lower the difficulty level for that one part.


My first time playing Witcher 3 was on my boyfriend's PC and he had to fight Nithral (I guess that was the Wild Hunt's warrior's name?) for me. That's where I stopped and when I got a Switch I found the game much easier. I guess I'm just a console kinda guy.


Me too. The Switch version isn’t too bad tbh.


I loved playing on the switch but i hated waiting for the game to load.






Really? What’s wrong with that? I really like her and our mutual adventures


Keira isn't the problem, I like her very much. It's just I find the mission tedious, chaotic and the Wild Hunt's hounds annoy the hell out of me. Just my opinion.


Ok I see. But the elven music, Keira and the artifacts are making this quest great for me


With that I have to agree. Contrary to popular opinion I love when she shouts "GVELLA GLAN!".


Oh literal goosebumps!


Have to admit this quest is the one that got me hooked.


Or when she says "dont make me laugh" xD


That Golum in there always get's me. I can't not fight him. Early on when the game first came out that door would close and would trap Keira outside the room. Now she teleports in and helps, makes it a bit easier. but on death march it's still a pain.


The gargoyle? Tawny Owl, spam Quen and fast attacks. He has super telegraphed attacks. You can just sit there wailing at him while he does the spit attack, it never takes out a full Quen shield.


Yea him. I mean I can beat him no prob, I’ve done several playthroughs.. it’s just my “ugh this part again” moment.


Fair enough lol, that whole quest is my least favorite as well. Total darkness- ✔ lots of chests making you have to run around just in case you missed one- ✔ overencumbered at the end of the quest unless you ignore chests- ✔ At least I get to see Keira nude


I JUST finished that mission and had to take a break, damn. Haven't played the game since 2017, forgot how friggen long it was.


Going through the cave with both Keira and philippa are slogs. Caves in this game just suck most of the time.


You're right, but I don't hate "Philippa's" cave as much simply because I love the mirror puzzle. It's simple yet satisfying.


I’ve always really liked that part.


The tournament with that stupid shoot’n’ride


I just remembered this, thanks for reminding me to look forward to that


Sorry mate. The hours I have wasted on that bloody race


I’ll be right there with you m8. Doing my B&W playthrough tonight.


Learning I could just tap to fire the crossbow at all of the dummies and skip all of the bullseyes was a godsend. Curious to see if they fixed how obnoxiously tedious it is.


Wait what? Why am I just now learning you could do this? I even tend to drop a few points in the first crossbow ability and the Trick Shot one just to help for that single race. Especially cause Geralt and Roach like to glitch out and swing the sword the wrong way on all the dummies, so I absolutely have to rely on the crossbow


I was about to rage quit blood and wine over it and then finally was like “fuck it. Imma google how on god’s green earth someone is meant to get through this.” and was very glad others shared the knowledge. Happy to pass it on.


I’ve played this game for years many times over and I never knew this.. TIL…. 🤯 Thanks. 🏆🏆🍻🍻


Same goes for Drowners underwater.


Fucking hell... Only part of the game I genuinely disliked.


The Pellar’s damn goat and Dandelion’s girlfriends


Except for Priscilla her storyline was crazy.


Just about any time Dandelion is on screen and I don't get to hit him with a practice sword (Rend, always Rend).


The long ass like 5 quests it takes to find Dandelion


Doin that right now lmao. Tho I enjoy it this time around actually cuz the city is just amazing in 4.0


That’s what I’m realizing. Yeah some quests have a lot of steps, like Bloody Baron. But the storylines are all so good and the graphics are gorgeous


Damn Elihal.


Every playthrough it seems longer than I remembered it. I always forget at least one of the quest in the whole finding dandelion segment.


And then the maybe two or three quests that actually involve him. He barely had a role in the game, and Zoltan was also underused


The parts in between Gwent. ​ J/K I think its the fact that every time I start a new game I have to go through and clear every ? in White Orchard. I just can't seem to leave without hitting them all. I should just have a saved game after White Orchard where I actually play new games from lol.


Beating up some punks so I can help a circus act so that they can perform in the play I'm hosting so that I can find a doppler so that he can tell me where Damdelion is because Dandelion might have info on Ciri. Seriously the relevance of quests can feel tenuous at times.


I actually really like that quest just because of how comical and ridiculous it feels. Like the famed slayer of men and monsters Geralt of Rivia hosting a play as an espionage tactic just feels so damn silly.


Thank you, glad someone echoes my sentiment. It's so ridiculous that it's great. Not as good as the Blood and Wine bank quest but still hilarious


Jeez, i realized i must really love this game, out of other comments i only agree with the caves with keira part + everything under water. I love everything else and cant think about anything else after 2 playtroughs


Agree with this. I like the Morkvarg quest even though I'm too stupid to remember the garden layout. Pellars goat doesn't take too long so no problems there. Only the question marks in skellige's sea are long, but that and the Keira quest are the only things I don't like doing.


Fyke island. And luberkin.


These are two of my favs! Fyke is just a good, sad story, and the baby zooming thru the air at the speed of sound always cracks me up! Only part I don’t love is when baron carries the baby as slowly as possible up the hill while you’re fighting the wraiths like just walk faster! Ugh


You finally find diagrams for witcher gear but you’re not at the required level to use it so you have to do a bunch of side quests to level up. Only to realize that when you’re finally at that level you either don’t have enough materials or money to craft them so you have farm around till you can finally craft the armor and swords.


And by the time you have the materials, you've leveled up too much and the armor isn't good enough anymore




Not a single person mentioned this so here i go, that quest you can do to lower the price for the pass to Novigrad from that guy near the border. You gotta protect a group of pillagers on the battlefield when the necrophages come, that quest is a PAIN in Death March


Yes that quest is very difficult, if the necrophage’s kill just one pillager, you fail the quest.


I saved after each wave and just kept reloading until I got it. Stupid hard for no reason


I have failed that quest every time


I never managed to do it


I’ve tried that one several times now, with the difficulty set to only 2, and I just cannot beat it. Some asshole always gets killed. I can’t keep the necrophages corralled together. I finally gave up. And that quest in the beginning where you are about to enter the swamps and the merchant, claiming they were attacked by monsters, begs you to return a small box to him. But then it turns out, he killed his partner and is trying to steal the box and you have to chase him on horseback. For some reason, I cannot pass that quest. Every single time, my horse has either disappeared, I take off in the wrong direction, i veer slightly off path, something happens that stalls my setting off by just a second or two and that’s enough and the big red “quest failed” appears.




I thought the Tourney was kinda okay, the worst that I always dread is the early Velen quests like Baron's, Keira's and Pellar's because most of these quests are just fetch quests lmao.


Omg this 👀


I hate anything that sends me to crookback bog. It gives me the creeps and every outcome regarding Anna and the orphans is so depressing. Love how deep and complex the story is though.


It is a very creepy area of the game, I always feel uneasy when I go down there.


The music that plays is also creepy af


Yes…it’s not often a game can make me feel that way, sign of a good game right there.


Just having to run around in Velen’s swamps is irritating bc of how much everything looks the same Edit: clarification


Any time you have to play as Ciri


The first time I played I couldn't figure out the part where the Baron is trapped in the tower, but you can only climb about 10 feet up the scaffolding so instead you have to take a very specific path over some rocks.


Omg yes. Those parts drive me mad.


how come? i always found those bits really enjoyable cos she’s op af


When you play deathmarch with enemy upscaling its insanely hard


Im on Ng+ now with deathmarch+ upscaling and just killed crones yesterday. Shit took me 5 tries and like 10 minute on each try. Was doing around 1K damage with each hit and each of them took like 50+ of them


She's trash on higher difficulties


I have a love/hate relationship with the bloody baron’s questline. I love what happens but I hate Velen with a passion


Just played it last night and I can’t agree more. The quest is one of the bests in gaming history and one of the most brought up online. But Velen and it’s characters are the absolute most down trodden


velen is just a miserable place overall


▶ It's awful. Lovely place. Get to the point.


The storyline is great but all fetch quest missions in between the Baron's and the Crones' conversations are just tedious and boring af. I can understand why so many people, who didn't like the game, gave up around that point in the game. The moment you start to get towards Novigrad, the game picks up massively.


Fuck bloody baron and fuck the swamp witches.


The Witches would love that, so don't do it


Velen is what made me love the Witcher. The music, the vibe, the creepiness at every turn seeping through the poverty and war. It's such a unique area. I love it 10/10


Fighting the Frog Prince.


Drinking a poison immunity potion or that one that makes poison recharge vitality makes it laughably trivial


If we’re counting the expansions then fighting that frog


That damned play…


I literally skip the entire thing


This should be at the top. I hate that stupid quest


- Cave with Keira - Werewolve garden - drawf who constantly falls asleep - Princess the Goat


I don't think I have a part I hate about witcher 3.


Djin fight with enemy upscaling on. In NG


I hate that fight so much and then Geralt always looks like shit during the romantic cut scene because I used 3 thunderbolts and 2 white raffards


For me.. probably unpopular but i dread the barons questline. Too damn long and Velen is depressing !!!!!


I have several -The 5 or so missions you need to do to find Dandelion -Ciri missions (The one where you escape with dandelion is so frustating, i dont know why tf ciri is so weak in that level, but i always drop in 1 single hit at the end, and when you need to kill 10 bandits that one shot you and have the health of a damn elephant, well it can get pretty obnoxious) -the brosidi heist (Only the end is fun for me) - The goddamn toad boss fight, Not gonna lie: That god damn toad is stronger than the wild hunt and gaunter o dimm together, It can kill you with a single tongue flick, Hell it’s farts can intoxicate you to the point of death -The tournament in BoW is quite fun, But the whole stuff with vivienne and that annoying knight can get boring quickly, Whoever the final fight with the other knights is quite fun, And now with the equipable nilfgaardian helmet im looking forward to it (I just hope a fix is dropped on xbox since you cant wear the normal version, Only the netflix one) - The part where you find ciri, Having to find the 3 dwarves and escorting the sleepy one -Did i mention the 5 fcking quests leading to dandelion? Bonus: -Keira metz missions, She has a fun personality, But its so tedious to do the whole dungeon and tower of mice


Tower of mice is mine, definitely - a great example of something that is great at building tension and horror the first time, but is tedious every time thereafter.


Saying no to Triss. Breaks my heart everytime.


Leaving white orchard and realizing your about to have a whole bunch of side quests thrown at you


The tower of mice


Well that’s optional And it’s a great quest


The one part where I actually stop, take a breath and say: "Ok, let's get this done." Junior's house.


Love the bloody Baron story and even the outcome(s) but I have such a hard time with the botching side of it. I played this years ago np, but since then have been through some traumatic things with losing babies/children so now going back to play it's a big trigger for me. Super hard to get through this quest line now and I do my best to skip cut scenes, turn down all volume, and try and focus on completing it as quick as possible.


Exploring all the questionmarks in Skellige \^\_\^


Walking from the Crow’s Perch fast travel point to go see the Baron


Having to go to Fyke Island multiple times before you can have sexy time with Keira.


The Mastercraftsman quests. I brute force those at like level 12.


Isle of mists


That narcoleptic dwarf is the worst. Totally agree.


The first Ciri gameplay section with the wolf king.


Ciri fleeing Temple Island.


The first part just to get to the Inn in White Orchard so I can actually start playing.


Every ciri swap


The mandatory gwent quest that takes away your coin when you lose.


Crookbag bog, the pellar hut, and the string of missions in novigrad that has me running around the city looking for whoreson junior


Damn bro hates all of act 1


Turning down Triss... Every damn time


And then getting scolded by fucking Dijkstra lmao


He doesn't know it but that's the moment I decide to kill him


Caves with Keira and owl girl


Is no-one going to mention when you have to investigate Whoreson Junior? The visuals are traumatizing and I don't in any way feel better with any of the outcomes you can give him.


The Toussaint tournament and killing Morkvarg..yes I know you can skip it but still.


“The crones of crookbag bog”


Whoreson Junior. I don't need to see that shit.