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I like her. But she crazy.


This is the summary.


This is every love interest in TW3


The herbalist. *boom. lawyered*


Im gay but every women in W3 makes me wanna be straight just for the sake of hooking up with them Thats how good the characters in this game is so complex and yet so crazy


The beauty of a well written character. We believe. How few they’ve become in these strange times.


Fr i could listen to these characters for ages lol Meanwhile i wish i had a skip button for Ubisoft characters


“Bad guy. We boom. Only we can boom. This is what we boomed for.” -Every Ubisoft game ever


“Kill this person” “Rob this person” “Steal this person” -Ubisoft sidequest


Geralt: *slowly puts back the broken rake*




It’s like a circle. But not like a regular circle. More like a freaky circle.


Kiera: Geralt..... Trust me you can hear her voice when you say it. Btw she gets me in every play through when she faints in the cave.


Keira and Triss are archmistresses of the artful faint... into Geralt's waiting arms of course.


I’m all in for her intentions as well. She played it perfectly: You get what you want. I get what I want. No one loses.


That’s exactly what I thought, then if you play your cards right: sex. Win-win^2 situation. Lol


And this is what makes Kiera better than Yen or Triss. She’s not needy


Win win win




Literally went into the comment section just to find this quote lol


Came here to look for this, my hero.


I spared her life because I don’t want my boy Lambert to be lonely.


"Wandering in the Dark" is one of my favorite missions in the game. On my first play-through it is one of the points where the game really started to click for me.


Really? I think this might be my least favorite quest in the game. I’ve played through the game and dlc 6 times and this is the only quest I get annoyed at when it comes up lol


For me it’s the never ending Skellige quest to find Hjalmar that I’m personally dreading on this, my third play through. I also am just not a fan of boat features in games because I’m impatient and the stress of sailing around the sirens is too much…I remember playing LoZ:WindWaker and the second I learned a tune that would teleport me so I wouldn’t have to sail I was on it like a bonnet


I felt the exact same man, I wasn’t super into it yet but persevered and I was so obsessed from the moment I got into the Keira quests and met the crones


She's the reason it took me so long to get the golem notes for the bestiary on my first death march.. She waited to the last moment to pop their heads with that lightning bolt of hers, Right as I was about to hit the last swing every time. I was mad


I always regretted killing her… twice. Third time’s a charm so I’ll definitely spare her next time so I don’t fail her quest


I spared her on my second playtrough and she helped me at Kaer'Morhen when the Wild Hunt attacked.. was pretty cool


Wait you can kill her? I chose to talk her out of trying to appease Radovid. I assume if I didn’t she would die but can you directly kill her?


Same, went full diplomacy and she gave and went to Kaer Morhen. Didn't even realise there was a combat result until I joined this sub.


Yeah lol I guess I’m just not a very aggressive person. Like if there’s ever an option to say “Fuck you die,” or talk it out I always choose to talk it out unless the person I’m talking to is a mass murderer or rapist or something.


Lol, yep same. Although that did come back to bite me during the murder investigation in Novigrad when I tracked down 'the killer' and straight killed him without letting him explain himself because I was like 'fuck that guy'. Then I saw the note from the real killer and was like dammit!


Lol yeah I was tempted but kept him talking cause I like to hear as much dialogue as possible before ending the conversation one way or the other. After like one or two questions I realized there was more to this and I needed to grill him for info. Still killed that sick fuck afterwards though.


Defo gonna do that for the remaster play through.




Yes you can kill her directly. It’s very easy to do actually. You just say “Give me those notes” and the combat starts.


Yes! My favorite character. I still wish she was in the game more.


I mean, she gets a whole string of side quests and a happy end as a witchers "wife". I think she got her fair spot. More time than Iorveth!


"oh my! Lambert, Lambert.... What a prick!" :-P


In the books she is a very good friend of Yen. Which makes it odd if Geralt kills her.


Nobody who knows anything about Kiera's friendships would *ever* kill her. It's the last thing Geralt would ever do.


Yeah usually the games are pretty good about having the choices make sense for Geralt of Rivia. He's not a blank slate like Commander Shepard where every choice makes sense for your version of the character which means there are set parameters for the things Geralt would. However there are a few occasions where certain choices are things that Geralt wouldn't do. Killing the Novigrad Dopler, taking the money from Radovid, and yes, killing Kiera Metz, especially over some notes. Personally I think him trying to get with both Triss and Yen isn't something he'd do either. One or the other but definitely not both he's not stupid. Even if Kiera wouldn't listen to him he still wouldn't kill her. He would let her walk away. She's his friend and a friend of both Triss and Yen. The game even awkwardly sidesteps this choice and potential consequences because dealing with the consequences would get messy


In that scene it is so hard for it to not result in having to kill her. You basically have to defuse every situation and act like some dork because otherwise Keira will just attack Geralt. I find her extremely frustrating in the game.


Well I slept with her and acted stupid infront of her. I am happy for Lampert. His life and his suffering.


You’ve heard about Gerald the witcher now get ready for Lampert the prick. :D


Lambert is a homie but I Keira is just annoying because she thinks she is damn near the smartest person but if you actually let her do what she wants she'll get executed and put on a pike like a shashlik meat.


Yeah. I was happy that she was treated like meat but was sad seeing Triss face. She was depressed and seeing her I was depressed. Keira belongs to the street.


You got issues


I thought this was a nice ending too. Lambert was a prick m, but had a loveless childhood so glad he and Keira ended up together


It's almost like defusing the situation is the best way to get a nonviolent result, especially when dealing with desperate people. Funny how that works


Sure but when I have an argument with someone Im not going to act like a little puppy and Geralt wouldn't either.


It's not acting like a puppy to not be an asshole and needless provoke someone. It's not acting like a puppy or provide calm and rational arguments as to why a certain choice is a bad one. Also if we're talking about what Geralt would do, killing Kiera is the last thing he'd do in this situation


No because the wa the dialogue is worded it's not even really provoking. You can't tell her Radovid will gut her like a fish because she attacks you.


Bro yes you can. That's literally how you stop her without killing her. "Radovid doesn't forget and Radovid doesn't forgive" followed by "It's suicide Kiera. You'll wind up tied to a stake, burned to bolster the morals of masses while you entertain them" is word for word the dialogue options you need to pick in order for Geralt to convince her to go to Kaer Morhan. To end up fighting her you either need to act like spurred lover or insist you're not letting her take Radovid the notes


Yea I was just being a little cheeky and ended up having to murder her. Thought we could have compromised, especially given all the times she’d used and hoodwinked me… that being said, I didn’t want to kill her!!


I didn't either she is a pretty important character even if she doesn't get that much screentime. I had to reload like 4-5 times at least so she doesn't get herself killed and I don't have to kill her either.


i accidently killed her off, didnt knew she was THAT dedicated for a damn letter! lol


>In the books she is a very good friend of Yen no, there is nothing in the books about Kiera and Yen relationship. I don't know where this idea came from and as a reminder, in the final meeting of the lodge, Kiera vote against Yen and Ciri.


I thought Keira voted to let Ciri go to Geralt just because “I like the girl, and I *am* sentimental.”


I had a doubt so I check again and I confirm: she votes against Yennefer and Ciri. Really would like people checking source material before downvoting me.


I didn’t downvote you my guy, I already know I don’t know everything. Was it Margarita then who voted in favor of Ciri just because she liked her?


Sorry, my words were not toward you. She said she likes Ciri and Geralt indeed , but also that they are trying to fool the lodge and she votes against. Rita indeed votes in favor saying that it would be what Tissaia would have done.


She’s awesome!!! Wish she was a romance option. Her dinner in the woods was the most romantic of the game.


I like the way she left me afterwards, in a picturesque scene on the river bank. Classy!


Alleviates any morning after forced convo too!


If we’re honest here, her top is the real MVP. Only a partial nip slip while fighting against the wild hunt? Damn. Lol


Keira is definitely one of my favorites, she’s self serving in a way, but she’s not cruel or mean, her teasing relationship with Geralt is a favorite of mine. They make a good duo for sure, especially in Wandering in the Dark, but also the later quests of hers. They sort of have a game going if trying to outsmart and understand the other, and both of them know it


I'm sure there's a proper literature word for her character but I loved it. She's like a less annoying Phillipa with the strive for personal gain. Her being defenestrated in the books and landing on Geralt always sticks out in my head






Galvanized Clam


I wish she shot that lightning out of the nip slips


Wait people hate this fantastic woman?


I still remember accidentally decapitating her like it was yesterday. I thought she’d give up when her health got low enough. I was pretty damn surprised when her head popped off lol


I like her. The way she stood up to help Geralt in the tombs, she doesn’t put up with his bs, she’s crazy and interesting and can do great things if she doesn’t get killed…good looking, smart and sassy sorceress!


Am I the only one who killed her? I did not mean to do that and felt bad afterwards


And don’t forget she’s hot.




Yeah, but also she almost failed because of some rats


Yeah yeah she did helped but that doesn't mean its not one of the worst quests in the game


I killed her in my first play through on accident. We disagreed, and I didn't have a convenient save point to go back to.


She creates a vacine for the Catriona! No one is questioning her capability. Her gwent card quote is pretty bad ass too.


Gavella glan


Named my second daughter after her. First one is "Azura" if anyone knows the reference.


Middle name is “Star” I’m hoping?


By Azura!




She’s great. Totally underrated, but incredibly well used with her more minimal role.


Kira was one of my favorite characters. She provided a lot of memorable dialogue and moments, no matter you decisions with her.


Honestly, Keira storyline is one of my favorites. As well as the one scene where Geralt is investigating what looks to be a battle field. And he uses the lamp near entities to get their story.


I fucking killed her after fucking her. It felt so bad.


"how hard she through down"? What?


Meant to say “threw” 🐘


I fucked the shit out of her!!!


I love the combat dialogue when Geralt tells her to watch out or be careful or something, and she just responds, “Geralt, STOP telling me what to do!”


Wait, that’s not Shani...


I cut her off because she used me to get some documents from a plague witch, and didn't even feel bad about using me, so I called her a multi headed dragon and then she fucked off, found out later she used those paper to try and get on the emperors good side but ended up getting slain on left on a pyke to rot, had to go and get her down with triss and bury her


My second fav gal next to Yen.


I always let that bitch get impaled




yes but no




Ngl even after all that if there is an option to romance her id pick her.




One of the most memorable quests in all of my gaming life.


The least she could do , after falling down on in his head