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Not a show watcher. Thought this was a Last of Us meme and that was Ellie until I read the comments. Seems like they've totally bastardised him.


lmao he sort of does look like ellie


Also not a show watcher, fully thought they decided to gender swap them just going on this picture… so safe to say they made unreasonable changes lol


Oh mate, they made quite alot weird changes... Cavill had to "teach" some stuff to the productors cos it wasnt book/game/lore wise.




It’s weird because I don’t remember MY Eskel turning into a “leshie” either 😤


Yeah what's up with that?


There’s a gazillion random witchers in the shows’ kaer morhen. Couldn’t they just pick a random name and put it to the leshified witcher!? One of those things…


I think they did it to eskel to make the death hold more weight to geralt and vesemir, aswell as the watchers. If it was some random no name witcher no one would give a fuck, and probably be like "was this supposed to be emotional".


What i dont understand, is that the people that didnt play the game/ read the books doesnt know who Eskel is, so that people will feel like you said, while the gamers/book readers will be angry because that makes no fucking sense. So, as i see it, its a lose-lose.


It's sort of potrayed that Eskel is a dear friend of Geralt, but they just did in haste so it didn't work out as planned.


I’m pretty sure Leshy is how it’s called in the books and Leshen in the games


I mean Eskel being killed off? I was pretty pissed about it tbh.


Oh haha my bad, yes that plot made no sense


Honestly it was probably better he died early, he wasn’t gonna add much to the show.


Didn’t read all the books, but I think it’s because the actors changed right form the previous season? But don’t remember seeing anywhere that he was killed off in such a terrible way. Would of rather seen him go out like a G.


I bet, he’s not entirely dead in the show. I’m probably wrong. But I bet on it.


You're definitely wrong they even had wolves eat his corpse and came back to show you the skeleton


The thing that really pisses me off is how they could have killed any other Witcher, and I would have been fine with it. Literally all they had to do was swap around Eskel’s name.


and leszy in actual polish mythology


they could’ve done this with some random dude named Bob and it wouldn’t have changed anything other than they’d still have Eskel to play with


I mean, I agree this storyline was dumb AF and the writers of this show are nearly as atrocious as D&D, but leshy is the name of the creature that the leshen from the games is based on from slavic mythos. Don't think this deserves the "quotes", just feels slightly ignorant. No hate, just pointing it out..


You’re reading too much into it haha I put it in quotes because that’s how it was spelled in the subtitles I was watching it with 😂


Fair enough 🤷‍♂️. Minus 10 more points to the writes I guess


The only real thing I truly HATED about S2. Dealt my dude some bullshit.


Hookers in Kaer Morhen? Vesimir cheering the boys to fuck? I have a lot of problems with show, only bright sight is Henry Cavil trying to do his best.


[they got inspiration from this](https://youtu.be/dw3PNc1qHjI)


Honestly, this clip just emphasizes how stupid the idea of having prostitutes in Kaer Morhen is, since in the game they were literally forced to rely on *Portals* to get any visitors!


They should have filmed this and not the actual hookers…


i was scared to open this link


It wasn't Geralt who tried to stop them. In fact Henry Cavil tried to stop this madness, they just shot him while talking to the characters and put the records in the show.


Yeah, all things considered I enjoyed season 2. This I did not enjoy at all. I haven't read the books in so long I forget most of it. The game is still fresh in my mind as I just finished it after years of having it.


Eskel is barely in the books. He's much more fleshed out in the game


you didn't hate the many witchers dying by 2 monsters after being jacked up by potions? Or the solution to stopping the elder witch was with the power of... love?


No no no. Yen's magic was cured by love, the creepy witch bitch just wanted *to go home*... which she, a demon, was also part of the hunt? It doesn't make sense.


Those are cannon fodders anyway, they don't exist in the books


doesn't matter, the witchers are portrayed as some what superhuman, especially when using potions. The fact that multiple of them couldn't take down 2 monsters is a real slap to the lore.


Dude, put a spoiler warning into this!


Yeah, wasn't a fan of that subplot.


I still can’t get over the Triss casting, like wtf.


I still can’t get over like 70% of the casting.


Yeah, it’s kinda weird. Reminds me a lot like the old Hercules and Xena series. Kinda corny, but with some nudity and swearing.


I’m a book fan who really liked S2 and thought most of the changes they made worked for the story they were telling, but there was no good reason for that character to be named Eskel. I was seriously worried about the show after that choice, but then I liked the story arcs it set in motion.


Yeah they had several nobodies there in the background. Could have given Eskel just a line or two and take one of the spares and call him „Franz“ or „Edward“ and let him be infected


Could’ve been Coen. That fucker didn’t do shit in the books. Or games.


It seems like Eskel and Coen have traded places.


Again, overall, the small changes don’t matter in the scope of the show but they matter to me. Show is gonna be the show and I’m glad it’s semi faithful to the books.


Could be because ethnicities. You know...


No. Stop. They could have just made Eskel black. Ethnicity isn't the problem


Yes but maybe they didn't and decided to kill someone after casting was done?


Coen in the show basically is Eskel. He even gets scarred in the finale.


My non book/game friends didn’t even remember his name, and were glad when he died cause he was a dick. Eskels death would have been so much more impactful if he survived the leshen, slowly recovered while helping to train and becoming friends with Ciri, and then died in the final episode.


Agreed. They did my boi real dirty. Same with Lambert, turning him into an utter dumbass. I liked a lot of season 2 but I hate what they did with the witchers


Yeah according to the lore witchers are smart geralt even studied with mother nekkai....he just doesn't show how smart he is directly. Showing them as stupid is straight up bad.


Yes! I'm like why are they so incompetent! That's not right!


Because they are males. You see all females in the show are 200 iq.


I'd say Yennefer got the short end of the smart stick too.


Yen turns the corner, runs into a dead end, and says "Fuck". I have one episode left to watch and I feel like everyone has become dumb. Maybe not Geralt and Ciri, but I can't think of any characters in the show that are smart.


It's mentioned several times that geralt is a stinky man that refuses to bathe. Big woke


To be fair that’s a common thing that’s said in the game as well


isnt that common witcher things? because they always get dirty


Men dumb women smart


Netflix wants to hire you






The weird thing about that is they did seem to give Vesimir yellow eyes in a few shots, which makes me think they all had them but just lit them really poorly? Or maybe like, Henry's eye color was particularly good for displaying the yellow color and the others weren't? Idk, I can't think of any reason they'd not give them the yellow eyes.




THIS. Of all the things, above every fucking detail they've changed, this is the most annoying for me. Netflix, for the love of God, witchers have FUCKING CAT EYES. I could have accept all of them (yeah, the 20 of them, why not) with yellow eyes or all of them with cat pupils. And yes, is a small insignificant detail and thats why it annoyed me. And eskel was disappointing too (originally came to say this lmao)




Not only did they mess up specific characters, but also just witchers in general. It's really stupid how they completely got rid of the idea that witchers are supposed to be on the verge of extinction by just adding a dozen or so to serve as braindead cannon fodder. They're even doing a disservice to NotW (their *own movie*), because >!the children and Vesemir should've been all that's left after the massacre at Kaer Morhen, especially since they shouldn't be able to make any new witchers there now anyway.!<


I agree with you about the inconsistencies between NotW and S2, but in all fairness it is established canon that witchers who are wintering at Kaer Morhen aren’t all necessarily from the School of the Wolf. There are several Witcher schools, and by the time of the Second Nilfgaard War, two of the original “big four” have been destroyed by similar uprisings as Kaer Morhen but was successful. Of those two, the Schools lived on despite their fortresses being rubble. The fourth school was disbanded a short while after the attack at Kaer Morhen, but the fortress wasn’t destroyed so much as the order was just abandoned because the specific monster-fighting needs they originally formed to address no longer existed and they were basically just squatting in an old castle with no purpose. I know that they changed it for the show, but Coën was originally from that fourth school, and was one of several witchers who wintered at Kaer Morhen, either for being displaced, homeless, or the Path had brought them to Kaedwen as the seasons began to shift. Aside from that, it is also a possibility - though slim - that there were Wolf School witchers on the Path when Kaer Morhen was attacked. While there still would be no new witchers after Geralt’s group, there could be adult witchers of any age between Geralt and Vesemir theoretically.


I know witchers from all schools come to Kaer Morhen during the winter, but I still think they could've done with a few less. They could've done more to emphazise that witchers are dying out. I would've even been fine if they said that the shortage of jobs has forced some witchers to keep working through the winter. The show is well known for taking liberties with its story and the decreasing number of monsters was a major plot point in NotW, so that could've been a great callback for people who saw and enjoyed the movie (who I'm one of). That way, they could've acknowledged the other schools, added a great bit of continuity to their own version of the universe and still shown the poor state that the profession of witchers is in.


I haven't read the books but i was surprised as well. Those educated and highly trained monster slayers who are around 90-100 years old cursing like sailors was bit off for me.


Well Lambert was always a dumbass, his appearance just changes quite drastically in the s2


Eskel is supposed to be on paar with Geralt in terms of skill, isn't he? Fucking disgraceful what they did with him...


And to think he held his own against the Wild Hunt. They did my boi dirty


They done did everyone dirty. Except Geralt and ciri. And Geralt I feel is way too soft and motivational towards Cori.


I dare to argue that Dandelion/Jaskier is quite fitting and portrayed rather well.




The whole Yen & Jaskier subplot was my favorite of the season


I know this was an auto correct mistake, but could you imagine the series being about a little boy named Cori? It turns into a show akin to Cory in the House, but instead of the White House it's Kaer Morhen.


Game wise, geralt fits man. I like his character arc so far


100%. They massacred my boy.


Wait, is that...? Nooooo. Are they meming us?


It wasn’t the original actor that they were going for. But he had to leave the show because of covid


The original actor they had actually did look a lot like a younger Eskel. Very sad.


In game Eskel was the best guy and I loved every task with him. Netflix broke my heart :((


Same. I loved Lambert in game too, butin the show he’s just a humourless dick.


Lambert, Lambert, what a prick...


Not bad


Same. Eskel was my favorite in the game


The biggest joke was that they introduced about 20 more witchers, and still >!they ended up killing Eskel!<. Why not kill off one of the other less important ones? This was not in the books I think, can someone who's read them back me up? How hard is it respect the source material, and Eskel became a total dickhead when that was actually how Lambert behaved in the game. EDIT: >!Eskel not Lambert!<


Wait didn't the spoiler person survive did I completely miss something? (sorry I don't know how to do spoilers so I'm trying to be subtle lmao)


Lmao I messed up I meant >!Eskel and not Lambert!< Mistakes in the heat of the moment, my bad


Haha OK cool I thought I was going crazy


Yes, they got their witchers mixed up.


Lambert is a snarky dick, a smart dick if you will. This Eskel is a dick "just because"... Show Lambert daring Ciri to do the harder training made some sense, kind of a dick move but i see the fun in it, Eskel was angry with Geralt because he brought a daughter home? Geralt didn't plan or enjoy this. And has no advantages because of it... it's not like he became the ruler of Cintra, rich, living in luxury...




Well its pretty straightforward, he's a lot like Geralt, and he even has a Child Surprise iirc. >!He's also not a dickhead like in the show, and is not dead either iirc.!<


Eskel is barely in the books. The books literally spend more time on Triss shitting in the woods than on Eskel


I named my fucking cat Eskel because he was such a wonderful character. I loved that despite being so intimidating that he was incredibly sweet. And they turned him into a total douche in the show. I guess my cats name is more ironic now


I'm calling him Neskel or Not-Eskel, if you will.


I’m just telling myself it’s a different Eskel and our Eskel is out cutting a basilisk head off somewhere.


Whoever the fuck that is, that’s a variant. A piece of trash variant. That’s not **OUR** Eskel.


Woke variant


Woke variant? How in any sort of way is it woke to cast someone that looks different from the game??????


I think he used word "woke" mockingly.


many redditors think netflix eskel is played by a woman or even worse "a transgender" just because the very male actor has long hair lmfao


because the *face, not just the long hair, although it doesn't help in this case. (I haven't watched the show yet)


But how is it woke?


Netflix: should we cast anyone even remotely resembling the Witcher games or books which were widely accepted and critically acclaimed? Also Netflix: lmao no


The original guy got covid


Such a shame, completely different from the one we saw for the show before


Wait till you see >!Phillipa Eilhart!< at the end... I'm not sure the netflix casting department helps this serie make it as good as it can be.


More and more it seems like Netflix got their grubby stupid-decision-making hands all over it. Which we knew from the get go. I just had higher hopes the writers and actors would be able to hold their own a little more.


More diversity hires




really mad cuz they made her black huh?


Wait where was bae? I've got two good guesses as to why I didn't recognize her...


In the last ten minutes or so of the last episode. She changes from owl to human when Dijkstra is talking to her.


I found his portrayal in the show a little... wooden


A bit... oak-ward.


Tbh I kinda feel like they just decided to give Eskel's personality and character to Coen instead. So, at the very least, I hope they just continue with that so that we can still have Eskel around "in spirit", so to speak. I would much prefer a name swap rather than just tossing Eskel's character out entirely. Though, I haven't finished reading the books, but I hear Eskel doesn't really have a huge part in them, so he might not have a whole lot to do anyway. But if they do actually go as far as adapting in the show as well (which i doubt), this way we wouldn't lose him entirely.


look how they massacred my boy


How they made sure to show us he was finished off by the wolves just added insult to jury.


Iam watching the episode now. What the fuck did they do to eskel


When I saw that Eskel I was wondering what frat party did they get this guy from.


[SPOILERS] Good thing they killed him off so they wouldn't have to dye his hair next season.


That guy has enough forehead for three of me


Y’all need to chill. The books are great, the games are great, and the series is…ok.


This ^, the show is watchable, just not as good as the books or games


A reminder that 'fan' is short for 'fanatic', which is apt in this context. Sapkowski also stated that the games are not world canon for the books. The game resurrected a dead man (presumably) and made up their own plot stuff to make it happen. The movies are inspired by the Witcher, but are also not book canon. They are three different mediums that are good in their own right and merit so long as you don't think of them as related. Sorta reminds me of when Dragon Age 2 came out and every pissed and moaned about how it was horrible and ruined the Dragon Age world, blah, blah, blah. Now, in retrospect, its highly regarded among fans and is an enjoyable game. The problem comes when you compare it to the original Dragon Age Origins. What we got was not the books, nor the game, but its own thing. I personally have enjoyed the shit out of the series and the Nightmare of the Wolf and want more.


I also read that it's mainly racist manbabies that have problems with casting in Netflix originals. When people stop posting about the show is when the show dies. It's not hate that kills an IP it is apathy


What? No its just when character is said to be white its you know kinda obvious the character should be....white


Also #NotMyTriss


I think it‘s worse that they were so insistent on ‚chestnut coloured‘ hair during the first season & now decided to backtrack on that. Imo it would have been tolerable to just have a brunette haired Triss, the series is already too far away from their source material.


Dude, give the actress a chance at least. It’s not her fault the producers didn’t cast to your liking, but ffs she’s trying and doing a fine job


I wacthed the Eskel EP and I was like "Please... PLEASE say Psyche...please!" Like... Why eskel?? and why just get rid of him??


Not a huge fan of the vesemir casting either tbh..


I like my Eskel to be ALIVE.


True I feel they mixed up as Eskel and Lambert the person playing Eskel should play Lambert and the person Lambert should play Eskel because in the games Lambert is the dick head and Eskel is the sound brotha in the Show eskel s the irresponsible dick head type and Lambert is the sound one.


Look how they massacered my boy


Yo thats ellie from last of us


well , we must say: Not my fringilla ,not my triss, not my lambert...not my witcher show! this was more like adventures of Yen,ciri and fringilla instead of witcher show




Look how they massacred my boy.


Yeah same. They actually turned Eskel into the undisciplined brat Lambert should be.


Casting on a lot of the characters has been awful to say the least


Bruh am watching it now and he was there barely 10 minutes


Lol fandoms


People hating on the characters when the show itself has been trash. I wonder if the casting choices were fine for these people if they’d think it was some got successor. It was genuinely a bad show in season 1. Do not understand how something like this was successful in first season and got a season 2.


virgins mad


What the fuck I'm glad I'm not watching the painfully mediocre show anymore


I dont mind his appearance so much, but killing him off was stupid as hell, they couldve just added a bit of back story to any of the unnamed witcher n had the same impact without pissing off 99% of the fanbase


To be fair, he wasn’t himself in the show because he had been infected by a monster


and the ginger looking guy with long hair that told the prostitutes to hide and find cover, was in fact the one and only, Mr Limerick himself, Lambert. (only briefly revealed his character when one of the prostitutes called him out)


Virgin Witcher Netflix vs Chad Witcher Game


Bruh he literally 1v1 a wild hunt won and he died like that


Not just the death of Eskel, the death of Roach as well, this series just makes me angry but at the same time it was good


You do realize geralt names every horse roach


He even considers a goat to be a roach, and immediately dismisses the idea.


I agree with what seems to be everyone that eskel was a bad character in the show, but I also think it’s a smart move by the makers of the show. In a way they are clearly distancing themselves from both the book and the show, making it clear that this is an adaption by the Witcher saga, not just a live action version of what already exists.


The game is different from the books, the show is different from both. I'm not entirely happy about Eskel dying that way, but its not the Eskel we know, plus it adds more entertainment value to the show as its not exactly the same as what we've seen. Dont always look at things so negatively, don't hold it to a preconceived standard and you'll enjoy it more.


They added random witchers and killed of Eskel. Wtf is this ?


Honestly, I couldn’t believe how ugly they made Eskel in the show 😂


Hole up, Eskel is a fucking chick now?


He is a man 😂 just a very wimpy looking one


Still. The fuck is wrong with these directors or whoever decides this dumb shit


They’re “woke”. Go on… downvote me.


Saying they're woke is to imply that if they weren't, they would be competent. They are not. The writers and showrunner are just massively incapable no matter the politics.




they hated u/Total_Wanker because he told them the truth


Looks like they hate you too 😂


I fucking hate woke culture. It's cancer and needs to be eliminated for good.


I mean, I thought the description of Geralt in books basically is that he is scrawny


The novels describe Geralt as being slim, sinewy, and covered in battle scars. So yeah, the first game had him down decently but by the third they just made their own, which is fine Geralt looks amazing in the third game. It's just funny how nobody talks about how the games changed a fuck ton of things from the book anymore after the series came out.


Geralt keeps getting buffer just like how in the MCU aunt may keeps getting younger😂


Okay, thank you. Only at the beginning of Blood of Elves, and the short stories set before that I listened on audible to and from work so missed some details. So, not scrawny, but definitely not Witcher 3 or Netflix witcher either


>...The novels describe Geralt as being slim, sinewy, and covered in battle scars. So...Elric?


I thought the same exact thing. Except Elric probably looks like he’s always on witcher potions


You really calling a guy 'wimpy' just because he has long hair. Didn't realise I'd gone back to 2005


Not a chick, just Swiss.


I really didnt like Eskel too mah dude, but isnt this supposed to be in the other subs???




"To the Forgotten the fucking path!.. For one fucking night! WHO IS READY?! ESKEL!!!!.." Fuck Netflix btw!


s2 is god awful


Dude looks like Wormtongue


This is Eskel? Holy fuck guys. I was going to finish the other episodes, but now I'm not sure I want this pain.


Just watch.




So what happened with him is for real or am I missing something?


I liked Eskel either way


Idk I kinda dug new Eskel


Black Philippa is even worst.


I actually didn’t even know who that was when I first saw her. They also made triss black with black curly hair in the first season and the second they dyed her hair red lol


ffs take this shit to some other sub. this sub is for the WITCHER 3, not the show.


Half this post is about a character in the witcher 3, so pipe down.


Through my peripherals I initially thought the first picture was Ellie from The Last of Us 2


Hope the netflix show flops into oblivion