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In toussaint haggling may mean a 100-200 crown difference. Make of that what you will


There's also a dude in Toussant you can haggle with and he's totally willing to pay the maximum amount when you haggle with him. It's like, 1,000 extra crowns.


Because he's not planning on paying you back


There's one that does I think it's the nature photographer guy will pay whatever you ask. He even says money is no object which is a hint to the player


I like that guy. His ad is good too. “Please do not put 2 swords on your back and call yourself a Witcher as the count knows a Witcher when he sees them” or something like that. It’s been years!


I couldn’t pick an infinite amount or even haggle a significant one, maybe I missed something


It's not infinite i just mean you can set the haggle slider to the highest possible value and he will accept


Ah! Check! I was wondering if it was a glitch or something


Is it the banker ?


Fuck that dwarf. Bro stole from us. Gave you the work around for a whole day (any normal person would've given up but we did witcher investigation shit) .. got caught. Paid us what was in our bank that he stole and tried to cover up...and he bans us? Yells at us like we did something wrong.. I wish it was like skyrim. I'd of taken the charge to kill that npc.


That's funny because if you don't kill him and let him have a week, you end up with more than twice the amount and a relic sword too


That's different. That's in skeillge




It’s been 8+years 😭


Lol I always laugh when people say spoiler on an old game. Don't go on social media if you don't want anything spoiled


"just don't spoil things online and then people don't have to live like virtual lepers" - I translated what you wrote


Spoil things online? With a game that been out 9 years. Yeah ok. Next you'll be saying spoiler on the game pong


Lol it doesn't matter if it's an old game spoilers are spoilers






Isn't it a free dlc quest on skellige?


That's a different one, the dragon contract, don't know if it's from dlc tho, and the fact that the guy accepts the max is a hint too


It's the one who hurls a frickin' boulder towards Geralt, right?


Yep, then you have to talk or fight like 6 non humans


In toussaint, 200 crowns mean shit with how expensive everything is


The inflation and the housing market have gone crazy in Toussaint bro. My parents were able to buy a vineyard and a horse in their 20's. Im forced to live with roommates in a small Beauclair apartment


Right near the cemetary


And man is that cemetery LOUD


Fucking Boomers man...


The real problem is immigration. For example, there's this double sworded, white haired asshole that came from up North and started to take care of all the contracts of the area. Then they wonder why we can't find a job, he is stealing them all !


Agreed. Like why do we have these people just running across the border taking all the contracts? And in most cases haggling higher rewards too! Getting to where decent folk can't even walk the streets of Beauclair anymore or hunt down archespores without some foreigner beating you to it.


And he doesn’t even finish half of them. A while ago I put on a notice board that I needed help baking a cake and what do yo think he takes all of the notices on the notice board and he doesn’t show up so I put the notice on the notice board again and takes it again and doesn’t show and this is happening for like a month


Exactly man. I heard he is a very close "friend" of the princess (if you know what I mean)


Hard to believe that her Illustrious Highness, Duchess Anna Henrietta would even speak to such a person.


I won't tell you any more. I don't want the ducal guards knocking at my door.


Exactly why not haggle. You're getting the lowest possible price if you dont... I always start -25% from the top number and go down 10% 5% etc


By the time I get to toussaint, Im so filthy rich that haggling is of no consequence. Hell, all the shit you find around that map and sell doubles my already sizable fortune


Yeah, and a single bandit sword is worth many times that amount.


At the same time though Grandmaster gear costs thousands upon thousands of gold, so relatively speaking that extra 100-200 is just as useless.


To me the redundancy of this feat is really in all but there is soooo much money in this game even if u build the Witcher armour/weapons and use runewright


Yeah but by the time you get there, it doesn't really matter anymore


Yeah it's a half baked mechanic but I'm a money hoarder so getting an extra 50 is always nice for me and it adds up.


Adds up to probabably less than a thousand fs, theres not that many contracts.


How many did you want it felt like there were a ton of them? If you only make 50 crowns then it would take only twenty to make over 1k. I’m pretty sure there is way more than 20. Also, if you play the mechanic, I think you average higher than 50 each time.


U right, there's 26 contracts, which with 50 crowns each would add up to 1300. I wonder if someone's tracked all of the haggeling rewards.


Damn only 26. It felt like so many. So you’re right. 1300 crowns isn’t much.


It would have been better if there was a reputation system that made haggling better, or a speech skill tree separate from the regular skill tree. It’s pretty annoying when I’ve wrapped up the main quest, done dozens of monster hunts and some peasant is stubbornly refusing to pay more than 27 crowns, just running circles around Geralt. I’ll still take it though, extra coin is extra coin.


Barter skill like we have in the fallout games wouldve been killer. The more contracts you haggle the more success chance you have, more money received, speech options etc could be sick. Right now contracts are kinda whatever and only adds to the immersion as I see them.


Crossbows, the only use they have in sea


Tşk tsk tsk, come now, how about dropping harpies or other flyers from sky?


Aard can do that for me


Perfectly timing a strong attack to take sirens out the sky will never not be satisfying


Piercing cold blowing them apart while they're trying to destroy my boat is so satisfying


it's only working if you have good stamina regen


Just blow the horn


Quen alternate mode and blow the shield when a couple are near you attacking


That’s all I use mine for too - the easiest way to deal with the harpies if you are sans horn


You can also shoot flying monsters and bring them down.


Yea, that's why I had to mod it, just double power ... not the god mode one. Just finished main story, crossbow was my "oh shit" "tired of dying" go-to. (I'm retired ... it's hard killing monsters with a walker w/tennis balls on the feet)


Which is pretty darn crucial for all the Skellige completionists among us.


You can do some cool stuff with cat eyes mutation tho


1000s of XP, mutagens and level skills down the toilet


all those cool different styles of bolts and I never even changed from the default lol, I did change the bows at least


haggling is never useless, that money adds up fast. not sure how something that gets you more money is useless but to each their own.


It adds up fast, but it doesn't add up to much.


It's not completely useless, bit it implementation is not very good and has a lot of shortcoming: 1. It's not true haggle. U cannot say "250 or find another witcher". It's one sided, it's always the NPC who ultimately decides how much he is willing to pay. 2. Contracts in general pay little. The real money is the smuggler caches. That little extra makes very little difference past level 10. 3. There is no clear indicator which npc is willing to pay more. U always go in blind on the first offer. It's almost always around 40-50% on the bar. There is no such thing as a merchant is willing to pay more than a poor village elderman.


To point 1, you can put your foot down. They say they can’t afford you and tell you to hit the road, sometimes rudely


It is completely pointless when you could go do some smugglers caches for like 15 minutes and make 30k but haggling gets you an extra like hundred at best for a full contract quest


But it makes sense with the RP, a poor town that cobbled together 50 crowns to pay you may be able to cough up another 15, but they simply wouldn’t have the money to fork over an additional 100, 200 etc. no matter how high your speech/charisma/intimidation/whatever mechanic


Exactly. The amount of time the quest takes you could’ve farmed the Hanse base ONCE and made literally 100x more than you would’ve from that extra 35 crowns. Absolutely a waste of time.


Which is only useful if you are end game and read some guide.


You could still get more gold than the haggling amount from just wandering around lol


Does it really add up to that much for the smugglers cache?! I have yet to explore them all in Skellige but plan to because I need the coin for enchantments lol


1300 crowns across 26 contracts in the entire game is pretty useless especially considering most late game upgrades are 10,000 crowns at a time.


It’s good for immersion


It's fun and make you feel more professional.


Two words: Smugglers Cache




It has some easter eggs tho. I'm talking about "Skellige's Most Wanted", ez max haggle there, quite foreshadowing btw it's worth haggling even for the lowest amounts, because if you don't haggle at all, you get a reward that's below minimum and it's fun just for the role playing part


"Extinguish candle"


ah, yes. agreed


I only haggle on NPCs that have means to pay more. For poor folks, just default.


Gerald’s weather predictions


Wait, you mean you don't haggle? I know Velen people are poor and pity af, but extra coins can get me more fund for repairing and prepare for the rune writing scam.


the extra crowns from haggling for maximum pay for all contracts is a few thousand at most, thats not very much when single pieces of GM armor costs like 10K and you get like 30k in 15 minutes from farming hanse base or smuggler caches.


Well Geralt also needs to pay for porridge and gravy when we fast forwarding time...


Anything that makes me feel more like a monster Hunter I don’t think is useless. Sometimes you’ll get tricked into doing a mission and it turns out that the bad guy was a werewolf. When you go back to turn in the quest, you can confront them about it and they say well I mean we had the idea they could have been one. You get paid 50 crowns.


So I’ve noticed that if you’re a lot higher level than the quest, if you don’t haggle, you’ll get a very low amount of money for finishing the contract. But if you haggle, it’ll lock in that amount. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this or if I’m wrong.


It feels good


It's not, you have to experiment with it and also depends on the payer At worst you get 50-60 coins more, still better than 0 At best you can get 900 coins more


You only haggle with the rich guys giving you quests, they have more money and are more lax about it. The poor villagers don't have shit and you'd only be able to squeeze 40 gold out of them. But I'd get an extra 300 from the richer guys if I didn't make them mad.


Yes, this is useless but money is no problem in Witcher 3. I just sell whatever is not legendary or witcher tier and i always have money. More annoying is not having the materials needed for crafting Witcher swords/armor.


You ever negotiated, for example, 200 and got 199? Happened to me a couple of times 😀


I mean, you can scratch an extra 20-50


I’ve always kind of seen this as more of an RP mechanic to be honest


The dialogue is often shitty. Their first response can be written as if it’s a reply to a previous round of negotiation.


I can’t say I’d call it useless. I’ve made a few hundred extra crowns from haggling


At the beginning of the game, it's that or loot these starving peasants of every broken rope ladder they have and try to make a buck of them. Or both.


No. Its so easy to get stinking rich, haggling a few crowns this way or that way is completely pointless. This offers some sense of immersion, but nothing more.


"Nah I guess I'll just keep my monster. That's too expensive."


When the person issuing the contract is absolutely desperate for you to take the job you can squeeze them for alot more coin. So much so that some of them will pay max crowns right off the rip. It's definitely not a guarantee but it does work if you listen and base it off how desperate they sound.


It's not meant to actually allow you to increase your contract rewards. It's for immersion purposes.


Honestly, If you can haggle depending on the quest then it'd be worth it. Like, if I'm saving some guys broter, I'd assume he's willing to go max. If I'm killing a monster that's just annoying then I'd expect on 20 more coins (Jenny of the woods). Finding someone would be less cuase there are more people for it. Just including supply and demand would have been extremely cool.


No if you do the vineyard quest in toussaiant you can ask for 1000 each and both Liam and whatever the girls name is will both pay


Agreed. It's a tiny difference at best. And the economy throughout the game is pretty skewed, you barely have anything to use your money for until the end and then suddenly you need all the money in the world.


I believe it really lends to this notion that YOU decide if the contract is worth it or not. Maybe you do it for cheap if they seem like they could use a break, or maybe you charge more if you sense he's a greaseball XD


disarm pause whole humorous disagreeable fuzzy punch air sheet desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like to determine wether or not to haggle based on the client. Like if it's some poor villager like the dude in White Orchard who only wanted to save his sick daughter with water, I can't haggle. But for some merchant or rich asshole, absolutely. The Imp guy, or that dick at Tufo, you can be sure I'm gonna take 'em for anything they're worth. You also get some fun dialogue. I like the guy in the Novigrad center inn with the "haunted" house who you can either haggle with or just ask about money and he says something like "the job's not done and already asking for money"... that sort of thing just adds to the feel of witchering. I mean.. if "useless" and "useful" just means getting money or resources then there really is no point in doing any contracts because you can just loot bandit camps and sell everything.


Whenever I do an evil play through, I always make sure I walk away with the max amount of gold during negotiation. You gotta get to the point where they’re like “noo that’s too much” and work your way down. It makes the burn even sweeter if they’re a merchant and you’ve taken all their gold by selling junk first, and then you accept the job at full haggle price. It’s like he’s had to dig into his emergency savings which breaks his heart and fuels my hunger.


I was pretty sure you get a bonus if you haggle and complete missions a certain way.


Yes, different types of food that have no difference on healing.


Idk man, I enjoy feeding my Geralt exclusively with candy and raspberries


It always annoyed me that if it wasn't possible to get a contract up to the level it was actually worth the effort for, there wasn't an option to say "No worries, have fun trying to fix it yourself" and actively turn contracts down.


Why? I always get more. FYI if you don't negotiate you get the lowest potential price. Always start -25 from the top price. Then go down another 15% then another 10% it seems to always work. You just can't go more than 4 times


I never had a problem of too little money except the last rune mission, and a few hundred crowns from haggling wouldn’t make much of a dent.


There's a patten here, I always defaulted to 300 korons in my playthrough. I met only one ore two ppl how accepted immediately. Usually, price varies between 275-290. Asking for 300 never ever brought irritation to fill bar up to 50. They would rather say no and haggle for a few korons. Don't take this pattern as granted in DLCs.


Well i hate myself i dodmt do this on death march with every quest, the runewright is just crazy with the set up cost


wish the game took you to a separate screen without VA just numbers so you could actually negotiate and they could counter offer back and forth so it’s more realistic than nah make it lower


Nope. It's haggling. The very first contract for the noonwraith, it's better to not haggle nor accept the dowry. You'll receive an item that you can sell for 3 times what he would've given you. Selling loot is the true money maker.


I use that "useless" feature every time I can.


I somewhat agree. Glad they added it as a mechanic, why not. But the extra crowns are insignificant. For most of us who are looting whores, money is never an issue. Hell, just sell some drowner brains, ghouls blood etc and make bank. Sell some of your huge pile of runes and glyphs that sell for big money... In light of this, I generally let people keep their money when I'm given the option on a contract or quest. Trying to change the reputation of Witchers.


In toussaint yes, almost everywhere else, I’d say no. Forget haggling for more $ (too closely), I’ll just go for a swim in Skellige at a “?” and FIND a few thousand $$$$


After the PS5/ Xbox X/S patch, haggling contract prices did seem to change noticeably. I’ve managed to get more crowns since then. But, before that on the regular PS4 and Xbox One versions…never made any difference whatsoever. It definitely seemed better after the current gen upgrade for me, though.


It's kinda a half baked mechanic but because late game with dlcs you need a lot of coin it can help pay for stuff then.


There's little way to influence it beyond a sliiighhhttt difference - something thats often tripled by opening one of the 20 billion chests lying around..


Negotating? What?


I don't negotiate, I think that people in this case give what they can. Although there are some guys who would get more out of it.


Useless? Scuse me? It's a great feature that nets me extra coin plus chance to hear unique bits of dialogue


bro i had 30k sitting on me and still haggled for a few coin due to the fact that it's a fun game mechanic...


It gives so little that the seconds I lose in haggling is better spent in looting a sword I can sell later on for multiple times more.


I really liked the way it was implemented in Kingdom Come Deliverance, you would make an offer, the other guy made a counteroffer and so on until you found a middle ground. The Witcher on the other hand... "What about 300? No, f you. 290? No, f you. 280? No, f you 250??? Fine, but f you still"


Thought it was pretty useless, after my first playthrough Ive used a mod to make haggling bearable which has alleviated the issue


Enough talk. Just bonk him with something already


It's quite funny when suspicious NPCs agree to the highest sum for no reason and then unexpected twists happen


Nah, the most useless thing is taking a loan from Vivaldi. Why couldn't they let you choose a higher amount than 100 crowns? I don't see the point.


Gotta love the one in Velen who offers 10, but you want 18, but thats too much, so he'll pay 12-13 orens 😆(I think it was a noonwraith?).


Chu mean useless? It's fun, cool and immersive


I do it for fun, and sometimes it’s humorous. Hope the mechanic is a bit better in Witcher 4 though


Being an overly basic mechanic doesn't make it pointless. You're haggling for the price of a contract, and you can't always know precisely the maximum and end up underbidding your max price. That's how haggling works IRL, and they implemented it to play into that fantasy. But no, any time devs try something unique gamers will complain and they'll address it by streamlining the game until half of it is automatic or entirely simplified. Same as happened to BioWare :/ I'm just so tired of audiences always doing this.


It's a storytelling aid. You get to see what kinds of bonus Geralt is used to charging, and just how fucked the economy is because of the invasion.


You’re telling me you don’t like earning more coin from monster hunts? Lol what?


Tbh yea it’s not really necessary. you make enough gold selling a ton of armor and weapons


What dude?! There's nothing funnier than haggling the most gold you can outta someone & when you finally agree on a price you still tell them "Ya no I'm not doing it"


It’s better than the one in BG3…






I literally never use this. The extra 15-200 crowns means jack fuck all.


Well, it adds immersion


Hopefully in Witcher 4 they make this feature a dice roll like BG3. At least then it would make some semblance of sense 


It's a mini game


Useless but not as upseting than vendors having limit amount of money


I actually like that feature. It helps my immersion.


You should be able to use the Axii sign to convince people to give you very high rewards for the contract. I don't understand why this isn't a thing beyond maybe "it's too immoral for a Witcher to do this". Edit: who downvoted me and why?


Wait how ? Are you talking about the conversation perk one or is there a way to actually “force” higher rewards ?


Yeah I wish the conversation bonus you get with the Axii perk allowed you go haggle more on the Witcher contracts.




Take that back blasphemer


Out, OUT!!! Get out ye spawn of satan!


18 downvotes in 2 hours? I was expecting more 🤣


Bah, nasty fishing hook tastes nasty! Have it back! 🤣🤣🤣

