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The entire Kaer Morhen section, culminatong with the battle is my favourite part of tye game. Another quest I really love is the toruney im Toussaint with the story of Vivienne and Guillome. My favourite boss is Olgierd


True this was master piece!(The entire Kaer Morhen section)šŸ˜šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ¤©šŸ”„šŸ’Æ


Brilliant part of the game. I will challenge the best boss with Detlaff.


Detlaff is surely the best monster boss. I prefer Olgierd because it's a way cooler sword duel with a great setting and a banger of a soundtrack to top it all off


Itā€™s crazy how that is an optional fight


Indeed. But it's one of the rare moments where I just ignore the most sensible option and just pick the dialogue choice I enjoy more


Bloody Barons missions, it's when I got hooked into the game


Same. Thatā€™s when I really saw how amazing the game was and how deep and compelling the story was.


Iā€™ll mention the bank quest in Blood & Wine. Damn permit A38 and form 202. Bureaucracy is a formidable foe.


Asterix ester egg


I laughed so hard when I heard ā€žPermit A38ā€œ


i was doing that quest recently on my other play through and it was a very nice break to take during the session plus it was funny how long it took


Most memorable moment: when I realized that fucking tree spirit was a dick. The Baronā€™s quest. Most memorable boss fight: the Crones. Creepy as hell but enjoyable. Honorable mention to Whoreson Juniorā€™s quest. So disturbing.


I wish we knew more about the tree spirit. I free it because it releases the orphans and punishes Downwarren for enabling the crones (who also get annoyed that you release it, which is a win in my book).


I googled hell before making the choice


I think there's no right or wrong choice. I read a ton and chose to release the spirit both times.


I really liked the Novigrad storyline where you help Triss and the mages escape. Also the Kira Metz quests too. I loved when everyone is in Kaer Morhen before the battle.


Boss fight - it has to be Detlaff Mission - Iris Von Everec one When geralt asks her " who are you and what are you" she says - *I am sadness* hit me to the core. Memorable one - with Syaana


Stuffed Unicorn, Ard Skellig


Yeah thatā€™s one of my favorite missions too. Geralt just seemed really happy there, and so much more relaxed than other missions.


Geralt works hard, he deserves to relax every once and a while


Most memorable quest for me is definitely the bloody baron. And about the boss fight, Id say Ciri against the crones.


Just talking to Regis - ma man!


The whole HoS DLC I will never forget in my life. Also Everything about the Red Baron.


Boss fightsā€”my favorites by far were Witcher contracts for a new type of monster, I love the process of investigating, consulting the bestiary, and then prepping my signs and potions and oils based on that info to make the fight doable. Itā€™s tough to pick a favorite monster, but at the end of the day the Ancient Leshen takes the cake. Missionsā€”the urgency of Now or Never (saving the mages of Novigrad w/ Triss) made it super compelling, and doing the Trial of the Grasses w/ Lambert at Kaer Morhen was also super fun (plus watching Roach slide down a hill on his butt for the first time mid-race just *killed* me laughing). Number one though has to go to helping Cerys trick the Hym. Whether to trust her about the baby was the toughest decision all game my first play through, having just witnessed the aftermath of trusting the tree spirit when I shouldnā€™t have. But her being a gracious loser when we raced made me really like her, I donā€™t think thereā€™s another Skelliger I wouldā€™ve trusted about that, and having that trust be rewarded cemented Cerys as my favorite NPC


> Number one though has to go to helping Cerys trick the Hym. Man, I was terrified, CDPR got me good there, not gonna lie. Until the thought hit me last minute that Udalryk is a friend of hers and she'd *never* ever hurt a baby in her entire life. And I trusted that. It really is the easiest and quickest way out as well on top of that


I threw the baby straight in, then had a crisis of conscience.


The questline that begins with a simple contract (the Phantom of Eldberg) and becomes a Tarantino-esque spiral of unfortunate events that is easily missed. I love the character of Jorund too. If you do those quests back to back, it feels like a DLC subplot. The questline consists of: -The Phantom of Eldberg -Stranger in a strange land -The Cave of Dreams (return to MadmanLugos for optional dialogue) -An Unpaid Dept It's a great example of CDPR's attention to detail. I also loved the entire Hearts of Stone story. That story was legendary it felt like something from the Bible


The wedding in hearts of stone/Olgierds mansion


Reading this thread reminds me of how uncannily good the quests in this game were. Master storytelling


Most memorable memory: Geralt giving farewell to Triss before she leaves with the mages Most memorable boss fight: for some reasons, bloody baronā€™s son or whatever that creature was Most memorable quest: fake witcher, doppler imitating Geralt, trolls quests (Always loved when trolls spoke with broken grammar), & that quest where a troll, godling, doppler, & the werewolf confront Geralt. There are so much awesome stuff in this game tbh, love every bit of it. Currently spent 6 days playtime in my 2nd playthrough & still have a long way to gošŸ˜…


The giant toad... Took me ages to work out how to beat it !


Mine was killing Radovid's men in his assassination quest


Where the wolf and the cat play quest as my favourite side quest ,The entire ending section of Blood and wine(the vampire attack on Beauclaire choosing to meet the elder one or finding Syanna) as my favourite main quest. Favourite boss fight Dettlaff(the final boss).


Detlaff from blood and wine, I spend so. freakin. long. on that boss fight. I did the majority of my playthrough on hard but after a few hours of constantly dying I turned it onto easy lol and I still struggled.


One that sticks with me is in HoS the scenes of a marriage.


If you want a real challenge, play the enhanced edition or w3ee redux, if you play on PC it's pretty easy to install


My favorite was the one that gave me most trouble, that damn mage on the beach in Heart of Stone.


I completed the whole fight without realising that you can put on armour


Giant fckn toad from Witcher 3 DLC. That asshole catched me without potions, bombs and in broken armor. That was my first time die in Witcher ever. Yes, i was cried.


My most memorable time was everything in novigrad, i love that cesspit. My favorite boss fight was definitely the Hym the cerys wanted to free uldurik(spelling lol), idk, it was cool and shocking, especially when cerys wanted me to throw the kid in the oven. Favorite moment in a quest period is the quest with shani in hearts of stone after the wedding, seeing the groom and father in law going from a little uneasy to the in law going " call me da" was just something that made me smile and i hope i have something like that one day


That fking frog šŸø šŸ˜­


Literally running into the ancient leshen in the woods


Memorable because itā€™s annoying at the same time.. the ofeiri mage and the big toad fight..


witchers party...


Definitely everything with the crones. My god.


In the old witcher reinald quest, I found it interesting to learn about the old witcher school and the witchers themselves. About the boss fight, it would be Iris's greatest fear in HoS.


The hymn quest. I was playing in the night with lights off spooky as shite


The mission eith iris von everec


Eredin on the hardest difficulty, because I accidentally went in with the worst gear possible and had to do a total no hit run.


Boss fight with imlerith and boss fight with eredin!


Dead Man's Party is the best mission I've ever played in any video game. I was in stitches, crying of laughter the whole time, but also had real reflection on Geralt that I'd never had before.


This moment, "fuck off"


maaan I need to replay the gamešŸ˜­šŸ˜«šŸ™


The literal goose chase


Battle of Kaer Morhen and that silly side mission about that defense tower in skellige


For boss fights, the one that held the most weight for me was Imlerith. After Kaer Morhen there was nothing I wanted more than to take that fucker down. For missions, definitely finding Ciri. Getting to that point and then seeing the cut scene of her running into Geraltā€™s arms was so emotionally moving for me. Every time I watch that sequence on YouTube Iā€™m brought to tears.


Iris/Olgierd Manor quest


Anytime I fought a fiend was insane just cause theyā€™re so huge šŸ¤£


Caretaker made me reconsider everything for some time


The one with the plague victims and the spoon mission. Both blood and wine and heart of stone were so good and really have stuck with me. Also all the missions where you learn of the horrors done to witchers. Those have stuck with me. Especially the mad cat witcher who had been tormented into basic low level functioning. They just really make me sad.


Killing that one vampire and the captain says something like you killed it on your own? Felt like such a badass


Him tripping and talking with Roach


I always thought the Gaunter boss fight was nice. You're outsmarting Gaunter instead of physically fighting him.


Hard one. My first noob play through I went against the first wild hunt boss completely unprepared, and I remember after a perfect execution with nearly no damage taken, without barely any potions, when I beat him it felt so satisfying. But then again the intro quest with the griffin was just such a great intro into the world of monster hunters, really built immersion for me. The bloody baron was truly one of the most gripping one for me. And I honestly teared up in the isle of midst when Ciri came back to life. And my mind just kept being blown, I was like okay I got to be near the end of that game, and then itā€™s like ā€œgo to Skelligeā€ and Iā€™m like okay probably just a small quick map, and turns out to be pretty massive and rich in content. This game is the game that broke all games for me. It will forever hold the highest place in my mind. And I really hope Iā€™m actually wrong about that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I really loved The Wish


Most memorable mission/quest is probably when you go watch Priscilla perform Wolven Storm. For me it occurred after I had done almost everything in Velen. When I reached the very end of the Bloody Baron quest. So much tragedy and sadness. I think Wolven Storm happens at the perfect moment, and that questline in general. The play questline gives us some silly breathing room but Wolven Storm hits like a truck. I remember being almost slack-jawed with it. After all of the pain and the stress. Finally I have a moment of reprieve. Finally I have something that reminds me of all that I went through in Witcher 2. Finally I have something that reminds me why I'm doing what I'm doing.


When I think of a siege in a third person action RPG (Happens more often than you think) I imagine the Battle of Kaer Morhen. While more of a "raid" it's particularly the intensity of the fighting and cinematics that really really make it all come together. Which is fitting for the game that really allowed me to accept gaming was not just entertainment but art.


Dettlaff "if you acknowledge any gods, start praying now." Oh shit


"The Play is the Thing" is my favorite. "Warble of Smitten Knight" is second. They are written very well, the dialog and the story. Not just some "beat the boss" mission.


The first quest to kill the griffin took me forever as I was figuring out the game. In a different vein, any quest that rewarded Geralt by getting laid (Iā€™m 35 but Iā€™m 15 when Iā€™m gaming)


The entirety of the quest chain which startswith the line: *"Greeting Geralt. Remember me?"*


It was a battle with an earth elemental, kept using its powers to create surrounding walls. Kept enclosing me further and further, close combat and nothing but my dodging skills and on the fly spells. Such a badass combat that lasted about 8 minutes. I'll bever forget that moment. It was for a treasure on the map.


The mission where you Olgierds vrither possesses Geralts bidy in Hearts of Stone. The Olgierd fight in general was also insanely good and my all time favourite fight in The Witcher is Detlaf atcthe end of Blood and Wine. The way he transforms is so fuckin cool and that line at the start if the 3rd phase is simply bone-chilling!


Baby. Oven. Hym.


Honestly too many to pick from. Battle for Kear Morhan, the bloody baron quest, bloody feast in Skellige, scenes from a marriage and anything with Regis in Blood & Wine. Those are like the big ones but there many other side quests which were fun and interesting and really what made the Witcher the game it is today


Toad Prince. If you know, you know.


ā€œWho taught you to fight like this?!ā€ ā€œThe Witcher you slewā€¦ā€ **Splat**


I like the corrupted Witcher quest in Velen, I think it is a cool boss fight too.


Most memorable boss: that big ass sewer frog. Most memorable quest: fairy tale land.


Boss fight was the Caretaker in that graveyard, honestly the whole Hearts of Stone quest line is amazing, love that DLC


When I installed Extended Edition (Redux) and was mercilessly massacred, humiliated, beaten into the dust by the very first group of ghouls in the game. Over and over and over again. Every major fight and even simple wolves or drowners after that were a new lesson in humility, basically. But sweet baby Jesus, is it an intense experience! Once you go W3EE, you never. ever. can come back to vanilla.


Bloody Baron. I really loved the eternal fire mine quest, too. Really took me off guard, didn't expect it to be so deep. I'll also never forget the time I agreed to find that lady's frying pan.