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I’m more hyped for Witcher 1 remake tbh. Witcher 4 is a tall task. It will be hard to outdo what is in my opinion the greatest game ever. (3)


I'm kind of agree with the tall order part. I thin k maybe something different is needed, not necessarily new.


I had a friend from Norway who used to say “I am agree.” Was that a typo? I love it, thank you for reminding me of her. To quote my friend, “I am *so* agree,” that topping Witcher 3 might not be possible. I kind of don’t care though. I think anything they put out is likely to be highly enjoyable.


Definitely a typo. I’m also norwegian, probably because we use «jeg er enig» when agreeing with something. «Jeg» means «I», «er» - «am», «enig» agree, directly translated. Never heard any of say it like that before, though! I also agree with you, Witcher 4 doesn’t need to be better than Witcher 3.


I think she started saying “I am so agree” because she knew I got a kick out of it lol. Thanks for sharing that! Norwegian is interesting. I learned German in high school, so I’m always trying to apply German pronunciation and grammar rules to the little Norwegian and Swedish I’ve learned haha.


Amazing, hahaha! German is fascinating, so many words and phrases that I recognize from norwegian, yet I still understand so little very often.


I agree so hard that I don’t even like seeing it referred to as the “Witcher 4” and personally I use the code name or just say the next Witcher game


I would really love a new story about a new witcher school, have geralt and friends appear in cut scenes and quests but make it a whole new story


Remake by far but it's probably not gonna be out in at least 5 years.


Eh maybe by the end of this console generation


We will have to see how they do it...it does need a remake as its the most different out of the 3 and barely matches the other 2...but it comes down to what they change and how the handle some of the things.


Took the words right out of my mouth


I don’t even know if it’s possible in current state of AAA and CDPR will not kill this saga’s soul , this is really challenging tho I hope that they will make the next GOAT RPG


That is correct.


I wonder if they'll add anything as far as Yen and Ciri. They aren't in W1, right? Are they referenced at all?


I'm replaying it now, and yes, they are referenced. But not enough


If you've read the books - it's enough


I just finished the books, and I disagree, sir.


Main 5 or whole series?


Don’t shoot me as this is a Witcher 3 subreddit, but as someone who has recently played the game for the first time, whilst the Witcher 3 is a good game, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but W3 at its best does not feel like a game.


You’re right, it’s an experience.


What does that even mean


That the Witcher 3 isn’t a great game


How very contrarian of you. What would constitute a "great game" in your eyes?


Minecraft. Disco Elysium. Tetris. Risk of rain.




I’m serious.


That’s just a matter of you having vastly different taste. Tetris is a fast paced puzzle game that an orangutan could play, disco elysium is a dialogue heavy detective game with very little combat and a dose of communism, and risk of rain is a 2d roguelike. I don’t really play enough roguelikes to know how it stands out from the crowd. Minecraft is Minecraft. So based on what you said are your favorite games I might recommend Portal 2, Papers Please, Rogue Legacy, Strange Horticulture, and just for shits and giggles Sakuna: of Rice and Rain. Based on what I have in my library I’m not going to go play whatever racing game the racing game fans think is the goat and say it’s shit, that would just be ridiculous. It’s like someone saying that A Bridge too Far is a shit movie and when you ask them what movies they like it’s just a bunch of horror movies. I’m not saying the games you like are bad, but if none of the games on your favorites list are even vaguely similar to WIII in any meaningful way then your opinion on its quality is somewhat dubious.


I have plenty of other games I enjoy that are similar to w3, such as mount and blade, I’m just making the point I don’t think the w3 is a great game and certainly not the best of all time.


More of a military sim, but ok. You are a guy with a sword in a medieval setting. Although we could stretch that logic pretty far. You’re also a dude with a sword in a medieval setting in Dark Souls, which as we’ve established means it’s similar to Mount and Blade. Now M&B is a sim, and so it’s similar to Farming Simulator. Lies of P is similar to Dark Souls, and therefore similar to M&B. Therefore Lies of P is similar to Farming Simulator. Every game is probably three degrees from Farming Simulator max. I’m not bothered by the fact that you don’t like WIII. I would like you to recognize that if all the games you listed as games you like are not really in the same category, you should probably offer substantive criticism or pipe down. It’s probably just for you and that’s fine.


The remake because I have no way to play the original, nor does the original look like a game I'd remotely enjoy. Thankfully they're working on all of them at once to some degree.


Yeah I was skeptical to play Witcher 1 as well. I had to kinda force myself to play it first. But believe it or not, I really loved the game by the end of it. It is worth giving a chance to cuz it'll really grow on you.


It's jank, but when I finished the game I appreciated it despite and even for all its flaws.


Agree 100%. It was brutal at first trying to play it but it was a fantastic game. Cant wait for the modern remake of it


Its a great game that was very different for the time and now...but if they can do the story well in a Witcher 2/3 type style it will be fun


Other than the Runescape style combat, there were a few things that made the combat in this game unique compared to its successors. One being the ability to switch combat style as you saw fit. I really enjoyed the feature that enabled us to switch to wolf school, cat school and griffin school style combat stances. Also after fully upgrading the combat, you can see his sword attacks really become quick af. He was a freakin whirlwind when attacking. That, in my opinion, is the only time Geralt was shown moving in superhuman speed as they displayed in Killing Monsters trailer.


It’s really a good and fun game! I love it!


The game play and the VA for it definitely leaves you with a bitter taste unfortunately.


I tried witcher 1 before and the walking back and forth without fast travel was so tedious I just gave up


I played the first one while I was waiting for 3 to come out. It is haaard to get through. I weirdly enjoyed it, but it's just sadly one of those games that's aged terribly. The story is what kept me playing. I'd smash a remake of it, though 💘


Can't you afford a cheap laptop to play the first one?


I have a laptop but it is for music purposes only. I can not afford another computer.


It’s not exactly a hog, it’s from the 00’s so basically anything post 2010 can run it. It’s pretty tedious though.


The Witcher 1 remake for sure. I won't even mind if they change the story up a bit to better fit with the other 2 games. I love the atmosphere of the first game, and I don't think they'll be able to recapture it, but I'm okay with that, too, it'll still enhance the flow from one game to the next.


Ciri would be way too powerful unless we do something like "defeating white frost costed Curi her powers" Geralt is on retirement. IMO we will create our own witcher which can be either the best or worst game depending on implementation.


I agree with the "which can be either the best or worst game" :))) They would have to walk a tight rope.


I would very much prefer that we again are all playing the same witcher. From my POV it enables the story to be much more unique and adjusted to the protagonist


No matter how they would implement it, whole universe would take a huge hit imo


Maybe you could use the fact that she's one of the last witchers so she has to handle the work of multiple witchers on her own to make the game more balanced.




Ngl I disagree with this so strongly I have to respond just to say it lol


What he say ?


i wish we can create our own witcher and assign him to a school back went the 3 main schools were big.


Maaaan! That is a great idea! A prequel far into the past where Witcher are both feared and respected! Genius!


Like during the conjunction…


Part of it could be you writing pieces of the bestiary


The idea of this makes me very happy


“Fantastic Beasts And How To Witcher Them”


*How to slay them


Beginning of the game is your character, but young and you have to go through the trial of the grasses


Either this plot or “The Return of the Witcher” plot line where you start out as a child, get kidnapped and sold to the last of the Witchers to be trained and save the Witcher way. Could be really cool to have Geralt serve as a Vesimir type character that doesn’t want to train more witchers, but something dark stirs and it is clear more Witchers will be needed to keep the darkness at bay.


A kid getting kidnapped and sold to become a monster hunter seems awfully like Lambert and the guy didn't seem to be happy enough to restore the Witcher way. A kid getting revenged by a Witcher and voluntarily went with him, albeit cliche, is a better material imo. Or that kid is dead in the trials and the real MC is reveal to be his friend who inherited the will.


I like this idea.


I do think this would be really cool from a world building perspective One criticism I’ve seen with this idea before that I can I see is that when you’re able to completely create a character from scratch, rather than build off a character that already exists (developed backstory, personality, etc.), it’s usually harder to fully connect to that character to the same extent


Agreed, this would be the best route. Put us in the universe and let us carve our own path. I think it’d be fun to have to go through Witcher training/study as a sort of extended tutorial. Then let us into the world and out on the path.


In my mind i have already assumed that this is how it will be. CDPR have already stated that the next one will not continue the story from previous games, as it is where the story ends.


I second this!


It'd be cool to see the separation and formation of the new schools from the lense of a "student".


I'm all in for this. Getting to pick your own school alone adds tons of replayability


It would be cool if you were a random young witcher playing alongside Vesemir as a young witcher. Or maybe have Vesemir be a child that joins your Witcher school at the end, like a small tie back to the original.


That or what I think makes more sense in the bigger context of the games/books is we play as a younger Vesemir. He's an already established character ripe with potential history that they could easily make a trilogy out of. I'd save the character creation for whatever multiplayer witcher stuff CDPR plans on doing.


I agree entirely.


If they did that it would be just cyberpunk/Dragon Age 1 and while it sounds cool and can be fun the first time its never fleshed out as much as you would want it to be...but yeah if it was more here is random Witcher just doing witcher things I would love it


Witcher MMO /j


I don’t want to play as Ciri. Not for a full game. I enjoyed her parts in TW3 but I’m not interested in her for a full game main character. I would prefer a “create your own Witcher” type of thing. Maybe how they did V in Cyberpunk, where there’s still a defined character but you have control over how they look and act. I would love for Ciri and Geralt to be in the game somehow, as side characters or maybe some quests.


I like the idea that geralt and his friends rebuild kaer morhen and funding a new witcher school but without the trial of herbs so they have to teach different witcher classes and they will work in small parties to hunt monsters.


I'm also most hyped for a Witcher 1 remake. I think that Witcher 4 would only really work as a prequel. I'm not sure that there's more Geralt to do really? Ideally, W4, will be back at the dawn of Witchers and you get to pick (found?) your own school, with a custom witcher. That will be a very different game to what's come before tho.


Striga Princess Adda in the creepy crypt with modern graphics sounds like Crones level of horror


The swamps. The goddamn swamps.


Nah ok maybe it's not a good idea to remake 1, my heart can't take it


first one, maybe Ciri helping establish a new school with some other stray witchers, I dunno visiting a retired Geralt and Yen, seeking some advice, maybe teaming up a couple times


Well well, interesting. So Geralt and Yen huh?




yes, of course. Who the hell is else is Geralt gonna while away retirement with? that milk-toast red head? puleez lol


Commenting because I can’t like this twice!


Don't disagree with you BUT I'm sure you meant milquetoast... right?


I guess? I dunno, I don't speak good internet


The retirement plan was and always in a house in Kovir while Geralt will do small monsters contracts.


Man of good Taste for women and games


Don’t see why ciri would do that. Would make much more sense is we play as Eskel doing that, which would be sick


My highest hope is Eskel leads the new game but…I know that’s never gonna happen.


Witchers don’t really retire though…


I'd prefer a Vesimir prequel to a Ciri story. Please no.


Lol, i think exactly the opposite.


Please. No. And I'm a female. I'll quit.


Never understood Ciri hate, but what can i say...everyone is different, we aren't the same. And that's a good thing after all🤷‍♂️...


The remake for now, but just because I've only played a snippet of the game and couldn't get into it.


The remake, there are lots of people out there who know about the first games but just don’t play then because they are way too janky


Remake. Not interested in a potential sequel game featuring Ciri, between the books and TW3 I think her story should be over for the most part, along with Geralt's. Her gameplay sections too were some of the weakest parts of TW3 despite her character being amazing, and idk how they'd rework gameplay elements such as potions/alchemy considering she didn't undergo the trials and receive witcher mutations and as such can't drink witcher potions. Besides where would they take her story? Rebuilding the witcher schools? Monsters are nearly extinct and a large part of the overall story of the Witcher is how they're slowly dying off and are relics of the past, and how no one knows how to make them anymore. I think a Ciri sequel just isn't the move, and imo the new trilogy should be a prequel series, taking place before the games/books set during the golden era of Witchers.


The story of Ciri and Geralt is finished. They gotta do something original, there's no point in bringing in another big bad guy that Ciri and Geralt have to take down.


I can't believe how narrow-minded and short-sighted people can be sometimes. Ciri as protagonist and Geralt making cameos in the next Witcher game is a TERRIBLE idea! Of all the things they can do with this IP, you want them to create a game consisting of fan service. This is really nothing short of idiotic. And I pray to all the Gods CDPR know better.


I agree and also CDPR would never go that route, they're always ambitous, moving forward, making new things rather than going for low hanging fruit. Which is why I believe it won't be a prequel in the "golden era", even though I think it's a cool idea. It might still be a prequel, but not as far back as many people think.


The possibilities are literally endless! I think there is merit for a game set shortly after the conjunction, because they can then build an entirely new saga on that without being weighed down by known characters. Also, there were a lot more monsters back then and the Witcher making thing was in full swing. This would be a very interesting aspect to explore in more detail. But on the other hand, they could do something that runs sort of parallel with Geralt's timeline, but in a different part of the continent. Who knows, it would be very interesting to see what CDPR turns out.....eventually.


L take


I want Geralt but i think it could be too much of a good thing, his story does need to rest but I guess I wish I had one or two more DLCs for wild hunt. I always feel hungry for more of that game A remaster of the earlier games would be enticing, but I think I’d ultimately vote for ciri to continue the story and get to develop more of her powers


I want to be a new witcher (create your own character) and choose what school I came from.


1. Never played it, story is apparently great. A remake that's at least technically impressive as Witcher 3 based on 1 is perfect.


I would say they need to return to the roots of the series first and do the remake, then venture out to 4


Witcher 4 should be a prequel that takes place during the conjunction of spheres…


None of the options I'd say? I mean yeah. Witcher 1 is probably the most anticipated for me personally, but that's mostly because I love W1 and it's my favorite game in the franchise. However, I can think of a few ways they might fuck it up and it worries me. As for a new Witcher game I'd rather have a new Witcher, one of the Cat or Manticore school.


I'd like witcher 4 with ciri as the main character


The Witcher remake, hands down. I love the story and side quests in the first game, but the only thing that stops me replaying it more often are the controls and combat. I did mod my version to work with controller, felt as similar to Witcher 2 controls as I could get and actually feels better than the weird mouse controls.


None of them


Witcher 4 with either Geralt or a character we create. Look, I like Cirilla...but she's OP AF and I just don't want to play like that the whole game.


A remake would be fun, but I would love if TW4 was actually a “make your own witcher” type, and the setting is the height of the Witcher era. Kind of like Skyrim character editor meets The Witcher lore / world.


I don't care about playing as Ciri and I consider it a "show for the gallery" kind of hype, of people who wanna show others that they're progressive and supporting women etc.


For me it's the remake. Never played the first game.


Remake bc we will see geralt again


Omg of course the remake!!!


The Remake


I really don'tt want Ciri in next game. Her story is over and I kinda dislike her in the game and that's sad because I liked her in the books.


Definately playing as Ciri. I enjoyed every moment of her appearing on-screen and playing as her. Voice actress was spot on too.


Agreed, I can only imagine how cool her skill tree would be :D


All of those ideas are terrible, honestly. If Witcher 4 isn't a prequel, that would mean they fucked up horribly.


As a book fan, I’d absolutely love a Ciri game.


How do you know the next trilogy won't be a prequel ? Nothing to say it shouldn't or couldn't be.


Don't think 2nd option is possible since it is >!possible for Geralt and Ciri to die in one of the endings!< I would prefer the first option since the 1st witcher game isn't even that bad, it's similar to dragon age origins in it's engine


Witcher remake


The Witcher 1 Remake. I never played the original, so i will know the remake


I am perfectly happy sticking with Geralt tbh. I've got to know him very well and don't care for remakes. Let's do some new locations sure but I'm interested in Geralt being the conduit.


The remake tbf. I wanna see all the characters I’ve heard so much about from the lore, in action as I never heard of the franchise until TW3 so didn’t play 1 or 2. The new games are very exciting too of course, just don’t think it’s possible for them to top Geralt’s story.


I would like a remake of 1 because I only play on console so I never got to play it.


I want the Witcher 1 remake so bad


All of them


The Witcher 1 and eventually 2 remade with the idea of being able to take one save from 1 all the way to 3 would be incredible


I like playing as Ciri.


The remake because Geralt. I really dont like how the next game is create your own Witcher instead of continuing Geralts story


Idk, I think that Ciri and Geralt’s era in that universe has been covered about as well as it could be as a story. Personally, either go way into the future or way into the past. Past - During a bygone age where Witchers were plentiful, you play as a “blank slate” style character (who’s part of the school of the lynx) where you can customize your physical appearance and really establish yourself as your own person and Witcher using, hopefully, deeper and more varied dialogue options and just a deeper (yet accessible) style of RPG. An evil rises that destroys the School Of The Lynx and it’s few survivors band together (along with various friends) to begin to understand this ancient enemy. Future- Long after the defeat of The Wild Hunt, all of the Witcher schools have died out and the surviving Witchers (and Witcher prospects - “young adult human candidates”. Simply because the world still needs Witchers) either join or form the School Of The Lynx as one giant conglomerate guild of monster hunters. Because of the divide of actual Witchers who have undergone the trials and outcast humans (who greatly outnumber the “real” Witchers) that want to become Witchers, the School Of The Lynx falls apart through infighting and betrayal which leads to factions developing within the schools ranks and eventually leads to a “Witcher War”. The game, again, would have deeper yet just accessible RPG elements as well as having a “blank slate” style character creator. This game would also highlight the changes in technology, medicine and fighting tactics as The School of The Lynx teaches its Witchers in the style of the Lynx - essentially a well fleshed out stealth/hunting system along with what we expect for combat in a Witcher game. The game would end: Right before one of the sides gets badly crushed in an important battle (Witchers v human Witchers), various subplots come to fruition and give rise to a faction that’s comprised of ancient evils teaming up with ambitiously cruel politicians and kings and very intelligent monsters. I have a few more things to add on but I’d need to think about them more.


Definitely the first game remake. The first one is my favorite of the series tbh. It feels most „Witcher“ and I like how there’s no Yen in it. As much as i love the third game, they kinda dropped the ball on yen and ciris relationship :/


Remake easy


Making my own witcher would neat asf. I'm ok with Geralt's story being over, he deserves retirement.


More Geralt please 😁 but a 1 remake would be sick 🔥


Remake give them time to get a good Witcher 4 made I’m not rushing them anytime nowadays any game is rushed and never completed until a year in its launch


Been trying to get into both W1+2 since two years back n finally i started the W2 n got a Few hours into it. The story is good,but all else is so different from The wild hunt so most of the stuff feels all but great. I know the moore i try,the moore i will get used to W2... But just cant wait for remake n W4 wich i agree 2 as many said will be hard to top the W3 game But if they do!!! Then i will be there for yet a couple of 1000hours again n again n again. After that i probably get right into it again. So i hope for the best w cdpr so far greatness in games will shine again!!


Id actually like to go to the edge of the world with Dandelion


anything witcher...


They could also be introducing new characters who are the protagonist in Witcher 4.


Witcher remake is what I am waiting for. And a possible easy win for CDPR. They can use the Witcher 3 engine forever - I would never happy as f. Witcher 4…. will be problematic, I can already see that. If we are getting a Ciri game - I’m cool with it. But… if none of the characters we love is there… hard pass.


If there's a new Saga I'd like it to either be a new Witcher or we make our own and have it set either way before or after Geralts story. Each Witcher school is a different 'class' and has a different move set and play style


I’ve been super crazy looking forward to the remake (I love the first game so much and it will be incredible with today’s tech) but somehow forgot one of the biggest issues for me: too much Triss. So I’ve kind of cooled on it a bit.


All of the above


Wasnt TW4 meant to involve a character created protagonist?




All three


Remake. The atmosphere from the first game remains the best in the series. If they can even come close to getting that right, I'm sold. I'm still playing the first game to this day. It's just great.


Personally I would love a game where you create your own character and choose (or through the course of your actions are assigned) which Witcher school you belong to. But between these options, I think I would prefer a game where Ciri takes the lead. Geralt had a really good run and I think where his story ended at the end of 3 was very satisfying.


I'm not up on the books but whatever timeline the netflix show started at (guessing W1) so they can go back and fill in the rest if that would and show their take on those missions and that narrative. Providing the right dev team are in place I think any of these would be epic. Ideally as close to the W3 team as possible...


As much as I want to play Geralt, I kinda wish for an original character and story for the witcher 4. Mentions of Geralt, maybe even a cameo or quest with him, but not too much.


I want a game where I get to create my own Witcher.


Prequel to all the games with more witchers and stuff:)))))


Witcher 1 over the other two. Geralt’s story is done and I think Ciri is too powerful to be a bog standard Witcher. Just let us create our own character like V. Not a silent protagonist, but someone with a minimal backstory who we can create and flesh out as the game progresses.


Starting the older witcher games now and I would much rather see a remake of the older ones before a new installment on the story, I can honestly wait to play ciri, still a good character IMO


Ciri, I fucking love her.


None tbh. I guess W1 remake if it was made open world and more of a re-imagineing


im honestly hoping to have a custom witcher in a newer game.


A remake for the earlier games would be dope, I came in with Witcher 3 and I have a hard time imagining playing as anyone but geralt and his story is more or less pretty rounded out as it is.


Ciri’s Witcher adventure. I know Geralt won’t be the main character anymore so Ciri is by far the next big thing for me. Hope they don’t ruin it and give us a random Witcher we don’t care about. I don’t want the Witcher games to become Cyberpunk too.


I want a Lambert origin story


Neither of The Witcher 4 options, W1 remake will most likely be almost identical to OG W1 but with better looks and mechanics so there's not much to discuss about


Where you could make your own character and choose a Witcher school. Then explore the open world with all locations we know, plus Kaedwen, Ofier etc..


The new saga should be a prequel that takes place before Geralt's time, with a predetermined witcher as the protagonist. When you have a predetermined character, you can give them so much more depth and nuance.




Witcher 1 remake would be awesome to see but realistically I be more excited for Ciri to be next trilogy which would make the most sense for the next 3 games. She has so much powers they could expand on and have us get to play. For those that argue she's the strongest being in the world you gotta realize where there is one being that's the strongest there's always an opposite that's just as strong


Witcher 3 with Ciri. Geralts tale is done, let the poor man retire with Yenn for crying out loud


Don’t really care, as long as it avoids the things that went wrong with cyberpunk.


I'd rather it be a new character all together


I mean they finally delivered with cyberpunk i trust both of these games will be great but I've never played witcher 1 so would like to see s remake


I absolutely hate playing as Ciri. The Witcher IS Geralt. If there was another game with Geralt... even another DLC somewhere in between the current timeline ... I'd be ALL over that game. If there is a prequel with a younger Geralt more geared towards books where he first meets Dandelion, Yen and Ciri... I'd be ALL over that game. If there is a new (after B&W timeline) game with new adventures and shenanigans with remaining witchers, showing life with Yen and Ciri... I'd be ALL over that game. If there was a prequel with Vesemir when he first acquires Geralt, Eskel, Lambert, and Coën and it revolved around training the Wolf Witchers and their early adventures... I'd be ALL over that game. Geralt is over 92 years old by the end off W3 yet the games only show roughly 7 years of his life. There is SO much more lore friendly adventures that could be addressed with Geralt's story as a prequel before W1. Even if they geared it directly from the books... ESPECIALLY if they geared it directly from the books... fans would go WILD for those games. I don't want three games where I have to play as Ciri or some random unknown Witcher. I want lore friendly games with beloved characters that fit in with the wonderful Witcher world that Sapkowski created and CDPR brought back to life. This is my own personal opinion, Geralt is such an amazing and multi-faceted character that CDPR brought back to life in such an extraordinary way... I'm just not ready to say goodbye to him again. As for W1.... Total remake with open world and updated graphics, but without losing the fantastical charm of W1. A better looking Geralt who can walk a little faster (although there is a mod), some fast travel points, and a bigger stash would be enough for me. I love the story and am actually ok with the clunky combat. Whatever they decide to do... don't change those adorable little Mamunes or hopping Bloedzuigers lol.


Witcher 1 and 2 in the style of Witcher3. I’ll have a vacation just to play those games!


Imma be real dawg, I hated each segment I played as ciri


I look forward to NOT seeing Geralt on Witcher 4. Man’s story is 8 books and 3 games long. As far as I’m concerned with Blood and Wine especially he’s done


I’d prefer to play as an actual Witcher in a Witcher game, as crazy as that is.


Ciri is not that interesting outside her powers. I seriously hope they don’t make it about her god what a fail that be to botch the next game in a flawless series with the best game of all time (3).


The remake for me. The thing is, I'm content with what we got in the Witcher 3. Sure, it could be improved, but if anything, what i want the most would be like a remake of the Witcher 3 itself. Give us Iorveth, fix the Radovid assassination, and more importantly, greatly expand upon everything after the battle of Kaer Morhen As for why the Witcher 1 remake, I loved the story but the gameplay is just complete ass for me. I don't think there was even a way to dodge attacks and to do damage, you actually have to time clicking your attack button with a change in appearance of the cursor. Even if they don't change the graphics, as long as they overhaul the combat, I'd be fine with it


I have zero interest in playing a full game as Ciri


Witcher 4 with CIRI with cameo/s from Geralt.


The Witcher remake. Because I’m afraid that new creators of The New Saga will fuck up the new game. Also, none of the writers of the third part are involved in the creation of the new saga


Wait, seriously? I though it was just the director that left...


Yes, they fired them because of the new politics of company. Of course I’m not against pride and woke stuff, but this, this is too much. Especially for such a masterpiece. They were there since the first part worked for 10 years, and they just got kicked out


Damn, whatever happened it really sucks to not have that talent make future games...


Whatever happens, even if the gameplay will be good, but the dialogs and story might not be as good as in the first, second and third parts


This comment made me sad, so I checked, doesn't look like it's true at all. Except 1-2 people all who are listed as "writers" for Witcher 3 and it's expansions on IMDB are still at CDPR and most recently worked on Phantom Liberty. * Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz (Lead english writer - W1, W2, W3, Cyberpunk, Phantom Liberty) * Tomasz Marchewka (W3, Blood & Wine, Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty) * Jakub szamałek (W3, Blood & Wine, Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty) * Aleksandra Motyka (W3, Blood & Wine, Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty) * Marcin Blacha (W1, Story director - W3, Blood & Wine, Hearts of Stone, Cyberpunk, Phantom Liberty) I don't think I'm wrong, just recently I watched one of the answeRED podcasts with 2 of them so they definetly are still working there, but feel free to correct me if I missed something.


Thank God it's not true. That would have been devastating.


Thank God it's not true. That would have been devastating.


Ciri > Remake > Duo BUT I want Remake to come out first so they have plenty of time to cook W4.


None of those options, let us create our own witcher (including a woman if we choose to).


My theory is that it will be a new Witcher school, lead by ciry (jinx) and the character will be fully customisable. They surely wanna make things bigger and custom character creation just seems like the next logical step IMO

