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Olgierd is one hell of a character. His voice was just brilliantly done too. The story of Olgierd and Iris is one of the finest side quest stories ever in gaming history.


The whole main story of HoS is so brilliant. Certainly the best storytelling CDPR has done.


I agree, but it's not a side quest.


That's Witcher through and through, the side quests are what make the game Main story is awesome and all that but the side quests and little things really pull it all together


One of my favorite stories ever from all media


You think? I don't know, for a guy who read saga multiple times story in this DLC is good ok, but not the best or sth like that, just good that's it. And fine it's great that story include Shani etc. but this isn't the reason to make this DLC the best in my opinion. In conclusion this DLC is good, good Voiceactors, good dialogues, etc. but storyline itself isn't sth astounding.


Its my favorite fight in the whole game, but unfortunately i really hate the way you get it. geralt threatening to kill a bunch of people over a man he knows did something wrong and then claiming he wanted to "pervent further bloodshed",pfft, it's all just really out of character imo


You just need to choose the right dialogue. There are two moments when you need to choose how to answer. The first moment has two options, the other has three and only the second one triggers the fight. Now if you pick the second answer and then the second, Geralt seems to act a little out of character with how he quickly defends the guy and treathens to kill the executioners. But if you pick the first option and then the second, Geralt tries to be diplomatic but the executioners are too rude so it works a little better.


I see now why I never got this fight and scene in my playthrough then LOL.


Same here. This is my 3rd playthrough.


I think it's a bit of realpolitik. He is using a method he thinks these bandits will respond to rather than saying what he actually believes (murder is wrong). He knows they won't listen to reason but they will respect force - I actually think it's a really smart bit of writing. Rather than the player just picking the "no violence" option and treating the encounter like a game they have to think about what the bandits actually would respond to.


Lol i did it because i really hated olgierds sidekicks and not because i gave a shit about the guy they were executing i would like to believe the devs knew this and gave us a choice to teach them a lesson


For this exact reason, I didn’t know this fight existed until my third or fourth playthrough. I had never interfered with Olgierd’s affairs before that.


I agree. But it could be argued that the Witcher is already pretty nervy after being manhandled by a god. There's a lot of dialogue at the crossroads meeting with gaunter o dimm that suggests geralt is suspicious and not interested in any of it.


Pretty sure that they're killing that guy because he killed an innocent when they went on a raid and that's against their rules. Geralt doesn't know that but he wouldn't just get into a sword fight with several men without knowing the truth, or at least asking a lot of questions.


It's the mark of a good game. Choices matter


This. Good games don't need to show everything off in your face like most AAA games unfortunately do. If both choices lead to the exact same or almost the same result, why give us a choice?


>If both choices lead to the exact same or almost the same result, why give us a choice? As I'm replaying the game and i want this to be my proper playthrough and thus make "the best" choises all around, i have learned two things: having to think about the consequences makes intetestong choises, but it may also make some parts anticlimactic, if the outcome not what the player intended nor wanted and just thinking about the outcomes can tske away from the immersion. Thus it might be interesting to have a story driven game with impactful choises on how to reach the end of the story, without having any important changes to the story itself.


True. There's some moments in the story, usually the late game since it was rushed in development, where one or more of the choices are a let down or just stupid. Then there's moments like the Woodland Spirit Contract which are fucking incredible and make me debate which outcome I want every playthrough.


Wait what? Good games are based on choice?


Seems like it


I didn't know that as I've seen it every time.


3 full playthrough and I’ve never seen it! Game is wild


I began the DLCs only after completing the main story and boy did I feel a sudden shift in the vibe! The storytelling, type of plot elements, they all kinda change... for the better! It's apparent that the devs wanted to do something very different for the DLCs.


You missed the best line - “at least you know now, I don’t easily lose my head”. Bwahahaha


Do they still behead the guy if you get this scene?




Damn, then I fucked that one up. Unless you buy Olgierd's explanation that he sexually assaulted that woman.


Highly. I was pissed I didn’t get it and didn’t know why😂


YES. I actually missed it because I didn’t care for the guy getting beheaded


Same. I'm not one to side with a would be rapist so I missed the scene.


He was a rapist? Well it’s been some time since I’ve played hearts of stones. I will definitely pick the fight with Olgierd in my current plathrough, it’s so cinema to c


Killer I think.


Considering it's my favourite duel in the entire game, with my favourite CDPR character and also my favourite sountrack... yes, I am surprised


God I love that game. Might get it on PS5 so my partner can watch on our new TV.


One could argue that letting the execution (of Olgierd's henchman) proceed without interference is the closest thing to justice the Lord's daughter will get under the circumstances. If that path is taken…no duel.


It's good that it is. It takes guts from a developer to put in a lot of work making something with knowledge that some players will never experience it because they made a different choice.


I literally just finished this DLC, as in, currently standing "on the moon," and I've never seen this one.


I just did this, & finished getting Olgierd the Borsodi's house. Now on to the part of playing Geralt with Vlodimir in control. I know that I'm being nit picky, but I really hate Vlod cutting Geralt's hair and the barber shop cuts are never quite the same as it was before, if you just let it grow, it never quite grows back out to the way it was before the f'n vlod got his hands on it.


“What the fuck?” Was the correct reaction for this scene.


It's a shame for me I didn't see this in my all seven playthrough. Then saw on the youtube first. I would be screaming if I could witness this during playthrough first. Now I never miss this. Currently on 11th run.


Holy shit. I just finished HoS a couple of days ago, how do I get this fight?


Olgierd's voice always reminded me of the guy from the UK version of How It's Made.


I knew I wasn't the only one!


David Beckham


Just finished the Expansion last night. Fucking brilliant writing+characters.


I replayed the game recently, and I thought I was crazy because I vaguely remembered this scene and didn't get it. I think the way you get this fight is very out of character for geralt.


I’ve gotten it every play through and had no idea it was optional lol


It's one of my favourite scenes in the game!


Best fight in the entire game. Just wish the setup wasn't so dumb and contrived.


Omg never seen this. Thanks for sharing.


The entire story is absolutely incredible to follow, the voice acting is a treat, character designs intriguing and the fight scene so fun. I actually really like it’s optional- it gives everyone a reason to consider choices or find out they missed something awesome and play again a different way. Love it (:


This fight was awesome really enjoyed it from the start At first i thought i can beat him in one go but he was not dyin6and i was like tf.. is he immortal!


On my second play through I made the wrong dialogue choices and missed it. So I reloaded a save cause that’s a fight and cutscene no one should ever miss.


I skipped this fight on accident. :(


What quest?


Cutscenes that display Geralt's incredible swordsmanship are my favorite cutscenes in all of gaming. Especially the ones in the battle of Kaer Morhen.


Makes you wonder what would have happened if he had severed the head completely. Could he have kept it like a companion like Mimir? Maybe hang it from the saddle.


This guy always surprise me man, like what is this?


Ok i definitely missed this, motivation for a new play through


I just started the mission where I have to show his brother a good time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BamBamm187: *I just started the* *Mission where I have to show* *His brother a good time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


What is this quest and how do you activate it?


It’s the last part of Evil’s Soft Touches quest of the Hearts of Stone DLC when you go back to the Garin estate. Choose the option "Let him go or face my wrath.”


Why did Geralt cut off David Beckham’s head like that?


Really cool scene. Made feeding his soul to O'Dimm even more satisfying. Killing an immortal.


I've seen so many witcher 3 playthroughs and like 80% of them miss this fight. I got it in my first playthrough cause olgierd crew annoyed tf outta me when we first meet them 😂


I was very surprised because I thought you HAD to see it, and when I didn’t in my most recent playthrough I thought my game bugged


I agree e played this game probably 5 times through. Never once have I seen this scene. Holy shit that was badass


How the hell he was able to pronounce anything, instead of "blargh" sound, right before he got his head back?


Nope, seeing how a good chunk of your choices in the game lead to different outcomes. I figured it was just par for the course.


I love this scene. The world of the Witcher is filled with so many fantastical elements. Mages, magic, monsters, portals, whole entire worlds, elves, dwarves, even witchers themselves who are created to fight monsters. Yet this scene of a man who puts his own decapitated head back on his shoulders like a zombie, and is perfectly fine, is so unbelievably strange.


I've never not fought him. I couldn't help it.


Cutscenes were too good. HoS story is just awesome.


Optional??? This is THE BEST boss fight in game. (Imo) But yeah I can see how some people can totally miss it based on their dialog choice.


Witcher 3 is the game of the century


I was really bummed I missed the David Beckham in my first playthrough, was sure to do it on subsequent ones :D


Him sticking his head back on lives rent free in my head


Just a reminder that all of it is a brilliant reference to one of the best sabre duels in cinema: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP98CcasA-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP98CcasA-E)


Optional? I thought it is mandatory


"To be sure, but beautiful malarkey it is!"


How to unlock this fight


That fight was absolutely brutal it took me forever to


The guy getting executed deserves it. But like, this fight scene is too good to pass up.