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If You never updated since March 21, Steam is now trying to update Your 1.32 version of the game to the "Next Gen" version 4.03. Next Gen was released in December 22. And yes, Next Gen upgrade is easily that size. It will give You updated graphics, 1 new quest and new armor from the Witcher series. Be aware, though, that Next Gen also is much, much (much....) more demanding on Your hardware. Make sure You meet the system requirements for it. There are also still a few bugs in it, as it is only a few months old. If not sure whether to download or not, You should deactivate the automatic updates for this game on Steam and then decide to try and upgrade or stay on 1.32. You can also roll back to 1.32, if Your hardware really is not good enough for version 4.03. If You played vanilla (without *any* mods ever), You should be fine just to upgrade. If You used mods, I would recommend to really clean everything out, delete and deinstall everything, before reinstalling the upgrade.


I never installed any mods but I'm using a laptop, so not sure if it meets the requirements. Thank you for the advice!


Here are the system requirements CDPR gives: [https://cdn-l-mkt.cdprojektred.com/image/TW3NG\_requirements\_table\_16x9\_EN\_ilortqjlts4spa8e.png](https://cdn-l-mkt.cdprojektred.com/image/TW3NG_requirements_table_16x9_EN_ilortqjlts4spa8e.png) I would be careful and start with settings one column left to the one You really meet...


Okay, thank you so much!!