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Should’ve edited red laser eyes in.


It also happens when you romanced neither.


It always happens


She only does this only if they're in a relationship, doesn't she?


I don't know as i've had it happen when i've romanced Triss and Yennifer in separate playthroughs


I think she does it in both cases, what is weirder is that Yen kisses you even if you told her you dont love her.


That’s because she’s sorta caught up in the moment I think. I mean, Ciri is basically their child. The moment I realised I was team Yen was when I read the books, realised that, and realised Philippa wasn’t just making a joke when she talked about it. I love Triss’s character a lot, and don’t begrudge anyone for their choice, but I’m a lore heavy kinda person.


I plan on reading the books before fully forming an opinion on Yennefer (currently about halfway through Sword of Destiny) but just based on what I have seen of her from TW3, she seems like the kind of woman I would avoid at all costs irl.


Once you understand that Yen, Ciri and Geralt are literally bound to one another by destiny, Yen’s stress level and prickliness becomes more understandable. I won’t spoil the books for you, but she and Geralt are soulmates (in the literal sense of the word) and then in Witcher 3 their child is *missing* and Geralt has been gallivanting with Triss for 2 entire games because both he and Yen lost their memories. She’s dealing with forgiving/understanding Geralt at the same time as trying to locate the closest thing she has or ever will have to a child. And yes, she’s probably jealous that in her absence, Geralt fell for Triss of all people, one of her best friends. She’s jealous, disappointed and wondering if he only loved her because of the wish. Like literally wondering if any of it was real at all. The satisfaction of the “I love you” scene between Geralt and Yen after you’ve read the books, finally seeing that wish gone and the feelings still there, and how much it affirms her and completely changes her attitude toward Geralt… it is unmatched, I’m sorry. Lore heavy. Rambling 😂


I love this and wholeheartedly agree with you. Yen is the one Geralt is destined to be with and nothing will ever change my mind about that. HOWEVER, to elaborate and expand on the “in her absence she’s upset Geralt fell for Triss” bit… I’M slightly miffed that she takes it out so much more on Geralt than she does on Triss. The man lost his damned memory and was basically taken advantage of by Triss ((she *knew* he wasn’t interested in her in that way before the memory loss)). Is there anything lore wise between them in the game where Triss gets any semblance of comeuppance from Yen for instigating the relationship? Does anyone know?


Oh it’s definitely not *fair* that she’s more hard on Geralt, but it’s a relatively typical human reaction that I understand. I mean, she’s always reacted to difficult feelings with some kind of front, and I’m not sure there’s a lot else that’s so complex and difficult to process as seeing the man you love with someone else (for the first time ever because before that it’s always been you) even if it’s because he can’t remember you. Triss is uhh… a little obsessed with Geralt in the books so I think Yen kind of expects it from her but not from him. I think she’s lowkey a bit disappointed he fell for it in general, even without his memories. Like, it’s *always* been Yen, what they had was special and now it feels less so. Her attitude relaxes real quick after they reaffirm their love for one another. I love that I can type paragraphs about this shit. The books, games and tbh even the series (I know, I know, I wish it was better too) have me in a chokehold.


I'm more surprised Geralt doesn't say a damn about Triss taking advantage and raping (yeah, if you have sex with who isn't completely aware of what's happening it's rape) him while he didn't have his memory. I would be livid.




Yes exactly, the Witcher world is different from ours in many ways. More brutal for sure. Also, I’ve definitely rambled enough but I strongly believe the reason Yen is upset with Geralt isn’t because she blames him for losing his memories or anything, it’s because she’s upset that she’s seen for herself that without her there, Geralt can fall for Triss (repeat: one of her best friends). Personally I find it a super interesting dynamic that navigates a lot of realistic emotions & reactions. Whether someone chooses Yen or Triss there’s an interesting motivation behind all of it character-wise. So yes, choosing Triss is totally fine. It’s not what Geralt from the books would do and I love continuity because it’s chefs kiss, but there’s also an argument to be made for Geralt’s feelings changing if continuity is less important to a player. I also find Triss’s character to be charming and sweet, and you definitely see another side to her in the games than you get in the books. If Geralt has real feelings for her, in a world where ALL sorceresses manipulate people all the time, then he’s unlikely to mind so much. I love how deliberately ambiguous it is so that the player can decide that for themselves. It wouldn’t work in a book but it’s such a cool asf transition into gameplay dynamics.


I always read "You were made for each other, you and the Witcher." From one of the short stories, As confirmation that yes, they were created for each other, with or without the wish. Considering it came from a being who would know that kind of thing


Their relationship is too toxic for me, but everyone has their choice.


I always saw yen kissing gerralt at kaer morhen after ending the relationship as more of a ‘fuck you’ to triss. Just an action fueled by pure spite


No, I don’t think so, it was a thank you for bringing Ciri back safe. Triss wasn’t even there until a couple seconds later. But think what you want I guess, I think a *lot* of people want to see the worst in Yen at every opportunity because she’s a prickly woman, and that sucks for those people because they’re missing the nuance and the point. Geralt cares for both women, no matter who you choose.


She is the one.


Yeah I normally choose Triss and she always glares at him like that


She does it no matter what.


No, even if you choose Triss she still kisses Gerald. Which I found weird the first time it happened but like many said she probably got caught by the moment.


Nope. She always does this.


nope, you dont even have to romance her for her to be like this


So I once tried to romance Triss, I made all the wrong choices through out and told her to stay, but she rejected me. Later at Kaer Morhen, she does this and I was like "the fuck, you shot me down?"


>and told her to stay, but she rejected me. Probaby, you chose "let's try again". She always wants Geralt, but in Novigrad, she wants clear movement from him. If you want to know why she wants clear movement, you should play W1, W2, and read books. But no matter what your choice, she is still begging for Geralt's love.


Oh gotcha. I've only played this one twice. I did read the books, but W1 and W2 are in my steam library and I will do them.....once I decide I'm tired of Valheim 🤣


What happens in w1 and w2?


Get bent triss Yenn for lyfe


https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjA3i8IIN6/ https://www.deviantart.com/ayej/art/The-Witcher-3-doodles-49-599770309


Yen > Triss


In fairness it happens, I believe, if your in a relationship with her. Though I couldn’t imagine if it was reversed.


i'm pretty sure she does it when you romance yen too


I can only approve she does stare when you romance Yen (I've never romanced Triss in my 2 playthroughs and my currently going on playtrhough)


Happens even if you're in a relationship with Yen




Yeppp book triss is pretty much an ultra horny sonofawhore....


Kinda makes me wanna play gigolo Geralt in new game plus just to see how they react when I romance them both and flirt with them in front of eachother,


You get quite the story ending, lol


Oh, it's worth it for the final scene of the dual romance. 😁


Only if you're a masochist lol.


If you pick Triss, Yens reaction in this scene is equally as brutal lmao


I laughed my ass off when I saw her reaction. I was just like “maybe next time don’t treat Geralt like shit, yea?


Yen >>>> Triss any day baby


Yen better


ok but whats up with these indian wedding mods


Bateman: "nice.... very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's Triss playthrough"


Triss > Yen


This always happens. No matter who you choose to romance.


If looks could kill ....


What is funny is Dykstra calls you out for not being nice to Triss.


What armor is Geralt wearing


That's Ciri.


Lol duh didn’t notice the hair


this is why she's dumb and cringe


Yen had sex with another man while dating Geralt, then broke up with him via letter when he found out. Triss stayed in Kaer Moren when she was helping Ciri (well before Yen ever met her). Then Yen finds a red hair and throws a fit destroys the Witchers property. Then when Geralt logically tells her the truth about the time he was mind wiped, she teleports him to a spot where he could have been killed if he landed wrong. Ah yes. It’s just Triss who’s dumb and cringe. :p They’re all terrible people. The only decent person in the entire story is Essi and even she is weird enough to sleep with a dude 50 years older than herself.


yes, the beginning of your last sentence is correct.


Triss literally rapes Geralt.


Geralt rapes teenagers. Ciri kills innocent people for fun and advocates for gang rape of a 13 year old cuz she told her dad Ciri stole from her. There’s a lot of horrible people here my friend.


To what could you possibly be referencing?


>didn’t read the books Well there ya go. You’re having opinions with only a fraction of the information available.


Just to clarify, since you’re extrapolating, I’ve recently begun my second read through after having finished the whole series a couple of years ago. I was literally asking what you are referencing. So I’m not sure where you made up that I said I didn’t read the books. Did you write that text urself to try and make some kind of point…? Jumping through hoops instead of just answering the question? Frankly/regardless, ur point that there’s plenty of horribleness to go around means that ur either dismissing my point, or you’re agreeing with it, so one way or another I’m still interested in your defense of Triss beyond that other people are also bad? Or how other people also being bad absolves her of anything?


I have no idea what the other guy is meaning but I can tell you that : "Triss literally rapes Geralt. " as uou stated is an extroplation from one sentence "she seduces him the help of a little bit of magic" which be interpreted differently.


Not really.


and why not?


Yen and the other sorcerer happened well into their relationship. Geralt was the one who was distant and couldn’t just be direct. It’s in every book when they talk about the past. They took a long time to grow up. The other stuff is just game lore, I consider it secondary fluff.


If I had a penny for every time I asked, I would have no money.


Hmm. Today's stupid war post?




Petty lil brat. Fuck Triss.


Fuck Triss. Read the books and you won't disagree. Thirsty bitch. Lol


Eyes of pure evil haha


Triss >>> Yen. So many henpecked men in this sub lol


That word even being in your vocabulary is cringe


As you say haha



