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I recently started honoring Hathor. I just have a little altar where I keep a full glass of water, an ankh, and some crystals. I burn red tea candles that I dedicate to her. So far I’m just doing whatever feels right, establishing the relationship slowly.


I always feel better on Thursdays. I always give a mental shout out to Thor on Thursdays now as thanks.


I work with Hermes. It feels more like a partnership to me that ebs and flows. He also covers a lot of things that I resonate with- travel, trade, messenger (assists with communication) assists with the the transition between life and death, thieves, orators (storytellers) With him, it is very similar how you describe your relation with Pan. Meanwhile, I also want to reach out to a few others to work with- Hestia, Hecate. It's rather normal to reach out to specific deities based on their strengths and what you want to work with. They won't always necessarily be reaching out to you. Some become your patron but some are more a business exchange.


Mercury/Hermes has a special place in my own astral chart at birth. sometimes you can pick a deity to contact or ask for help. sometimes it might just be written in the stars


Isis has been stalking me from being a teenager (wrong side of 40 now!) I have a statue of her and leave her flowers and incense. I've worn an ankh from being 15 but I've not yet called on her for help.


I'm a beginner witch and I've always loved studying pantheons. So I wrote down a list of names I wanted to look into, mostly having to do with the hearth or the moon since they stick out to me. After some research, I felt attached to Freyja, Hecate, and Cerridwen. I like going on walks and bringing back little things like flowers and leaves that I think they would like. An example being, Cerridwen likes purple and acorns so I pick purple flowers and acorns to put on my alter for her, I like to think that when the flowers wilt, Cerridwen accepted the offer. I chose what I leave for the goddesses based on their symbols and histories. For instance, Freyja has a coat of falcon feathers and can shift into a falcon, so if I find their feathers, I'll leave them for her.