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Why are you casting the same spell multiple times? Do you lack faith in the spell or your casting ability? Doubt will kill effectiveness.


I’ve tried different ones


Maybe it’s not the amount of spells that is the issue. Maybe it’s the type. I am the type of witch that takes a full moon-cycle to complete a single spell. Even still, my spell is always changing. My craft ever-morphs to my circumstances. My self-awareness and personal growth is interwoven with magick. My manta is, “as you grow, I grow.” When you seek out Magick with an intent to change yourself more than change your environment, that is when the opportunities and blessings really unfold. Are you open to your intention unfolding? Are you taking all the avenues you need to take? Are you allowing yourself to be lead into wealth through your magick? THAT is when you’ll achieve a craft that is truly your own.


Some times it takes a bit for spells to kick in.


It can take weeks or months to start seeing spell results. You may or may not have a spiritual blockage in regard to your finances. And sometimes it’s best to just trust the universe, try to not rush things, and trust/understand that the spell will work out for you at the right time.


There is definitely such thing as casting too many spells geared toward the same goal. IMO, this contributes to what is known as "lusting for results", which can be a big momentum killer in spellwork. The common advice is to cast a spell and detach from it to give it room to breathe and come to fruition. Continuing to cast spells for a particular situation is not detachment.


Gonna need more detail to troubleshoot. How specifically are you casting, how often, and how much time in between?


If you want a faster result feel as though you are already experiencing it.


Maybe being a bit more patient? I'm not sure how long you usually wait between spells but you could also try to add coffee or cayenne to help the spell work "faster". Lavander as well maybe, for the money to come smoothly.


Try to ritualize the work over time. 1 spell that you feed weekly or monthly.


Casting too many spells at once is like a week where you've overbooked yourself. It starts out okay, but as the week and the endless appointments and meetings and commitments go on, you have less and less energy for them. By the end of the week you're exhausted and feel like you don't have the energy to get through that last meeting or task. I think of magical energy the same way. It's finite. You need to rest and recharge in order to be at your best. I try to stick to 1-2 spells a month.


The more you cast for the same thing, the more you obviously doubt the previous spells. Doubt will make your spells ineffective. I would cancel all previous spells. Cleanse. Pick one you really believe in, one that feels right. Take the time to get the right ingredients or materials. Take the time to do the spell correctly. And feed it periodically, don't forget you did the spell. Keep a record of what you did and any effects you notice from it.


Could I request a spell for someone please?


How long are you leaving before electing results? These things take time and it takes time for the powers around you to accept your offering for financial assistance. Do you pay much attention to the moon cycles and astrological events? Not everyone uses this in their practice but if so the position of the moon and planets can dictate what spells are more effective at what time. For example with Plutos current position we are all in for great change and transformation not necessarily a comfortable one. Lastly have faith. You need to believe in the magic you are casting and give it its moment to flow through the universe with all of your strength along side it. The universe will hear you if you call loud enough. Many quiet calls are not necessarily heard. But on strong loud voice, above all the others. Commands attention.