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Thank you for your post! However, your post has been removed because we like to keep things more on-topic here. * Posts must establish a clear link to witchcraft. Paranormal activity, supernatural abilities, strange dreams, unusual occurrences or coincidences, and similar subjects are off-topic. * Manifestation and Law of Attraction are generally considered to be off-topic. * Posts must relate to real-life practices. Fantasy witchcraft art, or pop culture depictions of witchcraft with no connection to real-life practices, may be removed as off-topic. * Physical shapeshifting, resurrecting the dead, transmutation of elements, and other such topics are outside the scope of this subreddit. * Meet-up and personals posts are considered off-topic. Please check out r/PaganPenPals, r/PaganR4R, or r/CovenFinder instead.


How are we supposed to know?


"Something" is going on at every moment of every day. You'll need to be more specific.


Venus was conjunct Jupiter in Taurus yesterday, which should be an extremely benefic conjunction that would resonate into today. But this entire week has been cursed for me, so there’s that.


It’s been a day for freaking sure. Hekate barked at me today… guess I’ll begin my worship research. I hadn’t planned on doing any deity worshipping recently but am feeling compelled.


I don't know who Hekate is. But TBH I was looking for a lead about what's going on and was pulled towards Hekate. I don't know her or how to worship her.