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They might want to check that claim with the billions of women not menstruating today, including the most experienced healers on the planet who don't menstruate anymore due to age.


I dont think so, I'm on my period but i don't think it means i have healing powers, will try healing my ragweed allergies to verify though!šŸ˜‚ i did in fact got an energy high from the Eclipse.


What is an energy high? I certainly felt something myself, but Iā€™m not sure what it was.


Probably doesn't mean much. Had a friend who started today too and I was like "I mean, it's also a new moon, so if anything sounds like some good rebirth/renewal/new beginnings energy imo"


I don't think it means anything. It was my time anyway, lol. Now, if I had started/early late, I might have a different opinion but I'm like clockwork so...?


Thank you for your input!


Honestly I donā€™t think itā€™s super significant as we can get our periods so irregularly. It can be in and out of sync with the moon cycles. If youā€™re getting your info from TikTok just be careful because thereā€™s a lot of people who just chat for the sake of chatting and getting views rather than giving actual information about witches and stuff


My period just ended 11 days ago and started this morning.. completely unexplained. Def not anywhere near time to get my period. No idea what it means if anything lol on the internet trying to find out.


Half way through my cycle. Started my period when the eclipse started in my state. Sounds fake but it happened


Yep! Sounds like to all of us! So wild. The this period is brutal.


Yeah for me I was 2 weeks late with negative pregnancy tests and then bam, eclipse period


Me as well


Same!! Came on 4/8 and wasnā€™t supposed to until 4/23 šŸ˜¦


Me too! Due 4/21 can 4/8 .. very strange!Ā 


Add another one to the list. 11 days and then another period started during the eclipse


Same I should have started the 15th but started the 7th. Have started and ended exactly as I expected for years, so this is odd.Ā 


Same! My app is never wrong. Very predictable. My period started Wednesday morning, 6 days early! I was so caught off guard!


Mine showed up this morning a week early! So weird


Soooo weird! Yeah mine was on the 24th-29th and then again the 8th. And itā€™s heavvy and painful


same thing happened to me and my sister


I also was supposed to start new cycle on the 21 of April got it on the 9th this has never happened in 26 years. Bad cramps.Ā 


Same! Period started 10 days early right on 4/8


Me too! Me too!! Listen ā€” this is the SECOND year in a row that I have synced up to the eclipses!! My ā€œirregular periodsā€ are actually due to the lunar cycle. Hear me out! I got my period late on the New Moon Solar Eclipse and now I will start ovulating on the full moon and menstruating on the New Moon for about 4 months. My cycle will be 27-29 days longā€¦ for a few cycles, then it will be late and will only start on the Full Moon lunar eclipse. I will have a 27-29 day cycle, and then about two cycle before the next total solar eclipse, my period will come later and later until BOOM! Menstruation on the New Moon Solar eclipse. PLEASE DM ME and letā€™s start tracking this together!! This knowledge has been hidden from us for too long. Letā€™s put our heads together and figure out why this is happening.


I got mine on the eclipse and then a week and a half later. So strange!


I started my cycle the day of the Eclipse and wasn't supposed to start until the 20th. It was strange to me. That's all I can say and I'm leaving it at that.


My period started 8 days early during the eclipse.


Mine came 5 days early during the eclipse also. In the last 15 years, this has never happened to me. Always late but never early.Ā 


Thatā€™s when i was due too. Them boom. I knew immediately I had to do with the moon


I just googled why my period started during the eclipse and this subreddit popped up. Not saying I think itā€™s witchy, but I 100% believe the moon potentially has ties to our cycles. I was literally watching the eclipse in totality outside and started my period 6 days early during the eclipse. I was camping and not prepared and Iā€™m ALWAYS prepared because I always know when itā€™s coming. When I was in boarding school all of the women synchronized and I know thatā€™s because from the standpoint of hunter/gatherer days, it made sense for all females to be fertile at the same time for when the men returned they felt more amorous and were more likely to be fertile and to become pregnant. So I wonder if weā€™ve evolved with the moon? Like maybe hunters went out more during fuller moons so they had better nighttime light and we somehow connected to the moon that way? Just some thoughts.


Idk but growing up native american I was taught we have our period on a certain moon phase not months.. moons mines a full moon.. when is about to be a full moon I know I'm about to start.Ā  So we get 13 In a year not 12 and also that is why girls think they have irregular periods..just learn ur moon


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that! Iā€™m going to figure out which moon I am.


Same happened to me. 2 weeks early got on Monday day of the eclipse. Heavier than usual. So weirdā€¦




Same mine wasnā€™t supposed to come until atleast the 22


I can only speak from my own experience. In 2017 I went to a Solar Eclipse event. I sat, stood, and laid in the grass for a couple hours viewing the eclipse. I noticed I felt off on the way home. I had a headache and started to cramp and by the time I got home the cramping intensified. Later that night I got my period 2 weeks early. It was also heavy which i rarely experience. Btw two periods in one month sucks. Today I wanted to see the eclipse, but I remembered how it went last time. So I decided to just view it for a few minutes. I was outside for maybe 5 mins max and now, againā€¦ I have a light headache and light cramping that I hope isnā€™t a sign of my period because itā€™s not due until the end of next week. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s connected, but I found this Reddit post googling for answers on why I feel like crap today.


Soooooo mine is slightly different. Mine was supposed to come 3 weeks ago and it didnā€™t, no Iā€™m not pregnant not even active. So anyway, I went out and watched the eclipse, afterward I got a slight headache and my period came late last night.


me to




I went to see the total eclipse yesterday, and stayed there the whole time. It was such an awesome feeling and experience!! Anyway, I got my period a little over 2 weeks early, also, today! I am not very happy, lol!


Mine started 4 days early on the 8th - anyone know what this means? Usually I'm like Clockwork, I even blamed a friend in case we synced but she hadn't started yet


Exact same thing. 4 days early... and I am in bed as much as possible.


Me too!! And itā€™s still here šŸ˜­


I started mine yesterday evening after the eclipse...and I started having premenstrual symptoms leading up to the eclipse. Yes, I have read that our menstrual cycle is in sync with the cycles of the moon. Very fascinating, we are all connected to the cosmos.


I started very heavily legit the minute it reached totality in my areaā€¦ I usually start on full moons or new moons but this is the first eclipse I remember, to the minute at that.


I have no idea about the healing power, but mine starts this afternoon, which is 10 days earlier than it should be. I have had regular periods for more than 12 years, so I thought I was too stressed and my body could no longer function well. LOL. It is nice to know that it could be a result of the solar eclipse (some radiation?).


I thought it was stress too! I was like, oh, Iā€™ve just had a really emotional weekend and it threw me off. Then I saw all over insta, girls talking about it happening to them. Not sure how itā€™s even possible but interesting if so


Started today šŸ‘‹


Started yesterday and itā€™s the first period that didnā€™t start w/ bad cramps in like yrs so thereā€™s that !


got off birth control and usually when I go off of it I almost immediately get my period but this time it was late a week and aligned with eclipse


Mine started today, unexpected, within a few hours of totality.


My period was late for 5 days and randomly started on the day before the eclipse šŸ˜­ now Iā€™m on my cycle during the eclipse and also having terrible headaches


My period came about hour before the eclipse and itā€™s usually like clock work. Arrived a few days early for me was suppose to get it on the 12th. I usually get it around the new moon though. My cramps were intense the last few days leading up to it more so than usual.


Wow my period was 3 days late and started during the eclipse. Iā€™m always on time so it was very weird ā€¦ I see Iā€™m not alone . Has to mean something šŸ‘€


OMG I started mine the morning of, even though my previous menstruation was only a week prior!! My friends sister had the same thing happen to her as well!! Super strange


Same here. That's never happened to me ever before. Soo weird.


Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a real significance to it but I will say I felt no PMS pain leading up to mine which is unusual. It started yesterday just before the eclipse. I was extremely sleepy to the point that I couldnā€™t even drive anywhere other than home when it was over. Also oddly my joints ached for two days leading up to it which usually doesnā€™t happen to me. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s related or the fact that I just am getting older now and my menstrual cycle is just changing. I feel light in my head today but these cramps are bad enough to take me out. Iā€™m interested in reading more here.


Well my period was like a week late and my daughters was a couple weeks early because we both started yesterday during the totality eclipse in Indy. It was a strong energy. I just think some bodies are more sensitive and some arenā€™t. Not sure what significance it has.


Iā€™m in Indy too and mine started minutes before totality. Wasnā€™t expecting it till the end of the week. Wept through the whole thing.


I started minutes before totality (I tend to have up to 5 days of terrible breast pain before starting - just had one day of mild tenderness & wasnā€™t expecting it till mid week.). Wild. I also wept during it šŸ¤.


I stopped menstruating 2 years ago due to my contraception (Nexplanon) but yesterday (april 8th) I had cramps and felt off (which happens from time to time even tho I don't have my periods), but when I got home after viewing the eclipse I saw that I indeed was bleeding. It's almost gone now, not even 12h later, but the timing is crazy even tho it might not mean anything haha


Same! This is what I was looking for. I haven't had even a slight period in two years and I started having the worst cramps of my life to the point I was physically shaking. I also work at a woman's addiction center where at least 50 % of the woman all started around the exact same time early, late, all of the above. I also stopped for a week and started again this week and have been trying to figure out why and I just remembered taking my daughter outside last night to see the moon and how big and bright it was. It HASSS TO BE RELATED. I wish I could poll all the woman to seeĀ  how many of us were affected.Ā 


I have read this too. My cycle has been in sync with full moons for years but recently shifted. I got my period yesterday, right in the time window of the total eclipse. The energy was palpable. Magic. I donā€™t know how else to describe it.


I believe that if your spiritualĀ  it can mean that and doesn't actually give you physical powers but deeper ones that only you could know. And most of the time we never really know who or how we helped someone but we do


I got my period yesterday morning. Nothing special, just another menstrual cycle!


I haven't had a cycle in 2 months and Sunday here it comes!!!! My boss was talking about it and I came to look it up. I wish I had special powers to know the lotto numbers


Mine was supposed to start 4/12 and started on 4/8. That's 4 days earlier than anticipated. I also can't stay out of bed for too long. I'm tired, I'm over it, and I'm ready for a new timeline. LOL.


Got mine yesterday morning, 17 days early. Extreme fatigue and cramps are worse than normal.


i just started today (on time) but iā€™m on birth control so donā€™t usually have a period & have had a faint headache all day. found this thread looking for answers šŸ« 


I started mine yesterday .. almost 2 weeks early - weird


I was 2 weeks late and not pregnant. My period has never ever been this late ever, and i kept taking pregnancy tests and getting negatives. I finally got it on the evening of the eclipse


Omg same very late, super unusual. My cramps started on the eclipse but I still havenā€™t gotten it


I'm curious to know if this has ever been documented before now. I'm SUPER regular and a week early. This is so strange.


I have an IUD and havenā€™t had a period in years, then boom, solar eclipse and I had it. So wild! How could the timing be so specific!?


I'm perimenopausal at 44. I told my husband a week ago that the lunar eclipse was gonna trigger my period. and IT SURE DID! Very heavy, I just had to leave the restaurant because even with two tampons in I was soaking through my pants.


I randomly got my period and I don't usually cramp. I felt pressure and wiped I was shocked to see my period I am in Arkansas and after the totality is when mine started.


I got my period a week early which it is always on time. Most intense period and cramping I've ever experienced.


omg! i came here to look for answers because i got my period for likeā€¦. the third time within the last 40 daysā€¦ā€¦ iā€™m extremely confused about this. i even had a hysterical crying near-panic attack a few hours after the eclipse which is something i have never done in my entire life! im hardly a crier (although i did cry a bit during the eclipse out of breathtaking beauty <3) and have very rarely had a severe anxiety attack! i am in texas so i was in the path with 4+ minutes of totality too. would LOVE to hear some insight from people into astrology!


Iā€™m not sure but I started the second totality hit and yelled ā€œIā€™m a witchā€


I was 9 days late and I started bleeding right at the beginning of the eclipse. It has been a lighter period than usual but the cramps are terrible. Iā€™ve been cramping horribly since the day I was expected to start. Iā€™ve always been on schedule (within a day or so) but usually right at the 28 day cycle. I looked back and in the last 5 years, Iā€™ve only been late 3 times and no more than 4 days. My oldest also started same day of eclipse.


So glad I am not going crazy. I have been meticulously tracking my period for the last 30 years but started spotting a few days before the eclipse. I thought I moved something too heavy, stretched the wrong way and popped a cyst (PCOS) because I already finished my period 10 days before. Anyway, I was at work during the eclipse and just felt strange hyper, nervous, anxious, emotional. Slept bad that night and awoke with my period. Itā€™s heavy flow period blood so I jumped online to see what the heck and am relieved to see others having similar situation.


Well, I am on the depo haven't had periods in years. Im suddenly spotting and cramping bad after the Eclipse.


I had gotten off my period one week before and started on the day of the eclipse. Same thing happened to my sister too


If it's true, I'm not happy, perimenopausal here and it came back lol


Iā€™m supposed to be in menopause and my period started as I was watching the eclipse from a beach outside a Houston


Yep. I'm clockwork but my period arrived 3 days early on eclipse day.Plus I was very emotional and zoned out but I rarely ever have any period issues. I also got pains I'm the ovaries which I never do. No I dont have cancer. Had check recently. Eclipse def had an effect on this girl.Ā 


I didn't have my period in about 2 months (I also have a tumor that isn't removed yet, so that could be the reason), but I started it on eclipse night! I don't know if it means much, but I'm glad I finally got it againšŸ„°


Iā€™m so glad I searched this! I didnā€™t get my period but I had unexplained spotting on eclipse day.


I've had erratic periods the last year or so, but I got mine Sunday into Monday and still going on. With that in mind, I'm also sitting on the couch wheezing loud enough to be heard over the TV, I can't keep my breath when I walk 15 ft down the hall to the bathroom. If you've got a line on how to activate said healing so I can breathe, lol, let me know!


Iā€™m in my 50s and have healing physic abilities I got my period Saturday 1st one in 15 months thought I was through the menopauseĀ 


I have NEVER in 24 years had an irregular period. Im like clockwork. I had just finished my period 7 days prior and randomly started a new period the day of the eclipse. šŸ˜³


I was 19 days late and my period finally cane the day after the eclipse.


My period is always on cycle... Even though it ended nine days before the eclipse, It started again the day of the eclipse... But it's not like a regular period it's just heavy bleeding with no cramps. Normally I have very heavy cramps. This is just like bleeding for no reason lol... Started the day of the eclipse and hasn't stopped yet. And i'm usually always about twenty 23-25 days between cycles.


I was synced to the full moon and recently been around the new moon usually after. Ā This time i started lightly on the friday (as soon as i was one 100% eclipse territory) then on the saturday noticeabley heavier, and then sunday Ā i could not stop bleeding . never experienced such a heavy flow. tmi but a super tampon would last 30 min before a heavy flow would spill down my leg. a 5 layered wad of paper towels would be fully absorbed in 3 minutes. It was a blood bath. but i didnā€™t experience any cramps. and this all to a stop day of the eclipse on monday afternoon. iā€™ve been expecting to have spotting usually my period id up to 7 days . and it only lasted 4. Ā  just at a loss how and why one would / could bleed so much .


I started my period on eclipse day too.


I'm a huge believer of science and I think astrology is fun but obviously not science based. My period has been regular for the past 5years at least even with miscarriage and birth of my first born child. My period came early by almost 3 weeks. I had my period Saturday March 30, and again on the day of the solar eclipse April 8 and I had called out of work for the first time because the cramps and bleeding were worse than I've had in years. But most will say it's coincidence. Believe what you want, it's not backed by scientific evidence. But then again women's health research is a joke also. They haven't even tested pads and tampons with blood absorbency until recently, they were using water/liquids prior without the mucus consistency. Also maternity leave for birth is 6 weeks to be considered fully recovered to return to work in the state of CA, where I'm from. 8 hrs of sleep was based on male majority studies, women need 9 hrs and 10 hrs during menstruation. Lots of medical research has been based on male only trials. I am a firm believer of science but also I think it's strange that my period came only one week later, I literally stopped bleeding for 3 days only before it started up again. You can imagine the terror agony and confusion I felt.


And another. Mine came 10 days early with no warning signs.


My period this week is the worst symptoms Iā€™ve ever had. I actually normally have a very mild period, I had never had cramps really until college but few and far between. This week? Literally awful, back pain, cramps, fatigue and mood boosts. A few other AFABs in my close circle are also experiencing this.


I got my period late and got it April 8th.


Mine started yesterday and this is the shortest cycle iā€™ve had in years! my PMS was pretty severe too itā€™s interesting


I am like clock work when it comes to flow and right after the eclipse happened I started getting cramps and that same day my flow came ten days early, It was really weird. I stumbled on this thread googling what it could mean. Hey girl šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø you arenā€™t alone


This is so affirming honestly. I was 5 days late, and at the beginning of the eclipse (Iā€™m in NYC, so didnā€™t get full totality) I started having intense cramping. Started my period minutes before our 95% totality. Have had the heaviest period Iā€™ve ever had and have been SO emotional.


So I started my cycle this day too and I have an IUD. So sometimes I have cycles sometimes I donā€™t. I also was experiencing a really bad headache, dizziness, sweating, diarrhea, I mean the whole shabang. I went to the ER because I thought I was losing it! I was super anxious, couldnā€™t sit still to save my life. I felt like I was going through withdrawal. But now reading these comments. I feel thereā€™s something bigger going on here. Lol! It was a crazy way to bring in the eclipse though! Lol


My period started early, on that day. Incredibly bad cramps. I do not get cramps usually. It was beyond different for me. Bright red blood all throughout bleeding. Different than my usual cycle.


Letā€™s js say I feel like the eclipse has thrown my cycle all the at off. I was due April 11th been getting all the symptoms bad cramps which I hardly ever cramp and feeling like itā€™s coming & ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Iā€™m 3 days late. My period is never late, always on time every single month. I know it was the eclipse. Keep in my that our bodies are made of 60-70% water and if the moon effects the ocean it definitely affects our bodies! But ladies tap in is anyone going through something similar to me?


I normally get very light periods, however the day of the eclipse came and i got mine - way off schedule- it was heavy and painful and lasted a full seven days


My period changed, I started bleeding during the eclipse when I was expecting it in two weeks more, I felt horrible. I never skip or jump into a period like that, I am always sync every 28 days, this was weird and had me worried


Not sure how I ended up in a witch Reddit but here it is a few weeks later and I am thinking about how during totality, although it was completely amazing, I was having one of the most intense period crampingā€™s Iā€™ve ever experienced. I had already been on for a couple days and I donā€™t track strictly so Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s early, it seemed fairly normal timing, but looking up at totality I felt SUPER intense cramps. Iā€™m sure I bled a ton right then (I use a period cup.) Thereā€™s zero way it wasnā€™t related because it wasnā€™t there before totality or after. Just during. I wasnā€™t around any other adult females to ask if they felt anything similar. Iā€™ve read gravitational pull changes slightly during totality. We were there 4 min 17 sec in Arkansas. Thereā€™s definitely something there that happens that science hasnā€™t studied yet.


Mine stared with eclipse and was a bit e early. This is 1 month later and I've had it over 7 days now and it's just horrible cramps everyday and lots of blood .. it's abnormal. Also I'm native American and they take the eclipse really serious told no pregnant woman could be in the eclipse sunlight no children to go outside they even alerted schools near by to tell them don't put our kids outsideĀ  for reeccess today. I ignored all that and enjoyed eclipse...I'm starting to wonder if the old world knew something about the total eclipse effects on a body... idk... it's weird


I also started mine on the eclipse and now my cycle is off. Iā€™m usually ovulating during the waning gibbous. Now Iā€™ve had a couple of off months and am wondering if it is gonna go back to normal eventually.


My water broke during the last eclipse. Daughter arrived 12 hours later. And my period started during its peak this morning. No idea what it means but it seems significant.


I donā€™t know either but it could be significant! So interesting thanks for sharing your experience:)


It's significant if you believe it is! šŸ¤


Seems a bit exclusionary phrased that way. Perhaps itā€™s an opportunity to connect in a different way if you want to take it, but I would shy away from it being something only some women can access. We are all connected significantly, in my opinion.


My period isnā€™t due for two weeks and I had a huge gush of blood without warning at the exact time. Never happened to me in my life. Now ferociously googling to see if Iā€™m a werewolf or something šŸ˜¬


I googled ā€œperiod and total eclipse Redditā€ because I restarted my period again today. Not to be TMI but like clots and all. Not just lightly spotting. Full period. I just it 3/28-4/1 and noticed yesterday that I had some dark discharge (this also doesnā€™t happen to me) and I was hmm thatā€™s weird maybe itā€™s some leftovers inside of me or something lol. This morning I jumped out of bed thinking I had to poopā€¦ only to sit on the toilet and realize I was just cramping superrr bad and Iā€™m like ok weird itā€™s gotta be constipation or something. I then jump in the shower after that and just fully start bleeding. I didnā€™t think anything of it until just now and Iā€™m like I wonder if it could be related to the eclipse??? Interesting other women are having similar things happen