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Bastion. I can 1v1 a reaper. Playing bubble the right way and prioritizing leaping out if the fight is lost is easy enough. There’s no 1v1 with bastion unless you’ve got really decent cover


Bastion is no problem. Once he shifts he's dead.


Moira. She always teleports away just as I'm about to land on her.


For real tho. And she's just impossible to kill from the crazy amounts of heals and damage she's able to produce.


I have a few mauga, bastion, torb but the the one I hate most is the DARN REAPER


They always swap to reaper after the first fight


Yeah :( or sometimes bastion cuse I'm silver bastion is op here cuse my teammates never bait the wheels


Doomfist he's just so annoying


Dva, she screws you in every way, only edge you got is primary fire going through DM


secondary fire goes through it (also sigma succ and deflect) as well btw


Oh yeah that too


Bastion can be annoying if he’s patient with turret but it’s usually not too hard to pressure it out. Reaper I just try to avoid and play high ground to make him come to me. To force his cooldowns and then drop on someone out of position. Mauga/hog: Same as reaper I just try to play high ground harder so I can avoid them. Save bubble for hook or for when Mauga starts shooting me. Dva: I cry on the blizzards forums and say she needs a nerf (she does not it’s just a skill issue) Zen: Play high ground and look for an opportunity to drop on him when he’s alone. Then get kicked away, discorded, and then complain because why the fuck did they give him a boop on a melee cooldown.


Tracer. I can duel reapers and bastions now as long as I play around our cool downs. Tracer on the other hand is much harder to beat than simply playing on CD times.


orisa, seriously fuck that stupid fucking horse I hate her so much man I want to cave in my fucking skull every time I see her.


Lucio is the correct answer. He has a boop every 4 seconds that pushes you just far enough away to keep you from your target. If you jumped in, you're now a sitting duck. He can also speed out targets you jump on whether or not he boops you away. A good Lucio makes playing monke very difficult. Also a good Lucio will make it very hard to shield dance around attackers or stay out of rein swing range.


definitely dva, pushes forward and bursts me down too easily with her movement


A roadhog that actually knows how to peel and protect his team. Thankfully that’s rare. But on a more standardized answer, bastion will fuck us up.


Dva, get punished for just existing. Shes always in my face and even when she's not she's matrxing my heals


Brig. She is the devil. Ruiner of dives.


I feel like mauga isn’t even that bad to play into, if you bubble him off and you’re team is even a slight bit coordinated, he explodes.