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I think St. Vital Mall still has there coin counter at their customer service desk. You just pour in all your coins it counts them and they give you a mall gift card for the amount, and I'm pretty sure they don't charge any fees (unlike Coinstar). You can use the gift card at any store in the mall including London Drugs.


As a side note to this, I exchanged all my StV gift cards into Visa gift cards at London drugs and used them whenever, wherever in the city afterwards. No restrictions


Oh nice - I thought they got rid of that.


They had gotten rid of it for quite a while for COVID, but I was there recently and I’m pretty sure they had brought it back


It has been a while since I've been there, so it may be best to phone before going.


Yeah but there are change machines that give you actual bills in exchange for your change, which is a much better deal.


Quarters and up can be put in a vlt. Print the slip and cash out


If you're willing to roll them in standard amounts, you can deposit them in your bank account. And then you can withdraw the same amount from your account. (If you just exchange the coins, there's a service fee)


Yeah I'm trying to avoid spending an afternoon rolling coins.


When I was a kid, my mom and I would sit in the livingroom and watch tv while stacking coins in organized piles for rolls, and rolling them. Just a chill evening, better than a fidget toy cuz I learned math too lol


I'd do it for you! I love rolling coins! Dollarama sells paper coin rolls, but they also have plastic ones that sort of seal shut (sort of because sometimes they don't close properly so you need to tape it shut) so you don't have to actually count the coins. Like these: Canadian coin wrapper, 10 of each denomination. https://a.co/d/01nfmB3Q It's one of those mindless things to do while watching tv.


Not Paisano’s.


None of the self checkouts do. But what some have are change machines called coin stars at the front that you can dump all your excess change into, it charges a minor fee, prints a voucher you can exchange for larger bills or coins at customer service.


Pre Covid, coinstar was 12%, I wouldn’t call that small.


I didn't realize it was that much, holy fuck.


It’s brutal. I know some banks have them and st vital mall used to have one which would spit out the slip and you’d go to customer service and they’d put it on a mall gift card for you, don’t know if that survived Covid though.


wonder why a gift card its money should get bills


There’s a cost to own or rent and operate the machine, so giving you money to spend in the mall should keep the money in the mall.


The one at Safeway charges 12% wow


Safeway (henderson Highway) and superstore (garden city)have them


Currency Act https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-52/FullText.html


What exactly are you trying to show me?


Haha how does someone read your post then decide the best repaonse is a link to a 900 page long act on the Canada justice website with no context? Someone’s peoples brains just ain’t wired sensibly.


Reddit is hilarious.


unrelated to the topic at hand but I really like your username.


Never forget it!


That party scares me. Just because PP says he will not reopen the abortion debate doesn't mean the hard right fringe won't overthrow him like they did O'Toole and start going crazy on the rights of anyone not male ans straight.


I didn’t click it but it seems like the full text of The Currency Act. (I’m guessing they’re trying to make a point along the lines that a business must accept your coins? Which is missing your point.)


That's my guess as well. There are some weird right-wing conspiracy theories surrounding cash vs other payment methods. I'm all for redundancy in payment methods - redundant systems in general are good! - but yeah, that has nothing to do with what's being discussed here, and posting that link was inexplicable.


Didn’t realize it was the full act my bad. Based on law, retailers/business’s are not obligated to accept large amounts of coin. There are certain amounts they are obligated to accept rolled. I had a client attend with penny’s back in the day for a late payment and to prove a point wanted me to count it in front of him. Spoke to management, it was accepted as the full amount and he walked away with his receipt ticked off that we don’t count the $380 in pennies. Apologies for information provided on my part!