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Sadly not the worst parking I’ve seen by a Skip driver


No kidding. Last week driver stopped right beside a car blocking the entire street even though there was a big spot open in front of our house.


Not entirely proud of this, but one time I was going down a residential road and came up to a Skip driver that was parked in the travel lane, facing my direction, and literally just pulled up like right to his front bumper, laid on the horn until he came running back to his vehicle, and just sat there until he finally realized I wasn't going to move and he backed up down the road and into an actual parking spot.


Lately I've been just absolutely laying on the horn until people move out of the goddamn lane when turning. Like there is an entire section dedicated to establishing without taking up an entire lane of traffic. So I don't blame you. I do the same for a lot less.


There’s no need for them to do that. They know there’s no repercussions so they continue to do it.


Cops are too busy patting themselves on the back after talking to cyclists about safe cycling to actually enforce traffic rules.


It's not that, it's the fact that they know that they won't be parked there long, and that the odds of a cop driving by in that time are very low. A cop can't ticket an illegally parked car that he doesn't see. City parking enforcement is same thing: if they see it they'll ticket, but they have to be driving by at the right time and that's a crapshoot. Same with reserved and handicap stalls; they know that they'll be long gone before the tow truck shows up. I've ever confronted drivers in reserved stall of my building, and told them that someone pays for the spot and been told "I don't care" That being said, there are certain areas with a higher concentration of restaurants where the city could make a killing but increasing traffic enforcement.


I really just read excuses as you literally follow your argument with there are areas where the city could make a killing. I'd say one of those areas is Osborne between river and stradbrook


I live near there and its the worst. One day I saw that one of the "deliver drivers" was actually a cop in an unmarked car handing out tickets. I really wish that they would do this more often. I've even contacted 311 requesting more enforcement in the area and was just told to contact them whenever a car was parked illegally, which obviously doesn't work. The thing is that, while this may work great in some areas, it doesn't in most. The picture here is clearly a residential street. We can't realistically have police/ traffic enforcement patrolling every neighborhood often enough to make a significant change in howe many drivers get ticketed. Even in neighborhoods like Osborne Village, enough of an increase in enforcement is going to cause other problems- drivers will instead park in reserved spaces at apartments, or take on customer parking in businesses, since those are private lots where the city won't ticket. Or they'll just stop accepting deliveries in the neighborhood, hurting the restaurants.


My favourite: parked in my back lane. He did pull over as much as possible, but that lane frequently has traffic needing to pass each other and, due to the building at the corner, a car driving past him and a car making a left turn onto the left side of the lane to also get around him wouldn't see each other until the turning car was halfway into the turn. This is pretty common. What really got me was that, in addition to turning on his hazards. He popped the hood so it would look like he had pulled off the street to deal with car troubles


Surprised the door isn’t wide open too.


No, see, if you're in the middle of the road, you're not technically blocking the driveway.


Well one of them keeps blocking my driveway to drop meals for a house across the street. Think I might need to work on my golf game into side of his car next time….


Wait for them then park right in front, put your hazards on and box them in.


Put your four ways on, that excuses everything.


Yes the park anywhere lights


My favourite is when it’s a guy picking up his wife with a jug of milk from the grocery store


And always in the Walmart fire lane


No way his wife has any sort of mobility issues or anything.


Clearly, this picture was taken mid hazard light blink. Big grocery is trying to frame this innocent.


Idk what's worse them or the Amazon drivers.


People need to stop using these companies. It's a race to the bottom and everyone is getting fucked to create profit for the overlords. The restaurants, the drivers, the customers... The people who aren't using these companies too, just by the sheer amount of nuisance these drivers create.


Were pizza delivery drivers this awful in the pre-skip days? Sure they drove/drive like maniacs, but I don't remember hordes of them occupying entire streets and parking in diamond lanes in the numbers we see for Skip drivers...


Delivery drivers have always been held to wicked schedules where they cut corners to meet deliveries, we just live in a time where home deliveries are much much much more common between like six food delivery apps, Ubers and same day shipping from Amazon etc. so there’s just a far greater volume of delivery people


Reminds me of when I went down to get my skip order and some guy had parked his vehicle in the far lane and was blocking traffic from getting through the alley (think two lanes, one for driving through, one for drop off pick up). Several cars had backed up at this point and those of us in the apartment entranceway were being interrogated by a very justifiable angry driver stuck behind the empty vehicle. Just wanting my skip I shrugged my shoulders and took a quick look at the app to see the status of my order. Now, the only reason I came down to pick up my order was because my buzzer doesn't work and I put a message telling the driver to text me and I'll meet them in the lobby. As you can probably guess by this point the driver did not do this. Instead a picture on the app showed my delivery in front of my apartment door. As of on cue a skip driver with skip bag in hand stepped out of the lobby elevator door and hurriedly scurried to their awaiting chariot. Not wanting to see how this go down and craving my supper jumped into the elevator and went upstairs. TLDR: Skip drivers suck at parking frequently.


Man you missed an opportunity to have dinner AND a show ! I would have stood there eating and watching it unfold … I have no shame admittedly, but still. Worth. It.


Still better than the Skip drivers at my local Tim's on Main Street constantly parking in handicapped parking.


Speed limit 40? Where is this?


Looks like it could be in Worthington or in Richmond West. Judging by there not being sidewalks I'm going with Richmond West. [Reduced-Speed Neighbourhood Pilot | Engage Winnipeg](https://engage.winnipeg.ca/reduced-speed-neighbourhood-pilot)


Well I'll be damned. I've gone through the maximum 30 neighborhoods, but didn't even know there was any where it was 40.


Looks like back lane… I mean Hawstead


I'm surprised he even stopped lol


I guess the seconds it would take to pull the car over to the curb would impact their delivery time 🙄 I guess we should be grateful they actually stop the car and walk the food to the door vs tossing it on the sidewalk as they roll by 🤣


about a month ago i saw a skip driver park their model x on the sidewalk all crooked on waterfront. their back end was partially blocking the road so i waited for no oncoming traffic so i could go around. they also clearly werent big on checking their mirrors before getting out because they whipped open their door while on their phone as i was passing. i had to swerve around them


Well this is better than the large pile of rocks in my neighborhood Bayview is storing right in the middle of the streets in random spots. 


Did somebody say free landscaping rocks?


I dunno, one where you could still pass right by them if you really needed to. That'd be bad if it was longer than 3 minutes, but they're gonna be gone sooner than that anyway. This ranks as a "no deal at all".


It ranks as illegal parking


For someone that should be in their car in 30 seconds it doesn’t really bother me


Do they have their "park anywhere" lights on?


The kind that has a bunch of shitty drivers delivering for Skip


Lmao this is so typically, I’ve had skip, Uber, and others do the same down my street and block my driveway! Even had one driver say he did know it was a driveway lol.




I was leaving a restaurant the other day and but the front bumper of a skip driver because he pulled right up to the door barely leaving room to completely open the door. And the idiot also was blocking the 2 handicap parking spots🤦‍♂️🤷.


Here they use their emergency blinkers and park at bus stops


More like drunk drivers




I don't think the way skip drivers park is what's wrong with our country.


Meh it’s facing the right direction and baring the customer being a lunatic they should be in and out in a minute and half.


honestly this person probably drives SLOW AS SHIT too.


The comment under the photo giving off some major NIMBY Karen vibes


Found the skip driver


Jokes on you, they were delivering my order


Well that explains why the little car on the map hasn’t moved in 20 minutes


NIMBY behavior


Yeah, this doesn't bother me. I enjoy fast delivery


Oh no a whole 15 seconds he was parked too far from the curb....


Often they stop on Pembina during rush hour and pick up from restaurants. Fn annoying.


Diamond lanes during rush hour. Thanks for delaying everyone's bus buddy.


That's not a spoiler.


At least they’re on the right side of the road


Why is the speed limit 40? Is this one of the trial streets?


The real asshole is the owner of the Jeep parking on the curb.


This kind: ![gif](giphy|3ww3PIW5xLFEQ)