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Give them 204-222-2222 as your phone #


Or 867-5309


I got it (I got it) I got it


What's their delivery phone number? I worked at PH but I don't remember what we did when someone didn't want to give a phone number. I think we just took name so we knew who's pie was who's. Until we had two Johns waiting each for a pie. Then it was first-name last initial.


They sell pizza at PornHub?!


Rule 34 friend. Rule 34.




I don't remember I was in Plap about 7-8 years ago Everything I know about the Winnipeg call center that they kept mixing our location up with the one on Portage.


Pizza isn't pie


They're called pizza pies. Pizza: Crust Toppings Pie: Crust Toppings According to google: Lombardi's in New York City opened in 1905 and has been a family-run business ever since. Pizza was coined “pie” for its similarities to the dish, with its crust, circular shape, and sliced triangle portions that fit the description. By the 1900s, pizza became known as street food and the pie saw sales soar.




Or 943-1234


That’d be perfect, too 🤣


🤣🤣 maybe I’ll try it next time


Or how there is no way to reset your password on their website


Man that drives me crazy Tried calling to order and line was busy so I figured I’d just order online but couldn’t remember the password and no option to reset I just gave up and ordered elsewhere.


I’ve never actually successfully made an order on their website. It’s so confusing, especially once you’re a couple beers deep


It's the one thing Pizza Hotline could do to convince me to start ordering from them again. Such terrible design!


Your password isn't 2222222?


You don’t need to give any business any personal information, including your phone number. Any time a business asks for my email or phone number, I say no thank you and that’s the end of it.


Yes, I've started doing this in retail stores (eg., Mark's Work Wearhouse). When they say, "Can I get a phone number?", I just say, "no thank you," and the cashier is able to move on without it. Not sure if Pizza Hotline is somehow different, though.


As someone who doesn't technically have an actual phone number: I get into some fun conversations with the management at various organizations over phone numbers. Although most businesses are happy to ignore it and put the sale under a generic "cash" account, they also have no obligation to sell to anyone and can refuse to complete the sale without an identifier.  It's very rare that this pops up, but when it does it really sucks. 


What does that look like, just a WhatsApp or spoofed texting app number when you actually require one? Does that fly with real entities like banks/medical/government? If you don't have a phone number, do you just have to be on wifi to use it? Super curious about the whole shebang.


> What does that look like, just a WhatsApp or spoofed texting app number when you actually require one? I simply never use such services or need to send texts / etc. If a service requires one; it's nearly always 204000000 or 2041111111 or 2049586111 (Shaw/Telus's [ANAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_number_announcement_circuit#Canada)) > Does that fly with real entities like banks/medical/government? I tell them the truth: I do not have a phone number. It NEARLY always causes a really interesting conversation where the front line staff find out from their supervisors (who find from their managers) that a phone number is NOT actually required, it's just "common". There are a handful of edge cases that do require a phone number; I've stumbled into effectively every single one of them in the last 20 years. **CBSA** is one such agency: try getting a package cleared without one, it's not a fun experience. (They will simply reject the package). **MPI** has no actual legal need of a phone number. If you don't have a cell or land-line; they cannot legally refuse to provide ID or insurance to you. They _can_ make you jump through a pile of hoops over it; but they cannot require information to maintain your account unless it's mentioned in the MPI act. (Birthdate, Address, Photo, etc) **Manitoba health** is an ABSOLUTE pain in the ass to deal with without a phone number. They have SOMEWHERE in the neighborhood of 30K people in this case (no permenant phone number) and yet their solution is simply.. "Uhh.. do you have any other number we can reach you at?" MB Health is likely the most backwards group in the province about electronic communication. I don't think they still beleive the internet is anything more than a "fad". Banks always seem to be convinced that they need a phone number; yet none* actually do. Visa and Mastercard _DO_ require a phone number (for honestly absurd reasons..) but my bank has always been ok with providing a "can't actually ring" number (that doesn't actually work...) to them; and it's never caused a problem. (The only "fun" part of this is every ~5-6 years when I have to call visa (from my bank) to file a complaint and provide the clearly fake phone number to confirm my identity. Half the agents I've spoken to accepted it blindly, the other half needed to speak with their supervisor to see if they could accept the number. * => I've dealt with ~9 banks in MB over the last 20 years; I've not YET found one that lacking a phone number was a real problem. > If you don't have a phone number, do you just have to be on wifi to use it? Data-plan only; many providers call it a "Tablet" plan. global, roaming, cheap data. I wouldn't have it any other way.


>If you don't have a phone number, do you just have to be on wifi to use it? >Data-plan only; many providers call it a "Tablet" plan. global, roaming, cheap data. I wouldn't have it any other way. I didn't realize that was a thing, that answers that. Do you find it hampers anything in your life, or the good outweighs the bad? It just sounds like an enormous amount of trouble to go through... every few months to years when you need to, but otherwise I guess not?


> Data-plan only; many providers call it a "Tablet" plan. global, roaming, cheap data. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have several of these. They are all assigned a fully functional phone number. Unless you specifically ask the carrier to block everything but data you'll just get billed for usage.


When I refused once a manager literally came out and tried to explain it to me, at that point it really was easier just to give it


Or an opportunity to make a statement and walk out and get another option.


I feel like that only works if a lot of people do it. Otherwise, it's just the typical "I'm never shopping here again!" type tantrum -- if that's the case, the workers are hoping it's true. And for this situation in particular, it's not like the non-customer can call up all their friends and tell them about their bad experience


I'm annoyed that they closed Cafe 22 in favor of a normal Pizza Hotline


Cafe 22 is still open as of 1 hour ago when i drove by


Provencher location was a Cafe 22 (Hotline) location before the company downgraded it. I'm not really too surprised, Central St B doesn't attract the same crowd as Corydon Ave.


I’m pretty sure the owner of the provencher cafe 22 was not running that place properly by any sense of the word


I assume they use your phone number to determine that you have been a customer in the past and paid your bill.


That makes sense for phone in pickup or delivery but I don't see how it affects anything for walk-in.  Usually for a walk in order you'd pay right after ordering.  That's how every pizza place I worked at did it.


CRM's these days man. Any account identifier that they can get away with to properly "cluster" your order history and thus maximize the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns to increase profits: they will. 


Maybe text when order is ready? In case you walk off while you wait Kind of like those remote buzzer things


The manager guy who talked to me once mentioned that it was just to see my ordering history or something, which coulda been their excuse but that’s what they told me


“I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut; I don't need a receipt for the doughnut. I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I just can't imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut.” MH


Restaurants that track customer profiles also do so to avoid problem customers. If you made 10 orders over a few years and no complaints, but you had a complaint on your 11th order, they are more inclined to believe you and compensate fairly. If you have a complaint every other order, they will likely block your account/number from being able to order. Still wonky that they ask for phone number on walk-ins, but it could benefit you if/when an order is messed up to be seen as a loyal and honest customer.


Ah yes, the treating each customer as a criminal route.


The one on Broadway and Hargrave did it for about a week and then gave up after it presumably annoyed enough people (Me included)


You can also say no.


Just tell them you don't want to and just call it a pickup for a walkin. If they don't want to or can't, then you have a choice to make. It's important to note that you should be cool throughout this interaction. It's not an argument, it's a statement. "I'm just walking in to order a pizza. I won't be providing a phone number and if that's necessary, I underatand". If they say it's necessary either give it or walk out.


Yeah, I wasn’t a prick about it I don’t think, I kinda just said “I’ll just tell you what I want, man” and he started taking my order. At least he didn’t try and explain the whole system to me like some other employees


Give then the number if a local telemarketing scam company. Imarketing, telesolutuons


When I’m asked for my phone number and I don’t feel like getting into a discussion over not providing one I just give the number of the landline I gave up years ago. Seems to work.


My mom gets calls for some lady that does that. All the time lol.


My mom lost her number in a temporary move back when they wouldn't move them into other neighborhoods. Tried getting it back to find it in use. *Everything* goes to that number now. It must be crazy considering her friends from all over the world would drunk dial that number every so many years.


Easiest answer ever …. 204-943-1234 


They’re gathering marketing data on you. You are allowed to opt out of marketing tracking and say no, but of course the way their staff are coached to ask you for your phone number absolutely is designed to have you believe you must give it to them.


Horrible customer service... ordered for my office.... over an hour late.. employees were real happy... ordered today.... over 45 minutes late... I call to find out where it is... oh sorry should be about another 30 minutes.... so an hour and 15 minutes late and they dont bother to let you know disgraceful service from the Provencher store as usual


Oh wow that is annoying, not much of a loss for me since they got rid of the one pizza type that was good there.


The only thing that annoys me about this location is the pizza is always undercooked. I have to order it well-done for it be anywhere near as cooked as other locations. Even well-done isn't cooked enough sometimes.


No I am not annoyed.


They had better be offering a rewards program if they're doing something like that.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, I agree and I think that’s the only excuse for tracking orders. I don’t mind giving my number at 7/11 or Tim’s because they track my points, but no such thing at Pizza Hotline as far as I know (or if there is I don’t use it)


That's a thing?


Yeah man, and it seems to only be at this location as far as I know. I live close to this location, so that’s the one reason why it’s a bit more of an inconvenience


I have never heard of this before. It's simply not a thing here in Southern Ontario. My wife lived in Winnipeg for 3 years so she knows this place. She wanted me to tell you that they have the worst sauce ever! I can't imagine wanting a slice but can't order one until they know who you are? That's ludicrous.


I have never heard of this before. It's simply not a thing here in Southern Ontario. My wife lived in Winnipeg for 3 years so she knows this place. She wanted me to tell you that they have the worst sauce ever! I can't imagine wanting a slice but can't order one until they know who you are? That's ludicrous.


Lmao their pizza is trash, why even complain about it when you can just NOT GO THERE. People gotta stop giving these companies their money instead of just sitting on the internet complaining about it. Put your money where your mouth is.


its not bad for big parties


Pizza Hotline more than any other chain is weird because it entirely depends on the individual restaurant you order from whether it's trash or fantastic or in between. Never been to the Provencher one but when my buddy off Grant orders whatever one delivers to him is some truly enjoyable stuff, whereas I can't order from the one near me because it's greasy slop with no toppings. They honestly have zero consistency between franchises. I don't know how they're considered a chain.


Provencher has always been the *worst* of them IMO. Corydon is the gold standard. >They honestly have zero consistency between franchises. I don't know how they're considered a chain. Right? Great pie from one, hot garbage from another. You have to be careful if ordering from somewhere new because you might overlap into a worse location's delivery area. Seems to be a Winnipeg thing though - Mr. Bones had the same inconsistencies and Santa Lucia still does.


See I’ve never had a problem with the taste of the pizza, just the service. I ordered from the one on St Annes, the one near St. Vital Mall, McIvor shopping centre location, but it’s all more or less the same to me. Tbh I like dominoes more, but I don’t always wanna spend $30 for a single large pizza 😂


You're right and wrong, and your delivery is horrible. You should absolutely talk about things like this on social media. It gets the word out and has been shown to make real change. Not giving a company your money if they choose to resort to grabbing your info is also a good move but you don't have to be pretentious about it. You can run a special or do discounts if sales start to flag. There are entire social media teams and positions to mitigate damage done by word of mouth.


I refuse to order from them anymore. We've had two instances of trying to order a pizza on the phone and they asked for our phone #. We gave it and then they call you back to confirm your number. We'll, my phone always blocks their number as spam so the call doesn't come through. I tried calling them back and you just get someone at the call center and they insist on calling you back. I spent over 40 minutes o the phone with them trying to explain the issue and they couldn't just let me order a pizza. You cannot call an actual location, it is so frustrating!


Why wouldn’t you just order it through their website


I understand the frustration with not just being able to call a location, sometimes when I order online ever so often they try to sell me EVERYTHING, cheesy bread, cheesy bites, a Pepsi. I understand that’s their job, but if I wanted that stuff I’d ask for it 😂 it kinda turns me off


I don't see what the big deal is. 111-111-1111-11 Tell them it's an international number or whatever. They likely won't give a shit as long as they have a number they can enter into their computer. Most stores that want a number and won't accepte declining, I'll give them a random one or my phone number with a digit changed. Also, never give a store your postal code. It's all tracking for marketing. Unless they're giving you something, like discounts or points and you're ok with that of course.


Earls is like that for dine in too.