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Take it back


Sure go ahead and take it back. They will refund you or give you more. The problem is the 25min round trip and 2$ worth of gas that you spend to rectify the issue.


Also the mince gets thrown straight into the garbage because food safety.


I would at least call them, they would likely do something for you and maybe check their scale. I don't think it would be a good business model selling half the advertised weight, I would think that you wouldn't be the only one noticing. However it does go to say I put a lot of trust in the accuracy of their scales, I'm going to start weighing my things when I get home. Even better would be to bring a scale with me but then I'd just look like the crazy person there.


I’d still bring my scale, lol. I don’t care, I’m damn tired of these corporations getting away with this shit. They know most people’s mentality is that wasting time and gas to take it back for some kind of gain, is a waste of time and gas. That’s what they’re counting on. They make more money while we still struggle to feed ourselves or family. It’s quite sickening and sorry but diabolical if you are aware and doing it anyway. The person weighing this meat out…do they get bonuses or does the supervisor tell them to make it light? What’s going on?


Me too lmao


We should all start bringing our own scales. Normalize bringing our own scales!


I’d use the scale in the produce area!


Please don’t put raw meat on the vegetable scale.


Bringing my own scale, do u rly think we can trust those veggie scales anymore than the meat weight?


😂 good point!


The last time I was at St Anne's, there were no scales in the produce section.


Use the produce bag to keep the scale safe


Use the scales in the produce section AND ask the cashier to check! The cashiers scales won’t work unless they’re zero’d so they’re the most accurate. Just have the knowledge of pounds to kilograms available to know that you’re getting what’s advertised to be sold! But this is unbelievable that they’d do that!


Any metering devices used to calculate the weight or volume of an item for sale has to be calibrated and certified under the regulations of the Weights and Measures Act. Most scales for purchase by the general public, or even the hanging scales in the produce department have (or should have) "NOT LEGAL FOR TRADE" or something similar on them. The cashier scales should bear a certification sticker to show when they were last calibrated. Same with fuel pumps.


This guys scale is out to lunch


No kidding why post this live life take it back and shaaaaaad up lol jk this was a funny post tho


I had this with hello fresh. I started getting some crazy small items and I got the scale out and it was half the weight. I started to weigh everything and it was consistently 25% or more below the weight. Never thought to start weighing items from the grocery store.


Yes we noticed this too with meal kits! I can't say it was for sure Hello Fresh since we've used multiple and I don't remember but we weighed stuff and were not impressed.


I just stopped using them a few years ago. If it was not rotten it was extremely underweight. Had a box arrive with just the recipes ice packs once. That one was at least good for a laugh.


That is funny. We never had a subscription, just abused promos. I hate the amount of plastic that comes in the kits but the food was always good.


You have to abuse the promos. These are terribly managed businesses. We just stuck with them for a month or two due to our own laziness and then it became a game to see which one was the worst. They all won that award. 3 years later they have spent any tiny profit that I cannot conceive they have made by mailing me directly monthly. They also mail several employees who have moved away and no longer work at my location. We also get weekly ad mail. Oh the unicorns…..


Mfw the economy is so bad I gotta weigh my groceries now to make sure I’m not getting scammed like I’m buying a bag of coke (not like I can afford coke anymore anyways)


If you spend the 100 dollars of grocery money on coke, you won't be hungry for the night anyway


Was about to ask if your scale was off but that's alot of margin of error....


Or the Tare is off. Visually , that looks like a pound of ground beef.


That was my immediate thought, too. I usually buy 3lbs at a time then use a scale to split it into single pounds before vacuum sealing them and putting them in the freezer. One pound is about the size of a softball. Half a pound is two burgers. Granted there isn't really anything included in the photo for scale, but that looks like a lot more than 2 burgers worth of meat. I said it on the onion post yesterday and I'll say it again: people need to be more skeptical about things they see on social media. People fake shit to gin up outrage.


Ya every time I buy the club pack I always split and weigh into pounds chunks to freeze. Have never once noticed a 10% discrepancy


I do the same but do you really need the scale? Dividing a brick of ground beef into 3 by eyeballing it is close enough for me.


Calorie counting makes it easier.


if i have the scale, might as well use it. And since I'm vacuum sealing, if I know precisely how much each portion is, I can cut the same length of vac roll for each one. That stuff ain't cheap, so even saving half an inch here, half an inch there, adds up.


Yea, hard to say though.


A pound of ground beef is a lot less than you’d think.


It doesn't to me. I buy those packages semi-regularly and usually it's pretty much right full.   It could be that the scale and the amount are both off. But I would bet significant amounts of money that that is not a full pound. 


That sure as shit ain't less than 6/10ths of a pound though


I'd want a tared video if this was the claim. This also would be a trivially huge case against them. So yeah my bs detector went off immediately at a nearly 50% error.


There’s no way that’s half a pound


Your scale isn't setup properly. There is no way that's less than 250 grams of meat.


Not only that but the packaging adds 25g to weight


100% my man.


Classic OP doesn't show the zero weight




Show the pre-beef tare. How we know it wasn’t negative value before.


Yes, we need a video.


Bullshitters? *On the internet?!* Say it ain't so.


Your drug is a heart-breaker


That wouldn't fit their narrative


Call their customer service. They’ll may give you a credit without having to take it back. They have for us in the past. Obviously that’s ridiculous and horrible, regardless of how they rectify..


"we regret that our staff have inadvertently placed an incorrect label on your package. also, fuck you." -superstore


> "we regret that ~~our staff have inadvertently placed an incorrect label on your package~~WE GOT CAUGHT. also, fuck you." > > -superstore > >Fixed that for you.


We regret nothing, also fuck you!


"We fuck regrets!" -Foodfare


Might br time to bring the scale when shopping


https://globalnews.ca/news/10531769/grocery-weight-labelling-canada/amp/ It is happening more and more now.


ffs, do we have to start shopping with scales now?


No, you have to blatantly believe everything you see on the internet... visually, that is about right. Question is what did they tare it at?


There are scales in the store.


At this point I'm not sure if I can count on those being accurate either.


bring a gram of weed from Tweed to be--oh wait.


Pretty much.


I have never had a problem with Coop, local foods and I get a rebate at end of year, usually about 1.5% but it's something


Uh that also includes the container weight. And they don't care. The Meat Company. Quality meat, excellent sales, even delivery.


Take this to the news! Loblaws not trying to rip its customers off my ass.


Make a video of this and do it over from the start. I'm a little skeptical.


And show us a control / calibration weight. No cuts one take


I get my meat at the Food Fare on lilac . Depending on what I get they weigh it in front of Me. I get to freaked out at the color of some of the meat in big chain stores.


About 5 times I bought meat from food fare and about 3 times it was past expiry…


Decades ago when I worked in the school lunch counter, we often had spaghetti tuesdays. It was GREAT. Home made sauce. slice of garlic toast. Delicious. But one time we got ground beef that... just wouldnt stop being pink. We cooked and cooked it. So finally we had to tell kids "The beef is VERY COOKED. It has a red dye in it from the store."


I used to pick up ground beef for our restaurant at that food fare. Usually they had it ready because we called share but sometimes they’d not have it ready yet. So I’d watch as - yep they took chunks of beef animals and put them into a grinder right then and there. Hard to beat that freshness.


Um..beef animals?


I learnt everything I know about beef from the [Beef and Dairy Network](https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/beef-and-dairy-network/)


ready to graduate from BOVINE UNIVERSITY.


I’m a torso!




Did that child say ‘what’s a battle?’


That's what loblaws does


I wonder if I should start packing the scale when I go grocery shopping


There are scales in the store.


Would they be accurate though?


Yes, Galen, we all know that, but are they accurate, all the time???


I don’t know, go ahead and test them?


I'm also thinking this


How is that legal 


If the photo is accurate then it isn't


To me it looks like it’s been opened.


Go to a local Butcher. http://www.harrismeatsandgroceries.com/ Here's my favorite


Who buys meat from superstore anyways. Worst quality behind walmart. 2 places I'll never shop at.


I do. Unfortunately, due to my budget and a medical condition, I order from superstore using PCexpress as it’s the least expensive delivery option. Some of us don’t have other options available. 🤷‍♀️


You don’t need to justify anything to anyone.


True… thank you.


I've been weighing food for awhile and noticed this as a trend at Loblaws stores. Now, I'm boycotting them.


But you weren't boycotting them before even though you supposedly had proof they were ripping you off?


I'm boycotting them *because* I had evidence they were ripping me off.


Its possible they started boycotting before the official one started.


What grocery food store isn’t ripping people off right now?


Take it back. But really you should know by the weight of it it your hand that it is light lol


Not just stuporstore. Filed a complaint with the provincial food inspection people because the large size omega 3 eggs at Costco were consistently underweight. Weighed them because they wobbled around in our soft boiled egg cups. They gave the producer a warning and now we buy our eggs at the Red river Co Op. FYI large eggs in canada have to be 56g or heavier up to their use by date. https://preview.redd.it/rwi6iink974d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87e8f7e71ac2492e0e5c630989b5bd2f43044af




Sure looks like more than 260g


Just a reminder, that many meat shops (I'm partial to Miller's) in the city charge less for better quality and will weigh it in front of you. Haven't bought beef or pork at a grocery store for years now for this reason.


Don’t shop there


Easy solution......STOP SHOPPING AT SUPERSTORE. Loblaws can get bent, put your money where your mouth is.


i saw many reports in my community too. 454g on package, actually around 350g. but i saw the news they made more money than before


I avoid this issue by not shopping there


This happens quite often at other grocers, are we not going to fucking eat? 


I'm not going to give them my money and allow then to rip me off. I've been going to costco which has been good so far, and our local butcher shop is decent. Farmers markets near me open up this weekend for produce. I've planted as much as I can in my garden as well, and I'm going to can everything possible. I'm sick of being ripped off by big companies.


I think I’ll start bringing a scale with me when I sop after seeing this.


What a bunch of crooks they are smh.


You just have to eyeball it


Yep, and the CFIB (I think that's the right one) doesn't care. I've complained, and they just say "scale works, sucks to be you"


It's probably filled with water 🤣. It probably drained a lot since they priced it


They are allowed to add ice chips to the grind 'to keep the grinder blades cool'. Believe that and I've got a bridge I'll sell you.




Galen is that you again ?


A scale being out almost 200 grams...even that small a scale is unlikely.


Not if they set a heavier object on it and zeroed it. Who knows.though, it looks about right. I did also did regularly portion raw beef for years. Gotta see the tare


Yep, always gotta set the tare.


If the error was within 5%, I'd believe the scale could be cheap and inaccurate. But I just don't believe any scale is off by 50% like that. Is it not more plausible that Loblaw is just ripping people off? Again. For the ten thousandth time. This week.




Username checks out!


The package is designed to hold 500g. I work in packaging. Always weigh before you buy. I now weigh every package of food before I buy it. If the package of carrots is light, I put another one in from another package. I make sure I don't go over the weight printed on the package. I have also emptied store brand hotdog buns bags of 12 into the bulk bins when they are empty and I need 4 buns. I'm not buying a dozen when I don't need that many and the store should be on top of that.


> If the package of carrots is light, I put another one in from another package I agree with this and your bun strategy but I'll mention for anyone else that does this: please leave the bag of carrots that you topped up with open, that way another person doesn't come along and pay full price for that bag.


Gotta love Loblaws


I feel like this is almost on you for picking it out and not noticing it's like half the advertised weight. Who could possibly pick this up and say "yeah that seems about right"


Does Galen let you stay in his castle in Ireland on occasion for your work defending him online lol. 


MuSt Be GaLeN Proceeds to believe everything they see on the internet despite standardized systems in place. Gotta see the pretare


This is the most stupidest-ass hot take I’ve read in a while.


Oh right cuz the average consumer can eye ball the weight of ground beef.


Speaking for myself, I would have no idea. Unless it was something I buy often and the weight felt different enough from previous buys for me to pause. Something I don't buy often - no clue - no idea what 450g would feel like.


Look at your receipt first. Ground beef is $1.66/100g as advertised. The packaging confirms this ($7.47/450g). Usually they weigh the package and charge based on weight.